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Jill Clark Curriculum Vitae

Ohio State University
John Glenn College of Public Affairs
110 Page Hall - 1810 College Road
Columbus, OH 43210

Faculty Appointments

Associate Professor, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, Ohio State University, 2018-current
Associate Professor (courtesy), Geography, Ohio State University, 2018-current
Associate Professor (courtesy), City and Regional Planning, Ohio State University, 2018-current
Assistant Professor (courtesy), Geography, Ohio State University, 2015-2018
Assistant Professor (courtesy), City and Regional Planning, Ohio State University, 2014-2018
Assistant Professor, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, Ohio State University, 2012-2018

Other Appointments

Director of Undergraduate Studies, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, Ohio State University, 2021-current, 2019-2020
Faculty Affiliate, Mary Ann Swetland Center for Environmental Health at Case Western Reserve University, School of Medicine, 2019-current
Fulbright Canada Research Chair in North American Politics, Carleton University, 2022
Enarson Fellow, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, Ohio State University, Summer 2019
Washington Academic Internship Program Faculty Fellow, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, Ohio State University, Summer 2019

Other Employment

Director, Center for Farmland Policy Innovation, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 2006-2012
Program Manager, Exurban Change Program, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 2002-2006
Ohio Director, American Farmland Trust, Columbus, Ohio, 1999-2002
Policy and Planning/GIS Research Assistant, Wisconsin Land Use Research, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1997-1999
Urban Ecosystem Awareness Team, AmeriCorps, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Columbus, Ohio, 1995-1996
Policy Intern, Biodiversity Action Network, Washington, DC, 1995


Ohio State University, Winter 2009, Ph.D., Geography
University of Wisconsin, Summer 1999, M.S., Land Resources
Ohio State University, Spring 1995, B.S., Natural Resources with Distinction, cum laude

Articles, peer-reviewed (*student; IF=Impact Factor)

Moragues-Faus, A, Clark, JK, Battersby, J, & Davies, AR. (2024). The potential of urban food governance to transform lives, cities, and the planet. Global Food Security, 40, 100751. 

Guinto, R, Holley, K. Pictou, S, Tinirau, R, Wiremu, F, Andreé, P, Clark, JK, Levkoe, C, & Reeve, B. (2024). Challenging power relations in food systems governance: A conversation about moving from inclusion to decolonization. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 13(2), 1–18.

Merritt, K*, Clark, JK & Freedman, DA. (2024). Social enterprise and food sovereignty: Strange bedfellows or systemic supports? Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development

Young Lee, J, Clark, JK, Schmiesing, Michelle Kaiser, Reece, J & Park, S*. (2024). Perspectives of Community Members on Community-based Participatory Research: A Systematic Literature Review, Journal of Urban Affairs.

Clark, JK, Holley, K, Sweeney, G*, Reitz, C*, Glickman, A*, Allen, C* & Reece, J. (2024). Social Equity of Public Participation Environments. Journal of Social Equity and Public Administration. 2(1), 91-107.

Hale, J, Irish, A, Carolan, M, Clark, JK, Inwood, S, Jablonski, BRR, and Johnson, T. (2023). A Systematic Review of Cultural Capital in U.S. Community Development Research. Journal of Rural Studies, 103.

Jablonski, BBR, Pender, J, Bauman, A, Rupasingha, A, & Clark, JK. (2023). Stocks of Wealth and the Value-Added Food and Agriculture Sector. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 48(3), 560-580.   (IF=1.73)

Garg, DH*, Spiker, ML, Clark, JK, Christian Reynolds, C. & Otten, J. (2022). Food systems governance should be preceded by Food Systems Diplomacy. Nature Food. 3, 667-670.

Clark, JK & Jablonski, BBR. (2022). Managing across boundaries for coordinated local and regional food system policy. Food Policy. 112

Clark, JK. (2022). Equitable deliberative participation design: A call to use a lens of multidimensional power. Perspectives on Public Management and Governance. 5(3), 204-208.

Freedman, DA, Clark, JK, Lounsbury, DW, Boswell, L, Burns, M, Jackson, MB, Mikelbank, K, Donley, G,* Worley Bell, L, Mitchell, J, Ciesielski, TH, Embaye, M, Kyung Lee, E, Roche, A,* Gill, I, & Yamoah, O. (2022). Food system dynamics structuring nutrition equity in racialized urban neighborhoods. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 11(4), 1027-1038.

Editors Choice
Karetny, J*, Hoy, C, Usher, K, Clark, JK, & Conroy, M. (2022). Planning toward sustainable food systems: An exploratory assessment of local US food system plans. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 11(4), 115-138.

Benninger, E, Donley, G*, Schmidt-Sane, M*, Clark, JK, Lounsbury, DW, Rose, D, & Freedman, D. (2021). Fixes that Fail: A system archetype for examining racialized structures within the food system. American Journal of Community Psychology, 68. DOI:

Clark, JK. (2021). Public values and public participation: A case of collaborative governance of a planning process. American Review of Public Administration, 51(3): 199-212. DOI:

Glickman A.*, Clark JK, & Freedman D. (2021) A Relational Approach to the Food Environment Finds That the Food Environment Matters for Those Who Use It. Health & Place, 69. DOI:

Clark, JK, Conley, B, & Raja, S. (2021). Essential, fragile, and invisible community food infrastructure: The role of urban governments in the United States. Food Policy, 103. DOI:

Winner of the William E. Mosher and Frederick C. Mosher Award for Best Research Article published in Public Administration Review, 2019

Clark, JK & Jablonski, BBR. (2018). Federal policy, administration, and local food coming of age. Choices: A Publication of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 33(3), 1-8.

Clark, JK. <(2018). From civic group to advocacy coalition: Using a food policy audit as a tool for change. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(1), 21-38.

