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Food System Dynamics Structuring Nutrition Equity in Racialized Urban Neighborhoods
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Jill Clark identifies nutrition equity as an overarching goal for local food systems, which reflects a state of having freedom, agency, and dignity in food traditions resulting in people and communities healthy in body, mind, and spirit. It is a transformative goal designed to spur system-level interventions that further racial equity through improved local food system dynamics.

Recovering Rare Earth Elements from Coal Mine Drainage Using Industrial Byproducts: Environmental and Economic Consequences
Environmental Engineering Science

This article summarizes laboratory-scale experimental results of a trap-extract-precipitate (TEP) process and uses the mass and energy balances to estimate the economic costs and environmental impacts of the TEP. 

Flexible CO2-Plume Geothermal (CPG-F): Using Geologically Stored CO2 to Provide Dispatchable Power and Energy Storage
Energy Conversion and Management

Associate Professor Bielicki's study reveals that a Flexible CO2 Plume Geothermal (CPG-F) facility, capable of providing both dispatchable power and energy storage, can deliver 190% more power than a conventional CPG power plant for 8 hours while costing 70% more in capital, making it an efficient baseload power and dispatchable storage option.

Sexual Harassment Policies in Nonprofits
Nonprofit Management and Leadership

Erynn Beaton and colleagues examine rates of SXH policy adoption among nonprofits and the relationship between SXH policy adoption and organizational characteristics.

Improved Clusterings and Visualizations of 11,359 Journals in the JCRs 2015

Professor Caroline Wagner's publication raises a number of questions such as how to collect data of citations related to a given journal; conduct social network analysis on journals related to citations; and produce diagram properly and quickly on a dashboard.

Democracy, Complexity, and Science: Exploring Structural Sources of National Scientific Performance
Science and Public Policy

Professor Caroline Wagner explores the effect of democratic governance on scientific performance using panel data on 124 countries between 2007–2017. We find evidence supporting the democracy–science hypothesis.

International Collaboration During the COVID-19 Crisis: Autumn 2020 Developments

Professor Caroline Wagner examines how international COVID-19 research collaborations have shifted during the pandemic. 

Topic Evolution, Disruption and Resilience in Early COVID-19 Research

Professor Caroline Wagner explores how the trajectory of and research community around the coronavirus research was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Police station design and intrusive police encounters: untangling variations in emotions and behaviourally-relevant perceptions across racial groups
Policing and Society

Victor St. John studies police station design as a strategy to improve police-community relationships.

Excess Emissions: Environmental Impacts, Health Effects, and Policy Debate
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy

Alex Hollingsworth studies the need for emissions data reporting to enable creation and implementation of effective regulatory frameworks.

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