Jos C.N. Raadschelders Curriculum Vitae
350c Page Hall
1810 College Road
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio 43210-1336
Office phone: 614-688-4325
Fax: 614-292-4868
University of Leiden
Leiden, the Netherlands
Ph.D: Social Sciences
May 16, 1990
University of Leiden
Leiden, the Netherlands
M.A.: History
(minors: Public Administration and International Relations)
December 10, 1982
Teacher's College Southwest Netherlands
Delft, the Netherlands
B.A.: History, History of Art, Textiles
December 19, 1979
Professional Experience
Professor, 2011- present
Faculty Director of Professional Development Programs (July 2018 – present)
Associate Dean for Faculty Development, April 2015 – April 2023
(Interim Associate Director, August 2011 – August 2012, Associate Director July 2014 – April 2015)
John Glenn College of Public Affairs
The Ohio State University
Co-Editor in Chief Public Administration Review
January 2024 – December 2026
Managing Editor Public Administration Review
January 2006 - December 2011
Professor, 2011-2022
(0.0. FTE basis)
Institute of Public Administration
University of Leiden, the Netherlands
Fellow, National Academy of Public Administration, 2014 – present
Adjunct Professor, College of Liberal Studies
University of Oklahoma, 2008 – 2015
Henry Bellmon Chair of Public Service, August 2000 - 2011
Professor 2001- 2011
Associate (non-tenured) Professor August 1998 - 2001 Department of Political Science
University of Oklahoma
Associate Professor 1992 - 1998
Tenured Assistant Professor 1986 - 1992
(non-tenured) Assistant Professor, September 1984 - September 1986
Department of Public Administration
University of Leiden
Contract Researcher May 1983 - September 1984
Public Administration section in Department of Political Science
University of Leiden
Administrative, Curricular and Professional Service
Administrative Service College and University
Member, Social and Behavioral Sciences, curriculum committee, College of A&S (sept.2023-present)
- Member Research Committee, Glenn College, 2023-….
- Member P&T committee, Glenn College, 2023-….
- Member, P&T Readers Program, March 2023 (OSU, reviewing six dossiers).
- Member, FLAS committee (awarding scholarships to Slavic language students), Febr.-March 2023, OSU.
- Member, Faculty Information System Evaluation Team, OSU (November 2022)
- College representative in the collaborative meetings of the Drake Teaching and Learning Center (fall 2021-….)
- MA/MPS accreditation subcommittee, Glenn College (fall 2021- spring 2022)
- Reviewer, President’s Research Excellence seed funding program (summer 2021 – summer 2023)
- Member Faculty Conflict of Interest Advisory Committee (COIAC), OSU (spring 2021-….)
- Member Evaluation of Teaching Committee, OSU (spring 2021-….)
- Member, Theme Advisory Group for Citizenship Theme in the new GE, OSU (spring 2021-….)
- Member, Doctoral Committee, Glenn College (fall 2020 - ….)
- Reviewer, nominations for the President’s Postdoctoral Program, OSU (spring 2020, fall 2020)
- Member, Graduate Enrichment Fellowship Review Committee, OSU (spring 2020, spring 2021) (incl. in spring 2021 Osmer Fellowship)
- Member, Vita advisory committee, OSU (Fall 2019 – Spring 2020).
- Member, Professional Colleges Workgroup, OSU Research and Creative Expression Strategic Plan (June 2019).
- Member, search committee assistant dean, Graduate School OSU (spring 2019).
- Member, search committee Archivist for OSU libraries (spring 2019).
- Member, Budget and Strategic Planning committee, Glenn College (spring 2017, 2018-2019).
- Chair, ad hoc committee updating APT document Glenn College re. diversity and promotion to professor (spring 2017).
- Member OSU Fullbright Review Panel (Belgium, France) (fall 2016).
- Member ad hoc committee Faculty Recruitment Policy and Search, FRN (fall 2016- spring 2017).
- Member, College Research Officers, OSU (since 2014).
- Member, Faculty Resource Network (FRN) committee, OSU (since 2014).
- Member, NASPAA best dissertation award committee, 2016-2018.
- Chair, technology committee, to advise on online education for the Glenn College (fall 2015).
- Coordinator of lesson-plan American government, Safelite Autoglass managers (fall 2015-2017).
- Coordinator for Glenn College - iCivics-Ohio, lesson-plan development (2014-2017).
- Faculty of record for development of programs for targeted audiences (e.g. Ohio Public Safety and Leadership Academy, for police officers in leadership roles, since 2013; management and leadership certificates, since 2017).
- Member, committee to implement ad hoc budget committee recommendations (OSU, fall 2014-2016).
- Chair, ad hoc technology committee, Glenn School, to advise on use of technology in classroom (fall 2014).
- Chair, ad hoc committee to revise the Glenn School’s APT document (2014-15).
- Co-chair (with Deborah Larsen) of the ad hoc committee conducting the review of OSU’s budget model, Ohio State University Faculty Senate (October 2013 – March 2014).
- Member, OSU Fiscal Committee, 2013-2016; and member of the Central Distribution Subcommittee, 2013- 2016 (subcmte. of the fiscal cmte).
- Member, OSU University Senate, 2013-2016; and member of the Faculty Council 2013-2016.
- Member (since 2013) and chair (2015) of doctoral exam committee, John Glenn College of Public Affairs.
- Director of MA/MPA Programs, Graduate Studies Chair, OSU, John Glenn School of Public Affairs 2012 - 2014.
- Interim Associate Director for Academic Affairs and Research, OSU, John Glenn School of Public Affairs 2011-2012.
- Member, Faculty Compensation and Benefits Committee, OSU Senate subcommittee, 2012 - 2013.
- Chair, Curriculum Committee, John Glenn School of Public Affairs, OSU, 2011- 2014.
- Member, Tenure and Promotions Committee of the College of Arts and Sciences, OU, 2010-2011.
- Member, Faculty Senate Committee on Faculty Compensation, OU 2010-11.
- Graduate Council representative in the Campus Departmental Review Panel, OU 2009-2010.
- Member of the OU Athletics Appeal Committee 2009-2010.
- Member of the OU Graduate Council 2009-2010.
- Member of Course and Curriculum Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, OU, 2008-2010.
- Member of the OU Faculty Senate, representative of the College of Arts and Sciences, Fall 2003-Spring 2004, 2004-2007 term.
- Member of the Academic Program Council, OU, 2004-2007.
- Member of the Faculty Appeals Board, OU, 2004-2008, chair 2007-2008.
