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Finding a Black Cat in a Coal Cellar

Noah Dormady's study of Ohio’s retail electricity markets finds majority of retail electric supply offers don't save customers money.

The Impact of Increasing Funding for High-Performing Ohio Charter Schools: The Quality Community School Support Fund, 2019–23
Thomas B. Fordham Institute

For too long, Ohio underfunded its public charter schools. That policy was unfair to charter school students—many economically disadvantaged—whose educations received less taxpayer support simply by virtue of their choice of schools.

Measuring labour market transitions of youths in Thailand: Evidence from rotation groups (2012-21) in the Labour Force Surveys
International Labour Organization

In collaboration with the ILO regional office in Bangkok, Thailand we modeled the employment and unemployment using new linked panel data from 2012-2021. 

Student Achievement and Learning Acceleration on Spring 2024 Ohio State Tests
Ohio Department of Education and Workforce

Vladimir Kogan examines spring 2024 Ohio State Tests to understand how student academic achievement has been recovering since the declines experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ohio charter schools after the pandemic: Are their students still learning more than they would in district schools?
School Choice/Thomas B. Fordham Institute

Professor Stéphane Lavertu investigates whether charter schools provide a superior education when compared to the district alternative. Just prior to the pandemic, Fordham research showed that students attending brick-and-mortar charters in Ohio made significantly greater academic progress than their peers attending nearby district schools.

“And the Survey Says”: Written Surveys and Interviews Can Yield Important Information About Incentive Program Operations and Impacts
Pew Charitable Trusts Incentive Evaluators Network Newsletter—October 2023: Evaluation Perspectives

Jim Landers published commentary about state legislative program evaluation staffs and legislative fiscal and economic analysis staffs using survey and interview methods for evaluating the impact of state and local economic development incentive programs.

Researching Homeownership Inequalities: A Life-Cycle Perspective

This article examines four specific research topics at different stages in the homeownership life cycle—from mortgage underwriting to post-purchase support, as proposed in the HUD learning objectives.

Economic Impacts of the COVID-19 Crisis: Evidence from Credit and Debt of Older Adults
Journal of Pension Economics & Finance

Stephanie Moulton documents the credit outcomes of older adults immediately before and after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.

For-Profit Charter Schools: An Evaluation of their Spending and Outcomes
Thomas B. Fordham Institute

Using recent data from Ohio, Professor Stéphane Lavertu and Assistant Professor Long Tran dig into what is meant by “forprofit” charter schools, how they spend resources differently from other charters, and how they compare in effectiveness to other charters (and to traditional public schools) in academic and nonacademic outcomes.

The Ohio EdChoice Program’s Impact on School District Enrollments, Finances, and Academics
Thomas B. Fordham Institute

Stéphane Lavertu estimates the impact of the EdChoice programs by comparing changes in district outcomes (from before these programs were in place to the 2018–19 school year) between districts that had higher as opposed to lower levels of exposure to them.

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