Taylor, C, Spees, C, Markwordt, A, Watowicz, R, Clark, JK, & Hooker, N. (2017). Differences in US adult dietary patterns by food security status. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 51(3), 549-565.

Clark, JK, Freedgood, J, Irish*, A, Hodgson, K, & Raja, S. (2017). Fail to include, plan to exclude: Reflections on local governments’ readiness to address equity in food systems policy. Built Environment, 43(3), 315-327.

Pike*, SN, Trapl, ES, Clark, JK, Rouse, CD, Bell, BA, Sehgal, AR, Tommy To, T, Borawski, E, & Freedman, DA. (2017). Examining the food retail choice context in urban food deserts, Ohio, 2015. Preventing Chronic Disease, 14. 

Clark, JK & Record*, M. (2017). Local capitalism and civic engagement: The potential of locally-facing firms. Public Administration Review, 77(6), 875-887.

Spees, CK, Hooker, NH, Clark, JK, Watowicz*, RP & Taylor, CA. (2017). Dietary intake contributions of food and beverages by source origin and food security status. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 49(8), 667-683.

Clark, JK, Bean Smith, M, Raja, S, Loveridge, S, Freedgood, J & Hodgsen, K. (2017). Cooperative Extension and food system change - Goals, strategies and resources. Agriculture and Human Values, 34(2), 301-316.

Whittaker, JR,* Clark, JK, SanGiovannni, S & Raja, S. (2017). Planning for food systems: Community university partnerships for food systems transformation. The Metropolitan Universities Journal, 28(1), 7-26.

Clark, JK & Inwood, SM. (2016). Scaling-up regional fruit and vegetable distribution: potential for adaptive change in the food system. Agriculture and Human Values, 33(3), 503-519.

Sweeney*, G, Hand*, M, Kaiser, M, Clark, JK, Rogers, C & Spees, CK. (2016). The state of food mapping: Academic literature since 2008 and review of on-line GIS-based food mapping resources. Journal of Planning Literature Review, 31(2), 123-219.

Chen*, X. & Clark, JK. (2016). Measuring space-time access to food retailers: A case of temporal access disparity in Franklin County, Ohio. Professional Geographer, 68(2), 175-188.  

Clark, JK, Dugan*, KL & Sharp, JS. (2015). Agrifood system policy agenda and research domain. Journal of Rural Studies, 42, 112-122.

Clark, JK, Spees, C, Kaiser, M, Hicks, R, Hoy, C & Rogers, C. (2015). Community-university engagement via a boundary object: the case of food mapping in Columbus, Ohio. Journal of Public Scholarship in Higher Education, 5, 126-142.

Young*, K & Clark, JK. (2014). Examination of the strategy, instruments and measurements used to evaluate a healthy corner store intervention. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition, 9(4), 449-470.  

Clark, JK, Inwood, SM & Jackson-Smith, D. (2014). Exurban farmers’ perceptions of land use policy effectiveness: Implications for the next generation of policy development. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development, 5(1), 1-17.

Chen*, X & Clark, JK. (2013). Interactive three-dimensional geovisualization of space-time access to foods. Applied Geography, 43, 81–86.

Clark, JK & Munroe, DK. (2013). The relational geography of peri-urban farmer adaptation. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 8(3), 15-28.

Inwood, SM, Clark, JK & Bean Smith, M. (2013). The differing values of multi-generation and first-generation farmers: Their influence on the structure of agriculture at the rural urban interface. Rural Sociology, 78(3), 346-370.

Inwood, SM & Clark, JK. (2013). Farm adaptation at the rural urban interface. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 4(1), 1-18.

Mulangu*, F & Clark, JK. (2012). Identifying and measuring rural food deserts. Journal of Extension, 50(3), 3FEA6.

Sharp, JS, Clark, JK, Bean Smith, M, Davis, G & McCutcheon, J. (2011). Adapting community and economic development tools to the study of local foods: The case of Knox County, Ohio. Journal of Extension, 49(2), 2FEA4.

Clark, JK, Munroe, DK, & Mansfield, B. (2010). What counts as farming: How classification limits regionalization of the food system. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 3, 245-259.
(IF= 7.49)

Clark, JK, McChesne, R, Munroe, DK & Irwin, EG. (2009). Spatial characteristics of exurban settlement pattern in the U.S. Landscape and Urban Planning, 90, 178-188.

Sharp, JS & Clark, JK. (2008). Communities between the country and the concrete: Rediscovering the rural-urban fringe. City & Community, 7(1), 61-79.

Irwin, EG & Clark, JK. (2007). Mitigating the impacts of big box retail on local communities. Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 37(1), 53-55.

Irwin, EG & Clark, JK. (2006). Wall Street vs. Main Street: What are the benefits and costs of Wal-Mart to local communities? Choices: The Magazine of Food, Farm & Resource Issues, 21(2), 117-122.

Articles, editor-reviewed (*student)

Sweeney*, G, Rogers, C, Hoy, C, Clark, JK, Usher, K, Holley, K & Spees, C. (2015). Alternative agrifood projects in communities of color: a civic engagement perspective. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 5(4), 1–7.

Editorials and Special Issues

Raja, S, Clark, JK, Freedgood, J, & Hodgson, K (2018). Reflexive and inclusive: Reimagining local government engagement in food systems. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8, 1-10.            

Edited special issue: Raja, S, Clark, JK, Freedgood, J, & Hodgson, K (2018). Local Government in Food Systems Work

Ramsey, D, Abrams, J, Clark, JK & Evans, N. (2013). Rural Geography-Rural Development: An Examination of Agriculture, Policy and Planning, and Community in Rural Areas. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 8(3), i-v.