- Member of Campus Tenure Committee, OU, 2004-2007, chair 2006-2007.
- Member of OU Continuing Education Council, OU, 2003-2006, chair 2004-2005 and March-May 2006.
- Member Executive Committee Advanced Programs, OU College of Continuing Education (Spring - Fall 2006).
- Member of Committee A, Department of Political Science, OU, 2002-2003.
- Member of Library Committee, OU Tulsa Campus, Fall 2004.
- Member of OU University Research Council, 2001-2004.
- Member of OU Academic Regulations Committee, 2000-2004.
- Member, Graduate Studies Committee, Department of Political Science, OU, 1998-2011.
- Member of McNiven Award Committee, OU, Department of Political Science, 1999-2011.
- Member of PA-Committee, OU, 1998-2011, chair and field coordinator, 2001-2011.
- Member of the Daily Board (i.e. Committee A) of the Department of Public Administration, portfolio of research, University of Leiden (1997-1998).
- Director, International Programs (Public Administration) University of Leiden (1992-1998) (involved organization of fall-term exchange program of 10-12 courses for 40-60 students from USA, Eastern and Western Europe and South-Africa (also involved chairing International Committee with coordinators of exchange networks of Leiden PA with Indiana University, the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) in the USA, the Erasmus-network in the EU, the European Masters of Public Administration network, and the Tempus-network with Eastern Europe).
- Coordinator, International Programs (Public Administration) University of Leiden (1989-1992) (involved organization of fall-term exchange program of 10 to 12 courses for 40-60 students per fall-term from USA and EU).
- Member University Council, Leiden University (1989, 1991-1993).
- Member, Personnel Committee, University Council (1991-1993).
- Resident Director, Indiana University, SPEA Exchange Program (August to October 1988, January 1989).
- Member, Committee on Teaching and Research of the University Council (1989).
- Member, Planning and Budgeting Committee, Faculty of Social Sciences (1987-1991).
- Secretariate of the Advisory Board of Public Administration (1987-1988).
- International Exchange Committee, Department of Public Administration, University of Leiden (1988-1998).
Extra-Curricular Activities
Mentoring program for faculty and adjunct instructors regarding classroom and course issues (e.g., diversity, difficult discussions, teaching methods), developed with Dr. Kathleen Hallihan and funded with a grant from OSU (2018 – present).
- Served as OU mentor for a group of incoming freshmen; organized group and individual meetings (Fall 2009).
- (together with Mitchell Smith) Organization of a graduate seminar (Ph.D., MPA) on various topics relevant to the academic and professional development of doctoral and master students (2002-2011).
- Organization of summer school with Edward C. Page for the Netherlands Institute of Government, Rotterdam, June 25-27, 1997.
- Organization of summer school with V. en E. Ostrom and Gary Wamsley, for the Netherlands Institute of Government, Leiden, June 6-9, 1995.
- Organizer, excursion to Hungary (visits to University of Budapest and Hungarian Parliament, lectures on Hungarian government) for the Leiden International Exchange Program, (October 21-28, 1989).
Conference Organization
ASPA annual conference 2021; reviewer for the track: Beyond Borders: Joining Forces for Shared Learning and Action (about 45 proposals).
- Evaluator of 51 paper proposals for the Founders Forum, ASPA annual conference, Las Vegas, March 2-6, 2012.
- Organizer doctoral summit (professional development seminar for Ph.D. students), ASPA annual conference, Las Vegas, March 4, 2012; New Orleans, March 17, 2013; Washington, D.C., March 16, 2014; Chicago, March
- 8, 2015; Seattle, March 18, 2016; Atlanta, March 17, 2017; Denver, March 11, 2018).
- Organizer of conference on Civil Service Systems in Comparative Perspective, at Virginia Polytech, Blacksburg, VA, September 29 - October 2, 2005.
- Panel-organizer ASPA 2004 on different intellectual perspectives upon government (published as symposium in Administrative Theory & Praxis (December 2005).
- Member program committee for national conference ASPA, Phoenix, 2002 and 2003; + organization of four panel sessions on public sector ethics.
- (together with Donald Klingner, Zhyong Lan) Organization of four panels under the umbrella of the Section of International and Comparative Administration, ASPA, Orlando, April 1-4, 2000
- Session-organizer annual conference of European Group of Public Administration, Rotterdam, September 6-9, 1995.
- Session-organizer 3rd Annual Congress of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, Washington, D.C., 16-20 September 1992.
- Co-organizer 'Civil Service Systems in Comparative Perspective', International Congress, October 17-19, 1991, Universities of Leiden and Rotterdam; co-organizer 'Civil Service Systems in Comparative Perspective', International conference at the School for Public and Environmental Affairs, IU-Bloomington, April 5-8, 1997.
- Member of Steering Committee Civil Service Systems in Comparative Perspective, international research Project coordinated by James L. Perry (SPEA, Indiana University) and Theo A.J. Toonen (Leiden University) (1991-1998). Coordinator for Leiden input in the project (since 1995).
- Organizer of Working Group 'Administrative Reform in Historical Perspective', for the annual conference of EGPA, Rotterdam September 6-9, 1995.
- Seminar organizer 'Philosophy and Methodology of Public Administration', Leiden (October 1988) University of Leiden.
Editorial, Review, and Accreditation Experience
Book Series Editor:
Foundations of Government and Public Administration, Palgrave Pivot Series, Palgrave Macmillan (2017-….) (with co-editor R.A.W. Rhodes)
Editorial Board Member, Book Series:
- Successful Public Governance, Edward Elgar series, (2018-…) (co-editors Paul ‘t Hart, Tina Nabatchi).
