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Edward (Ned) Hill Curriculum Vitae

Professor of Economic Development
Professor of Public Affairs and Management, John Glenn College of Public Affairs
Professor of City and Regional Planning, Knowlton School of Architecture
Senior Faculty Associate, Ohio Manufacturing Institute, College of Engineering
The Ohio State University

Google Scholar Profile
OSU e-mail: Personal e-mail:, Date: March, 2024

Edward (Ned) Hill is Professor of Economic Development at the John Glenn College of Public Affairs and the Knowlton School of Architecture’s section on City and Regional Planning at the Ohio State University. Ned is also the Senior Faculty Associate of the College of Engineering’s Ohio Manufacturing Institute.

In 2020, Hill was elected a National Academy of Public Administration Fellow. His research is on state and local economic development. He has written and been active in public service in community, economic, and workforce development, state and local public policy, the economics of manufacturing, and public finance.

He was the editor of Economic Development Quarterly from 1994 to 2005. He is the former Dean of the Levin College of Urban Affairs and is Professor Emeritus of Economic Development at Cleveland State University.


The Ohio State University
September 2015 to present

Professor of Economic Development, John Glenn College of Public Affairs & the section on City and Regional Planning of the Knowlton School of Architecture
Senior Faculty Associate, The Ohio Manufacturing Institute, College of Engineering
Research Affiliate: Institute for Materials and Manufacturing Research
Courses taught: Introduction to Public Affairs (2110), Economic Development Policy & Practice (7531 and 5531), Public Affairs and Public Choice (8055)


National Academy of Public Administration, elected Fellow September 2020
American Economic Association
Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning
Urban Affairs Association


Massachusetts Institute of Technology                                              
September 1974 to May 1981
Doctor of Philosophy Urban and Regional Planning and Economics, May 1981; Dissertation: Commercial Banking in Local Markets: Theory and Evidence from New England
Fields: Industrial Organization & Government Regulation, Labor, and Urban & Regional Economics
Master in City Planning,1976;Thesis: The Changing Economic Structure of the Lower Naugatuck River Valley

University of Chicago
October 1973 to June 1974
Department of Geography
Doctoral student

University of Pennsylvania 
1970 to
Bachelor of Arts: Economics & Urban Studies, cum laude



Cleveland State University:
July 2009 to June 2015, Dean, Levin College of Urban Affairs   
October 2007 to June 2009, Acting and Interim Dean of the Levin College of Urban Affairs
August 2005 to June 2009, Vice President for Economic Development
September 2001 to June 2015, Professor & Distinguished Scholar of Economic Development
September 1993 to August 2001, Professor of Economic Development
September 1990 to August 1993, Associate Professor of Economic Developmen
September 1985 to August 1990, Assistant Professor of Urban Studies
Courses taught: Economic Development Policy & Practice; Urban Spatial Structures; Distress People/Distressed Communities; Ph.D. Seminar in Economic Development; Local Labor Market Analysis; Public Sector Microeconomics; Anti-Poverty Policy

The Brookings Institution, Nonresident Senior Fellow
Metropolitan Policy Program, January 2000 to 2015    

South China University of Technology, School of Public Administration
Adjunct Professor of Public Administration, December 2011 to November 2014

The University of California at Berkeley, Nonresident Visiting Fellow
Institute of Government Studies, September 2009 to 2013
The Institute of Urban and Regional Development, March 2005 to September 2009

The University of Rijeka (Croatia) Faculty of Economics, Nonresident Faculty
Public Administration Program, 2004 to 2008

Country Stores, Inc.
Executive team member, September 1980 to December 1984

University of Connecticut
Department of Economics, January 1984 to May 1984, Adjunct lecturer

MIT‑Harvard Joint Center for Urban Studies 
January 1978 to May 1981, Research Assistant and Catherine Bauer Wurster Fellow

Boston University
Departments of Economics & Urban Affairs, January 1978 to May 1980, Lecturer

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Urban Studies and Planning, September 1975 to May 1977, Graduate instructor


Current: The Ohio State University
Poland, Kenneth B., Chair, completion expected in April 2024
Research Manager, Ohio Manufacturers Association
Dissertation: Three Essays on Regional Governance

The Ohio State University
Jeeson Oh, Committee member, 2023
Assistant Professor, Department of Urban and Public Affairs, University of Louisville
Dissertation: Philanthropic Foundations at a Crossroads: Three Essays on the Continuity and Shifts in Foundation Engagement in Urban Development in American Cities

Jin Hong Kim, Chair, 2022
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Eastern Illinois Universit
Dissertation: Three Essays on the Adoption, Implementation, and Normalization of Lean Government in State and Local Government

Andrew Van Leuven, Chair, 2021
Assistant Professor of Community and Rural Development, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University
Dissertation: Three Essays on Non-Metropolitan Economic Development

Cleveland State University
Merissa Piazza, Chair, 2018
Senior Community Development Analyst, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Dissertation: Capturing the Gazelle: Antecedents and Outcomes of High Growth Firms.

Lillian (Fran) Stewart, Chair, 2015
Senior Research Fellow, Ohio Manufacturing Institute, The Ohio State University
Dissertation: The Role of Human Capital: What Occupational Data Reveal about Skills Sets, Economic Growth and Regional Competitiveness.

Hyejin Jung, Committee member, 2015
Assistant Professor, Catholic Kwandong University, Korea
Dissertation: The impact of entrepreneurship in regional resilience: A spatial analysis of the Gulf Coast region.

John Shelton, Chair, 2011
Retired; Dissertation: Three essays on innovation and regional economic development.

Marie Ellen Haynes, Chair, 2010
Dissertation: Urban college graduates: Their investments in and returns for strong quantitative skills, social capital skills, and soft skills

Glenn (Rob) Stuart, Chair, 2009
Retired: Institutional Research, Cuyahoga County Community College
Dissertation: A benefit/cost analysis of three student enrollment behaviors at a community college: Dropout, transfer, and completion of an associate degree or certificate.

Wael Ramadan, Chair, 2009
Professor, Project Management & Strategy, Pilon School of Business, Sheridan College, Toronto
Dissertation: The Role of Organizational Culture in Increasing the Sustainable Competitive Advantage of SMEs, Best Business Practices for Achieving World-Class Status, And The Link between The Firm and The Region

Lendel, Iryna. Chair, 2008
Director, Regional Economic Planning Services, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Dissertation: The influence of research universities on technology-based regional economic development.

John F. Brennan, Chair, 2006
Associate Professor, University of North Carolina-Wilmington, Department of Public Administration
Dissertation: An Intellectual History of Metropolitan Government in the United States.

James E. (Jim) Robey, Committee member, 1997
Principal, Robey Analytics
Dissertation: Deregulation in the Trucking Industry: Lessons from the Over-the-Road Sector

University of Pennsylvania, Department of City and Regional Planning
Stuart Andreason, Methodologist, May 2014
Managing Director Workforce Innovation, Burning Glass Institute
Dissertation: Will Talent Attraction and Retention Improve Metropolitan Labor Markets? The Labor Market Impact of Increased Educational Attainment in U.S. Metropolitan Regions 1990-2010.

George Washington University, Department of Public Policy & Public Administration
Hyun Kyong Lee, Third reader, August 2019
Dissertation: Essays on the American Middle Class in Metropolitan Areas: Definition, Size, Characteristics, and Impact on Economic Growth.


Academic Professional Service
Economic Development Quarterly
Senior Editorial Advisor: 2005 to present.
Editor: 1994 (Volume 8) to 2005 (Volume 19)
Associate Editor: 1989 (Volume 3) to 1993

Urban Affairs Association
Board Member for 6 years, April 1999 to April 2005
Secretary-Treasurer: 2003-2004
Chair Site selection committee: 2002-2005

Former Editorial or advisory board member: Journal of Planning Education and Research, 1990 to 1993; Journal of Planning Literature, 1996 to 2000; Journal of Urban Affairs, 1999 to 2005; Journal of the American Planning Association, 2004 to 2019; Proceedings of the Rijeka Faculty of Economics, 2014 to 2022.

Commissions and Policy Board Leadership
Member, Ohio Chamber of Commerce, Council of Economic Advisors, August 2023 to present.
Member, Ohio Economic Roundtable, Advising Ohio’s Office of Budget and Management, September 1, 2020, to present.
Member, Governor DeWine’s Covid-19 Economic Strikeforce, March 2021 to July 2021
Member, JobsOhio, Economic Advisory Group, 2017 to 2020.
Member, Regional Economic Development Alliance Study Committee, Ohio Legislature, Fall 2018.
Member, Ohio’s Manufacturing Task Force, Ohio Department of Development, Spring 2012.
Member, Ohio’s Cooperative Education Advisory Committee, Ohio Board of Regents, 2009-2017.
Member, Governor’s (Ohio) Auto Industry Support Council, August 2009 to December 2010.
Co-Chair, HUD’s role in economic development, to Sec. Donovan, December 2008 to April 2009
National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership Advisory Board, March 2007 to April 2014; Board Chair 2007 through 2010.
Governor’s (Ohio) Urban Revitalization Task Force, August 1999 to December 1999.

