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The EU Emissions Trading Scheme: Protection via Commodification?
Culture, Practice & Europeanization

Assistant Professor Christopher Rea shows that market-oriented schemes like the EU ETS are better characterized as Polanyian countermovements that are, in fact, helping to “re-embed” the European economy in more ecologically sustainable relationships with nature.

Drought, Hurricane, or Wildfire? Assessing the Trump Administration’s Anti-Science Disaster
Engaging Science, Technology, and Society

Assistant Professor Christopher Rea describes three potential baselines for assessing the nature and impact of Trump’s anti-science rhetoric and (in)action on science, science policy, and politics.

The Eco-Munitionary Subject: Conservation with and of Firearms
Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space

​​​​​​​Assistant Professor Christopher Rea examines the role of the Pittman-Robertson Act in shaping the relationship between firearms and conservation and seeks to understand how this relationship is reproduced.

The Environmental State: Nature and the Politics of Environmental Protection
Sociological Theory

Christopher Rea defines the environmental state and theorizes two structuring forces central to its provision of environmental welfare. 

The Impact of Collaboration Network on Water Resource Governance Performance: Evidence From China’s Yangtze River Delta Region

This study, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, examines the relationship between network structure and network performance.

Under What Conditions Do Governments Collaborate? A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Air Pollution Control in China

This study, published in Public Management Review, proposes four starting conditions that affect the establishment of intergovernmental collaboration: power imbalance, resource imbalance, prehistory of collaboration and participation of superior levels of government.

Collaborative Networks and Environmental Governance Performance: A Social Influence Model

This research, published in Public Management Review, examines how collaborative networks affect the performance of individual policy actors embedded in the network.

Violent Entanglements: The Pittman-Robertson Act, Firearms, and the Financing of Conservation
Conservation and Society

Assistant Professor Christopher Rea compares the four largest sources of revenue for state wildlife and conservation agencies and demonstrate the growing importance of Pittman-Robertson as gun sales increase.

Back-Pedaling or Continuing Quietly? Assessing the Impact of ICLEI Membership Termination on Cities’ Sustainability Actions

This study, published in Environmental Politics, questions whether cities’ termination of their ICLEI affiliation diminishes their implementation of sustainability actions.

Theorizing Command-and-Commodify Regulation: the Case of Species Conservation Banking in the United States
Theory & Society

Assistant Professor Christopher Rea offers a framework for explaining these processes of regulatory marketization, like cap-and-trade and ecological offsetting.

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