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Public Affairs 5515: Conversing with Confidence Across Differences

This is a sample syllabus to provide general information about the course and it's requirements. Course requirements are subject to change. This syllabus does not contain all assignment or course detail and currently enrolled students should reference the syllabus provided by their instructor. For a specific syllabus, please email us a request.

Course Overview

1 Credit Hour
Modalities Available: Synchronous virtual 

Building on the ways in which our own intersectional identities impact us emotionally, socially, intellectually, and morally and an examination of past difficult conversations (what worked, what didn’t work, and key takeaways), the course will present frameworks and strategies to support students in developing and sharpening the skills necessary to engage in safe, authentic, and effective conversations across difference including interrupting bias that manifests as microaggressions (based on minoritized group status – religion, sexual orientation, religion, gender, age, disability, race/ethnicity, etc.). Using a self-reflective and case-based approaches, students will practice the application of skills taught throughout the course with the goal of being more courageous, confident, and effective when engaging in courageous conversations across difference in public/and or nonprofit management, public policy, and other sectors.


Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Discuss why some conversations are so challenging
  2. Discuss the importance of choosing courage over comfort when surfacing microaggressions and other conversations that require them to speak up for their morals and values 
  3. Apply strategies and tools to engage in effective high-stakes conversations

Requirements and Expectations

Texts may be required for this course. Consult your instructor's syllabus for details.

Weekly reflections, 120 points, 50%

Class participation, 70 points, 20%

Style under stress assessment, 20 points, 5%

Final project, 100 points, 25%

Weekly reflections
Students will be required to submit written weekly reflections related to their readings and topics covered in class by the due date. These reflects should be ≤ 2 pages in length. They should be typed in 12-font with 1.5 spacing. Specific topics and due dates are included in the course schedule table. These assignments should be submitted on or before their specified due date via CarmenCanvas.

Class participation 
Students will be awarded 10 class participation points upon completion of/participation in each session.  

Style Under Stress Assessment: 
Students will be required to complete the Style Under Stress Assessment here: A PDF of the results should be uploaded via Carmen Canvas.  

Final project
For the final project, students should write about a crucial conversation they would like to have in the next 30-60 days. Please include as many details as possible (including history/background, why they feel this is going to be a difficult conversation (see definition in the text), etc.). If a student perceives differences in background and/or culture are complicating factors in the situation, they should be sure to include an explanation of that perspective. Please be thorough in your explanation of the situation. Again, these will NOT be shared with anyone; however, please feel free to omit names (or use pseudonyms).  

The next step will be to complete the planning document addressing all the following categories: 

  • Get unstuck
  • Start with heart
  • Master my stories
  • STATE my path
  • Make it safe
  • Explore others’ paths
  • Move to action

A template will be provided, and students should use their textbooks, notes, etc. as resources as they complete the assignment. Students will also be required to present a 5-minute overview of their final assignment. A PowerPoint slide template with all required presentation components can be found in the CarmenCanvas course. All assignments must be submitted via CarmenCanvas on or before the specified due date. 

Previous Instructors Have Included