Edited special issue: Ramsey, D, Abrams, J, Clark, JK & Evans, N. (2013). Rural Geography-Rural Development: An Examination of Agriculture, Policy and Planning, and Community in Rural Areas

Edited Books

Moragues Faus, A, Clark, JK, Battersby, J, & Davies, A. (2023). The Handbook of Urban Food Governance Oxforshire, United Kingdom: Routledge.

Andree, P, Clark, JK., Levkoe, CZ, & Lowitt, K. (Eds.). (2019). Civil Society and Social Movements in Food System Governance. Oxforshire, United Kingdom: Routledge.

Chapters in edited books, peer-reviewed (*student)

Irish, A*, Clark, JK, Hodgson, K, & Raja, S. (Forthcoming). The Relational Infrastructure of Food System Policy Development. In S. Raja (Ed.), Planning for Urban Agriculture in the United States: Future Directions for a New Ethic in City Building. New York, NY: Springer Press.

Moragues Faus, A, Clark, JK, Battersby, J, & Davies, A. (2023) Urban food governance for more sustainable and just futures. In A. Moragues Faus, JK Clark, J. Battersby, & A. Davies. The Handbook of Urban Food Governance. Oxforshire, United Kingdom: Routledge.

Clark, JK & Irish, A* (202e). Conceptualizing and Exploring U.S. Urban Food Policy. In A. Moragues Faus, JK Clark, J. Battersby, & A. Davies. The Handbook of Urban Food Governance. Oxforshire, United Kingdom: Routledge.

Holley, K & Clark, JK (2022). Whiteness. In P. Ballamingie & D. Szanto (Eds.), Showing Theory to Know Theory: Understanding social science concepts through illustrative vignettes. Showing Theory Press.

Glickman, AR*, Clark, JK, & Freedman, DA. (2022). Participatory modeling of the food system: The case of community-based systems dynamics. In C. Peters and D. Thilmany (Eds.), Food Systems Modeling: Tools for Assessing Sustainability in Food and Agriculture. Elsevier.

Clark, JK. (2019). Collaborative Governance: The Case of Local Food Action Planning. In P. Andree, J.K. Clark, C.Z. Levkoe & K. Lowitt, K. (Eds), Civil Society and Social Movements in Food System Governance. Oxforshire, United Kingdom: Routledge.

Andrée, P, Clark, JK, Levkoe, C. Lowitt, K & Johnston*, C. (2019). The Governance Engagement Continuum: Food Movement Mobilization and the Execution of Power through Governance. In P. Andree, J. K. Clark, C.Z. Levkoe & K. Lowitt, K. (Eds), Civil Society and Social Movements in Food System Governance. Oxforshire, United Kingdom: Routledge.

Andrée, P, Clark, JK, Levkoe, C. Lowitt, K & Johnston*, C. (2019). Introduction – Traversing theory and practice. In P. Andree, J. K. Clark, C.Z. Levkoe & K. Lowitt, K. (Eds), Civil Society and Social Movements in Food System Governance. Oxforshire, United Kingdom: Routledge. 

Clark, JK, Marquis*, C & Raja, S. (2017). The Local Food Policy Audit: Spanning the Civic-Political Agrifood Divide. In I. Knezevic et al. (Eds.), Nourishing Communities: From Fractured Food Systems to Transformative Pathways (pp. 131-146), University of Toronto Press.

Sharp, JS & Clark, JK. (2013). Settling at the Margins: Exurbia and Community Sociology. In M. Brennan, J. Birdger & T. Alter (Eds.), Theory, Practice, and Community Development, Routledge.

Clark, JK, Inwood, SM, Bean Smith, M, Sharp, JS & Jackson-Smith, D. (2012). Local Food Systems: The Birth of New Farmers and the Demise of the Family Farm? In N. Reid, J.D. Gatrell & P. Ross (Eds.), International Geographical Union Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces Local Food Systems in Old Industrial Regions: Challenges and Opportunities, Ashgate Publishing.

Clark, JK, Inwood, SM, Sharp, JS & Jackson-Smith, D. (2010). Community-level Influences on Agricultural Trajectories: Seven Cases across Exurban US. In D.G. Winchell et al. (Eds.), Geographical Perspectives on Sustainable Rural Change, Rural Development Institute.

Chapters in edited books, editor-reviewed (*student)

Marquis*, C & Clark, JK. (2016). Turning Deficit into Democracy: The Value of Food Policy Audits in Assessing and Transforming Local Food Systems. In S. Morath (Ed.), From Farm-to-Fork: Growing Sustainable Food Systems for the 21st Century, University of Akron.

Clark, JK, Inwood, SM & Sharp, JS. (2016). The Social Sustainability of Family Farms in Local Food Systems: Issues and Policy Questions. In S. Morath (Ed.), From Farm-to-Fork: Growing Sustainable Food Systems for the 21st Century, University of Akron.

Book reviews, editor-reviewed

Clark, JK. (2013) Food. Economic Geography, 89(2), 195-196.

Clark, JK. (2013) Cultivating Food Justice: Race, Class, and Sustainability. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 3(4), 494-496.

Textbook review

Clark, JK. (2013) Food Systems and Public Health. Routledge.

Reports, peer-reviewed

Partridge, M & Clark, JK. (2008). Our Joint Future: Rural-Urban Interdependence in 21st Century Ohio. The Brookings Institution: Washington, DC. Available on-line:

Policy briefs and reports (selected; *student)

Holley, K., Sweeney, G., Reitz, C.*, & Clark, JK. (Forthcoming). Inclusive Engagement in Area Commissions Report.

Inwood, S., Plakias, Z., Clark, JK, Wright, N., Irish, A.*, & J.D. Vittie. (2022). Preparing for Food System Resiliency in Ohio: Policy and Planning Lessons from COVID-19. College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences & John Glenn College of Public Affairs, Technical Report. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.

