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Angie Crandall


Dr. Crandall has more than 20 years of public service experience, serving in leadership and management roles in state, regional, and local government focused on education, data, and technology. She is currently the Organizational Change Management Officer at the Ohio Attorney General’s Office (AGO).  She formerly served as the Chief Data Officer at the AGO, and was one of the first chief data officers in state government in Ohio.  She has also worked for several years at the Ohio Department of Education, served as the Director of Technology at the Educational Service Center of Central Ohio, and as Executive Director of the Miami Valley Educational Computer Association.

Angie earned her PhD and MPA degrees from the Glenn College in 2008 and 1997, respectively, and received a Bachelors in Education from Bowling Green State University in Ohio in 1991. She served on the John Glenn College of Public Affairs Alumni Society Board for several years in a variety of officer roles and on various committees.