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Michael Szczepkowski

John Glenn Graduate Fellow

Michael Szczepkowski graduated from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Science in Economics and a Bachelor of Science in International Relations and Diplomacy. During his time as in undergrad he spent two years working for Ohio State dinning before transitioning to the Department of Defense, where he remained till graduation. Michael worked within the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, focusing on report automation and budget oversight. In his final year of undergraduate study, he competed in Ohio States Economics Department Sports and Society initiative research fair where he placed 1st. 

Upon acceptance to Ohio State’s John Glenn College of Public Affairs and the College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences, Michael became a graduate research assistant and worked at Franklin County Jobs and Family Services. After moving to Washington as part of the MPA D.C. program he now works at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation within the Division of Consumer Protection. 

Michael chose to become part of the MPA D.C. program for the opportunity to interact with individuals directly connected to the federal process. He is excited to continue his education and see the direct connections between theory and practice. In May of 2026, he will graduate with a Master of Public Administration and Master of Applied Economics.  