National Study Teams
American Assembly
2011 Reinventing America’s Legacy Cities
2007 Retooling for Growth: Building a 21st Century Economy in America’s Older Industrial Cities
2003 Achieving Worker Success and Business Prosperity

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Retooling HUD: Transition report for Secretary Sean Donovan, 2009

Boards and Trusteeships
National Advisory Board Memberships:
NIST/Manufacturing Extension Partnership Advisory Board 2007 to 2014, Chair 2007 to 2010
Advisory Board Member, Center for Policy Alternatives, November 1990 to 1994

Past Board Memberships, Northeast Ohio:
MAGNET, June 2008 to May 2023—15 years
Greater Cleveland Partnership, Government Affairs Council, 2012 to June 2015
Schreckengost Foundation, 2011 to 2015
United Way of Cleveland, Strategic Planning Committee, 2010 to June 2015
NorTech, February 2007 to 2008
Jumpstart, February 2007 to 2008
Cleveland Council on World Affairs, June 2005 to 2006
Ohio MEMS Society 2003 to 2006
Westside Industrial Retention Network (WIRE-Net) June 2002 to 2006
Trustee, Cleveland Zoological Society, 2000 to 2008 and 2012 to 2015; Emeriti Circle in 2009
Advisor, The Generation Foundation, Cleveland, Fall 2001 to 2014

State and Local Service
Regional Economic Competitiveness Strategy [RECS], Northeast Ohio
First phase
Member, RECS Task Force, 2011 to 2013, this was the organizing body for the RECS first phase.
Team Leader, Driver Industry Strategy Team
Project Lead for the region’s economic analysis

Second phase
Member, Strategic Coordinating Committee, 2013 to 2015.
Co-Chair Shale Gas Development Task Force, 2013 to 2015.

Transition Teams
Ohio Department of Development, Lt. Governor Lee Fisher, winter 2007
Cleveland, Economic Development, Mayor Frank Jackson, spring 2006
Lakewood, Planning, Mayor Madeline Cain, winter 1996

Community Service
Deer Isle, Maine, Comprehensive plan, economic development section, June-November 2023
Coach, Lakewood Soccer Association, Spring 1999 to Spring 2002
Cuyahoga County Regional Planning Commission, Executive Board, June 1987 to 1989
Town of Oxford, Connecticut. Planning & Zoning Commission, Elected Member November 1982 to September 1985; Chair: January 1984 to September 1985


2020 National Academy of Public Administration, elected Fellow
2016 Cuyahoga County Mayors & City Managers Association, George V. Voinovich Municipal Service Award
2016 Ohio Manufacturers Association, Legacy Award in service to Ohio’s manufacturers
2014 Crain’s Cleveland Business, Power 150
2012 Crain’s Cleveland Business, Who’s Who, 150 Names to Know in Northeast Ohio
2008 Cleveland State University, Career Services, Outstanding Faculty Member of the Year
2005 Ohio Manufacturers Association, Legacy Award in service to Ohio’s manufacturers
2002 Faculty Merit Award for Research, Cleveland State University
1998 Distinguished Faculty Award for Research, Cleveland State University
1997 Leadership Cleveland, participant
1994 Donald Robertson Memorial Prize for best paper in Urban Studies, June 1994
1986 Missouri Chapter, American Planning Association: 1986 Comprehensive Planning Award
1979 MIT‑Harvard Joint Center for Urban Studies: Catherine Bauer Wurster Fellow
1973 University of Chicago, Department of Geography: Ford Foundation Urban Training Fellowship


Wolman, Harold, Howard Wial, Travis St. Clair and Edward Hill, Coping with Adversity: Regional Economic Resilience and Public Policy. Cornell University Press.

Vaughan, Roger and Edward W. Hill, Banking on the brink: The troubled future of American finance (Washington, D.C.: Washington Post Briefing Book, 1992).

Edited Books
2017, 1992
Galster, George and Edward W. Hill, The Metropolis in Black and White: Place, power, and polarization (Routledge e-book, 2017). Originally published by Transactions Publishers, 1992; republished by Routledge in 2017.

White, Sammis B., Richard Bingham, and Edward W. Hill, Financing economic development in the 21st Century (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2003).

Bingham, Richard D. and Edward W. Hill, Global perspectives on economic development: Government and enterprise finance (New Brunswick, N.J.: Center for Urban Policy Research, 1997).

Buss, Terry F. and Edward W. Hill, Reviving local economies: A guide for Russian officials, (Moscow: USIA, 1995). In Russian
Bingham, Richard D., Edward W. Hill, and Sammis B. White, Financing Economic Development: An institutional response (Newbury Park CA: Sage Publications, 1990). In Ukrainian by Lilopys Publishing House, Lviv, Ukraine 2003.

Reviewed Journal Articles
*Articles reviewed by the editorial board or editor

Hill, Edward (Ned). What is economic development? What is the job of an economic development professional? Economic Development Quarterly. 37(1) 34-48.*

Van Leuven, Andrew, Sarah Low, and Edward (Ned) Hill. What side of town? How proximity to critical survival factors affects rural business longevity. Growth & Change. 54(2): 352-385; Electronic publication August 2022. DOI: 10.1111/grow.12652 

Bowen, William, Edward (Ned) Hill, Andrew Thomas, Ruoran Liu, and Mark Henning. Consumer Price Effects of Deregulated Electric Generation Markets: The Case of Ohio and the Midwestern United StatesUtilities Policy. 83 (August) 2023.

Van Leuven, Andrew and Edward (Ned) Hill. Legacy Regions, Not Legacy Cities: Growth and Decline in City-Centered Regional EconomiesJournal of Urban Affairs 45(10) 1860-1883:  electronic publication December 2021

Hill, Edward (Ned). Development starts with historical endowments: Industrial policy and leadership are catalysts, Economic Development Quarterly, 35(3) (August): 202-215DOI: 10.1177/08912424211024854

Piazza, Merissa and Edward (Ned) HillNot all High Growth Firms are Alike: Capturing and Tagging Ohio’s GazellesEconomic Development Quarterly, 35(3) (August): 219-231.

Hill, Edward W., Travis St. Clair, Howard Wial, and Harold Wolman. Economic shocks and regional economic resilienceUrban and Regional Policy and its Effects, volume 4, Chapter 6

Hill, Edward W. and Iryna Lendel. The impact of the reputation of bio-life science and engineering doctoral programs on regional economic developmentEconomic Development Quarterly (August) 21:223-243 

Blumenthal, Pamela, Harold Wolman and Edward W. Hill. Understanding the economic performance of metropolitan areas in the United StatesUrban Studies, 46(3) (March): 605-627

Curran, Leah, Harold L. Wolman, Edward W. Hill, and Kimberly Furdell. Economic wellbeing and where we live: Accounting for geographic cost-of-living differentialsUrban Studies 43(13) (December 2006): 2443-2466

Hill, Edward W. and John Brennan. America’s central cities and the location of work:  Can cities compete with their suburbs, Journal of the American Planning Association, 71(4) (Autumn 2005): 411-432

Furdell, Kimberly, Harold Wolman, and Edward W. Hill. Did central cities come back? Which ones, how far, and why? Journal of Urban Affairs 27(3): 283-305

Wolman, Harold L., Edward W. Hill, and Kimberly Furdell. Evaluating the success of urban success stories: Is reputation the best guide to practice?  Housing Policy Debate 15(4): 965-997

Hill, Edward W.  Comment on Thomas Kane, et al.: School accountability ratings and housing values, Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs, 2003 *

Hill, Ned, Chris Warren, Richard Shatten, and Norman Krumholz. Cleveland: Four perspectives on America’s ‘comeback city’: A proceeding of the crisis cities symposium, Projections (Spring 2000) 1: 80-95 *

Hill, Edward W. and Jeremy Nowak. Nothing left to lose: Radical policy changes are required to uncover the competitive advantages of America’s distressed cities, The Brookings Review Summer 2000): 23 26*  Portions of this article were reprinted as: Cities that have forgotten their regional economies: Strategies for America’s distressed cities, Greater Philadelphia Regional Review, with Jeremy Nowak (Fall 2000): 8-11; Wanted: A Camden exit strategy, Philadelphia Inquirer.

Hill, Edward W. and John F. Brennan. A methodology for identifying the drivers of industrial clusters: The foundation of regional competitive advantage, Economic Development Quarterly 14(1) (February 2000): 65-96 

Brennan, John F. and Edward W. Hill. Measuring metropolitan manufacturing competitiveness, Economic Development Commentary (Summer 1999) 23(2): 33-38

Hill, Edward W. The air services hierarchy in North America: A regional perspective on air services and economic development, Economic Development Commentary, (Fall 1998) 22(3): 30-38*

Hill, Edward W. Principles for rethinking the federal government’s role in economic development, Economic Development Quarterly (November 1998) 12(4): 299-312

Hill, Edward W., John F. Brennan, and Harold L. Wolman. What is a central city in the United States? Applying a statistical technique for developing taxonomies, Urban Studies, 35(11) (November 1998): 1935-1969

Hill, Edward W. and Harold L. Wolman. City-suburban income disparities and metropolitan area employment: Can tightening labor markets reduce the gaps? Urban Affairs Review 32(4) (March 1997): 558-582

Hill, Edward W. and Harold L. Wolman. Accounting for the change in income disparities between U.S. central cities and their suburbs from 1980 to 1990, Urban Studies 34(1) (January 1997): 43-60

Hill, Edward W., Harold L. Wolman, and Coit Cook Ford III. Can suburbs survive without their central cities? Examining the suburban dependence hypothesis, Urban Affairs Review 31(2) (November 1995): 147-174

Wolman, Harold L., Edward W. Hill and Coit Cook Ford III, Response to straw men, etc., Urban Affairs Review, 31(2) (November 1995): 180-183 *

Hill, Edward W. Neighborhood reinvestment, service factories, and commercial gentrification: A policy solution that will not work, Government and Policy (Environment and Planning C), Volume 12 (December 1994):484-489 *

Wolman, Harold L., Coit Cook Ford III, and Edward W. Hill. Evaluating the success of urban success stories, Urban Studies, 31(6) (June 1994): 835-850

Hill, Edward W. and Roger Vaughan. Banking: Real risks require real reforms, Challenge, Jan/Feb 1993: 13-17. The article was reprinted in Robert Guttmann (ed.) Reforming money and finance: Toward a new monetary regime (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1997) pp.121-125. This article appeared in similar form ("December Surprise?") in the December 1992 issue of Corporate Cleveland *

Wolman, Harold L., Royce Hanson, Marie Howland, Edward W. Hill, and Larry Ledebur. National urban economic development policy, Journal of Urban Affairs 14(3/4) (September 1992): 217-238 *

