Hometown: Seoul, Republic of Korea
Undergraduate Institution and Major: BA (Political Science and International Relations), Yonsei University in Seoul
Graduate Institution and Degree: MA (Political Science), Yonsei University
Relevant Professional Experience:
Lean and Six Sigma Camo belt (trained and Certified) July 2017, Trained via LeanOhio Office, a state-funded agency affiliated with Department of Administrative Services in Ohio.
Assistant researcher at the Center for Information Technology and Governance at Institute of East and West Studies. Yonsei University Jan. 2013 ~ May. 2014
Contracted Project Manager / Research Assistant for following Government Reports and Whitepapers:
- KIAT Research Series. 2010. The social construction of Collective Intelligence and Policy for Industrial Technology. (Seoul: KIAT).
- Korea Legislative Study Institute. 2010. A Comparative Study of Governing the Conflict in the Legislature. (Seoul: KLSI).
- KIAT Research Series. 2009. Paradigm Shift of Digital Technology and Collective Intelligence. (Seoul: KIAT).
- NIA Research Series. 2009. Future Government 2.0 and Digital Governance. (Seoul: NIA).
Teaching Experience:
PUBAFRS 2110, Introduction to Public Affairs, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, Ohio State University (Fall 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)
- Co-instructor, Developed the course syllabus and taught students with multidisciplinary backgrounds.
- Won outstanding teaching assistant award as a co-instructor of this course. Nominated by and voted by the undergraduate majors at the Glenn College.
Guest Lectures
- PUBAFRS 2120, Public Service and Civic Engagement, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, Ohio State University (Spring 2017) Topic on Civic Engagement
- PUBAFRS 2110, Introduction to Public Affairs, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, Ohio State University (Fall 2016) Topic on Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation
- PUBAFRS 4310, State and Local Government Finance, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, Ohio State University (Spring, Fall 2015, Fall 2018) Topic on Fiscal Federalism, Taxation, and Public Transportation
Teaching Assistantship in Master’s Course
- PUBAFRS 6040 Public Budgeting and Finance (Spring 2016)
- PUBAFRS 7910 Capstone: Social Justice (Spring 2021)
- PUBAFRS 6051 Introduction to Public Administration and Leadership (Online) (Fall 2020)
- Completed UCAT (University Center for the Advancement and Teaching)’s Teaching Orientation (August 2015)
Research Interests:
My dissertation consists of four essays that examine the adoption, implementation, and institutionalization of continuous improvement practices, i.e., Lean and Six Sigma, in state and local governments. This research has two objectives. One is to expand our theoretical understanding of the process of organizational change and normalization in government, by examining the introduction of Lean Government practices in two municipalities over a nearly three-year period. Ethnographic fieldwork, interviews, and a survey were undertaken to conduct the research.
The second objective is to provide pragmatic knowledge on emerging managerial practices to help practitioners in state and local government. The use of Lean Government methods and principles in state governments were explored by analyzing 1,793 publicly available cases of LG projects in all 50-state governments. I collected this unique data by searching state governments' website over two summers. Findings suggested that LG methods were most frequently applied to improve service production, delivery efficiency, and program effectiveness. Nevertheless, some states did redirect resources freed up by using LG to enhance equity by expanded or improved services to underrepresented populations. These findings suggest that efficiency-oriented managerial reforms can contribute to improving equity in public service performance.
The longest running project that I have been involved was to develop an introductory course on public affairs, rather than rebranding introductory courses in public administration as being about public affairs. This project has been ongoing over the past five years. The course is taught in fall, evaluated, and research is undertaken to respond to the evaluation each spring and summer.
Research Affiliations:
- Battelle Center for Science and Technology (OSU), 2014-2015
Funded Appointments:
- Fellow, the Battelle Center for Science and Technology Policy (OSU) (2014-2015)
- Research Assistant, the evolution of CCS-EOR technology (2014-2015)
- Teaching Assistant, State & Local Public Finance, Civic Engagement, Introduction to Public Affairs (2015-present)
- SSK (Social Science Korea) scholarship, funded by National Research Foundation of Korea (2010-2011)
- BK 21 (Brain Korea 21) scholarship, funded by National Research Foundation of Korea (2010)
Conference Presentations:
- Kim, Jin Hong. 2021. “Exploring the Adoption, Implementation, and Application of Lean and Six Sigma Practice in State Governments: Relating Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Equity.” Accepted at 43rd Annual APPAM Fall Conference (on November 11th).
- Kim, Jin Hong. 2021. “The Failure to Normalize Lean Government Management: Policy Shocks, Staff Turnover, and Elections as Threats to Normalize Disruptive Practice in Two Local Governments.” Presented at Public Management Research Conference (On June 24th).
- Kim, Jin Hong. 2016. “Managing Collaborative Research Group: Empirical Research on Communication, Motivation, and Satisfaction of Scientific Research Team Member.” Presented at Midwest Public Affairs Conference (on 4th of June 2016).
- Jho, Whasun and Jin Hong Kim (co-author). 2011. “Power Politics in the Formation of Global Technology Standard.” Presented at 52nd Annual Convention of the International Studies Association (on 19th of March).
Honors & Awards:
- Graduate with High Honors (Magna Cum Laude) at Yonsei University 2009
- Social Science Korea Scholarship Recipient 2010-2011, Funded by National Research Foundation of Korea
- Brain Korea 21 Scholarship Recipient Spring 2010, Funded by National Research Foundation of Korea
Research Advisors:
- Chair: Ned Hill
- Stephanie Moulton
- Trevor Brown
- Jos C.N. Raadschelders