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Page Hall digital display screens inform guests of the building, as well as Glenn College students, faculty and staff, about programs, events and news of interest.

To add a message to our display screen(s), you can use a branded template or create your design using PowerPoint, InDesign or Canva. You can send content to the marketing team to create your slide, but you should submit all information 2 weeks in advance of display request date. If you are designing your own slide, graphics specs must be 1920x1080.

Before submitting your digital display request, please read the policy below to ensure your request meets all requirements.

Digital Display Policy


  • To manage Page Hall digital signage effectively, and inform students, faculty, staff, alumni and guests of college programs and events.


  • John Glenn College employees, student groups and affiliates

Policy Contact:

  • John Glenn College of Public Affairs
  • Majesti Brown, Graphic Designer,

Last update:

  • 10/19/2022

Only Glenn College events, promotions and announcements, or events and announcements directly relevant to Glenn College audiences, will receive promotion on Page Hall digital display boards.

Content will be posted for up to 14 calendar days. Automatic removal will be scheduled for midnight on the 14th day. Event promotions will be posted no more than 21 calendar days prior to the event date and removed automatically at midnight the day the event concludes.

The content submission process below must be followed to receive placement on Page Hall digital display boards. However, a request that meets all requirements does not guarantee approval. 

Marketing reserves the right to refuse any submission and will determine the availability of space focusing on priority college audiences and strategic objectives. Desired run dates will be honored based on screen availability and the reasonableness of the request.

Glenn College is a nonpartisan organization. Marketing reserves the right to refuse any material deemed unsuitable, which may include, but is not limited to content, language, photos, image, discriminatory views, propaganda, slanderous material, political narrative, overall quality, etc.

Marketing strives to provide event and program information to guests of Page Hall. There are, however, unforeseen circumstances that may interfere with digital screens. These include, but are not limited to, power outages, a loss of network connectivity, image distortion, etc. Marketing, therefore, cannot “guarantee” virtual flyer display. Additionally, screens may be purposefully disabled or reprogrammed for college events when appropriate.

Process: Request and Submit Content

  1. Departments and college student organizations can request that their events or announcements be displayed by submitting a digital display request.
  2. Digital signage requests should be submitted at least seven (7) business days in advance to the proposed start date. If the digital display submission includes a request for marketing to design your graphic, 14 business days are preferred.
  3. The marketing team can make slides for internal staff and faculty announcements. We request that student organizations create their own slides for the display.
  4. Marketing reserves the right to make edits to all graphics submitted. Required edits may delay your start date.
  5. Best practices for slide design: 
    1. Required specs: 1920x1080
    2. Include at least half-inch margins to help mitigate cutoff on screens with slightly different resolution.
    3. Use large or bold text for key event details (location, date, time to ensure information is clear and easy to read at a glance.
    4. Digital screens cycle advertisements every 10-15 seconds. Keep text to a minimum.
    5. Have someone on your team copy edit your slide.
    6. Be sure to answer all pertinent questions your audience might have
    7. Include a call-to-action (What do you want your audience to do? Where can they go for more detail?)
    8. While creativity in design is welcome, please be sure to keep color contrast ratios reasonable for all viewers. (i.e. do not put white text on a light grey background, use large text sizes and keep text to a minimum)
  6. Your submission must include the art file to promote your announcement OR all pertinent detail for your announcement. Pre-made college templates are available but not required. They are saved to the "Glenn College Assets" Microsoft Team. If you do not have access to this team, please email Majesti Brown to request membership.
  7. Requests made without seven business days’ notice are not guaranteed to be displayed. Requests will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Marketing will have discretion over all content submitted.
  8. Marketing reserves the right to edit any submitted material, determine what is appropriate for posting and choose when a posting will appear in the announcement rotation.
  9. Marketing will make every effort to fulfill requests but provides no guarantee that digital materials submitted will be posted and reserves the right to limit or exclude submissions.