Editorial Boards Journals:
- Administration & Society (since 2011)
- Administrative Theory & Praxis (2000-present)
- American Review of Public Administration (since 2012)
- Armed Forces & Society (since 2011)
- Halduskultuur - The Estonian Journal of Administrative Culture and Digital Governance (since 2018)
- Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration (since 2012)
- International Journal of Public Administration (since 2015)
- International Journal of Public Leadership (since 2020)
- International Journal of Public Service, Economics, and Management (since 2007)
- International Public Management Journal (2003-2006)
- Jahrbuch für Europäische Verwaltungsgeschichte (2002-2009)
- Journal of Public Affairs Education (1998-2001)
- Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs (2017-2020)
- Public Administration: An International Quarterly (since 2013)
- Public Organization Review (since 2015)
- Storia Amministrazione Costituzione (Yearbook of Administrative and Constitutional History) (since 2013)
- The Innovation Journal. The Public Sector Innovation Journal (since 2014)
- World Affairs (since 2022)
- Yearbook of European Administrative History (1999-2008)
- member editorial board for the Geschiedenis van Holland. Hilversum: Verloren (3 volumes on history of the province of Holland, published 2001-2003)
External Reviewer for:
- Acta Politica (2015)
- Administory. Journal for the History of Public Administration / Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsgeschichte (2019, 2021)
- Administration & Society (1993, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2010 2x, 2012 4x, 2013 4x, 2014 5x, 2015 2x, 2016, 2017 2x, 2018, 2020, 2022)
- Administrative Theory & Praxis (2000 5x, 2001 8x, 2002, 2003 2x, 2004 2x, 2005, 2006, 2009 2x, 2010, 2011, 2013 7x, 2014, 2016, 2017 5x, 2018 2x, 2020 2x, 2021 3x)
- American Political Science Review (2007)
- The American Review of Public Administration (2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009 2x, 2010 2x, 2011, 2012 4x, 2013 2x, 2014 3x, 2015 3x, 2016 9x, 2017 11x, 2018 7x, 2019 11x, 2020 5x, 2021 2x, 2022 3x, 2023 6x)
- Armed Forces & Society (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 2x, 2012 4x, 2014 2x, 2015, 2016 2x, 2017, 2018 3x, 2019 2x, 2020, 2021 3x, 2022 9x, 2023, 2024)
- Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (2023)
- Canadian Journal of Political Science (2004)
- Comparative Technology Transfer & Society (2003)
- Environment and Social Psychology (2023)
- Governance (2002, 2004, 2005, 2011, 2012)
- Humanities (2013)
- Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Studies (2021)
- International Journal of Public Administration (2015, 2017 2x, 2018, 2020 2x, 2021 2x)
- International Journal of Public Leadership (2018, 3x; 2019 8x, 2020 5x, 2021 5x, 2022, 2023 6x)
- International Public Management Journal (2004, 2014, 2020, 2022)
- International Review of Administrative Sciences (1998, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004 2x, 2005 2x, 2007, 2014, 2017, 2019 3x, 2021 2x, 2022, 2023 3x)
- Jahrbuch für Europäische Verwaltungsgeschichte (2003, 2004 3x, 2007 2x, 2008 2x)
- Journal of Comparative Public Policy (2020 2x)
- Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences (2021)
- Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (2013)
- Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (2012, 2013, 2014 3x, 2015, 2016 2x, 2017, 2018 3x, 2020)
- Journal of Public Affairs Education (1998, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)
- Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs (2017, 2018)
- Natural Hazards Review (2021)
- Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (2019)
- Perspectives on Public Management and Governance (2017, 2021, 2022 2x)
- Policy & Internet (2013)
- Politics & Policy (2019, 2023 3x)
- Political Studies (1993)
- Policy Studies Journal (2015)
- Public Administration. An International Quarterly (2002, 2003 2x, 2005 6x, 2009 3x, 2010 3x, 2011 2x, 2013 2x, 2014, 2015 3x, 2016, 2017 2x, 2021 3x, 2022)
- Public Administration Review (2002, 2005 3x, 2012 2x, 2015, 2016, 2017 3x, 2018 2x, 2019, 2020 2x, 2021 3x, 2022 2x, 2023)
- Public Administration Quarterly (2023)
- Public Integrity (1999, 2008, 2021, 2022)
- Public Management Review (2009)
- Public Money and Management (2018, 2019)
- Public Organization Review (2000, 2013 2x, 2018 3x)
- Public Personnel Management (2019, 2021, 2022)
- Public Performance & Management Review (2013, 2015 2x, 2016 2x, 2023)
- Public Policy and Administration (2010)
- Public Voices (2000 4x)
- Review of Public Personnel Administration (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 2x)
- Science and Public Policy (2019)
- Social Theory and Practice (2021)
- State and Local Government Review (2013, 2014)
- The Innovation Journal. The Public Sector Innovation Journal (2014, 2015 2x, 2016 2x, 2017, 2018 2x, 2021 2x)
- Water (2013)
- World Affairs (2021 2x; 2022 5x; 2023; 2024 2x)
- Reviewer for Dutch journals such as Bestuurswetenschappen (Journal of Public Administration: 1991-1998), Beleidswetenschappen (Policy Sciences, 1989-1998), and Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis (Journal of History, 1994).
- Reviewer of book proposals for Prentice Hall Publishers (1999), Sage Publications (2000), IOS Press (2002), SAGE Publications (2003), Palgrave McMillan (2010, 2016, 2017), Leiden University Press (2012), Westview Press (2015), Routledge (2016, 2017, 2018 2x, 2019 3x, 2021, 2022 3x), Melvin & Leigh (2016), Rowman & Littlefield (2016, 2018), Cambridge University Press (2016, for a book proposal series), Oxford University Press (2019), Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2019), Bristol University Press (2020), Springer Nature (2020, 2021), Edward Elgar (2020), University of Michigan Press (2021, 2023, 2024).
- Reviewer of draft chapter 19 (Policy and Administration) in Donald C. Menzel, Harvey L. White (eds.), The State of Public Administration: Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities, M.E. Sharpe (2010).
- Co-editor, ‘Bestuurswetenschappelijke Kroniek’ (i.e. Administrative Science Chronicle, together with professor Theo A.J. Toonen) in Bestuurswetenschappen (i.e. Dutch Journal of Public Administration), (1991- 1998); co-editor of the Compendium Politiek, Samenleving en Bestuur in Nederland (= Compendium of Politics, Administration and Society: in Dutch) (April 1997 – June 1998);
- Symposium co-editor (together with Mark R. Rutgers) Administrative Theory & Praxis (December 2000); symposium editor ATP (December 2005).
Program Reviews
- Member site visit team (NASPAA), Department of Political Science, the MPP-program, Northern Iowa University, March 23-25, 2023.
- External reviewer, School of Government Studies, North West University, South Africa, fall 2021.
- Member Site Visit Team (NASPAA accreditation): MPA, MPP and Key Executive programs at American University, March 1-4, 2016.
- Member site visit team (EAPAA Accreditation): Master of Public Management Program, School of Management and Governance, University of Twente, the Netherlands, June 12-14, 2013.
Professional Service (e.g., Glenn College, OSU, ASPA, NASPAA, NAPA, media)
- meeting with group of international visitors from Ukraine at the Glenn College, U.S. State Department’s International Visitor Leadership Program and the International Visitors Council of Columbus, February 6, 2024.