Clark, JK, Kaiser, M, Reece, J, & Schmeising, R. (2021). ‘Getting it right’: Principles for university engagement in the community from the perspective of the community. Office of Outreach and Engagement, Ohio State University. Available online.

Modeling the Future of Food in Your Neighborhood Collaborative. (2020). Menu of Actions for Community Driven Food Systems Change. Mary Ann Swetland Center for Environmental Health, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. Available online.

Davidson, G* & Clark, JK. (2017). Tips for Fruitful Community-University Partnerships and Research. Johns Hopkins, Center for a Livable Future. Available on-line:

Marquis, CR* & Clark, JK. (2014). Planning for a Farmers’ Market in Downtown Bowling Green Brief #2014-1. OSU, Center for Farmland Policy Innovation: Columbus, OH. 

Marquis, CR* & Clark, JK. (2014). Planning for a Food Hub in Portage County, OH Brief #2014-2. OSU, Center for Farmland Policy Innovation: Columbus, OH. 

Marquis, CR* & Clark, JK. (2014). Raising the Production and Efficiency of Farms in Cuyahoga Valley National Park Brief #2014-3. OSU, Center for Farmland Policy Innovation: Columbus, OH. 

Marquis, CR* & Clark, JK. (2014). Increasing Local Food Production in Toledo and Lucas County Brief #2014-4. OSU, Center for Farmland Policy Innovation: Columbus, OH. 

Holodnak, E*,   Clark, JK, & Ciccone, D. (2013). Healthy Retailing Options for Central Ohio Summary Report. Columbus: United Way of Central Ohio.

Clark, JK. (2012). Franklin County Local Food Council Pulse Survey. Columbus: Franklin County Local Food Council.

Young*, K, Clark, JK & Ciccone, D. (2012). Fresh Foods Here: A Healthy Corner Store Initiative Summary Report. Columbus: United Way of Central Ohio. Available online.

Benson*, N & Clark, JK. (2011). Healthy Corner Stores: A Best Practices Brief #2011-3. OSU, Center for Farmland Policy Innovation: Columbus, OH. 

Clark, JK, Inwood, SM & Sharp, JS. (2011). Scaling-up Connections between Regional Ohio Specialty Crop Producers and Local Markets: Distribution as the Missing Link. OSU Center for Farmland Policy Innovation: Columbus, OH. 

Muamba*, F, Clark, JK & Betz, N. * (2010). Food Access Gaps in Rural Ohio. Research Brief #2010-5. OSU, Center for Farmland Policy Innovation: Columbus, OH.

Clark, JK & Kirk Hall, P. (2010). Finding Opportunity across Political Boundaries: Balanced Growth Plans and Cross-Jurisdictional Agreements. Research Brief #2010-4. OSU, Center for Farmland Policy Innovation: Columbus, OH. 

Grants, Contracts, and Awards

Moulton, S, & Clark JK (2023). Undergraduate Research Pathway. Undergraduate Research Access Innovation Seed Grant Application. Ohio State University. $8,855. Grant.

Clark, JK (2022). Taking a Regional Approach to Strengthening Food Systems through Food Policy Councils. Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA, $570,272.

Clark, JK (2022). Inequitable Food Retail Access and Nutritional Food Insecurity? A Household Measure Approach to Studying Populations, Areas, and Direct Sales Opportunities, Economic Research Service, USDA, $33,325

Clark, JK (2021). Scaling-up food democracy: An analysis of Canadian and US food policy councils. J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship, $27,000.

Clark, JK and Williams-Scott, C. (2021). Building Equitable and Inclusive Civic Engagement Environments in Columbus and Beyond. Seed Fund for Racial Justice, Ohio State University, $49,995.

Inwood, S, Plakais, Z, Clark, JK, Wright, N., Vittie, J. (2020). Ohio Emergency Management Food System. OSU InFACT, Ohio State University, $34,866.

Clark, JK, Kaiser, M, Reece, J, Schmiesing R. (2020). ‘Getting it right’: Principles for university engagement in the community from the perspective of the community. Office of Outreach and Engagement, Ohio State University, $70,000.

Clark, JK, Jablonski, B, Inwood, S, Freedgood, J (2019). Pathways to prosperity: Collaborative local governing for rural wealth creation. Agriculture and Food Research Initiative, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA, 2019-2022, $499,520.

Freedman, D, Lounsbury, D, Trapl, E, Bush, W, Clark, JK. (2018). Modeling the Future of Food in Your Neighborhood. Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (Grant #560290). PI: D. Freedman. February 15, 2018 – July 31, 2021. Total: $936,419 (FFAR); $968,005 (match); $1,904,424 (combined)

Taylor, C, Clark, JK, Hooker, N, Spees, C, & Andridge, R. (2017). The Association of the Food Environment to Dietary Intakes. OSU InFACT, Ohio State University, $34,822.

Clark, JK, & Kawa, N. (2016). Ohio’s Food and AgriCulture Vision for the Future: A collective impact strategy and research agenda for InFACT and Ohio Food System Partners. OSU InFACT, Ohio State University, $30,096.

Clark, JK. (2016). Ohio Food Policy Summit. OSU InFACT, Ohio State University, $3400.

Hoy, C, Anelli, C, Boswell, J, Clark, JK, Gardiner, V, Haden, S, Heldman, D, Hitzhusen, G, Irwin, EG, Kumarappan, S, Macdonald, Martin, J, Mercer, K, Mercil, M, Miller, D, Sharp, JS & Zerby, H. (2015). A Statewide Network for Multiple Pathways to a Baccalaureate Degree in Sustainable Agriculture. USDA Higher Education Challenge Grant, $749,518.

