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Simulated Power Analyses for Observational Studies: An Application to the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion
Journal of Public Economics

Using an applied example – the link between gaining health insurance and mortality – Alex Hollingsworth and colleagues conduct a simulated power analysis to outline the importance of power and ways to estimate power in complex research settings.

Comparative Effects of Recreational and Medical Marijuana Laws on Drug Use among Adults and Adolescents
The Journal of Law and Economics

Alex Hollingsworth's new research finds that recreational laws increase past-year marijuana use by 25 percent among adults and by 10 percent among adolescents.

Polluting under the Radar: Emissions, Inequality, and Concrete Batch Plants in Houston
Environmental Science & Technology

Alex Hollingsworth and colleagues show that concrete batch plants in Houston, TX are collectively a large source of pollution, emitting between 38 and 111 tons of primary PM2.5 emissions annually and being disproportionately located in census tracts with more low-income, Hispanic, and Black populations.

Convergence Research as a ‘System-of-Systems’: A Framework and Research Agenda

Researchers Lisa Gajary, Anand Desai and colleagues present a multilevel research agenda that accounts for a complex systems understanding of Convergence Research, one of the U.S. National Science Foundation's "10 Big Ideas" and top strategic approaches to address grand societal challenges.

Consumer Price Effects of Deregulated Electric Generation Markets: The Case of Ohio and the Midwestern United States
Utilities Policy

This study from Ned Hill and colleagues investigates the effects of electric utility restructuring on the cost of generated electricity, increases in the regulated portions of customers’ bills, and changes in customers’ average total electricity price in restructured states relative to similar states that remained regulated.

Women are credited less in science than men

Bruce Weinberg and colleagues study the reasons women are less likely to be named on a given article or patent produced by their team relative to their male peers.

Analytical solutions to evaluate the geothermal energy generation potential from sedimentary-basin reservoirs

In this study, Jeff Bielicki and colleagues develop and implement analytical solutions for calculating reservoir impedance, reservoir heat depletion, and wellbore heat loss in sedimentary reservoirs that are laterally extensive, homogeneous, horizontally isotropic and have uniform thickness.

Global assessment of the carbon–water tradeoff of dry cooling for thermal power generation
Nature Water

Jeff Bielicki and colleagues investigate the CO2 emission and energy penalty due to the deployment of dry cooling—a critical water mitigation strategy—together with alternative water sourcing and carbon capture and storage under climate scenarios.

China’s use of formal science and technology agreements as a tool of diplomacy
Science and Public Policy

Caroline Wagner studies the use of diplomatic tools by China's government in pursuit of foreign policy goals.

Methods and lessons for business resilience and recovery surveys
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction

Noah Dormady and colleagues address the lack of tailored guidance for conducting business resilience and recovery surveys by collecting and synthesizing instruments and best practices from previous survey efforts. 

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