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Public Policy Analysis

Gain a comprehensive understanding of policy formulation, implementation and evaluation.

With this specialized knowledge, you'll be prepared to address complex societal issues, evaluate today’s public policy and implement changes that make an impact on important issues. 

Career path:

  • Title after graduation: Junior Researcher 

  • Title after 5 years: Policy Analyst 

Example course:

  • Public Affairs 4000: Program Evaluation
    • Learn research design and analytical methods used to evaluate public policy. Using a variety of data, methods and designs, measure the impact of public policy and programs. 

Skills needed and learned in class:

  • Use analytical tools to define and address public problems 

  • Conduct advanced data analysis to inform decision making 

  • Communicate complex research results effectively 

Recent Alumni:

  • Sarah Hay, BS, Policy Analyst at The George Washington University Regulatory Studies Center 

  • Laura Goduni, BS, Legislative Analyst, Columbus City Council 

  • Joseph Sierputowski, BS, Program Analyst, Washington D.C. Department of Transportation 

  • Abby L., BA, Government & Public Services, Human Capital Business Analyst, Deloitte 

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