Freedman, D, Sehgal, A, Trapl, ES, Borawski, E, Clark, JK, & Bell, B. (2015). Future of Food in Your Neighborhood Study. National Institutes of Health, 2015-2017, $2,300,000.

Clark, JK. (2015). The Process of Food Democracy. Center for the Study of Democracy, Ohio State University, $12,000.

Betz, M & Clark, JK. (2014). Producing Energy, Protecting Food: The Impact of Shale Energy Development on Food Access in Rural Communities. North Central Regional Center for Rural Development, $10,000.

Betz, M & Clark, JK & Landefeld, M. (2014). Producing Energy, Protecting Food: The Impact of Shale Energy Development on Food Access in Rural Communities. OSU CARES, Ohio State University, $20,000.

Reece, J, Rogers, C, Edgar, J, Cofer, D & Clark, JK. (2014). Inclusive and Equitable Neighborhood Revitalization on Columbus’ Southside: A University- Community Partnership to Assure Diversity and Inclusion in the Neighborhood’s Renaissance. Office of Outreach and Engagement, Ohio State University, $60,000

Clark, JK. (2014). State of Food Policy Summit. Ohio Regional Convergence Partnership, $4500.

Lezberg, S, Anderson, M, Clark, JK, Pirog, R, Edgar, C, Ostrom, M & Raison, B. (2013). Building Extension Capacity to Address Community Food Security through Food Systems. USDA National Institute of Food & Agriculture, $50,000

Kaiser, M, Ahlqvist, O, Clark, JK, Hoy, C, Kleinhenz, M, Nasar, J, O’Kelly, M, Rogers, C & Taylor, CA. (2013). Mapping the Food Environment to Inform Multi-Dimensional Intervention Strategies to Enhance Community Health and Well-Being. Food Innovation Center, Ohio State University, $50,000

Raja, S, Clark, JK, Freedgood, J & Hodgson, K. (2012). Building Local Government Capacity to Alleviate Food Deserts: Creating, Implementing and Sustaining Policies and Plans for Healthy Food Systems. Global Food Security Competitive Research Grant, Agriculture and Food Research Initiative, USDA, 2012-2017, $3,900,000.

Clark, JK. 2012. Visualizing the Food Policy Domain. Food Innovation Center, Ohio State University, $2,977.

Jones, KB, Bennett, K, Boswell, J, Braumoeller, B, Clark, JK, Coleman, L, Hanlon, B, Hoy, Michael Mercil, P. Grewel, & Colleen Spees. (2012). Situating Local Food through New Urban Plans. Food Innovation Center, Ohio State University, $2500.

Kaiser, M, Ahlqvist, O, Clark, JK, Cowley, J, Habash, D, Hanlon, B, Hilbert, N, Hoy, C, Kaye, G, Kleinhenz, M, Norris, D, Reece, J, Rogers, C, Remley, D, Sharp, JS, Spees, C & Taylor, C. (2012). Food Mapping Initiative. Food Innovation Center, Ohio State University, $2500.

Sharp, JS, Clark, JK & Inwood, SM. (2010). Small and medium scale farm growth, reproduction and persistence at the rural-urban interface balancing family, goals, opportunities and risks. Foundational Program Competitive Grant, Agriculture and Food Research Initiative, USDA, 2011-2015, $343,931.

Clark, JK & Randall, A. (2010). Ohio Center for Farmland Policy Innovation. USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture, 2010-11, $149,760.

Clark, JK & Randall, A. (2010). Ohio Neighborhood Harvest: Demonstration of, and Best Practices for, Creating Fruit and Vegetable Oases in Food Deserts. Specialty Crop Block Grant, 2010-11, $99,992.                

Clark, JK & Randall, A. (2009). Ohio Center for Farmland Policy Innovation. National Institute of Food & Agriculture, 2009-10, $98,280.

Randall, A & Clark, JK. (2006). Ohio Center for Farmland Policy Innovation. USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, 2006-11, $376,900.

Academic Presentations (selected; †invited)

2023.† AFHVS Presidential Address - AFHVS: Generating joy to confront and create power, Conference of the Association for the Study of Food and Society and the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society, Boston, May 31. 

2022.† Community-Engaged Research Case Studies, Community & Collaboration Workshop, Institute for Population Research, Ohio State University, November 2. (with J. Garner and T. Price-Spratlen) 

2022. A framework for analyzing equity and inclusivity of public participation environments, Public Management Research Conference, Phoenix, AZ, May 28. 

2022. Growing Rural Wealth Through Food and Agriculture Development: Opportunities and Next Steps, Joint 2020 Annual Meetings and Conference of the Association for the Study of Food and Society and the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society, Athens, Georgia, May 20. 

2022.† 'Shifting the Burden:’ Diagnosing injustice in the food system, Lakehead University, Canada, May 1. 

2022.† Why don’t those people show up at my meetings?: Public participation, equity, and inclusion, Department of Political Science Seminar Series, Carleton University, April 7. 

2022.† Building Equitable and Inclusive Civic Engagement Environments, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity Bi-Weekly Forum, Ohio State University, March 17. (with K. Holley) 

2021.† Sustainable food systems: Cities taking the lead, National Academy of Public Administration, Virtual, November 9. 

2021.† What does the “community” think of community based participatory research? OSU Community/Public Engagement Faculty Community of Practice, Virtual, September 30. (with M. Kaiser) 

2021. Relationship in Place: A rural perspective on public participation, Public Management Research Conference, Virtual, June 25. (with A. Irish) 

2021. Equitable Deliberative Public Participation Design through a Lens of Multi-Dimensional Power, American Society of Public Administration, April 12. 

2021.† 'Fixes that Fail:' Using community-based systems modeling to diagnose injustice in the food system, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity Forum, Ohio State University, April 8. 

