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Kip Holley


Kip Holley is an Independent Consultant and sole proprietor of K Holley Consulting, LLC.  Kip works to consult non-profit, for-profit, and governmental organizations on issues related to racial equity within organizational operations and activities, as well as facilitating dialogues and learning opportunities related to racial equity and community engagement.  In his first year of independent consultancy, Kip has secured organizational evaluation contracts with The Central Ohio Local Food Board and Philanthropy Ohio, as well as an appointment to design and facilitate a series of learning workshops related to equitable community engagement in service of John’s Hopkins’ Center for A Livable Future.   

Kip was most recently employed as a Research Associate at The Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at the Ohio State University where he worked for 12 years.  His primary areas of focus include evaluation and assessment research and practice with a lens of racial equity, as well as designing and facilitating organizational assessment and evaluation projects informed by racial equity research.  Over his decade-long career at Kirwan, Kip has designed, administered, and contributed to several assessments, ranging from organizational procedure, community programming, human resources, and budgeting and investment.  Kip specializes in designing mixed method assessment tools and strategies aimed at providing a racial equity context to assessments of organizational success while also providing learning and development opportunities for stakeholders.  While at Kirwan, Kip has contributed to evaluation and assessment projects for The Statewide Racial Equity Coalition of Michigan, The United Way of Central Ohio, Delta Gamma Fraternity, Inc, and the City of Columbus Department of Health.  Additionally, Kip has consulted on several local non-profit initiatives, such as The United Way of Central Ohio’s Neighborhood Leadership Academy and The Kellogg Foundation’s Civic Engagement Fellows in Detroit, Michigan.