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Blain Morin

PhD Student

Hometown: Cohasset, MA

Graduate Institution and Major (go Bears!):
Master of Science in Biostatistics, Brown University, Providence, RI

Undergraduate Institution and Major (go Bucks!):
Bachelor of Science in Economics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

Associate's Institution (go Cougars!):
Associate of Science, Columbus State Community College, Columbus, OH

Research Interests:

In a general sense, Blain Morin’s research investigates the design mechanisms that impact resilience and sustainability outcomes. This general thrust has led to a few distinct research streams. First, his work tackles issues related to the conceptual and empirical measurement of resilience. This body of work ranges from micro-level resilience decisions that firms make after experiencing a disruptive shock to their operations, to meso-level investigations of how building managers make decisions to join microgrid connected energy communities, to regional level investigations on how certain types of public investment influence resilience outcomes of the region.

Blain is also involved with some side projects. Coming from a public health background, he is interested in investigating the effects of laws and policies on health and safety outcomes. He has started working on investigating the effects of sobriety checkpoints on traffic fatalities and impaired driving arrests. In the environmental policy space, he has started working on empirical methods to measure the latent capacity of federal environmental agencies.

Most of Blain work involves observational and survey data. Although most of his analyses take on a “causal empiricist” flavor, Blain philosophically leans toward postmodernism and currently views his academic endeavors as activism, or as a piece of the democratic process.

Funded Appointments:
Graduate Research Associate

  • With Professor Noah Dormady, US Department of Energy and The Ohio State University, 2022-2023
  • With Professor Lauren Jones,Drug Enforcement and Policy Center at The Ohio State University, 2022
  • With Professor Chris Rea, The Ohio State University 2021-2022
  • With Professor Noah Dormady, Department of Homeland Security and The Ohio State University 2019-2021

Teaching Assistant (The Ohio State University)

  • PA 6070: Public Affairs Statistics (Master’s Level)
  • PA 6080: Program Evaluation (Master’s Level)
  • ECON 4001: Intermediate Microeconomics (Undergraduate Level)

Teaching Assistant (Brown University)

  • PHP 2511: Applied Regression Analysis (Master’s Level)

More Information, CV:

Please visit my website: for the most up to date list of my publications and copy of my CV