Long Tran Curriculum Vitae
The Ohio State University
John Glenn College of Public Affairs
310L Page Hall, 1810 College Road, Columbus, OH 43210
Email: tran.872@osu.edu | Website: glenn.osu.edu/long-tran
2020-Present Assistant Professor, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, The Ohio State University (Research focus: Public/nonprofit management, especially questions about collaboration)
2016-20 Ph.D., American University
(Fields: Public Administration and Policy, Nonprofit Management, Research Methods. Dissertation: The Interplay of Trust and Dependence in Collaboration Attitudes)
2014-15 M.B.A., Colorado State University
(Major: Global, Social, and Sustainable Enterprise Thesis: Using Non-Market Valuation Methods to Evaluate Nonprofit Impacts)
2010-14. B.A., Colorado State University
(Major: Economics. Minor: Business Administration)
Lavertu, S., & Tran, L. (2024). For-profit milk in nonprofit cartons? The case of nonprofit charter schools subcontracting with for-profit education management organizations. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.
Tran, L., Baluran, D., & Hassan, S. (2024). The relation between perceived racial discrimination and civic engagement among people of Asian descent. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
AbouAssi, K., Tran, L., Bowman, A., & Johnston, J. (2024). Which trust matters and to whom in cross-sector collaboration? Evidence from the local level in the Middle East. International Public Management Journal.
Tran, L. (2023). Avid, Averse, Apprehensive, or Apathetic? A typology of collaboration attitudes. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 34(1), 131-153.
Tran, L., & Gershenson, S. (2021). Experimental estimates of the student attendance production function. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 43(2), 183-199.
Tran, L., & AbouAssi, K. (2021). Local organizational determinants of local-international NGO collaboration. Public Management Review, 23(6), 865-885.
AbouAssi, K.; Bowman, A., Johnston, J.; Bauer, Z; Tran, L. (2021). Relations, resources, and costs: Exploring cross-sectoral collaboration at the local level in a developing country. International Public Management Journal, 24(5), 646-672.
Tran, L. (2020). International NGO centralization and leader-perceived effectiveness. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 49(1), 134-159.
AbouAssi, K.; Faulk, L., Tran, L.; Shaffer, L.; Kim, M. (2019). Use and perceptions of the availability of local government and nonprofit services in diverse urban settings. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 48(5), 975-997.
AbouAssi, K.; Makhlouf, N.; Tran, L. (2019). Association between organizational capacity and scope among Lebanese nonprofits. Public Performance & Management Review, 42(2), 461-482.
Tran, L. (2023). Civil society and the family. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 34, 887–888.
Lavertu, S., & Tran, L. (2022). For-profit charter schools: An evaluation of their spending and outcomes. Thomas B. Fordham Institute.
Tran, L. (2022). Between power and irrelevance: The future of transnational NGOs. Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs, 8(1), 160-162.
Tran, L. (2021). Collaboration for impact: Lessons from the field. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 32, 921-922.
Gershenson, S.; McBean, J.; Tran, L. (2019). The distributional impacts of student absences on academic achievement. In M. Gottfried & E. Hutt (Eds.), Absent from school: Understanding and addressing student absenteeism. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
AbouAssi, K.; Bowman, A., Johnston, J.; Tran, L; Bauer, Z. (2017). Relations between nongovernmental organizations and local governments in developing countries: The case of Lebanon. American University’s School of Public Affairs.
Association for Budgeting and Financial Management (ABFM) Conference: 2017.
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Conference: 2018, 2023.
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) Conference: 2016-23.
Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA) Conference: 2023.
Public Management Research Conference (PMRC): 2017, 2019-23.
Southeast Asia Research Group (SEAREG) Conference: 2023.
West Coast Nonprofit Data Conference (WCDC): 2017, 2023.
2021 Research Grant (“The Role and Effectiveness of For-Profit Organizations in Ohio’s Charter School Sector”), Thomas B. Fordham Institute ($50,000) (shared with Stéphane Lavertu)
2019 Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant, American University’s Office of Graduate Studies and Research ($4,600)
2017 Summer Doctoral Fellowship for Research on Institutions, Inclusive Globalization, and U.S. Competitiveness, George Washington University’s Center for International Business Education and Research ($5,465)
2015 Summer Fieldwork Grant for International Research Project, Colorado State University’s College of Business ($14,525) (shared with Eric Alm, Julia Hebard, and Carmelo Mannino)
2023 Carlos P. Ramos Award for Best Conference Paper, EROPA
2023 Washington Faculty Fellow, Ohio State University’s John Glenn College of Public Affairs
2022 Best Emerging Scholar Paper Award, Vietnam-America Association for Public Affairs and Policy (VAPAP) and Vietnam Initiative (VNi)
2019 Doctoral Fellow, ARNOVA
2019 Doctoral Fellow, Academy of Management’s Public and Nonprofit Division
2019 Building Future Faculty Fellow, North Carolina State University
2018 Charles H. Levine Doctoral Research Award, American University’s School of Public Affairs
2017-18 Diversity Scholars and Leaders Award, ARNOVA
2017 Deans Summer Scholarship, American University’s School of Public Affairs
2016-20 Fully-Funded Graduate Merit Award, American University’s School of Public Affairs
2015 International Development Design Summit Fellow, USAID’s Global Development Lab
2014-15 Fully-Funded GSSE MBA Scholarship, Colorado State University’s College of Business
2010-14 Advanced Undergraduate Program Scholarship, Vietnam’s Ministry of Education and Training
2024 Instructor, Public Affairs Capstone (undergrad), The Ohio State University
2023 Guest Lecturer, Public Policy and Management: Foundations and Approaches (graduate), The Ohio State University
2023 Instructor, Research Paper in Public Affairs (undergrad), The Ohio State University
2023 Instructor, Contemporary Issues in Governance (undergrad), The Ohio State University
2021 Guest Lecturer, Nonprofit Research Seminar (graduate), The Ohio State University
2020-Present Instructor, Nonprofit Management and Governance (graduate), The Ohio State University
2020-Present Instructor, Nonprofit Management and Governance (undergrad), The Ohio State University
2020 Guest Lecturer, Humanitarianism (graduate), George Washington University
2019 Guest Lecturer, Development Governance (graduate), American University
2017-20 Instructor, Mathematics Boot Camp for MPA/MPP students (graduate), American University
2017 Tutor, Quantitative Methods for Public Managers (graduate), Quantitative Methods for Policy Analysis II (graduate), Public Managerial Economics (graduate), American University
2017 Guest Lecturer, International NGOs (graduate), Georgetown University 2016-20 Teaching Assistant, Organizational Analysis (graduate), American University
Ad-Hoc Manuscript Reviewer: AERA Open, Educational Researcher, Human Service Organizations, International Public Management Journal, Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Nonprofit Management and Leadership, Personnel Review, Public Administration and Development, Public Administration Review, Public Management Review, VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations.
Conference Discussant/Guest Speaker/Reviewer: AOM 2020 & 2024, APPAM 2022, ARNOVA 2018-24, PMRC 2017.
Co-Organizer: ARNOVA’s Global Issues and Transnational Actors (GITA) Research Interest Group.
Executive Committee Member and Treasurer: ARNOVA’s Theories, Issues, Boundaries Section (TIBS).
Languages: Vietnamese (native), English (fluent).
Data Tools: Stata (well-versed), Qualtrics (well-versed), R (basic), Python (basic), NVivo (basic).
Academy of Management (AoM).
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM).
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA).
Public Management Research Association (PMRA).
USAID’s Global Development Lab’s International Development Innovation Network (IDIN).