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Roger Westermeyer


Roger Westermeyer is an instructor of critical thinking and contract management at the Ohio State University. He also serves as the Technical Director at the Air Force Installation Contracting Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton Ohio. Roger has a passion for learning and innovation and has been a champion for finding employment for people with disabilities throughout his 41-year career. He has served in various military and civilian acquisition related positions to include Contracting Squadron Commander twice, Director of Staff and Director of Enterprise Solutions at the Air Force Installation Contracting Agency, Deputy Director of Contracting at Air Force Material Command, and Senior
Contracting Official at the Enterprise Sourcing Group, Ogden Air Logistics Center, and for the Joint Contracting Command, Iraq/Afghanistan. He began his career as a Missile Launch Officer in Strategic Air Command responsible for the command and control of 50 intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM,) where he had assignments to include Flight Chief and instructor for missile combat crews. Throughout his career he has partnered with the Defense Acquisition University, Ohio State University, and Air Force Institute of Technology to develop courses on critical thinking, project management, program management, contract management, category management, and business intelligence. He has been awarded the Bronze Star and Legion of Merit and has been recognized throughout the Department of Defense and the Air Force with numerous awards for excellence, innovation and support to people with disabilities to include being the first Air Force recipient of Dick Alley Lifetime achievement award for supporting people with disabilities. He was a two-time recipient of the Air Force Material Command award for Innovation, and in 2021 was recognized by the Department of Defense with the Gears of Government award that recognizes individuals and teams across the Federal workforce whose dedication supports exceptional delivery of key outcomes for the American people.

His publications include “Recruiting and Retaining Cyberwarriors,” United States Army War College, 2008, “Economic and Reconstruction Considerations in a Failed State,” Short of War: Perspectives on the Use of Military Power in the 21st Century, Strategic Studies Institute, 2010, “Think & Think Again about Market Research”, and “Doing Market Research, Don’t Overlook AbilityOne”, National Contract Management Association, 2021 and 2022.

Roger received his Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Kentucky in 1986 and his Masters of Business Administration from Central Missouri University in 1990. He also received Masters of Operational Art of War from the Air Command and Staff College in 2000 and in 2008 he received a Master of Strategic Studies from the United States Army War College.