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An Examination of the Relationship Between Local Tax Incentives and Diversification of the Local Economic Base
Economic Development Quarterly

Using newly available annual data on incentives at the metropolitan statistical area (MSA) level, Rob Greenbaum and colleagues explore the relationship between incentives and economic diversity between 2005 and 2015. 

Are University Rankings Statistically Significant? A Comparison among Chinese Universities and with the USA
Journal of Data and Information Science

Professor Caroline Wagner addresses the question of whether differences are statistically significant in the rankings of Chinese universities.

What Do China’s Scientific Ambitions Mean for Science—and the World?
Issues in Science and Technology

Professor Caroline Wagner looks at how China has transformed its capacity for scientific research. 

The Publicness of Publicly Funded Research
Science and Public Policy

Professor Caroline Wagner examines key US legislative initiatives during the post–World War II history of public policy related to the ownership of publicly funded research-based knowledge. 

Crack cocaine use among aging Mexican American men with heroin use histories: Motivations and polydrug use patterns
Addiction Research & Theory

Assistant Professor Tasha Perdue examines crack cocaine use among Mexican American men with heroin use histories. 

A Dynamic Discrete Choice Model of Reverse Mortgage Borrower Behavior
International Economic Review

Stephanie Moulton examines the behavior of mortgage borrowers. 

Low-Income Homeownership and the Role of State Subsidies: A Comparative Analysis of Mortgage Outcomes
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management

Stephanie Moulton examines the role of state subsides on low-income home mortgages

Spillover effects of opioid prescribing practices : Do increased prescriptions lead to increased fatal car crashes ?
American Journal of Health Economics

Associate Professor Lauren Jones estimates the relationship between commuting zone (CZ)-level opioid prescription rates and CZ-level car crash fatality outcomes.

The International Trade of U.S. Organic Agri-Food Products: Export Opportunities, Import Competition and Policy Impacts
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems

Neal Hooker offers new insights concerning the current status and trends of U.S. organic imports and exports U.S. policies relevant to the international trade of U.S. organic agri-food products are described, characterizing specific products and partners.

Measuring the Potential Impact of New and Reformulated Bread and Breakfast Cereal Products on Nutrient Intakes
US Department of Agriculture

Professor Neal Hooker studies the potential impact of new breakfast cereal and bread products on nutrients consumed by adults and children.

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