Hill, Edward W. The savings and loan debacle and the erosion of the dual system of bank regulation, Publius (Summer 1991) 21(3): 27-41

Hill, Edward W. The savings and loan bailout, Economic Development Commentary 13(4) (Fall 1990): 18-26 *

Hill, Edward W. Current antitrust policy: A liability in today's deregulated banking industry, Policy Studies Journal 18(3) (Spring 1990): 591-626

Hill, Edward W. A guide to employment data and forecasting, Editor's Introduction, Economic Development Quarterly 4(3) (August 1990): 238-239 *

Hill, Edward W. The S&L bailout: Some states gain, many more lose, Challenge, May/June 1990:14‑22; Reprinted in Annual Editions, Social Problems 91/92 and Money and Banking 91/92 (Guilford, CT.: Dushkin Publishing) *

Hill, Edward W. and Heidi Marie Rock. Education as an economic development resource, Government and Policy (Environment and Planning C) 8(1) (February 1990): 53-68

Spicer, Michael W. and Edward W. Hill. Evaluating parental choice in public education: Beyond the monopoly model, American Journal of Education 98(2) (February 1990): 97‑113

Hill, Edward W. Increasing minority representation in the planning professorate, Journal of Planning Education and Research 9(2) (Winter 1990): 139-141

Hill, Edward W. Yonkers' planners acted ethically: Its citizens and politicians acted illegally, Journal of Planning Education and Research 8(3) (Summer 1989): 183‑188

Hill, Edward W. and Thomas Bier. Economic restructuring: Earnings, occupations and housing values in Cleveland, Economic Development Quarterly (May 1989) 3(2): 123‑144 Reprinted in Approaches to Economic Development: Readings from Economic Development Quarterly, edited by John Blair and Laura Reese (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications) pp.130-148.

Hill, Edward W. and John Clair Thompson. State bank regulators: Their role in development finance, with John Clair Thompson, Economic Development Commentary 12(4) (Winter 1988):24‑29; Reprinted as State bank regulators need more voice in development, Ways and Means, the Legislative Newsletter of the National Center for Policy Alternatives, April 1989*

Hill, Edward W. Differences in the dependency rate among the states in 1985: Implications for development and labor market policy, Economic Development Quarterly (August 1988) 2(3): 217‑236

Hill, Edward W. What is the effect of random variation in state jobless rates? Monthly Labor Review 110(12) (December 1987): 41‑46

Book Chapters

Hexter, Kathryn, Edward Hill, Benjamin Clark, Brian Mikelbank, and Charles Post. “Revitalizing older suburbs: Case studies in Alabama, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania” in Katrin Anacker (ed) The New American Suburb: Poverty, Race and the Mortgage Crisis (Ashgate): 213-246.

Hill, Edward W., “Introduction” in The Road through the Rust Belt. William M. Bowen, ed. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, pp. 1-6.

Hill, Edward W. “Forward: Economic development Finance: Practice Leading Theory,” in Sammis B. White and Zenia Z. Kotval (eds.) Financing Economic Development in the 21st Century (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2012).

Hill, Edward W., Harold Wolman, Katherine Kowalczyk, and Travis St. Clair, “Forces Affecting City Population Growth or Decline: The Effects of Interregional and Inter-municipal Competition.” in Alan Mallach (ed.) Defining a Future for American Cities Experiencing Severe Population Loss. New York: American Assembly.

Hill, Edward W. and Fran Stewart, “A city-focused economic development agenda for the federal government and HUD,” in Paul Brophey and Rachel Godsil (eds.) in Retooling HUD for a catalytic Federal Government: A report for Secretary Shaun Donovan (Philadelphia: Penn Institute for Social Research): 133-146.

Wolman, Harold, Edward W. Hill, Pamela Blumenthal, and Kimberly Furdell, “Understanding Economically Distressed Cities,” in Richard McGahey and Jennifer Vey (eds.) Retooling for Growth (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press): 151-178.

Hill, Edward W. and Iryna Lendel, “Did 9/11 change Manhattan and the New York region as places to conduct business?” in Howard Chernick (ed.) Resilient city: The economic impact of 9/11. (New York: The Russell Sage Foundation, 2005): 23-61.

Hill, Edward W. et. al, “Slanted pavement: How Ohio's highway spending shortchanges cities and suburbs” in Bruce Katz and Robert Puentes (eds.) Taking the High Road: A metropolitan agenda for transportation reform. (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2005): 101-138.

Hill, Edward W. and Jeremy Nowak, Policies to uncover the competitive advantages of America’s distressed cities.  In Iain Begg (ed.) Urban Competitiveness (Manchester, UK: Public Policy Press, 2002).

Burgess, Patricia, Ruth Durack, and Edward W. Hill, Re-imaging the rust belt: Can Cleveland sustain the renaissance? In Sam Bass Warner and Lawrence J. Vale (Eds.) Imaging the City (New Brunswick, NJ: CUPR Press, 2001): 95-117.

Hill, Edward W. and Larry Ledebur, La Vicinanza ad Aree Metropolitane: Benchmark E Know How, Section: Akron Regional Review: della provincia di Bergamo (Paris: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2001): 117-126.

Hill, Edward W., “Comeback Cleveland by the numbers: The economy, employment and Education” in David Sweet, David Beach, and Kathryn Wertheim Hexter (eds.) The New American City Looks To Its Regional Future (Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 1999): 77-100.

Bingham, Richard D. and Edward W. Hill, “The economic new world order” in Richard D. Bingham and Edward W. Hill (eds.) Global Perspectives on Economic Development: Government and enterprise finance (New Brunswick, N.J.: Center for Urban Policy Research, 1997): ix-xxiv.

Hill, Edward W. and Terry Buss, Government and business finance in Russia.  In Richard D. Bingham and Edward W. Hill (eds.) Global Perspectives on Economic Development: Government and enterprise finance (New Brunswick, N.J.: Center for Urban Policy Research, 1997): 380-417.

Hill, Edward W., The Cleveland economy: A case study of economic restructuring.  In W. Dennis Keating, Norman Krumholz and David Perry (eds.) Cleveland: A metropolitan reader (Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1995): 53-86.  Parts of this chapter were reprinted as: A city built on work, Cleveland Plain Dealer, October 7, 1997, and Bingham et al., Beyond Edge Cities (NY: Garland Publishing, 1997) pp.56-61.

Hill, Edward W. and Terry F. Buss, “Financing business in Russia.” In Terry F. Buss and Edward W. Hill (eds.), Reviving Local Economies: A guide for Russian officials (Moscow, United States Information Service 1995). In Russian.

Hill, Edward W., “Marketing your city or region”, in Reviving Local Economies: A guide for Russian officials. In Russian.

Hill, Edward W. and Paul Dutton, “Dealing with foreign investors.” in Reviving Local Economies: A guide for Russian officials. In Russian.

Galster, George and Edward W. Hill, “Place, power and polarization,” in George Galster and Edward W. Hill (eds.) The Metropolis in Black and White: Place, power and polarization (New Brunswick, NJ: Center for Urban Policy Research, 1992): 1-18.

Hill, Edward W. and Heidi Marie Rock, “Race and inner-city education” in The Metropolis in Black and White: 108-127.

Hill, Edward W. and Heidi Marie Rock, “Policy prescriptions for inner-city public schooling” in The Metropolis in Black and White:  306-335.

Bowen, William M., Herbert Rubin, and Edward W. Hill, “Management of Economic Development” in Managing Local Government: Public administration in practice (Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1991): 200-213.

Hill, Edward W. and Nell Ann Shelley, “An overview of economic development finance”, in Richard D. Bingham, Edward W. Hill and Sammis White (eds.) Financing Economic Development: An institutional response (Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1990): 13 28.

Hill, Edward W., “Cleveland, Ohio: Manufacturing matters; services are strengthened, but earnings erode,” in Richard D. Bingham and Randall W. Eberts (eds.) Economic Restructuring of the American Midwest (Boston, MA: Kluwer, 1990): 103-140.

Harrison, Bennett and Edward W. Hill, “The changing structure of jobs in older and younger Cities” in Benjamin Chinitz (ed.) Central city economic development (Cambridge, MA: Abt Books, 1979).

Major Reports and Public Policy Briefs

Thomas, Andrew, Edward Hill, Adam Kanter, Mark Henning, and William Bowen, Update on Electricity Customer Choice in Ohio: Competition continues to outperform traditional monopoly regulation. Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council, August 

Hill, Edward W. and Fran Stewart, The Economic Impact of the Trade Skirmish of 2018 on the Nation and Ohio. John Glenn College of Public Affairs and the Ohio Manufacturing Institute, March.

Ahmed, Salman, et al., U.S. Foreign Policy for the Middle Class: Perspectives from Ohio. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, December.

Thomas, Andrew, William Bowen, Edward Hill, Adam Kanter, Takeyoung Kim, Electricity Customer Choice in Ohio: How competition has outperformed traditional monopoly regulation. Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council, January.  

Ohio Utica Shale Region Monitor, with Kelly Kinahan and Allan Immonen, The Urban Center, Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University, January

Ohio Utica Shale Region Monitor, January with Kelly Kinahan, The Urban Center, Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University, March & August

Hill, Edward W., Iryna Lendel, and Fran Stewart, The State of Ohio’s Steel Industry, Ohio Steel Council and the Ohio Manufacturers Association, September.

 Thomas, Andrew R., Iryna Lendel, Edward Hill, Douglas Southgate, and Robert Chase, An Analysis of the Economic Potential for Shale Gas Formations in Ohio, February.

Hexter, Kathryn, Edward W. Hill, Brian A. Mikelbank, Benjamin Y. Clark, and Charles Post, Revitalizing Older Suburbs, What Works Collaborative, The Urban Institute. November.

Hill, Edward, John Brandt, and Fran Stewart. Pennsylvania’s True Commonwealth: The state of manufacturing—challenges and opportunities, The Industrial Resource Network of Pennsylvania, February; Co-author and project leader.

