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Yiseon Choi

PhD Student

Hometown: Seoul, Republic of Korea

Undergraduate Institution and Major:
Yonsei University, B.A. in Sustainable Development and Cooperation (2019)

Graduate Institution and Major: The London School of Economics and Political Science, M.Sc. in Development Management, Applied Development Economics Specialism (2020)

Research Interests: Yiseon, with a background in development studies and economics, has a research focus on public policies and management strategies aimed at promoting sustainable economic growth. Her career has been marked by diverse experiences, including in-depth evaluations of regulatory impact analysis, methodological studies on ex-ante cost-benefit estimation, successful grant proposal writing for official development assistance (ODA) projects related to tax administration, and leadership in preliminary investigations for an ODA project in Peru to assess its feasibility. These experiences have collectively led Yiseon to become interested in economic resilience and the role of policies in bolstering the economic well-being of individuals and businesses, making them more resilient in times of crisis.

Relevant Professional Experience:

  • Researcher, Center for the Study of Tax Administration, Korea Institute of Public Finance. (2022-2023)
  • Research associate, Center for Regulatory Studies, Korea Development Institute. (2020-2022) 
  • Project intern in Vietnam, Korea International Cooperation Agency. (2019)


  • Kim, J.W., & Choi, Y.S. (2021). Post-COVID Korean Carbon Market and Implications From the EU Emissions Trading System. Korea Institute of Public Administration Public Policy Review, 2(1).