- meeting with four visitors Legislative Fellows Program for South and Central Asia, U.S. State Department and International Visitors Council of Columbus, September 29, 2023.
- meeting with seven visitors International Visitor Youth and Civic Engagement Program for India and Pakistan, U.S. State Department and International Visitors Council of Columbus, December 6, 2022.
- speaker “Looking Back, Looking Forward: Student Perspectives on the New Political Landscape,” Law and Society Honors program, OSU, November 28, 2022, 7-8:30 pm, Cartoon Room of the Ohio Union.
- meeting with six visitors Legislative Fellows Program for South and Central Asia, U.S. State Department and International Visitors Council of Columbus, October 17, 2022.
- meeting with six visitors Legislative Fellows Program for South and Central Asia, U.S. State Department and International Visitors Council of Columbus, September 9, 2022.
- meeting with group of 20 international visitors (faculty, consultants, nonprofit leaders) at the Glenn College,
- U.S. State Department’s International Visitor Leadership Program and the International Visitors Council of Columbus, July 12, 2022.
- Participant in webinar panel on TOME publishing (i.e., Open Access; collaboration between OSU libraries and university presses), OSU-libraries, March 22, 2022, 1-3 p.m., discussing experiences with OA publishing (my latest book with University of Michigan Press)
- YouTube recording, ASPA-Oklahoma chapter, discussion between Dr. Aimee L. Franklin (University of Oklahoma) and Jos C.N. Raadschelders on Citizen & Stakeholder Engagement in a Global Society, recorded on June 30, 2021.
- ASPA book Webinar, on The Three Ages of Government by Jos C.N. Raadschelders, moderated by Dr. Aimee L. Franklin, June 24, 2021, 1.30-2 p.m.
- Speaker, “Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, oh my!” OSU Student Group MUNDO (Multicultural Understanding through Non-traditional Discovery Opportunities. March 29, 2021, 6.30-8 p.m.
- Facilitator, developing strategic plan for the refugee organization of the Bhutanese Community of Central Ohio (BCCO), November 16, 2019; February 1, 2020.
- Discussing with a group of Iranian scholars on their research into the development of the modern Iranian civil service, Sharif University; contact, Dr. Roohollah Honarvar, 2019; Febr. 4, 2021, 9-10 a.m.; Febr. 11, 2021, 9- 11 a.m. (via skype).
- Member, panel, Education for Citizenship, February 11, 2021, 6-7 p.m. (via zoom).
- Member, NAPA Membership Committee, spring 2021 – present.
- Member, committee selecting ASPA’s Laverne Burchfield award for best book review 2020, 2021.
- ASPA annual conference 2021: proposal reviewer for conference track Beyond Borders: Joining Forces for Shared Learning and Action (eight panels, 43 papers).
- Human Rights Media, panelist at webinar session, October 9, 2020, 11-12.30: presentation on advancing human rights through awareness of possibility and need for a sixth level intentionality.
- Facilitation strategic planning, board of overseers, Bhutanese refugees in Columbus, November 16, 2019.
- Meeting legislative fellows from India, Nepal, Pakistan, US State Department, November 12, 2019.
- Meeting with delegation from Indonesia on smart cities, US State Department visitors, October 18, 2019.
- Interview, Public Affairs Student Association, November 8, 2018.
- Keynote, Model United Nations, Ohio Student Union, April 6, 2018.
- Student group Project Aware, talk on health policy and science, Student Union, President’s Room, March 6, 2018, 7-8 p.m.
- TEDx talk, February 24, 2018, on “A Reconceptualization of Government?” OSU, Mershon Auditorium, at
- Interdisciplinary Policy Circle, Battelle Center for Science, Engineering and Public Policy, February 21, 2018; inaugural presentation and discussion “Scientists in the Civil Service,” OSU, research commons library 18th street, 3rd floor, 4-5 p.m.
- Glenn College Dialogue, on federal civil service reform; with Ronald Sanders (Booz Allen Hamilton) and Terry Gerton (President and CEO of NAPA), October 11, 2017; Washington, D.C., Livestreamed on Facebook.
- Face the State with Scott Light, panel discussion (DACA and migration, tax reform policy), WSBN 10TV, Columbus, Ohio, September 17, 2017.
- NAPA five member panel (February – July 2017): on project “Strengthening Federal Human Capital: Innovative Means for Managing Civil Servants and Contractors” for client Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust, to conduct a six-month study that produced a white paper with innovative solutions on human capital issues. Panel members: Donald Kettl (chair), Doris Hausser, Jozef Raadschelders, Ronald Sanders and Stan Soloway. Report July 18, 2017: NAPA (2017). No Time to Wait: Building a Public Service for the 21st Century. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Public Administration.
- Judge, “Learning Showcase” Franklin University, at Columbus Metropolitan Library (October 7, 2016).
- Member, NASPAA Dissertation Award Committee, 2016-2018.
- Member, Ohio Civility Consortium (since fall 2015).
- Member, three-person committee to select best article in the American Review of Public Administration 2011 (member in 2012) and ARPA 2012 (chair in 2013).
- Fellow of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society (since 2011).
- Managing Editor of the Public Administration Review, 2006-2011.
- SICA Election Supervisor, 2004, upon request of then ASPA President Cheryl Broom.
- Chairman of the Section for International and Comparative Administration (SICA) of the American Society for Public Administration, 1999-2000.
- Member, European Masters of Public Administration Committee (Catholic University of Leuven, London School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Leiden, Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaft Speyer, Nuffield College Oxford) (1991-1996).
- Secretariate of the International Contact Group of the Dutch Association of Public Administration (1988- 1994).
- Organizer of OU’s annual Henry Bellmon Lecture of Public Policy (2000-2010).
External Reviewer of Tenure and/or Promotion Dossiers
- (48 to date)
External Reviewer Research Proposals
- Reviewer of research proposal by Dr. Burkhardt Wolf (PI) on “Bureaugraphies. Administration After the Age of Bureaucracy.” The Austrian Science Fund, Vienna, Austria, October – December 2023.
- Reviewer of research proposal by Dr. Diego Barria (PI) and co-PIs on “From a Neoliberal to a Post-neoliberal public administration? The struggle for the meaning of public service in Chile, 1973-2018.” National Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation, Chile, September 2022.
- Reviewer of research proposal by Prof. dr. Richard Walker (City University of Hong Kong) and Prof. dr. Arjen van Witteloostuijn (University of Antwerp) on “Public administration research and real-world problems: Topic modelling the changing landscape,” Hong Kong Research Grants Council, October 2017.
