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Sarah Pol

John Glenn Graduate Fellow

Sarah Pol is a Science Policy Intern with Research!America. Ms. Pol is a health educator with experience in nutrition education, health coaching, tobacco policy and prevention programming, higher education, and communications. As the Director of Collegiate Programs and Communications for the Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society, Ms. Pol developed and implemented the organization’s communications plan and all programs for collegiate members. She also designed and managed yearly conferences hosting 500 attendees. As a health educator for Clark Combined Health District, she managed a $60,000 grant and established 100% tobacco free school policies in the county. She is a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES), accredited by National Commission for Health Education and Credentialing (NCHEC), a member of Junior League of Columbus, and an alumna of Delta Zeta Sorority and Mortar Board. She is a proud graduate of Ohio University, holding a Bachelor of Science in Community Health.

Ms. Pol was drawn to public policy through her health education experience and her strong connection to AmeriCorps public service. With ambitions to work in national health policy, the MPA-DC program offered a uniquely designed opportunity, which provides active learning through real life experience and placement in DC to learn directly from the nation’s most influential people and policy.

Ms. Pol appreciates the Glenn College’s broad teaching curriculum, incorporating both government and nonprofit sectors.
