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Public Affairs 1100: Public Affairs Survey

This is a sample syllabus to provide general information about the course and it's requirements. Course requirements are subject to change. This syllabus does not contain all assignment or course detail and currently enrolled students should reference the syllabus provided by their instructor. For a specific syllabus, please email us a request.

Course Overview

1 Credit Hour
Modalities Available: In Person

Public Affairs 1100 provides incoming first-year students in the John Glenn College of Public Affairs a foundational understanding of what is needed to be a successful member of the Buckeye community and Glenn College. In this course, students will learn about policies and procedures, how to register for classes, what is needed to earn a degree, curricular opportunities, campus resources and academic success strategies.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, students should successfully be able to:

  • Understand the requirements and process to earn an undergraduate degree
  • Identify the purpose, content, and structure of the General Education (GE) curriculum and the Public Affairs majors
  • Understand university policies and procedures, as well as important dates and deadlines
  • Utilize and identify academic resources and support services
  • Identify and engage in productive and ethical student behaviors
  • Connect with peers, faculty and staff of the Glenn College

Requirements and Expectations

Public Affairs 1100 is graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U). To earn a satisfactory grade, you must earn a minimum of 85 out of a possible 100 points. All assignments should be submitted as directed by the stated deadline. Late work will not be accepted unless prior arrangements have been made.

How Your Grade is Calculated

  • Class Attendance + Participation (3 pts x 13 classes): 39
  • Buck-I-Found It!: 6
  • First Year Success Series (5 pts x 2 sessions): 10
  • Degree Planning Guide: 10
  • Advising Appointment: 10
  • Career Development Assignment: 10
  • Final Assignment: 15

Class Attendance + Participation, 39 points, 3 points per class meeting (13 classes)
To get the most out of this course, it is imperative that you attend each class session, and stay for the full 55 minutes. I expect you to come to class prepared by completing any assignments due for the day. Using electronic devices for non-class related topics will result in loss of full attendance points per class. If you must miss class because of a religious holiday, you must inform me in advance (via email) to be excused.

Buck-I-Found it!, 6 points
Getting comfortable with your surroundings is a fast way to feel more secure during this transition to college. During class session 2 we will break into groups for a campus and Page Hall scavenger hunt. Please contact me ahead of time if you have any concerns with participating in this assignment. To receive full points, I expect you to come to class on time and ready to work in a group-setting to explore campus. If possible, please bring a picture-taking device (and a positive attitude)!

First Year Success Series, 10 points, 5 points per session (2 sessions)
The Success Series is an outside of the classroom complement to the survey course designed to help you be as successful as possible here at Ohio State. In our survey course, we will explore topics about academic success, campus policies, career planning, wellness and more. The Success Series will complement these in-class discussions through workshops offered by various campus departments on similar topics. More information on how to register, participate and complete the reflection for each of the two required sessions can be found on Carmen. The series will have in-person and virtual sessions offered between August 23 through December 1.

Degree Planning Guide, 10 points
During class sessions 4, 5 and 6, we will focus our attention on planning out your degree and time at Ohio State. To accompany these discussions, you will be required to complete the Degree Planning Guide during class. Students who miss class are still expected to complete and submit this assignment. Please schedule a meeting with me if you miss class during any of these weeks to make up missed material. Only the final product needs to be submitted via Carmen.

Advising Appointment, 10 points
To properly plan out your classes for the spring semester, you are required to meet with an academic advisor no later than November 21 (the Tuesday/day before Thanksgiving break). This meeting will last approximately 30 minutes and must be scheduled through the online Academic Advising scheduling tool: OnCourse (

Career Development Assignment, 10 points
Toward the middle of the semester, we will turn our attention to careers in Public Affairs. In addition to discussing this in-class (week 10), you will be required to attend one out-of-class career development event and write a brief reflection on the event, which is to be submitted to me through a professionally written email. Additional information about this assignment is available on Carmen.

Final Assignment: Academic Success Challenge, 15 points
This final assignment will require you to think critically about your academic success, challenge yourself with a success strategy, and reflect on that strategy after use. More details on this assignment will be provided on Carmen.


  1. Syllabus Review, Purpose of Class, Role of Advisor
  2. Involvement and Exploring Campus / Page Hall
  3. Policies, Procedures, Deadlines
  4. Public Affairs Degree Requirements
  5. General Education and Degree Audit Reports
  6. Academic Planning
  7. Registration 101
  8. Academic Integrity and Professional Etiquette
  9. Time Management and Learning Strategies
  10. Career Services
  11. Stress Management & Wellness
  12. Research, Internships, and Honors in Public Affairs
  13. Last Class: Wrap Up

Previous Instructors Have Included