- Reviewer of research proposal by Dr. Anchritt C. Wille on ‘Politicians and bureaucrats in the Netherlands: the past and future of an uneasy partnership,’ Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, Wassenaar, November 2015.
- Reviewer of research proposal by Prof. dr. R. Steiner on local government performance and reforms in Switzerland, European Co-operation in Field of Science and Technology (COST), July 2014.
- Reviewer of research proposal by Dr. Mag. Therese Garstenauer on role and position of Austrian civil servants in turbulent years of 1918 to 1941, Austrian Wissenschaftsfonds, March 2014; reviewer of revised proposal, February/March 2016.
- Reviewer of research proposal on financial management reforms in Dutch waterboards, Technological University of Delft, 2010.
- Reviewer of a research proposal on changes in the state presented by Professor Christopher Hood (All Souls, Oxford University) before the British Economic & Social Science Research Council, January 2009.
- Reviewer of research proposal by Dr. Mag. Peter Rauscher on bureaucrats in the Habsburg Empire, 1700- 1848, Austrian Wissenschaftsfonds, February 2009.
Other Service
- Organized a petition in 2004 to see that the U.S.A. again would become a member of the IIAS. The director of the Bureau of International Affairs, Department of State, back then indicated to have no interest. Again submitted in 2009 with an expanded list of signatories, including several high-level political appointees and public servants (incl. Ambassador Edward Perkins). This effort continued in 2013, seeking support from the two Ohio U.S. Senators Rob Portman and Sherrod Brown.
- Member US Student National Screening Committee, Fulbright-Hays Program. Involves reading and rating of 75-85 applications for study in Belgium/the Netherlands, followed by meeting at 809 United Nations Plaza in New York: December 3, 2009, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.; November 22, 2010; November 22, 2013.
- Judge in the ‘We the People’ competition in Congressional District 4, at University of Oklahoma Memorial Union, December 8, 2009, 9 - 11.30 a.m. Also helping to prepare one group for the statewide competition on January 23, 2010, Norman High, (one hour from 10.05-11.05 a.m. on Jan. 5, 7, 8, 12, 14 (from 9.05 – 11.05), 19, and 21, 2010). Judge in the ‘We the People’ competition in Congressional District 4, at University of Oklahoma Memorial Union, December 15, 2010, 9 - 11.30 a.m.
- Judge, Ohio Civics Bee, The Ohio State University, June 11, 2024, 6 – 10 p.m.
Books and Monographs
(In Progress)
(2024) (with Gerrit S.A. Dijkstra, Caspar van den Berg) (eds.). Geschriften over overheid en ambtelijk apparaat, Als je begrijpt wat ik bedoel. Den Haag: CAOP (334 pp.).
(2023) (with Aimee L. Franklin). Introduction to Governance, Government and Public Administration. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
(2023, 4th edition). (with Brian C. Fry). Mastering Public Administration. From Max Weber to Dwight Waldo. Chicago: Waveland Press.
(2020). The Three Ages of Government: From the Person, to the Group, to the World. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
(2017). (with Richard J. Stillman) (eds.). Foundations of Public Administration. Irvine, CA: Melvin & Leigh, Publishers (380 pp.).
(2015). (with Eran Vigoda-Gadot). Global Dimensions of Public Administration and Governance: A Comparative Voyage. San Francisco: Jossey Bass/Wiley (552 pp.).
(2015, 2nd edition). (with Theo A.J. Toonen, Frits M. Van der Meer) (eds.). The Civil Service in the 21st Century: Comparative Perspectives. Houndsmills: Palgrave MacMillan (385 pp.).
(2014). (with Eberhard Bohne, John Graham) (eds.). Public Administration and the Modern State: Assessing Trends and Impact. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan (312 pp.).
(2014, 3rd edition). (with Brian C. Fry). Mastering Public Administration. From Max Weber to Dwight Waldo. Los Angeles: Sage/CQ Press (488 pp.). Published in Turkish (Kamu Yönetimi. Max Weber’ den Dwght Waldo ‘Ya) by publisher Anı Yayıncılık in 2017 in Ankara.
(2012). An a-disciplinary public administration for a diverse society: historical, ontological, epistemological and axiological reflections. Leiden: University of Leiden (39 pp.) (inaugural lecture, June 18) (in Dutch, 43 pages).
(2011). Public Administration: The Interdisciplinary Study of Government. Oxford: Oxford University Press (288 pp.) (paperback, May 2013).
(2008, 2nd edition). (with Brian C. Fry). Mastering Public Administration. From Max Weber to Dwight Waldo. Washington, D.C.: CQ Press (386 pp.).
(2007) (with Theo A.J. Toonen, Frits M. Van der Meer) (eds.). The Civil Service in the 21st Century: Comparative Perspectives. Houndsmills: Palgrave/McMillan (319 pp.).
(2005) (ed.) The Institutional Arrangements for Water Management in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Cahier d'Histoire de l'Administration no.8, IIAS. Amsterdam: IOS Press (237 pp.).
(2003) Government: A Public Administration Perspective. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. (442 pp.), (Reprinted 2004; Shubhi Publications, India; Gurgaon, Spring Books). (re-issued by New York, NY: Routledge, March 2015).
(2002) (ed.). Church and State in European Administrative History. Vol.14 of the European Yearbook of Administrative History. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft) (387 pp.).
(1998) Handbook of Administrative History. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books (372 pp.) (2000, paperback; re-issued by Routledge 2017).
(1998) (with Frits M. van der Meer) (eds.). L'entourage administratif du pouvoir exécutif. Cahier d'Histoire de l'Administration no.5. Brussels: Ets. Bruylant (300 pp.).
(1996) Tussen Markt en Overheid. Een Bestuursgeschiedenis van de Centrale Vereniging voor Ambulante Handel 1921-1996, (i.e. Between Market and Government. An Administrative History of the National Association for Itinerant Trade). Apeldoorn: NUJ (192 pp.).
(1993) (with Theo A.J. Toonen) (eds.). Waterschappen in Nederland. Een bestuurskundige verkenning van de institutionele ontwikkeling (i.e. Waterboards in the Netherlands. An Administrative Science Exploration of the Institutional Development). Hilversum: Verloren (198 pp.).
(1992) De Vierde Macht. Ambtenaren in Nederland (i.e. The Fourth Power: The Civil Service in the Netherlands). Leiden: Stichting Burgerschapskunde/Nederlands Centrum voor Politieke Vorming (60 pp.).
(1992) Lokale bestuursgeschiedenis (Local Government History). Series on Local and Regional History. Zutphen: Walburg Pers (70 pp.).
