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Adrienne DiTommaso

PhD Graduate

Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio

Undergraduate Institution and Major: 
BA (Anthropology, Criminology), University of Miami, Miami, FL

Graduate Institution and Major:

MPA (Policy Analysis, Economic Development), Indiana University-School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Bloomington, IN

Research Interests:
My research uses an equity orientation, causal research designs, and econometric methods to examine the economic well-being of financially vulnerable populations.
I specialize in the use of administrative datasets of employment, public benefits, and credit data to examine how policy can create beneficial or harmful economic outcomes and collateral consequences for families and communities. My current research focuses on the effect of criminal legal debt on employment, financial access, and financial distress of the justice-involved. My prior work experience in public service has led to a sustained interest in evidence, program evaluation, and the role of scientific knowledge in public sector decision making and policy implementation.


  • Criminal justice policy
  • Economic wellbeing

Research Assistantships:

  • Drug Enforcement Policy Center, The Ohio State University. Client: Columbus City Council.
  • Dr. Stephanie Moulton, The Ohio State University, John Glenn College of Public Affairs. Client: National Foundation for Credit Counseling.
  • Dr. Stephanie Moulton, The Ohio State University, John Glenn College of Public Affairs. Client: Prepare and Prosper.

Teaching Assistantships:

  • Teaching assistant, The Ohio State University: Master’s Capstone (individual research paper) (1 semester)
  • Teaching assistant, The Ohio State University: Multivariate Data Analysis (1 semester)
  • Teaching assistant, Indiana University: Alternative Dispute Resolution and Negotiation (2 semesters)
  • Teaching assistant, Indiana University: Public Program Evaluation (1 semester)
  • Teaching assistant, Indiana University: Public Finance and Budgeting (1 semester)

Relevant Professional Experience:

  • Senior Evidence and Data Use Specialist, Corporation for National and Community Service, Washington, D.C. (2012-2018)

Recent Conference Presentations:

  • DiTommaso, A. (2022). “Criminal Legal Debt and Financial Well-Being: Describing the Landscape of Debt Burdens”. Paper presented at the annual Association of Public Policy and Management conference, Washington, D.C. Panel organizer.
  • DiTommaso, A., Fraga, A. and Xie, R. (2022). “Measuring the Economic Impact of a Criminal Record and Record Sealing”. Paper presented at the annual American Society of Criminology conference.
  • DiTommaso, A. (2018). “An Examination of the Use of State and Local Tax Incentives and Diversification of the Local Economic Base”. Presented at the Upjohn Institute convening for the Economic Development Quarterly special issue on tax incentives. Kalamazoo, MI.

Recent Publications:

  • Scott, C. P., Glickman, A. R., & DiTommaso, A. (2022). Toward a More Reflexive and Deliberative Public Affairs: A Critical Reimagining of Doctoral Training. Public Integrity, 1-20.
  • DiTommaso, A., & Moulton, S. (2022). Credit Counseling and Long-Term Credit Outcomes: Evidence from the National Foundation for Credit Counseling’s Sharpen Your Financial Focus Program. Available at SSRN 4205681.
  • DiTommaso, A., & Greenbaum, R. T. (2021). An Examination of the Relationship Between Local Tax Incentives and Diversification of the Local Economic Base. Economic Development Quarterly, 0891242421998443.
  • Spera, C., Ghertner, R., Nerino, A., & DiTommaso, A. (2015). Out of work? Volunteers Have Higher Odds of Getting Back to Work. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 44(5), 886-907.

Professional Affiliations:

  • Member, Southern Regional Science Association
  • Member, Association for Research on Non-Profit and Voluntary Association (ARNOVA)
  • Member, American Evaluation Association (AEA)
  • Member, Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM)


  • NVivo
  • Stata, SPSS, R, Python
  • Causal inference
  • Econometrics
  • Quantitative methods and statistical analysis


Credit Counseling and Long-Term Credit Outcomes: Evidence from the National Foundation for Credit Counseling’s Sharpen Your Financial Focus Program
September 21, 2022

Adrienne DiTommaso and Stephanie Moulton's study identifies the characteristics and long-term outcomes of consumers participating in nonprofit credit counseling, including those who do and do not enroll in debt management plans. 

Toward a More Reflexive and Deliberative Public Affairs: A Critical Reimagining of Doctoral Training
February 22, 2022

This article analyzes a reimagining of public affairs doctoral training by institutionalizing the socioemotional processes of reflexivity and deliberation in three key areas of doctoral training: core coursework, pedagogical training, and professional development.

An Examination of the Relationship Between Local Tax Incentives and Diversification of the Local Economic Base
Economic Development Quarterly
March 24, 2021

Using newly available annual data on incentives at the metropolitan statistical area (MSA) level, Rob Greenbaum and colleagues explore the relationship between incentives and economic diversity between 2005 and 2015.