2021. Emergency managing towards resilient agri-food systems round table, Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society, Virtual, June 11. (with S. Inwood, A. Palmer, M. Hendrickson, J. Vittie, and Z. Plakias) 

2021. Equitable Deliberative Public Participation Design through a Lens of Multi-Dimensional Power, American Society for Public Administration annual meeting, Virtual, April 12. 

2020.† Policies and Governance, Fulbright Canada Discussion Series, December 3 (with Michele Betsill, Brooke Ackerly, and Kenneth Richards) 

2020.† 'Fixes that Fail:' Using community-based systems modeling to diagnose injustice in the food system, Keynote presentation, Urban Food System Symposium, Kansas State University, October 28 (with Jennifer King). 

2020.† Creating a Menu of Actions for Community Driven Food Systems Change, Swetland Center Seminar Series, Case Western Reserve University, November 17. 

2020. Residential Proximity to Low-Quality Food Retailers and Diet Behavior: Exploring the Micro Food Environment within Low-Income Neighborhoods, Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management Fall Research Conference, on-line, November 11 (with Alannah Glickman). 

2020. Understanding Public Participation in a Rural Communities, Public Management Research Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 24-27, 2020. Conference canceled due to COVID-19 

2020. Understanding Civic in Food and Agriculture in Rural Communities. Joint 2020 Annual Meetings and Conference of the Association for the Study of Food and Society and the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society, Athens, Georgia, May 27-30. Conference canceled due to COVID-19 

2019.† Building deliberative places and spaces: Making sense of the power of food movements in governance processes in the Global North, Ostrom Workshop, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, September 30. 

2019.† “Why don’t those people show up at my meetings?” Social equity & public participation, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, January 24. 

2018. Civil society and social movements in food system governance: A conceptualization of power and governance arrangements, Association for Research on Nonprofit and Volunteer Actions, Austin, TX, November 17. 

2018.† Public Policy Response to Food and Equity, Food, Equity, and Ethics, pre-American Collegiate Schools of Planning workshop, Buffalo, NY, October 24. 

2018. Food Policy Councils and Academia: Reciprocal Relationships in Action, Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society, Madison, Wisconsin, June 15. 

2018. Rural Food Systems: Research Trajectories that Evaluate Social, Ecological and Economic Impacts, Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society, Madison, Wisconsin, June 14. 

2018. Governance of public participation: Local food action planning, Public Management Research Conference, Singapore, June 1. 

2017.† Citizen, Civil Society, and Social Movement Engagement in Food System Governance for Justice and Sustainability, FLEdGE (Food: Locally Embedded, Globally Engaged) Workshop, Laurier Centre for Sustainable Food Systems, Waterloo, Canada, September 7. (with P. Andree and C. Johnston) 

2017. Innovation in US food policy implementation: A new model for a new agenda, American Society of Public Administration, Atlanta, GA, March 21. 

2016. What and from Where We Eat in America: The impact of food sources on dietary intake, Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management Fall Research Conference. November 3. Washington, DC. 

2016.† Food Governance Innovations for Systems, Agriculture and Human Values Society annual meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 23. 

2016. How democratic is food democracy? A study of eight U.S. local government food policy task forces, Agriculture and Human Values Society annual meeting, Toronto, CA, June 23. 

2016. The Political Engagement Marketplace: Passive gatekeeping and its impact on social equity, Midwest Political Science Association annual conference, Chicago, IL, April 7. 

2016. Engaging Stakeholders in Local Food System Governance: Cases from Eight U.S. Counties, American Society for Public Administration annual meeting, Seattle, WA, March 19. 

2015.† Food System Policy and Public Values Failure, Enhancing Food Security in /the Northeast through Regional Food Systems Project, Baltimore, MD, December 10. 

2015.† Place-based Healthy Food Access Policy, Health and Rehabilitation Science Grand Rounds, Columbus, OH, December 4. 

2015. Poverty and food environments: Access to retailers over space & time, 2015 Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management Fall Research Conference, Miami, FL, November 14. 

2015. Food System Planning: Do rural areas deserve special attention?, American Collegiate Schools of Planning annual conference, Houston, TX, October 24. 

2015.† Growing Food Connections: Integration, Scaling-up and Innovative Governance, FLEdGE (Food: Locally Embedded, Globally Engaged) Workshop, Laurier Centre for Sustainable Food Systems, Waterloo, Canada, September 10. 

2015.† Producing Energy, Protecting Food: Does Shale Energy Development Affect Retail Food Options in Rural communities?, North Central Rural Regional Development Center, On-line webinar, August 18. (with Mike Betz) 

2015.† Do local food producers produce better places? Examining the relationship between producers’ market channels and civic and political engagement, 8th Quadrennial Conference of British, Canadian and American Rural Geographers, Swansea, Wales, July 9. 

2015. From Civic Group to Advocacy Coalition: How a Food Policy Audit Became the Tool for Change Prepared for the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 17. 

2015. Producing Energy, Impacting Food: The Impact of Shale Energy Development on the Community Retail Food Environment, Association of American Geographers, Chicago, IL, April 25. 

2014.† The Local Food Policy Audit: Spanning the Civic-Political Agriculture Divide, Sustainable Regional Food Systems Workshop: Theory, Practice and Policy, Waterloo, Ontario, June 26. 

2014. Food System Planning & the Economy, Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society, Burlington, VT, June 19. 

2014. Production, Marketing and Operator Diversity at the Rural‐Urban Interface, Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society, Burlington, VT, June 20. 

2014.† Visualizing the Agri-Food System Policy Research Domain. Prepared for the 58th Annual Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society. February 6. Port Maquarie, Australia. 

2014.† Mapping Alternative Agrifood System Policy Research. Prepared for the Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy Seminar Series. January 29. Boston. 