(1992) (with Theo A.J. Toonen & Frank Hendriks). Meso-bestuur in Europees perspectief. De (randstad)provincies uit de pas? (i.e. Meso-government in European Perspective. The "Randstad" Provinces out of touch?). Leiden: University of Leiden (208 pp.).
(1990) Plaatselijke bestuurlijke ontwikkelingen. Een historisch-bestuurskundig onderzoek in vier Noord- Hollandse gemeenten (i.e. Local Government Administrative Development 1600-1980: An Administrative History of Four North Holland Municipalities). 's-Gravenhage: VNG Publishers (340 pp.).
Articles and Chapters
(manuscripts in progress/under review)
(2024). From Serving Ruling Elite to Serving the People and their Representatives: Adaptive, Responsive, and Pro-Active Civil Servants in Time. In B. Guy Peters, Donald Savoie (eds.). What has Happened with the Civil Service? Montreal: McGill University Press.
- (2024). (with Ron Sanders). A Test of Loyalty: American Career Civil Servants under Populist Attack.
- (2024) (with Steven Huefner). Election workers under stress: Pressures from political officeholders, lawyers, and citizens. (under review with Public Administration Quarterly)
- (with Travis Whetsell) Realism and the Science of Public Problems: An Alternative to Positivist Philosophy of Science in Public Administration?
- Wagner Caroline S., Jos C.N. Raadschelders, Xiaojing Cai. The Public Administration: Boundaries and (Inter)Disciplinarity. (under review American Review of Public Administration).
- (2024). Erynn E. Beaton, Jos C.N. Raadschelders, Shaun Khurana, Gregory Wilson, Nicole Rodriguez-Leach, The Yoke of Objectivity in Public Administration (and Beyond), Perspectives on Public Management and Governance
- (2024). The Future of Government and its Study of Public Administration: Accountability for Democracy. In Publicus: Journal of Public Administration Research (Turkey), 1(1), 1-57.
- (with Frits M. Van der Meer) Food Regulation and Administration in the Netherlands, 19th and 20th Centuries. (IIAS working group).
- (with Frits M. Van der Meer). Motives and Initiators of Administrative Reform in the Netherlands, 19th-20th c. In Seppo Tiihonen (ed.), Drivers of government reforms: Role of Central Budget Agencies and other main government actors. Brussels: IOS Press/IIAS.
- 168. (2024). Ambtenaren: Ruggengraat van Democratie. In Gerrit S.A. Dijkstra, Jos C.N. Raadschelders, Caspar van den Berg (eds.), Liber Amicorum voor prof.dr. Frits M. Van der Meer. Den Haag: CAOP, 27-39.
- 167. (2024). (with G.S.A. Dijkstra, C.F. van den Berg). Uitleiding. In Gerrit S.A. Dijkstra, Jos C.N. Raadschelders, Caspar van den Berg (eds.), Liber Amicorum voor prof.dr. Frits M. Van der Meer. Den Haag: CAOP, 329-332.
- 166. (2024). (with G.S.A. Dijkstra, C.F. van den Berg). Inleiding. In Gerrit S.A. Dijkstra, Jos C.N. Raadschelders, Caspar van den Berg (eds.), Liber Amicorum voor prof.dr. Frits M. Van der Meer. Den Haag: CAOP, 7-15.
- 165. (2024) (with Alex Grossman) Managing Forced Migration: Overt and Covert Policies to Limit the Influx of Ukrainian Refugees. World Affairs, 187(2), 49-62.
- 164. (2022). Challenges of Large-Scale Democracy: Bureaucracy in the Institutional Arrangement for Governing. In Elisabetta Colombo (ed.), Le Istituzioni e le Idee. Studi indisciplinati offerti a Fabio Rugge per il sui Settantesimo compleanno (i.e., Institutions and ideas. Undisciplined essays to be presented to Fabio Rugge for his seventieth birthday). Pavia: Guiffrè Francis Lefebvre, 633-647.
- 163. (2022) Antonio Serra, Early Modern Political Economist: From Good Government as Idealized Behavior to Good Government as Practical Policy. Administory, Journal for the History of Public Administration, vol.6 (Yearbook, based in Austria), 240-251.
- 162. (2022) The evolution of bureaucracy as political actor: from instrument for power, via iron cage, to container and guardian of democracy. In Andreas Ladner, Fritz Sager, Alexander Bastianen (eds.), Handbook on the Politics of Public Administration. Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 13-23.
- 161. (2022) Historical Roots of Public Administration: Development of the Interaction between Political and Administrative Officeholders. In Kuno Schedler (ed.), Edgar Encyclopedia of Public Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers, 7-10.
- 160. (2022). A historical and global perspective on teaching and learning public administration: how to govern and what to do when governing. In Karin Bottom, John Diamond, Pamela T. Dunning, Ian Elliott (eds.). Global Handbook on the Teaching of Public Administration. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers, 35-43.
- 159. (2022) (With Gerrit S.A. Dijkstra). Commentary – The Bosnian Tinderbox: Is Putin Holding the Wick? World Affairs, 185(2), 312-318.
- 158. (2022) (with Gerrit S.A. Dijkstra). The High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina: The Unusual Institutional Arrangement of a Controlled “Democracy.” World Affairs, 185(2), 285-311.
- 157. (2021) (with Miriam Chitiga). Ethics Education in the Study of Public Administration: Anchoring to Civility, Civics, Social Justice, and Understanding Government in Democracy. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 27(4), 398-415.
- 156. (2021) Scott Douglas, Paul ’t Hart, Chris Ansell, Lotte Bogh-Anderson, Matthew Flinders, Brian Head, Donald Moynihan, Janine O’Flynn, Tina Nabatchi, B. Guy Peters, Jos Raadschelders, Alessandro Sancino, Thomas Schillemans, Eva Sorensen, Jacob Torfing. “Towards Positive Public Administration: A Manifesto.” Policy Design and Practice, online, published September 3, 2021.
- 155. (2021). Ideal Civil Servants: Are there Eastern and Western Traditions? Seong-ho Ahn, Gwang Yeol Mah, Yong-duck Jung (eds.). The Proactive Public Administration: Theory and Practice. Seoul: KIPA, 58-73 (in Korean; adapted and enlarged version of piece in Administration Focus).
- 154. (2020). The Future of Public Administration Scholarship in South Africa and the World: Serving Democracy, Practice and Academe. Journal of Public Administration (South Africa), 55(2), 176-196.
