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Shanna Jaggars


Shanna Smith Jaggars is an Assistant Vice Provost and directs the Student Success Research Lab at The Ohio State University, where she helps identify challenges to college student success, inform potential solutions, assess impact on student experiences and outcomes, and facilitate systemic improvement. Previously, Dr. Jaggars was Assistant Director of the Community College Research Center, Teachers College, Columbia University, where she remains a Research Affiliate. Dr. Jaggars has published extensively on student success topics through academic journals, policy briefs, and practitioner guides, and is currently Senior Associate Editor for the journal Online Learning. Her 2015 book from Harvard University Press Redesigning America's Community Colleges (co-authored with Thomas Bailey and Davis Jenkins), remains a touchstone for nearly 400 community colleges in 16 states that are implementing guided pathways reform.


Higher Education Policy; Quantitative Methods; Qualitative Methods; Higher Education Management and Leadership