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The Geospatial and Economic Viability of CO2 Storage in Hydrocarbon Depleted Fractured Shale Formations
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control

Professor Bielicki examines the storage of CO2 including capacities, regional coordination, and storage in shale. 

Acclimation and the Response of Hourly Electricity Loads to Meteorological Variables
Energy Journal

Professor Jeff Bielicki examines the relationship between electricity demand and meteorological conditions to assist with short-term electricity load forecasts and long-term projections of climate change impacts.

Leakage Risks of Geologic CO2 Storage and the Impacts on the Global Energy System and Climate Change Mitigation
Climatic Change

Professor Bielicki investigated how subsurface and atmospheric leakage from geologic CO2 storage reservoirs could impact the deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage in the global energy system. 

The Leakage Risk Monetization Model for Geologic CO2 Storage
Environmental Science and Technology

Professor Jeff Bielicki developed a Leakage Risk Monetization Model (LRiMM) which integrates simulation of CO2 leakage from geologic CO2 storage reservoirs with an estimation of monetized leakage risk (MLR).

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