Hill, Edward W., et al., Economic shocks and regional economic resilience.  Working Paper 2011-13, Building Resilient Regions, Institute for Governmental Studies, University of California-Berkley.

Curran, Leah Beth, Kimberly Furdell, Edward W. Hill, and Harold Wolman, Poverty programs and prices: How adjusting for costs of living would affect federal benefit eligibility, Brookings Institution, Metropolitan Policy Program, March.

Hill, Edward W., Fran Stewart, and Jim Samuel, Driving Ohio’s Prosperity, CompeteColumbus, June.

Hill, Edward W., Howard Wial, and Harold Wolman. Exploring Regional Economic Resilience. Working Paper 2008-4, Institute Urban and Regional Development, University of California Berkley.

Wolman, Harold, Edward W. Hill, Patricia Atkins, Pamela Blumenthal, Leah Beth Curran, Kimberly Furdell, Jo Anne Schneider, Elaine Weiss, States and their cities: Partnerships for the Future, Fannie Mae Foundation.

Ellis, David A. and Edward W. Hill, An analysis of the proposed lease of the Ohio Turnpike, The Urban Center, Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University, June 2.

Hill, Edward W., Matthew Sattler, Jacob Duritsky, Kevin O’Brien, & Claudette Robey, A Review of Tax and Expenditure Limitations and Their Impact on State and Local Government in Ohio, The Urban Center, Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University, March.

Furdell, Kimberly, Harold L. Wolman, Edward W. Hill, and Elaine Weiss, State policy effects on urban performance, George Washington Institute for Public Policy (WP016, April 2005)

Hill, Edward W. et al., Industry-based Competitive Strategies for Ohio: Managing three portfolios, Ohio Department of Development, May. Co-author and co-principal investigator.

Hill, Edward W. and Leigh Digel, Manufacturing Pennsylvania’s Future: Regional strategies that build from competitive strengths and address competitive challenges, the nine team members are listed as co-authors, Harrisburg: Team PA Foundation, January.

Hill, Edward W., Ohio’s competitive advantage: Manufacturing productivity, Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University. 

Brennan, John F. and Edward W. Hill, Where are the jobs? Cities, suburbs, and the competition for employment, 1999 Brookings Institution, Metropolitan Policy Program, November.

Hill, Edward W., The Future of Northeast Ohio’s Airports: Framing the Coming Debate, Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University,  October 14.

Hill, Edward W. Assessment of the Rising Tide Initiative of the Urban League of Greater Cleveland. Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University. 

Hill, Edward W., Tax Abatement: War Within a State: Ohio’s Enterprise Zone Tax Abatement Program August.

Hill, Edward W., Julie Rittenhouse and Rosalyn C. Allison, The Economy, Jobs, and Training: Implications for the Hard-to-Employ in Greater Cleveland, Report 94-1 for the Greater Cleveland Urban League, April.

Hill, Edward W., Greater Cleveland’s Economy: Challenges and Prospects in the Mid-1990s, Report 94-2, for the Greater Cleveland Urban League, March.

Hill, Edward W., Julie Rittenhouse and Rosalyn C. Allison, Recommendations to the Minority Economic Opportunity Center and the Greater Cleveland Urban League on Improving Training and Employment Prospects for the Hard-to-Employ in Greater Cleveland, Report 94-7, for the Greater Cleveland Urban League, April.

Hill, Edward W. and Rosalyn Allison, Trends in African-American Male Employment: Local Manifestations of a National Problem, for the Greater Cleveland Urban League, August.

Hill, Edward W. and Heidi Marie Rock, What Counts in Urban Public Schooling, Efficiency, Equity, Parental Control or Egalitarianism? Urban University Program Colloquium, April.

Hill, Edward W. and Kolawole Sunmonu, Interest Rates in the State of Ohio: June 1987 to June 1990, for the State of Ohio, Department of Commerce.
Hill, Edward W. and Nell Ann Shelley, Identifying the Steel Industrial Complex in Northeast Ohio, for the United Labor Agency, the Steel Futures Fund of Ohio.

Columns, Popular Publications, and Blog Posts
Ohio State University Insights
Economist: COVID-19 recession begins to end when people can work safely, April
A review and forecast of the COVID-19 economic damage, May
Jaw-dropping stats and what a vaccine could do for the economy, June

One-Handed Economist Blog Posts

Lordstown Family FeudAugust 1

A Timely Lesson from our First President about Tolerance: Washington’s Letter to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport Rhode Island, October 29

As Cleveland Bids Lebron James Adieu, August 8

Outrunning the Bear: Understanding the Different Worldviews of Economists and Business Leaders, 2017.

Actions by Presidents: Obama’s Economic Legacy, Part 1

Homeownership: Obama’s Economic Legacy, Part 2, February 16

National Debt: Obama’s Economic Legacy, Part 3, February 17

Economic Growth: Obama’s Economic Legacy, Part 4, February 24

Presidents and the Economy, March 9

Lowest Cost Sourcing May End Up Being A Company-Killer, How To Keep Your Supply Chain From Killing You, Part 1

Why The Business Relationship Model Makes For Stronger Supply Chains,  How To Keep Your Supply Chain From Killing You, Part 2

Risk-Adjusted Accounting and Assembly Costs (or: A Tale of Two Supply Chains), How to Keep Your Supply Chain From Killing You, Part 3

Culture, Strategy, and Supply Chain Management, How To Keep Your Supply Chain From Killing You, Part 4

Mission, Vision, and Value Statements are nice to have, but they’re missing something—customers and owners. What Is Your Value Proposition? Part 1, July

So, An Economist Walks Into a Bar….., August 8

A Two-Job Value Proposition. What Is Your Value Proposition? Part 2, August 10

Honda By The Numbers, Value Proposition, Part 3, October 16

NEOeconomist Columns, 2011 [NEO represents Northeast Ohio]
January, Rising Star: exploding three myths about the Northeast Ohio Economy.
May, NEO’s Secret Weapon (Product Development).
June, No Place Like Home (Reshoring).
September, Healthcare: Economic Cure-all?
November/December, Healthcare: Testing Healthcare’s Impact.

Other Columns and Popular Publications
Hill, Ned, Op-ed: How do you solve a problem like Northeast Ohio? Crain’s Cleveland Business, September 19, 2022. 

Hill, Edward, Column: Sign the correct petition if you oppose utility's bailout. Columbus Dispatch, October 17, 2019

Hill, Edward, Personal View: Bailing out FirstEnergy's failed nukes harms Ohio's economic future. Crain’s Cleveland Business, May 5, 2019

Hill, Edward and Fran Stewart, “Trade war locally a cause of concern.” Toledo Blade. March 9, 2019.

Hill, Ned. Would FirstEnergy and AEP rate plans be good for consumers? No. Columbus Dispatch, February 18, 2016

Berkman, Ronald M and Edward (Ned) Hill, Ohio does not have a jobs problem, it has a product problem, Plain Dealer, April 26, 2010

Hill, Edward W., Ohio’s Term Limits Are a Waste of Time, Plain Dealer, August 9, 2005

Hill, Edward W., Lakewood Needs West End Redevelopment, Plain Dealer, May 19, 2003.

Hill, Edward W., A Vision for Cleveland, Plain Dealer, March 11, 2003.

Hill, Edward W., Set a Development Agenda, Inside Business, March 2002, 34-35

Hill, Edward W., Factories Will Manufacture Region’s Recovery, Crain’s Cleveland Business October 22, 2001.

Hill, Edward W. and Jeremy Nowak, Wanted: A Camden Exit Strategy, Philadelphia Inquirer. 2000.

Hill, Edward W. and Jeremy Nowak, Cities That Have Forgotten Their Regional Economies: Strategies for America’s Distressed Cities, Greater Philadelphia Regional Review (Fall 2000): 8-11.

Hill, Edward W., An Economic View of Land Development, Citizen Participation, a publication of the Citizens League of Greater Cleveland (June 1998): p. 10 & 12.

Hill, Edward W., The Future of Northeast Ohio’s Airports: Providing a Regional Solution, Akron Beacon-Journal, November 15, 1997; Crain’s Cleveland Business December 8, 1997.

Hill, Edward W., Tobacco’s End-Game, (Cleveland) Plain Dealer, Forum Section p.1, April 20, 1997.

Hill, Edward W., John Brennan and Zhongcai Zhang, Formula for Success: Markets Determined the Rankings, IndustryWeek, April 7, 1997, p. 20.  Assisted in the development of World-Class Communities: The Landscape of American Manufacturing.

Hill, Edward W., An Era Ends, Is Another Beginning?  The State of Manufacturing Entrepreneurship, Works in Progress (Cleveland Advanced Manufacturing Program), Summer 1996, p. 2.

Hill, Edward W., Using School Choice to Save City Neighborhoods, with Michael W. Spicer, State Legislatures National Conference of State Legislatures, 21:2, February 1995, p. 33.; reprinted in CUPR Report, Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University, (6:2) p. 2, Early Summer, 1995.

Hill, Edward W., Vouchers Are Not Enough, (Cleveland) Plain Dealer, September 28, 1994.

Hill, Edward W., Banks on the Brink: A December Surprise?, Outlook Section, The Washington Post, October 25, 1992 (with Roger J. Vaughan); reprinted as Banks on the Brink: Pay Now or Pay Later, Washington Post National Weekly Edition, November 2-8, 1992.

Hill, Edward W., Perspective: Contested Cleveland, Urban Affairs Association Newsletter (Winter 1992).

Hill, Edward W., The Economic Effects of Municipal Commercial and Industrial Tax Abatement. American Planning Association, Economic Development Division, Newsletter (February 1992).

Hill, Edward W., School Boards: Reform Obstacles? with Heidi Marie Rock, Citizen Participation, Citizens League of Greater Cleveland (August 1991):7.

Hill, Edward W., Banking and Finance, Americana Annual 1991 (Danbury, CT.: Grolier) pp. 137-140.

