Public Affairs 4310: State and Local Public Finance
This is a sample syllabus to provide general information about the course and it's requirements. Course requirements are subject to change. This syllabus does not contain all assignment or course detail and currently enrolled students should reference the syllabus provided by their instructor. For a specific syllabus, please email us a request.
Learning Outcomes
The course contributes to all Glenn College learning goals and objectives related to foundational knowledge in public affairs; competencies in management, leadership, and policy analysis; and developing an appreciation for multiple perspectives in public affairs. In particular, the course focuses on the following objectives at an advanced level (unless otherwise noted): Upon completion of this course, students should understand:
- Students can examine governmental, financial, economic, legal, and political institutions, and systems that constitute the public and nonprofit sectors.
- Students can describe and explain public sector policy making and administrative processes.
- Students can define and address problems in the public and/or nonprofit sectors using analytical tools.
- Students can communicate effectively via written, oral, and electronic methods in public and/or nonprofit sectors.
- Students can conduct advanced data analysis to inform decision making in the public and/or nonprofit sectors. (Intermediate level)
Requirements and Expectations
This course may require a text book. Please check your instructor's syllabus for details.
In-Class Worksheets (5 points each), 100 points, 11.2%
Written Assignments (100 points each), 300 points, 33.3%
Problem Sets (200 points each), 200 points, 22.2%
Exams (100 points each), 300 points, 33.3%
Total 900 points
Students are required to complete worksheets collaboratively in groups during class meetings. The worksheets will contain problems relating to that day’s course content. Worksheets will be distributed at the beginning of class and students will be given time during class meetings to complete the worksheets.
Each student will submit their completed worksheet to the instructor at the end of the class meeting. Worksheets will be scored based on accuracy and completeness of work. Worksheet answer keys will be posted on Carmen after the conclusion of the class meeting. Worksheets will not be accepted after the conclusion of the class meeting. The 2 lowest worksheet grades will be increased to 5 points at the end of the semester.
Students are required to complete 3 written assignments. The written assignments are meant for students to apply the knowledge gained from the weekly course materials, lectures, and in-class activities to real-world public finance problems. These are meant to give you experience writing brief, concise, and informative research memos in response to a request for information from a policy maker or high-level public manager. News and other readings and commentaries as well as a memo template are provided for each of the written assignments.
Each student must prepare a professional memorandum not exceeding 2 pages that explains the key issues relevant to the public finance problem and answers questions posed that require application of knowledge from the course. Students may collaborate to prepare for completing the written assignments, but the final memo must be each student’s original, independent work product. Each assignment includes instructions and a grading rubric to guide student performance. The written assignments must be submitted through Carmen. Due dates for the written assignments are provided below in the Course Schedule and on Carmen. Late submission of written assignments will receive a 10% penalty per day.
Students are required to complete 2 problem sets. The problem sets cover concepts and methods presented in the course readings, in-class lectures, and in-class worksheets prior to Exam #1 and Exam #2. The problem sets must be submitted through Carmen. Due dates for the problem sets are provided below in the Course Schedule and on Carmen. Problem set answer keys will be posted on Carmen. To provide as much time as possible for students to access the answer keys for the problem sets before Exam #1 and Exam #2, late submission of problem sets will receive a 50% penalty per day and will not be accepted after 2 days following the due date.
Students are required to complete 3 exams that are administered in class. Make-up exams will be administered only if arrangements are made by the end of the 3rd week of the semester and scheduled before the day/time the exam will take place. No make-up exams will be administered after the scheduled exam date and time. Failure to make arrangements to take the exam before the scheduled exam date or to take an exam at the scheduled time will result in a grade of zero.