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Beryl Piccolantonio

POWER Commissioner

Beryl Piccolantonio has dedicated her career to serving the public and her community. She is passionate about building safe and thriving neighborhoods, and she has a proven record of ensuring all who appear before her to adjudicate their disputes have a fair opportunity to be heard.

She worked for over a decade at the Industrial Commission of Ohio, where, among other roles, she presided over administrative hearings and issued written decisions for a very busy docket. Piccolantonio also worked in the agency’s human resources and legal departments as the director of labor relations, where, among other duties, she mediated labor disputes.

Her experience presiding over hearings and labor disputes led to her appointment by the Industrial Commission Nominating Council as chief ombudsperson for Ohio’s workers’ compensation system, where she has served since 2013. She had the unique opportunity to rebuild the program, including hiring and training staff, in order to provide information and mediation to anyone interacting with the workers’ compensation system.

She serves as an elected member of the Gahanna-Jefferson Board of Education, and has served as board president since her election in 2015. She also serves as a member of the Eastland-Fairfield Board of Education, the Gahanna Civil Service Commission, Kids Voting of Central Ohio Advisory Board and Columbus New Leaders Council advisory board.