Hill, Edward W., The Regional Tilt in the S&L Bailout, New York Times, August 16, 1990,

p. A15, Reprinted in CUPR Report, the newsletter of the Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University, Fall 1990.

Hill, Edward W., The Savings and Loan Bailout: Its Size, Regional Impact and Policy Implications, The Ohio Record, a publication of the Ohio Savings and Loan League, July/August 1990:14-20.

Hill, Edward W., Turning the Corner: We're Still Adding Up the Cost of the Savings and Loan Crisis, Northeast-Midwest Economic Review, June 4, 1990: pp. 5-8.

Bingham, Richard D., Edward W. Hill, and Kevin O’Brien, Those Who Benefit Should Foot Bill For The New Stadium, Crain's Cleveland Business, October 2, 1989.

Hill, Edward W., Winners and Losers, (Cleveland) Plain Dealer, December 20, 1988.

Hill, Edward W., Instead of Tax Abatement: A Bond Bank, (Cleveland) Plain Dealer, April 11, 1988.

Hill, Edward W., Wasting Time Looking for Silver Bullets, (Cleveland) Plain Dealer, May 1986.

Hill, Edward W., The Manufacturer's Dilemma: The Hows, Whys, and Why Nots to Opening an Outlet, Off Price Outlet Report, Winter 1983.

Other Reports
Hill, Edward W. and Billie K. Geyer, Business Climate, Business Taxes, and Economic Development, Taxing Issues, October 2002, Cleveland, OH: Federation for Community Planning. (This is a reprint of Chapter 4 of Ohio’s Competitive Advantage: Manufacturing Productivity (Cleveland: Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University, 2001).

Hill, Edward W., Bennett Harrison and Marcus S. Weiss, “Rethinking National Economic Development Policy, Overview/Summary” in Rethinking National Economic Development Policy (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, 1997).

Hill, Edward W., “Revitalizing Cleveland, Not Comeback Cleveland: Local and Federal Forces That Rebuilt a Region”, in Rethinking National Economic Development Policy (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, 1997).

Hill, Edward W., Harold L. Wolman and Coit Cook Ford, “What Lies Behind Changes in Income Disparities Between Central Cities and Their Suburbs from 1980 to 1990?” in Rethinking National Economic Development Policy (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, 1997).

Hill, Edward W., Changing Educational Objectives for a Changing National Economy: Employability and Skills Development in the Classroom, in Gary Sands (ed.) Educating Youth in a Changing Economy (Detroit: Center for Urban Studies, Wayne State University, 1989).

Hill, Edward W., The Economy of Saint Louis: Structure and Future (St. Louis: Saint Louis Public Schools, 1985). Occupational Distributions for the Saint Louis SMSA and the City of Saint Louis: 1985 to 2000 (St. Louis: Saint Louis Public Schools, 1985). Total Employment in the City of Saint Louis: 1972 to 2000 (Saint Louis: St. Louis Public Schools, 1984).

HILL, Edward W. Stamford, Connecticut: From Manufacturing Economy to Service Economy (Stamford CT.: Stamford School Department, 1982).

Hill, Edward W., Small Area Planning Techniques (Cambridge, MA: Center for Community Economic Development, 1978).

DiPasquale, Denise and Edward W. Hill, On Hirschman, Linkages, and Empirical Results, MRIO Report No. 19. University Research Program, U.S. Department of Transportation and the Economic Development Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce, February 1978.

Hill, Edward W., Calculation of Trade Flows and Income Multipliers Using the Multi‑Regional Input‑Output Model. MRIO Working Paper No. 3, the University Research Program, U.S. Department of Transportation, December 1975.

Jackson, John, et al., Urban and Regional Development: A Critical Review of the Literature, Prepared for the Economic Development Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Cambridge, MA: MIT‑Harvard Joint Center for Urban Studies May 1976.


Public Utility Commission of Ohio, Testimony of Edward W. Hill in opposition to the stipulation and recommendations, on behalf of the office of the Ohio Consumer’s Counsel in the case of Dayton Power & Light, Distribution Grid Modernization. December 17, 2020.

Ohio Senate, Energy and Public Utilities Committee, Amended Substitute House Bill 6, Testimony in Opposition, “House Bill 6 is a Threat to Ohio’s Economic Development: The expected cost difference in the cost of electricity consumed in Ohio with and without the bailout is $625 million a year,” June 19, 2019.

Ohio House of Representatives, Ohio House Energy and Natural Resource Committee, “The Attempted Bailout of FirstEnergy’s Uncompetitive Nuclear Power Plants: House Bill 6 is a threat to Ohio’s economic future,” May 6, 2019.

Ohio House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Energy Generation, Ohio House Energy and Natural Resource Committee, “The Third Attempted Bailout of FirstEnergy’s Uncompetitive Nuclear Power Plants: House Bill 6 is a threat to Ohio’s economic future,” April 24, 2019, revised April 25, 2019.

Ohio House of Representatives, Public Utilities Committee, HB 247, Testimony in Support, “Competitive Electric Generating Markets Work; End the PUCO’s Electric Security Plans (ESPs); Separate the Generating Subsidiaries from the IOUs” January 23, 2018.

Ohio Senate, Public Utilities Committee. Senate Bill, 155, Testimony in Opposition. “Do not subsidize electricity generation from the OVEC generating plants.” January 10, 2018

Ohio Legislature, Congressional Redistricting Reform Working Group, Getting Congressional Redistricting Right in Ohio Requires New Rules, November 1, 2017

Ohio House of Representatives, House Finance Committee, House Bill 3, Testimony in Support of H.B. 3, the Data Ohio Bill, September 20, 2017

Ohio House of Representatives, Public Utilities Committee, House Bill 178, Do not fall for the ZECs gimmick: Subsidizing uncompetitive nuclear electricity generating plants is a bad idea. May 16, 2017.

Ohio General Assembly, 2020 Tax Policy Study Commission. Testimony, September 27, 2016

Ohio House of Representatives, Finance Committee, Testimony in Support of H.B. 130 [DataOhio Bill], April 12, 2016.

Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Third supplemental testimony of Edward W. Hill on behalf of the Ohio Manufacturers Association Energy Group in opposition to the Application of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company for Authority to Provide for a Standard Service Offer Pursuant to R.C. 4928.143 in the Form of an Electric Security Plan. December 30, 2015.

Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Direct testimony of Edward W. Hill on behalf of the Ohio Manufacturers Association Energy Group in opposition to AEP-Ohio’s Settlement Agreement, December 28, 2015.

Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Direct testimony of Edward W. Hill on behalf of the Ohio Manufacturers Association Energy Group in opposition Ohio Power Company’s Proposal to Enter into an Affiliate Power Purchase Agreement for Inclusion in the Power Purchase Agreement Rider [OVEC]. September 11, 2015.

Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Second supplemental testimony of Edward W. Hill on behalf of the Ohio Manufacturers Association Energy Group in opposition to the Application of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company for Authority to Provide for a Standard Service Offer Pursuant to R.C. 4928.143 in the Form of an Electric Security Plan. August 10, 2016.

Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Supplemental testimony of Edward W. Hill on behalf of the Ohio Manufacturers Association Energy Group in opposition to the Application of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company for Authority to Provide for a Standard Service Offer Pursuant to R.C. 4928.143 in the Form of an Electric Security Plan. May 11, 2016.

Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Direct testimony of Edward W. Hill on behalf of the Ohio Manufacturers Association Energy Group in opposition to the Application of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company for Authority to Provide for a Standard Service Offer Pursuant to R.C. 4928.143 in the Form of an Electric Security Plan. December 22, 2014.

Ohio House of Representatives, 21st Century Manufacturing Task Force, Manufacturing and Ohio’s Economy, Field Hearing in Canton, Ohio, August 9, 2012.

Ohio Auto Industry Support Council, The competitiveness of Ohio’s auto industry: Two just-in-time systems; two public policy jobs, October 2, 2009.

Ohio Legislative’s Joint Select Committee on the Future of the Auto Industry in Ohio, field hearing in Shelby, Ohio, September 8, 2009.

Ohio Senate, Committee on Ways and Means and Economic Development, Question and answer session, April 18, 2007.

U.S. House Manufacturing Caucus, The Future of US Manufacturing, April 17, 2007.

Ohio House of Representatives, Finance Committee, Higher Education Sub-committee, A proposal to make Ohio the Coop Education State, April 11, 2007.

Ohio Senate Finance Committee, Comments on Governor Taft’s Proposed Tax Reforms, May 20, 2005

Ohio House Committee on Ways and Means, Comments on Governor Taft’s Proposed Tax Reforms, March 17, 2005.

Ohio Legislative Manufacturing Caucus, Manufacturing in Ohio, July 14, 2004.

Ohio Senate, Transportation Subcommittee of the Finance Committee. The Motor Fuels Tax and Transportation Finance, March 12, 2003.

Ohio House Committee on Job Retention and Economic Development, Ohio’s Economic Development Challenge, October 17, 2002.

U.S. Conference of Mayors, Education Committee, Does Mayoral Control of Schools Work? October 8, 2002.

Ohio House Committee on State Tax Policy, Ohio’s Business Taxes and Economic Development, September 25, 2002.

State of Ohio Joint Committee on Taxes, Ohio’s Business Taxes and Economic Development, September 3, 2002.

Joint Economic Development and Science and Technology Committees of the Maine Legislature, The American Academy for the Advancement of Science’s Review of the Proposal to Establish a Main Technology Institute, April 9, 1999.

Ohio Economic Development Study Advisory Commission, Options for Business Tax Reform: Implications for Economic Development, March 22, 1999.

Ohio Economic Development Study Advisory Commission, Tax Abatement Development Accounts, October 7, 1999.

National Academy of Public Administration, The Federal Role in Economic Development. June 24, 1996.

Ohio House of Representatives, Finance Committee, Subcommittee on Tax Abatement, The Economic Effects of Municipal Tax Abatement. August 7, 1991.