2013. The Alternative Agrifood System Policy. Presented at 2013 Fall Research Conference Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management. November 7. Washington, DC. 

2013. Growing Food Connections. Poster prepared for Canadian Food Studies. June 1-4. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. 

2013. Does the Exurban Land Use Policyscape Support Local Food Systems?, Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society, East Lansing, MI, June 20. 

2013. Building Local Government Capacity to Connect Producers and Community Members: The Role of Extension, Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society, East Lansing, MI, June 21. 

2013. Building Local Government Capacity to Strengthen Food Systems, American Planning Association, Chicago, IL, April 15. 

2012. Scaling-up Regional Fruit and Vegetable Distribution: Opportunities for Adaptive Change in the Food System, Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New York, NY, February 10. 

2011. An Alternative Route to a New Direction in Relational Economic Geography: What Can Farming Contribute?, Annual International Conference of the Royal Geographical Society, sessions on New Directions for Economic Geography, London, September 2. 

2011. A Reconceptualization of Farmer Adaptation: Relating Agents, the Political Economy and the (Re)Creation of Rural Spaces, 7th Quadrennial Conference of British, Canadian and American Rural Geographers, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 14. 

2010. Local Food Systems: The Birth of New Farmers and the Demise of the Family Farm?, International Geographical Union Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces Local Food Systems in Old Industrial Regions: Challenges and Opportunities, Toledo, OH, August 4. 

Presentations to Non-Academic Audiences (selected; †invited)

2023†. The “Departments of Food,” United Way Food Summit, Toledo, November 17. 

2023†. Perspectives on Urban Farming, Food Systems, and Community Well Being, Denison, June 20-21. 

2022†. Understanding and Measuring Power. Nourishing Power Network, Case Western Reserve University, May 16. 

2021†. Preparing Ohio's Food System for the Next Disaster. Presented at the Ohio Emergency Management Agency, Virtual, May 14. (with S. Inwood, Z. Plakias, A. Irish, and N. Wright) 

2021†. Bridging Urban-Rural Needs. Presented at the Power of Food national convening, Virtual, September 22. (with B.B.R. Jablonski) 

2018†. Local Food Policy and Collaboration. Presented to the Summit Food Policy Coalition, Akron, OH. August 8. 

2018.† The Public Value of Small and Midsize Farms, Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association, March 27. 

2018†. The Local Food Policy Audit: Transitioning an FPC from a civic group to an advocacy coalition, National Food Policy Network, Baltimore, MD. February 12. (with C. Marquis) 

2017†. Youth and Civic Engagement: Do Millennials even know how to bowl? Global Business & Education Conference, Newark, OH, October 18. 

2017†. Growing Food Connections Research. National Food Policy Network, Baltimore, MD, August 17. 

2017†. Food Policy Readiness. Northeast Region Food Council Workshop, Cleveland, OH, August 3. 

2017†. Ohio’s Food Policy Roadmap. National Food Policy Network, Baltimore, MD, August 2. 

2017†. Health, Hunger, and Place: Policy and projects in Columbus, Ohio, Central Ohio Dietetics Association, Columbus, OH, March 28. 

2016†. Inclusive Civic Engagement – A salon, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, Columbus, OH, June 8. (with Holley, K & Estabrook, B) 

2016†. Social Equity and Civic Engagement, Civic Engagement Innovation Lab, Dublin, OH, April 28. 

2016†. Why Ohio State? Why Food Security? Why Now?, Buckeye Summit, Columbus, OH, April 13. 

2015†. Food Policy Coalitions, Philanthropy Ohio Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH, April 18. 

2015†. Scaling Up the Distribution of Local Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: The Retailers’ and Distributors’ Perspective, Ohio and West Virginia Food Hub Network, Columbus, OH, August 18. 

2014†. Urban(food)/Rural(farm) Connection, New Member Orientation Program, Ohio Legislative Service Commission, Columbus, OH, November 18. 

2014†. New Perspectives on the Next Generation of Farm Households, American Farmland Trust Conference, Lexington, KY, October 22. 

2014†. Place-based Healthy Food Access Policy, 2014 Community Engagement Conference, Columbus, OH, September 12. 

2014. Food (and Health) Affairs: Policy and Practice, 2014 Glenn School Leadership Forum. Columbus, OH, October 17. (with Hooker, N) 

2014†. Ohio Food Policy, Ohio Healthy Food Financing Summit, Columbus, OH, October 2. 

2013†. Scaling up food policy, National Food Policy Council Convening, Chicago, IL, November 13. 

2013. Should Food Policy be Part of the Farm Bill?, John Glenn School of Public Affairs Policy Forum, Washington, DC., October 23. 

2013. Growing Food Connections, National Planning Conference, Chicago, IL, April 14. 

2011†. Healthy Food around the Corner, 2012 Health Educator's Institute, Loudenville, OH, October 20. 

2011†. Food System Policy, North Central Extension Metropolitan Food Systems Programming Symposium, On-line webinar, July 28. (with Cavanaugh-Grant, D & Chase, C) 

2010†. The Local Food and Farming Landscape, Ohio Agricultural Law Symposium, Columbus, OH, September 17. 

