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Kathleen Krzyzanowski Guerra

Postdoctoral Scholar

Kathleen Krzyzanowski Guerra is a postdoctoral scholar at the Ohio Education Research Center (OERC) in the John Glenn College of Public Affairs at The Ohio State University. As a postdoctoral scholar, she is providing research support across multiple projects. 

Krzyzanowski Guerra received her PhD in Public Policy and Management at the Glenn College, where she focused on the intersection of food policy and public health. Her dissertation employed community-engaged research methods to explore community food security in Appalachia Ohio and the role of nonprofit collaboration in regional food systems. Prior to pursuing her doctorate, she earned a BA from Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada) and a Master of International Studies from North Carolina State University.

Local Value Chain Models of Healthy Food Access: A Qualitative Study of Two Approaches
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
November 19, 2021

Country Fresh Stops (CFS) and Donation Station (DS) are two complementary programs that support local agriculture in Appalachia Ohio. As the first study of these programs in the peer-reviewed literature, this publication identifies factors that facilitate or hinder the implementation of these local value chain models of healthy food access.