Ohio Senate, Financial Institutions Committee, Interest Rates in the State of Ohio: June 1987 to June 1990. June 19, 1991.

 Ohio House of Representatives, Committee on Financial Institutions. Interest Rates in the State of Ohio: June 1987 to June 1990. April 10, 1991.

Cleveland City Council, Community and Economic Development Committee, Comments on the Tax Abatement Commission's Adopted Policy, January 15, 1991.

Ohio House of Representatives, Financial Institutions Committee, The Condition of Ohio's Thrift Industry and the Future of Financial Services. August 29, 1990.

U.S. Senate, Judiciary Committee, Senate Hearing 101-1195, Serial No. J-101-93, field hearing, The Savings and Loan Bailout: Its Size, Regional Impact and Policy Implications.” August 14, 1990.


Made on Main, Ashtabula, Ohio, September 2023.

Greater Sandusky Partnership, August 2023.

Chile, CORFO, Chilean Development Agency, May 2018.

Greater Cleveland Partnership, 2017-2018.

CompeteColumbus, April 2006 to 2008.

Greater New Orleans, Inc., Fall 2006 to 2007.

Knight Foundation, Advise on the structure and content of the Foundation’s efforts in the area of economic development, Spring, 2001 – 2005.

The World Bank, Local Economic Development Program, 2003

National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, Review Panel for the HUD Research Scholars program, 2001, 2002.

City of Duluth, Minnesota, Strategy advice on the Mayor’s economic development efforts, Fall 2001.

American Academy for the Advancement of Science and the Desert Research Institute and the Nevada University System, Spring 2001, program evaluation with site visit team.

American Academy for the Advancement of Science and the South Carolina University System, Fall 2001, proposal reviews for technology investments.

Ford Foundation, Program review for the Economic and Community Development Program Director, December 2000.

MacArthur Foundation, Program review for the President of the foundation, November 2000.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Spring-Summer 2000.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, June 1999 to January 2001.

Minnesota’s State College and University System, review of the industry cluster workforce training program, July 1999.

American Academy for the Advancement of Science and the Maine Science and Technology Foundation, Evaluation of Maine’s Technology Initiative, Spring 1999.

National Institute of Science and Technology, Manufacturing Extension Program, Winter 1998, Suggestions of evaluation methodologies for the program.

City Council, City of Cleveland, assistance on developing real estate tax abatement policy, Winter 1998.

IndustryWeek, a magazine of Penton Publishing, April 1995 to 1998.  Helped develop the methodology to select the top 100 firms in the IndustryWeek 1000 and developed IndustryWeek’s world class manufacturing communities special issue (1997, 1998).

Pentagon Office of Threat Reduction, November 1994, Lecture to the Minister of Defense Industries of Kazakhstan and the Kazakh Ambassador to the U.S. and the U.S.-Kazakhstan Roundtable on Defense Industry Conversion.

United States Information Agency, November 1991 to 1995. Economic development and finance to the Hungarian cities of Debrecen, Szeged and Pecs (November 1991, July 1992).  Economic development technical assistance to Vladivostok and Khabarovsk Russia (April 1993);  Saratov, Vladivostok, and Khabarovsk (June 1993), and Vladivostok and Khabarovsk (September 1993). Defense conversion to Vladivostok, Arsenyev, Usserisk, and Arytom (June 1994).  Development, export trade, and defense industry conversion to Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk, Russia (February 1995) Development, export trade, and farm development policy to Tomsk and Yekaterinburg (October 1995).

Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition, June 1990 to June 1991, unpaid consultation on legislative responses to the savings and loan crisis.

Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, June 1990 to July 1990, The savings and loan crisis.

Ecotran Systems, Beachwood Ohio, June 1989, Design of a spreadsheet-based school attendance forecasting model.

St. Louis Public Schools, May 1984 to January 1985, Consultant to the Associate Superintendent for Planning and Evaluation. Aided in the design of long-term planning effort for the school system and provided labor force forecasts.

Top Notch Square, Naugatuck, Connecticut, March 1983 to January 1984. A proposed multi‑phased commercial real estate development.

Stamford Connecticut Public Schools, January 1982 to June 1982. Stamford Educational Public Policy Impact Study. Economic base and labor market studies were completed.


Ohio Manufacturers Association, Understanding Productivity: $30,000

Greater Sandusky Partnership, The Emerging Networked North Central Ohio Labor Market: $10,000 pending

Ohio Manufacturers Association, Governing Regional Sector-led Workforce Training: $30,000

Ohio Manufacturing Extension Partnership, Digital Transformation Manufacturing Assessment, $200,000

Hollings Manufacturing Extension Program of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, July-November 2020, Conversations with Manufacturing Leaders, July 2020, $40,000

Ohio Manufacturing Extension Partnership through MAGNET, Manufacturing 5.0. An investigation of competitive strategies for implementing digitally integrated operations technologies and their workforce implications. $150,000

TechnetOhio, Support for the Ohio Manufacturers Association’s Workforce Outreach,

Lorain County Community College, Assessment of Northeast Ohio’s Innovation Fund

2011 to 2013. These projects accounted for more than $600,000 in billing
TeamNEO, Regional Economic Competitiveness Strategy. (2012-2013)

JobsOhio, Economic development data analysis and strategy assistance, October 2011 to 2013.

Ohio Chamber of Commerce, Analysis of the economic impact of shale gas development, October 2011 to February 2012.

TeamNeo, Economic development strategy development and data assistance, December 2011 to 2012.

Steel Council of Ohio through the Ohio Manufacturers Association, Development of an annual report on the state of the industry, 2012.

Pennsylvania Industrial Resource Center, The Future of Advanced Manufacturing in Pennsylvania, July 2010 to March 2011, $110,000

US Department of Housing and Urban Development, Policy Development and Research through the What Works Collaborative (Managed by the Urban Institute), Policy Alternatives for Extremely Distressed Inner-ring Suburbs, July 2010 to March 2010: $45,000

2003 to 2013
McArthur Foundation through the Institute for Urban and Regional Development (IURD), University of California at Berkeley, Building Resilient Regions

CompeteColumbus, Organizing the auto cluster in Central Ohio, April 2006 to December 2006 and January 2007 to July 2007, $70,000.

Fannie Mae Foundation, Influence of State Public Policies on the Well-being of Cities, Co-principal Investigator with Harold Wolman, Administered by George Washington University’s Institute of Public Policy, 2005-2006, $150,000.

Ohio Department of Development, Sector Study of Ohio’s Economy with Deloitte Consulting (Lead investigator for CSU portion of contract), $500,000. September 2004 to January 2005.

George Gund Foundation, Research supporting the Product Development Initiative, $7,500, Winter 2004.

Team PA Foundation and the Industrial Resource (IRC) Network of Pennsylvania to Deloitte Consulting, A Manufacturing Strategy for Pennsylvania. $210,000. September 2003 (Principal of the consulting team).

Russell Sage Foundation, Monitoring New York City’s economic recovery from the attacks of September 11, 2001, $31,000, September 2003.

Knight Foundation, Economic Development Strategy for the Duluth-Superior region, $37,000, Summer 2003.

Fannie Mae Foundation, subcontract from the George Washington University Public Policy Research Center, The comeback of comeback cities, Spring 2003.

The Brookings Institution, Support for policy research, $20,000, Spring 2003.

Knight Foundation, Training materials for their program in economic development, $205,000 with Ziona Austrian.

The Unger Croatian Program, Training Program for Croatian Municipal Officials, funded by Paul Unger, with Tom Cozzens, January 2001, $110,000.

Ohio Manufacturers’ Association, The Impact of Technology on Ohio Manufacturing, August 2000, $20,000.

Ohio Department of Education, Finance of Public Education in Ohio, July 1999, with Kevin O’Brien, $250,000.

The Brookings Institution, Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy, National Renaissance, June 1999, $43,000.

The Cleveland Foundation, The Distributive Equity of the Gasoline Tax in Ohio, May 1999, $50,000 from the Cleveland Foundation, with Kevin O’Brien.

Annie E. Casey Foundation, Evaluating Targeted Economic Opportunity Initiatives as Community Building Strategies, May 1998, $93,000.

General Assembly of the State of Ohio, Evaluation of Effectiveness of Ohio’s Economic Development Incentive Programs, $500,000, July 1997.  I was one of the three principals.

Greater Cleveland Growth Association and Cleveland Tomorrow with funding from the George Gund Foundation, Creating Competitive Industries in Northeast Ohio by Strengthening Industrial Clustering Behavior within the Region.  The First Step: Using Cluster and Discriminant Analysis to Identify Northeast Ohio’s Industry Clusters, March 1997.  Second Step: Profiles of Northeast Ohio’s Competitive Clusters, January 1998.  The two contracts are valued at $130,000.

IndustryWeek Magazine, World class manufacturing communities.  Develop a ranking methodology and collect data for ranking all U.S. metropolitan areas as a way of capturing the “landscape of American manufacturing.” 1996-1997:  $7,200; 1997-1998: $20,000; 1998-1999: $30,000; 1999-2000: $20,000, 2000-2001: $23,000.

Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce to the Economic Development Assistance Consortium, Re-examining the Federal Government’s Role in the Local/Regional Economic Development Process Under the New American Federalism, 1995.  I held two subcontracts under this research grant valued at $19,500.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Employment and Training of the Persistently Poor, with the Urban League of Greater Cleveland, 1994, $1,000,000.  The Urban Center at Cleveland State University and the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research held the evaluation contract for this program.  Value to Cleveland State University $30,000.

Greater Cleveland Urban League through the Minority Economic Opportunity Council, Employment and Training Programs for the Hard-core Unemployed in Greater Cleveland, 1993, $17,000.

The Joyce Foundation, Banking on the Brink, 1993, $4,000.

The Greater Cleveland Urban League, The Employment Situation of African-American Males in Cleveland, 1991, $5,000.