- 153. (2020). Impartial, Skilled, Respect for Law: The Ancient Ideals of Civil Servants at the Root of Eastern and Western Traditions. Korean Journal of Policy Studies, 35(1), 1-27.
- 152. (2020). Ideal Civil Servants: Are there Eastern and Western Traditions? Administration Focus, 144 (3-4), 84-96 (in Korean).
- 151. (2020) (with Jennica Larrison). Understanding Migration: The Case for Public Administration. International Journal of Public Administration, 43(1), 37-48.
- 150. (2019) (with Jennica Larrison, Aditi Thapar). Refugee Migration as Wicked Problem: American Controlling, Palliative and Governing Policies in a Global Context. World Affairs Journal, 182(3), 228-255.
- 149. (2019). The Iron Cage in the Information Age: Bureaucracy as Tangible Manifestation of a Deep Societal Phenomenon. In Edith Hanke, Lawrence Scaff, Sam Whimster (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Max Weber. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 557-574.
- 148. (2019) (with Russell Hassan, Jongsoo Park). Taking a Closer Look at the Empowerment and Performance Relationship: Results of a Field Study in Law Enforcement Agencies. Public Administration Review, 79(3), 427-438.
- 147. (2019) (with Tony Verheijen) Globalization and Internationalization: Impact upon the State and the Civil Service. In Diane Stone, Kim Moloney (eds.). Oxford Handbook on Global Policy and Transnational Administration. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 41-58.
- 146. (2019) (with Travis Whetsell, Ana-Maria Dimand, Katherine Kieninger). Journal of Public Affairs Education at 25: Topics, Trends, and Authors. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 25(1), 51-72.
- 147. (2019) The State of Theory in the Study of Public Administration in the USA: Balancing Evidence-Based, Usable Knowledge and Conceptual Understanding. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 41(1), 79-98.
- 145. (2018) (with Russell Hassan, Jongsoo Park). How Police Leaders Can Get the Best Work from Their Officers. Police. The Law Enforcement Magazine, 42(9), 50-52.
- 144. (2018) (with David Landsbergen) Decision Making. In A. Farazmand (ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy and Governance. Springer, Cham, (May 25, online first) 1-9 (also in second edition, 2023, pp. 3003-3011).
- 143. (2018) (with Travis A. Whetsell) Conceptualizing the Landscape of Complex Public Problem Solving. International Journal of Public Administration, 41(14), 1132-1144.
- 142. (2017) The United States of America as Rechtsstaat: State and Administrative Law as key to Understanding the Administrative State. Public Administration Review, 77(3), 458-465.
- 141. (2017) Administrative History as a Core Element in the Study of Public Administration. In Jos C.N. Raadschelders, Richard J. Stillman (eds.). Foundations of Public Administration. Irvine, CA: Melvin & Leigh, Publishers, 40-56.
- 140. (2017) (with Richard J. Stillman), Foundations for the Future of Research in the Study of Public Administration. In ibid. (eds.). Foundations of Public Administration. Irvine, CA: Melvin & Leigh, Publishers, 1-17.
- 139. (2016) Una Administración Pública Adisciplinaria para una Sociedad Diversa: Una Reflexión Histórica, Ontológica, Epistemológica y Axiológica. Revista de Gestión Pública, 5(1), 5-64. (translation of Leiden inaugural, 2012).
- 138. (2016) Can We Satisfactorily gauge the Socio-political Trends of our Own Age? Mark Bevir’s Views on Governance and Changing Democracy. Asian Journal of Political Science, 24(2), 1-11.
- 137. (2016) Overheid (i.e.: government). In Adriaan in ‘t Groen, Charlotte de Roon, Pieter Slaman (eds.), Leids- Haags Allegorieën Lexicon. Delft: Eburon, 245-252.
- 136. (2015) Changing European Ideas about the Public Servant: A Theoretical and Methodological Framework for Why and How to Study This. In Fritz Sager, Patrick Overeem (eds.), The European Public Servant: A Shared Administrative Identity? Colchester: ECPR Press, 15-34.
- 135. (2015) (with Theo A.J. Toonen, Frits M. Van der Meer). Civil Servants in the Enabling State of the 21st Century. In ibid. (eds.), The Civil Service in the 21st Century: Comparative Perspectives. Houndmills: Palgrave MacMillan, 354-370.
- 134. (2015) (with Theo A.J. Toonen, Frits M. Van der Meer). Civil Service Systems and the Challenges of the 21st Century. In ibid. (eds.), The Civil Service in the 21st Century: Comparative Perspectives. Houndmills: Palgrave MacMillan, 1-14.
- 133. (2015) (with Marie-Louise Bemelmans-Videc) Political System Reform. Can Administrative Reform Succeed Without? In Jos C.N. Raadschelders, Theo A. J. Toonen, Frits M. Van der Meer (eds.). The Civil Service in the 21st Century: Comparative Perspectives. Houndsmills: Palgrave/McMillan (2nd edition), 334-353.
- 132. (2014) Administrative History of the United States: Development and State of the Art. In B. Guy Peters, Jon Pierre (eds.). Public Administration. Los Angeles: Sage Publications, vol. 1, 95-120.
- 131. (2014) (with Frits van der Meer). Dutch Central Government Elites from 1980 to 2012: Changing Characteristics and Interactions with Political Officeholders. Revue Française d’Administration Publique, 151/152 (3-4), 763-782.
- 130. (2014) (with Frits M. Van der Meer). The Social Profile of Administrative Elites in the Netherlands, 1980- 2010. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 80(4), 726-745.
- 129. (2014) (with Eberhard Bohne, John Graham). Introduction: Public Administration and the Modern State: Assessing Trends and Impact. In ibid. (eds.) Public Administration and the Modern State: Assessing Trends and Impact. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-14.
- 128. (2014) (with Eberhard Bohne, John Graham). Concluding Observations: The State is Here to Stay: We Cannot Live With It, We Cannot Live Without It. In ibid. (eds.). Public Administration and the Modern State: Assessing Trends and Impact. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.257-264.
- 127. (2014) Bureaucracy and its “Objectives”? A Response to Alexandru Roman. Administration & Society, 46(7), 853-860.
- 126. (2013) Convergence of Academic Disciplines: Necessities and Possibilities. In Yong-duck Jung (ed.) Convergence Research: Theory and Practice. Paju, Korea: Bobmunsa, 21-37 (in Korean).
- 125. (2012) What Are “Great Books” in the Study of Public Administration? Some Polemic Thoughts About the Surveys of Sherwood and Kasdan. Administration & Society, 44(7), 894-904.
