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Government or Politics



Impact lives and address pressing public problems in your community, state and nation with a rewarding career in government or politics.  

Career possibilities in the public sector are endless. You can work in politics by running for office, managing a campaign or serving your elected officials and community. Additionally, behind-the-scenes roles in government administration can effect change, ensure accountability and provide important services to citizens.  

Career path:

  • Title after graduation: Congressional Aide 

  • Title after 5 years: Communications Director 

Example course:

  • Public Affairs 2130: Leadership in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors
    • What does it mean to be an effective leader in the public’s interest? Study the theory and develop the skills to be a great leader and manager.  
  • Public Affairs 3500: Public Management
    • Government organizations have unique management challenges. Explore their DNA, master the art of measuring success, and consider the role of for-profit and non-profit organizations in delivering important public services.  

Skills needed and learned in class:

  • Leadership 

  • Emotional intelligence 

  • Critical thinking 

  • Effective communications 

  • Problem solving and decision analysis techniques 

Recent Alumni:

  • Kiley Holbrook, BA, Legislative Aide for State Representative Rodney Creech 

  • Athina Lawson, BA, Press Secretary, Office of the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives 

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