Gund Foundation, Steel Future Fund, Department of Development, State of Ohio, Greater Cleveland Growth Association, The Future of the Steel Industry in Northeast Ohio, 1990.

Urban University Program, Ohio Board of Regents, Economic Development Bond Bank, 1990.

Department of Commerce, State of Ohio, A Study of Interest Rates in the State of Ohio, 1989.

Northeast Ohio Inter‑Institutional Program, Develop Planning and Evaluation Models for Urban Education Policy Analysis, 1989.

Urban University Program, Ohio Board of Regents, Modeling the Policy Environment of Urban Education, 1988.

Cleveland State University Research Award, Attitudes of State Bank Regulators toward Economic Development, 1986.


Ohio Chamber of Commerce, 2024 Economic Outlook: Panelist, January 24, 2024.

JobsOhio Research Network: Ohio’s New Metropolitan Economic Geography, and the Emerging North Central Ohio Labor Market. February 12, 2024.

Wayne County (Ohio) Economic Development Council: What Happened to the Recession? February 13, 2024.

Ohio State University, Knowlton School of Architecture’s Section on City and Regional Planning, Research Colloquium: Economic Development and Urban Planning: The Long View, April 1, 2024.

Strengthening Stark (County) and the Stark Area Development Board: What is economic development? Keynote, April 17, 2024.

Ohio Economic Development Association, Ohio Basic Economic Development Course: What is Economic Development? Keynote, April 29, 2024.

Leadership Cleveland, Mid-year retreat. Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity:
Where business, economic, and workforce development meet
. January 13.

ED Now (TeamNeo), The economy is caught between a mask, gun, and threat of government shutdown: What type of downturn will we have? February 24.

Ohio Economic Development Association, Basic Course, Fundamentals of Economic Development. May 2.

Greater Sandusky Partnership, Playing the Long Game: Economic and Community Development. August 9.

Ohio Manufacturers Association, Workforce Summit, Panelist: Managing the Future of Work. November 10, 2023.

IndustryWeek, 2024 Manufacturing Outlook, Panelist and presented Is there a Soft Landing Ahead? (Webinar), November 20, 2023.

John Glenn College of Public Affairs & WOSU, Dialogue: Gas to Groceries—Why are Paying So Much? February 8. 

Ohio Economic Development Association, Ten Rules of Practicing Regional Economic Development, April 6.

Ohio Housing Finance Association, Spring Symposium, The economy: Caught between a mask and a gun, April 19.

Croatian Conference on the Digital Economy, Unger Keynote Address, Digital Economy: Economic Uncertainty as Globalism Recedes and Resets (Zoom). June 24.

TeamNeo, Business Development Council, Between a Mask and a Gun: Inflation (Zoom) July 20.

Manufacturers Association, Energy Conference, Keynote conversation with David DeVillers, Partner, Barnes & Thornburg LLP and Former U.S. Attorney, Ohio’s Electric Sector Corruption and Reform September 8.

LMI (Labor Market Information) Institute’s Conference on the Future of Work, Alexandria, VA: Industry Deep Dive: Preparing for a Manufacturing Employment Renaissance. September 22.

Greater Sandusky Partnership, 2022 Fall Symposium, Keynote, Playing the Long Game: Economic and Community Development. (Sandusky). October 13.

Ohio Federal Research Network (OFRN), Opportunity Days. Manufacturing for the Future: Digital Dreams vs. Digital Reality. October 27.

Jewish Elected Officials of Cuyahoga County, Economic Development & Community Development in a post-Covid World, January 6.

Medina County Economic Development Corporation, Annual Meeting, Keynote, The Economy: The COVID Depression is over; the COVID Recession is here; Uncertainty Rules; Vaccine news triggers optimism. February 18.

Ashtabula Ohio City Council, City Council hearing and Facebook Live, Economic & community development: There are no shortcuts; there are no silver bullets, March 9.

Site Selection Magazine. Governor’s Cup Announcement, Best performing micropolitan areas in 2020, March 15.

Center for Operations Excellence, Fisher College of Business, COE Summit, Slow Roll Out of the Connected Enterprise, April 4.

Ohio Economic Development Association, Basic Economic Development Course, Ten Rules for Economic Development Practice, April 8.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Policy Summit 2021, Closing Keynote Panel: What does an inclusive recovery look like. June 25.

Dayton-Wright Patterson Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (now AFCEA International), IT Summit, The Digital Transformation of the Air Force Supply Chain, September 15.

Maryland Manufacturing Extension Program: How to assess your company’s readiness for digital transformation, September 30.

Leadership Cleveland, Economic Development Day, The Devil’s Bargain and the Iron Fist, November 4.

Ohio Housing Conference, Economic Forecast, December 2.

Leadership Cleveland. Examining Cleveland’s Economic Transition: 1968 to the present, March 5.

FastLane, Ohio Manufacturing Extension Partnership, keynote, The State of Manufacturing in Ohio, Dayton Ohio, March 10.

John Glenn College of Public Affairs, The Ohio State University, podcast, An early view of the COVID-19 recession, May 18.

Ohio Economic Development Association, 10 Rules for the Practice of Economic Development, Ohio Basic Economic Development Course, May 20.

Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER), Keynote Address, Annual Meeting, Coping with the COVID-19 Recession, Lessons from Coping with Adversity, Opening Keynote Address, June 1.

Ohio Manufacturers Association, Board of Directors, Economic Outlook for Ohio’s Manufacturers: The COVID-19 Recession, June 16.

NIST Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership, Conversations with Manufacturing Leaders [first of 11]. Facilitated Zoom Discussion with six manufacturing leaders, July 30.

Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association, on-line, Hot Topics, The case for repealing Ohio House Bill 6 after the FBI’s arrest of the Speaker, with Randi Leppla of the Ohio Environmental Council, August 11.

National Conference of State Legislatures, Economic Development Roundtable, October 27.

IEDC, Leadership Forum, Keynote, Coping with Adversity: The role of economic developers in the face of regional economic shocks. January 29.

Cuyahoga County Improvement Corporation, Annual Meeting, Lunch Speaker, Community and Economic Development. March 13.

Ohio Economic Development Association, Basic Economic Development Course, Fundamentals of Economic Development. April 3.

National Conference of State Legislatures, Jobs Summit, Keynote, Preparing Tomorrow’s Workforce, September 27.

2nd Biennial International Entrepreneurship Applied Research Symposium, Cleveland State University, Product Portfolios and the Devil's Bargain: Entrepreneurship and Regional Economic Development. Keynote Address, October 24.

Economic Development Now Roundtable, Appalachian Partnership for Economic Growth (APEG) & JobsOhio, Asset-based Development Strategies for the Other Ohio: No Shortcuts and No Silver Bullets, OSU, South Centers, Piketon, Ohio. October 25.

University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics, Economics of Digital Transformation. Opatija Croatia, May 2-4. Manufacturing 5.0: What does it mean for regional economic development?

Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank-W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. Research Workshop. Resilience in the Face of Chronic Distress: U.S. Metropolitan Areas After the Great Recession. May 21.

Chilean Development Agency (CORFO), Santiago, Chile. Industrial Extension. Chilean Development Agency (CORFO). May 24-25.

FloridaMakes. Annual Meeting, Keynote. Manufacturing 5.0. July 26.

Your Voice Ohio, a media partnership of 40 of Ohio’s media organizations. Focusing on defining a vibrant community. Quest Conference Center, Columbus Ohio. Thinking about, and measuring, local economic vibrancy and development. September 14.

Shawnee State University, A Future for Ohio’s Court House Square Cities? A Future for Ohio’s Court House Square Cities? Strategies for vibrancy and development. Jane M.G. Foster Distinguished Lecture Series. September 19.

Ohio Housing Finance Agency. Ohio Housing Conference. Clouds Gathering: Long-Term Economic Threats are Accumulating. November 8.

Ohio, New Legislator Training. There are no silver bullets in that 6-shooter: Ohio’s Economy, Nov 28.

Vory’s Energy Forum. The Economic Benefits from Electricity Customer Choice in Ohio. January 31.

MEC Energy Seminar. The Economic Benefits from Electricity Customer Choice in Ohio. February 22.

ConnexusNEO, Align Summit, Keynote: Manufacturing, Workforce, and Public Policy, March 23

Ohio Department of Transportation. Civil Rights and Access to Biding for Minority Contractors, April 11.

Ohio League of Women Voters. Three Perspectives on Developing Ohio’s Shale Gas Resources: Industry, Environment, and Economy [I was the economy]. May 16.

Ohio Housing Finance Agency. Economic Forecast. November 8.

MAGNET. Manufacturing 5.0. November 10.

Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (AME). Manufacturing 5.0. December 8.

Trustbelt. State of the States: The Midwest. August 8.

International Economic Development Council. Annual Meeting, A Conversation About the Manufacturing Workforce, September 27.

Columbus Metropolitan Club, Keeping the Lights On: A Debate over the Future of Energy. March 12.

SSTI, Annual conference. How Regional Workforces Adapt to Changes in Manufacturing, November 2.

Ohio Housing Finance Agency, Ohio Housing Conference, Slow, Steady Progress.  November 8.

Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission. Regional Economic Resilience, November 10.

MAGNET. American Manufacturing 2016. November 16.

Ohio Legislative Services Commission, New Member Training on the Economy of Ohio, November 30

National Council of State Legislators, Jobs and Workforce Summit, Jobs Summit, Five challenges where Education and Economic Development Policy Meet. September 1.

Treasure Mountain Research Retreat, Keynote. The Learning Commons and the Role of Experiential learning in Workforce Preparation. Columbus, OH. November 4.

3rd International Forum on Housing Finance, Korea Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport. Public Finance for Urban Regeneration: The US Case. Seoul. November 9.

Ohio Housing Finance Agency, Ohio Housing Conference, Disturbance in the Force: Economic data that keep me up at night. December 2.

U.K. Consulate, Chicago. Conference on Rebounding Cities. Cleveland and the Midwest. January 31.