Academic Courses Taught

Arts & Sciences, 1138.16: Touring the Food System – Thinking Global, Experiencing Local, AU17 
Public Affairs, 2120: Civic Engagement and Public Service, SP 24, AU 23, SP 23, AU 22, SP21, SP 20, SP19, AU18, SP18, AU17, SP17, SP16, SP15, AU14, SP14, AU13, SP13, AU12 
Public Affairs, 4020: Contemporary Issues in Governance, SU 19 
Public Affairs, 4021: Capstone Research Paper, SU 19 
Public Affairs, 5573: Qualitative Methods for Public Affairs Practice, AU 23 
Public Affairs, 5900: Food System Planning and the Economy, SP18, AU15, AU14, AU13, SP13 
Public Affairs, 6000: Public Policy Formulation and Implementation, AU 21, AU19, AU18, AU16, AU15 
Public Affairs, 7573: Qualitative Methods, SP19, SP17 
Public Affairs, 8193: Reading Group: Social Equity in Public Administration, AU18 
City and Regional Planning, Rebuilding the Food System, SP11 

Editorial Activities

Editorial Board, Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development, 2021-current 
Review Editor, Social Movements, Institutions and Governance (specialty section of Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems), 2019 – 2022 
Managing Associate Editor, Community, Local and Regional Food System e-Community of Practice, 2013 – 2015 

Conference, symposium and panel organizing (selected)

Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society Annual Conference, proposal review committee, 2023, 2022 
Agriculture Food and Human Values Society Annual Meeting, panel co-organizer, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2018, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 
Public Management Research Conference, proposal review committee, 2021, 2020 
Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management Fall Research Conference, panel organizer, chair and discussant, 2021, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2015, 2013 
Public Management Research Conference, panel organizer, 2018 
FLEdGE (Food: Locally Embedded, Globally Engaged) Workshop, Laurier Centre for Sustainable Food Systems, Innovative Governance Working Group, workshop organizer, 2017 
Academic Women in Public Administration, salon co-organizer, 2016 
American Collegiate School of Planning, roundtable organizer, 2015 
Association of American Geographers, Rural Geography Specialty Group meetings and panel organizer, 2016, 2015, 2014 
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, discussant and chair, 2015 
American Farmland Trust, Annual Conference, panel organizer, 2014 
Building Extension Capacity to Address Community Food Security through Food Systems, conference planner, September 29-Octrober 1, 2014 
Food Ethics/Food Policy Series, John Glenn School of Public Affairs, series co-organizer, 2013-2014 
Situating Food Symposium, Ohio State University, symposium co-organizer, November 9, 2013 
American Planning Association, National Planning Conference, Chicago, workshop co-organizer, 2013 and 2014

Professional Service (selected)

Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society, Past-President, 2023-2024 
Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society, President, 2022-2023 
Food Tank, Academic Fellow, 2022-current 
Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society, President-elect, 2021-2022 
National Food Policy Network, Center for Livable Futures, Johns Hopkins, advisory board member, 2015-2022 
William E. Mosher and Frederick C. Mosher Award for Best Research Article Selection Committee, member, 2020 
Academic Women in Public Administration, Strategic Planning Salon at NASPAA, co-organizer, 2018 
OSU, Dynamic Regional Food, Energy, Water Systems, Regional Advisory Council member, 2018-2020
Ohio Smart Agriculture: Solutions from the Land, steering committee member, 2017-2019 
American Farmland Trust, State of America’s Farmland Initiative, advisory committee members, 2016-2018 
Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society, board member, 2015-2018 
Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society, student paper awards, chair, 2017, 2018 
Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society, student paper awards, committee member, 2016 
Rural Geography Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers, director-at-large, 2011-2016 
International Advisory Committee for the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at Wilfrid Laurier University, member, 2012-2019 
eXtension Food Systems Community of Practice, member, national leadership team, 2012-2015 
Gamma Sigma Delta, president, 2010 

Community Service (selected)

City of Columbus and Franklin County, Local Food Board, appointed member, 2021-current 
City of Columbus and Franklin County, Urban Agriculture Zoning Project Team, co-chair, 2021-2022 
Best Food Forward Board of Directors, member, 2020-2022 
Ohio Food Policy Network, steering committee, member, 2019-current 
Neighborhood Services, Inc. Food Pantry, board member, 2017-2023, secretary, 2022-2023 
Ohio Network of Local Food Policy Councils, organizer, 2012-2019 
Franklin County Local Food Council, co-chair, 2011-2013, executive committee member, 2013-current 
City of Columbus and Franklin County, Ohio Local Food Action Plan, steering committee, 2015-2016 
Ohio Healthy Food Financing Task Force, member, 2014 
United Way of Central Ohio, Health Impact Council, member, 2012-2016 
United Way of Central Ohio, Health, Nutrition and Fitness Results Committee, chair, 2012-2016 
Healthy Corner Store Collaborative, member, 2011-2015 
Ohio Department of Health, Ohio Chronic Disease Prevention Collaborative, 2013-2016 
Ohio Department of Agriculture, Office of Farmland Preservation advisory board, vice chair, 2007-2012, 2005, 2000-2002 
Ohio Department of Agriculture, Food Policy Council, Food Systems Assessment task force, researcher, 2009-2010 

Awards and Honors (selected)

Excellence in Engaged Scholarship, Engaged Scholarship Consortium, 2022 
Editor’s Choice, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2022 
US. Fulbright Scholar, Canada Fulbright Research Chair in North American Politics, Carleton University, 2021 
Carmen Common Sense Award, nominee, 2019 
William E. Mosher and Frederick C. Mosher Award for Best Research Article published in Public Administration Review, 2019 
Local Food Hero, Ohio Food Policy Network, 2017 
John T. and Ruth Weimer Mount Award, University Teaching Award, 2017 
Select US Delegate to the Eighth Quadrennial Conference of British, Canadian, and American Rural Geographers, 2015 
Most Interdisciplinary Poster Award, Food Innovation Center, Ohio State University, 2014 
Education Technology Team Award, National Award, National Association of Community Development Extension, 2013 
Ohio Farmland Preservation Ambassador, Ohio Department of Agriculture, 2012 
Gamma Sigma Delta, Ohio State University Chapter, Outstanding Service Award of Merit, 2009 
Association of American Geographers, International Geographic Information Fund, Travel Award, 2008