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Public Affairs 6525: Skills: Survey Design

This is a sample syllabus to provide general information about the course and it's requirements. Course requirements are subject to change. This syllabus does not contain all assignment or course detail and currently enrolled students should reference the syllabus provided by their instructor. For a specific syllabus, please email us a request.

Course Overview

1 Credit Hour
Modalities Available: In-Person

Learn basic concepts and tools needed to understand and develop surveys. Surveys are often used to inform public policy, programs, and operations planning. But getting reasonable answers from a survey is a tricky combination of science and art. To give an applied feel to the course, students will work with examples of various instruments.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:

  • Determine when a survey is an appropriate tool and when an alternative would be preferable
  • Define survey objectives
  • Know what to consider relating to survey design and sample
  • Decide upon data collection methods, their associated sources of bias and costs
  • Contribute to the design of a survey instrument, to maximize information and minimize bias
  • Conduct a basic analysis – percentages, means, etc. Nothing complex. No stats background needed.
  • Understand the cognitive reviews of survey instrument preparation and results
  • Present results

Requirements and Expectations

Reading materials may be required for this course. Consult your instructor's syllabus for details.

Proposal for term paper.

The proposal will consist of: (1) A paragraph abstract overviewing the survey topic; (2) a tightly written background paragraph, including an abbreviated topic literature review; (3) a detailed paragraph on methodology which should include a proposed survey design, sample considerations, mode of data collection, and a diagram for process flow – do this the best you can with the diagram; (4) a paragraph that considers an analysis approach (descriptive or modeled analyses – a statistical plan is not to be included); and (5) expected difficulties you may encounter given your topic and proposal, considering course materials and our discussions, to date. You will receive feedback. This short paper is a dress rehearsal for your term project. Grading weight, 20%.

Term project.

This is a paper of approximately five to seven pages in which you present a survey design applied to the area of interest you have defined in the meeting in week three and in the week four proposal. Grading weight 80%.
In completing the term project, you may consult with Tim Sahr after class or by email for feedback, before submitting a draft. A final product write-up will be due on the final day of class (April 20, 2022). You may, however, resubmit an amended version by Friday, April 22nd, by 5:00 PM, if the final class provides further information you would like to incorporate, please notify me if you are requesting the extra days for the final product. Overall final product layout has a seven-page limit, five pages well written and concise is preferred. All page requirements assume 11 point type, 3/4 inch margins, and single spacing.
I will not specifically grade language or writing style. You do not need to be a great writer, but you need to express yourself clearly. Unclear expression that leaves the reader uncertain or mistaken about your meaning inevitably causes problems in class as in a career. Proofread. Have a colleague proofread. Be to the point.

Course Schedule

  1. Seven Stages of Successful Surveys
  2. Sampling
  3. Digging Deeper - How sampling works in practice
  4. The Questionnaire -- It’s more than just asking some questions to get measurement – The art (and some important science) of questionnaire design
  5. Data collection – Practical and budgetary challenges
  6. Data analysis and a review of material to date