Lincoln Land Institute, What do we know about Legacy Cities? May 21.

Black Gold Conference, The Downstream Potential from Shale Gas Development, September 11.

Lincoln Land Institute, Mayor’s Forum. Economic change in city-regions and its Implications for Equity. October 27.

Ohio Housing Finance Agency, Ohio Housing Conference. Some traction in the housing market—make it the rental market. November 14.

Ohio Legislative Service Commission, Training session for new members of the legislature, Ohio’s Economy. November 18.

Greater Akron Chamber of Commerce, Economic Outlook 2013, January 8.

Crain’s Cleveland Business Shale Summit, Keynote: Promises from the Utica. January 28.

South China University of Technology, The Challenges of subnational Economic Development: Lessons from the U.S. state of Ohio. Guangzhou. March 9.

Korea Research Institute of Human Settlement. U.S. manufacturing’s rebound from the Great recession of 2008. Seoul. March 18.

Precision Machined Products Association. Prospecting for manufacturing’s future. October 19.

Ohio Housing Finance Agency, Ohio Housing Conference. The long, slow, recovery from the Great Recession … Again. November 6.

Grant Thornton, Canada. North America’s promise and the potential for Canada’s manufacturers. November 22.

Pennsylvania Governor Corbett’s Manufacturing Advisory Council. What have we learned about the future of manufacturing? January 11,2012.

South China University of Technology. The Use of Clusters in Regional Economic Development. Guangzhou, April 21.

Tsinghua University, School of Public Policy and Management. Universities and regional economic development. Beijing, April 25.

Akron Roundtable. Has Anyone Seen a Recovery? Driving Growth after the Recession.May 16.

Council of State Government, Midwest Legislative Conference, Regional Collaboration for a Competitive Midwest, July 15.

Ohio Legislative Service Commission, Training session for new members of the legislature. Ohio’s economic performance. November 16.

Ohio Housing Finance Agency, Ohio Housing Conference. Has anyone seen a recovery? November 29.

American Assembly Expert Resource. Revitalizing the Legacy Cities of Upstate New York. December 12.

Sinclair Community College, Dayton, OH. Ohio’s economic performance. January 17.

National Governors Association, Center for Best Practices, Conference for Governors’ Chief Economic Advisors. Thinking Clearly about innovation and American manufacturing, March 24.

Jilin Province, Foreign Office. Transitioning North America’s Auto Industry. Changchun, April, 27.

Chung Ang University. What have we learned about the applicability of cluster theory in regional economic development? Seoul, Korea, April 28.

Korea Research Institute of Human Settlement. The Use of Clusters in Regional Economic Development. Seoul. April 29.

Northeast Ohio’s Economic Challenge. Young Presidents’ Organization, Northeast Ohio Chapter, May 11; also: Executive Team, Cuyahoga County Community College, May 25; Abington Foundation Board, May 28; Cleveland Hearing & Speech Center, June 7.

Detroit Revitalization Fellows Program. The Fundamentals of Economic Regeneration. August 11.

MANTEC Annual Awards Conference. Manufacturing America’s future. Harrisburg PA, October 5.

Ohio Housing Finance Agency, Ohio Housing Conference. What si going on? From the Great recession to the Lost Decade. November 30.

National League of Cities Training Institute. The long road to recovery from the recession of 2007. Tampa FL: January 30

City Year Commencement Celebration. What is City Year? Cleveland, OH, May 14.

National Association of Regional Councils, National conference. Healthcare: Leading economic development or finding its place in a developing economy? Cleveland OH: June 17.

Cleveland Federal Executive Board. Graduation Session. Leadership? We have an APP for that: Ambition, Purpose, and Passion. June 22.

 IdeaStream, 2010 Creative Voices Summit. What does it mean to be a creative city? Cleveland Ohio, June.

Ohio Governor’s Manufacturing Summit. Manufacturing and Ohio’s economy. Cleveland, August 17.

Great Lakes Rural Community Assistance Program (RCAP). Fundamentals of Economic Development. Columbus, OH, August 24.

NIST/MEP System webinar. The long road to recovery from the recession of 2007. August 25.

MANTEC Annual Awards Conference. Driving growth after the recession. Harrisburg PA, September 16.

Virginia Governor’s 2010 Summit on Manufacturing. Today’s manufacturing leader: Disciplined and positioned for the future. Richmond, Virginia, October 6.

Manufacturing Extension Partnership, Quarterly Update Meeting The slowly recovering macroeconomy. Denver, September 13.

Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Lerner College of Medicine. The health economy and regional economic development. November 9.

Association of Public and Land Grant Universities, Urban Sustaining Universities. Universities and regional economic development. November 14.

Ohio Legislative Service Commission, Training session for new members of the legislature. How High the Rebound? Ohio’s Economic Recovery. November 16.

Lessons from the trenches: Discipline for survival; position for the future, Grant-Thornton, Vancouver, June 9, 2009; Oklahoma Manufacturing Alliance, September 22, 2009; Mid-America Manufacturing Technology Center, Overland Park Kansas, Nov 11;

Have we hit bottom yet? The macroeconomic outlook. Industrial Fastener Institute, Tucson AZ, March 24; Plastic Film Society, June.

Grand Forks, ND, Annual meeting Grand Forks Economic Development Corporation, May 14, 2009: Keynote: A resilient region.

EDA and the Center for Automotive Research, Roads to Recovery Conference. What’s Next? Transitioning auto communities. April 15, 2009.

Ohio Housing Finance Agency, Ohio Housing Conference. The long road to recovery from the Great recession. November 29.

Governor of Washington, Governor’s Workforce Conference. Fundamentals of economic development.

Governor of Arizona. Governor’s Rural Development Conference. Fundamentals of Economic Development.

Burton D. Morgan Foundation, Board of Directors, January.

Manufacturing Extension Program (NIST MEP) National Conference, Is there a future for American manufacturing? April 23

National League of Cities, State Directors meeting, Mackinaw Island, States and Their Cities, July 25.

American Assembly, Retooling America’s Former Industrial Cities, November 8-10.

State Science and Technology Institute (SSTI) Annual Conference. Is there a future for American manufacturing? November 1

Greater New Orleans, Inc. Annual Meeting, The Fundamentals of Economic Development. June 14.

Columbus, Third Frontier Advisory Board, Universities & Regional Economic Development. April 20.

Economic Development Association, Western Nevada, Ten Principles of Economic Development. Apr 28.

International Economic Development Council (IEDC). The 10 Rules for the Practice of Economic Development. January 23.

National League of Cities, Nine Rules for the Practice of Economic Development. June 16,

U.S. Conference of Mayors, Panel Participant, The Competitiveness of U.S. Cities, June 10.

Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
Faculty seminar: The Economics of Path Dependencies and Regional Economic Performance: Are they rational? March 9.
Public presentation: 9 Rules for the Practice of Economic Development.

John S. and James K. Knight Foundation, Civic Resilience, Talk to the Board of Directors. March 4.

Wisconsin Economic Development Association, Economic Summit, Keynote: 9 Rules for the Practice of Economic Development. February 3.

National Governors Association, Winter Meeting, Innovation and economic development.” January 9.

Kellogg Foundation. Battle Creek, Michigan. Regional economic development. Dec 2-3.

International Economic Development Council, Keynote, The Truth About Offshoring. St. Louis. Sept 21.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago The Future of Manufacturing in the Midwest. April 27.

Governor Rendell’s (Pennsylvania) Manufacturing Summit, Manufacturing Pennsylvania’s Future. March 23.

International Economic Development Council, Keynote: Manufacturing: Enough Defense, It’s Time to Take Offense. March 18,

National Association of Manufactures, Coalition for the Future of Manufacturing, Manufacturing: Making America’s Future. February 19.

Governor Taft’s (Ohio) Manufacturing Summit, December 11, Enough Defense, It’s Time to Take Offense, The State of Manufacturing in Ohio.

World Bank, Local Economic Development Program. Fundamentals of Economic Development. May 28.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Local Employment and Economic Development Program, Evaluation of Development Programs, Vienna, Austria, November 21.

Georgia State University, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Faculty Seminar. The

Impact of the Reputation of Bio-Life Science and Engineering Doctoral Programs on Regional Economic Development. April 25.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Territories Administration, Northeast Ohio’s Regional Economy: An Assessment of the Economic State of the Region and its Political Challenges. July 7.

Catigney Conference, National Strategy Forum and the Brookings Institution Center on Urban and Metropolitan Affairs on Creating Competitive Central Cites. Cities That Have Forgotten Their Regional Economies: Policies To Uncover the Competitive Advantages of America’s Distressed Cities. April 7.

University of Illinois-Chicago, Great Cities Institute, Seventh Annual Winter Forum. Keynote. The Competitive Performance of Midwestern Central Cities. December 3.

University of Glasgow. US/UK City Competitiveness Workshop. Where are the Jobs? Cities, suburbs and the competition for work: Observations from the US. November 22.

MIT, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Imaging the City Colloquium, From Re-imaging the Rust Belt to ‘Whose downtown is this, anyway?’ Distorting the Cleveland Development Model, with Patricia Burgess and Ruth Durack, November 2.

The Brookings Institution, The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and Great Cities Institute, University of Illinois at Chicago, Conference on Urban-Suburban Interdependence: New Directions for Research and Policy Where is the Renaissance? Employment specialization within Ohio’s metropolitan areas, with John Brennan, September 24-25.

French-American Foundation, Paris. Cleveland’s Comeback: Lessons Learned for Economic Development Planning. June 18.

U.S. Department of the Treasury, Urban Development Seminar, Lessons for Federal Development Policy from Cleveland’s Experience. January 23.

National Academy of Public Administration, invited to respond to their review of the Economic Development Administration, November 22.

University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Department of City and Regional Planning. The Third Coast Urban Planning Lecture. Integrating the Economics of Economic Development Theory (with itself). April 30.