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Local Value Chain Models of Healthy Food Access: A Qualitative Study of Two Approaches
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

Country Fresh Stops (CFS) and Donation Station (DS) are two complementary programs that support local agriculture in Appalachia Ohio. As the first study of these programs in the peer-reviewed literature, this publication identifies factors that facilitate or hinder the implementation of these local value chain models of healthy food access.

Making community-supported agriculture accessible to low-income families: findings from the Farm Fresh Foods for Healthy Kids process evaluation
Technology Business Management

The purpose of this study was to assess Farm Fresh Foods for Healthy Kids reach, dose, and fidelity via a mixed methods process evaluation.

The relationship of financial stress with the timing of the initial claim of U.S. Social Security retirement income
Journal of the Economics of Aging

Stephanie Moulton and Caezilia Loibl explore why some older adults claim Social Security benefits early and whether the level of an individual’s financial stress prior to the claiming decision is associated with a benefit claim at age 62.

Center-Based Early Care and Education and Children’s School Readiness: Do Impacts Vary by Neighborhood Poverty?
Developmental Psychology

Professor Katie Vinopal examines the effects of neighborhood provided resources on children’s achievement and development.

Neighborhood Poverty and Children's Academic Skills and Behavior in Early Elementary School
Journal of Marriage and Family

Associate Professor Katie Vinopal evaluates the degree associations between neighborhood disadvantage and outcomes persist into elementary school and whether neighborhood disadvantage interacts with household disadvantage.

Neighborhood Disadvantage and Children’s Cognitive Skill Trajectories
Children and Youth Services Review,

Associate Professor Katie Vinopal examines how neighborhood poverty is associated with children’s trajectories of growth in math and reading skills in early elementary school

Timing Is Money: Does Lump‐Sum Payment Of The Earned Income Tax Credit Affect Savings And Debt?
Economic Inquiry

Associate Professor Lauren Jones investigates whether savings and debt among EITC‐eligible families reflect the timing of payments.

Wendy Smooth

Senior Vice Provost for Inclusive Excellence, Office of Academic Affairs; Professor and Associate Dean, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, College of Arts and Sciences
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