- 124. (2012) Section Four: Administrative History. Introduction. In B. Guy Peters, Jon Pierre (eds.), The Sage Handbook of Public Administration. Los Angeles: Sage, 207-213.
- 123. (2011) The Future of the Study of Public Administration: Embedding Research Object and Methodology in Epistemology and Ontology. Public Administration Review, 76(6), 917-925.
- 122. (2011) Between “Thick Description” and Large-N Studies: The Fragmentation of Comparative Research. Public Administration Review, 76(6), 831-834.
- 121. (2011) (with Frits van der Meer, Toon Kerkhof) Van nachtwakersstaat naar waarborgstaat: proliferatie en vervlechting van het Nederlandse openbaar bestuur in the lange twintigste eeuw (1880-2005). i.e., From nightwatch state to welfare state: proliferation and intertwinement of Dutch government in the long twentieth century). In Pieter Wagenaar, Mark Rutgers, Toon Kerkhof (eds.). Duizend Jaar Openbaar Bestuur in Nederland: Van patrimonial bestuur naar waarborgstaat (i.e., A thousand years of government in the Netherlands: From patrimonial administration to welfare state). Muiderberg: Coutinho, 221-290.
- 120. (2011) The Study of Public Administration in the United States. Public Administration (UK), 89(1), 140-155.
- 119. (2011) (with Kwang-Hoon Lee). Trends in the Study of Public Administration: Empirical and Qualitative Observations from the Public Administration Review, 2000-2009. Public Administration Review, 71(1) 19-33. (Most downloaded PAR article in 2011, 3,110 times; information from Wiley-Blackwell)
- 118. (2010) (with Frits M. van der Meer). The Administration of Dutch Migration, 19th and 20th Centuries. In Peri E. Arnold (ed.), National Approaches to the Administration of International Migration. Amsterdam/Brussels: IOS Press/IIAS, 123-141.
- 117. (2010) Is American Public Administration Dissociating from Historical Context? On the Nature of Time and the Need to Understand Government and its Study. American Review of Public Administration, 40(3), 235-261. (lead article)
- 116. (2010) Identity without Boundaries: Public Administration’s Canon(s) of Integration. Administration & Society, 42(2) 131-159. (lead article)
- 115. (2010) Did Max Weber’s Agony and Ecstacy Influence His Scholarship? Public Administration Review, 70(2), 304-316.
- 114. (2009) Trends in the American Study of Public Administration: What do they mean for Korean Public Administration? The Korean Journal of Policy Studies, 23(2), 1-24.
- 113. (2008) (with Th.A.J. Toonen and F.M. van der Meer) Modelos administrativos, tradicíones y reforma. ¿último recurso explicativo? (=Administrative Models, Traditions and Reform: Explanations of last resort? Estado, Gobierno, Gestión Pública. Revista Chilena de Administración Pública n° 12 (december), 85-103.
- 112. (2008) Understanding Government: Four Intellectual Traditions in the Study of Public Administration. Public Administration (UK), 86(4), 925-949.
- 111. (2008) (with Kwang-Hoon Lee). Political-Administrative Relations: Impact of and Puzzles in Aberbach, Putnam, and Rockman, 1981. Governance, 21(3), 419-438.
- 110. (2008) Administrative History as Core Dimension of Public Administration. Introductory essay (37 pp.), course syllabus (22 pp.) and list of references and readings (17pp.) For the webpage ‘Foundations of Public Administration’, website Public Administration Review, embedded in the website of the American Society of Public Administration (
- 109. (2008) (with Frits M. van der Meer). In Service of Dutch National Identity. The Discovery, Governance and Management of Historical and Cultural Heritage. In Stefan Fisch (ed.). National Approaches to the Governance of Historical Heritage over Time. A Comparative Report. Amsterdam/Brussels: IOS Press/IIAS, 127-145.
- 108. (2007) (with Caspar Van den Berg, Frits M. Van der Meer) Representative Government and Top Administrative Officers: A Comparative-Historical Approach to Political-Administrative Relations. In Anna Gianna Manca, Fabio Rugge (eds.), Governo Rappresentativo e Dirigenza Amministrative (seculi 19 – 20) / Representative Regierung und Führenden Beamten (19/20 Jh.). Bologna/Berlin: Societá Editrice il Mulino/Duncker & Humblot, 207-237.
- 107. (2007) (with Aimee Franklin). Tracking Invisible Residents: How Does This Phenomenon Impact Local Government? Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management, 19(4), 488-513.
- 106. (2007) (with Frits M. Van der Meer, Theo A.J. Toonen) Civil Service Systems and the Challenges of the 21st Century. In Jos C.N. Raadschelders, Theo A. J. Toonen, Frits M. Van der Meer (eds.). The Civil Service in the 21st Century: Comparative Perspectives. Houndsmills: Palgrave/McMillan, 1-13.
- 105. (2007) (with Marie-Louise Bemelmans-Videc) Political System Reform. Can Administrative Reform Succeed Without? In Jos C.N. Raadschelders, Theo A. J. Toonen, Frits M. Van der Meer (eds.). The Civil Service in the 21st Century: Comparative Perspectives. Houndsmills: Palgrave/McMillan, 279-296.
- 104. (2007) (with Frits M. Van der Meer, Theo A.J. Toonen) Civil Servants in the Enabling Framework State of the 21st Century. In Jos C.N. Raadschelders, Theo A. J. Toonen, Frits M. Van der Meer (eds.). The Civil Service in the 21st Century: Comparative Perspectives. Houndsmills: Palgrave/McMillan, 299-315.
- 103. (2007) (with Richard Stillman). Toward a New Conceptual Framework for Studying Administrative Authority. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 29(1), 4-40.
- 102. (2007) (with Frits M. Van der Meer). From the Active to the Enabling State: The Changing Role of the Senior Civil Service in Dutch National Government. In Edward C. Page, Vincent Wright (eds.), The Changing Role of Senior Service in Europe. Houndmills: Palgrave, 99-120.
- 101. (2005) Unified Knowledge - Competing Approaches - Methodological Pluralism. Introduction to a Symposium. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 27(3), 595-601.
- 100. (2005) Government and Public Administration: The Challenge of Connecting Knowledge. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 27(3), 602-627.
- 99. (2005) (with Kwang-Hoon Lee). Between Amateur Government and Career Civil Service: The American Administrative Elite in Cross-Time and Cross-National Perspective. Yearbook of European Administrative History. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 201-222.
- 98. (2005) Water Management for Multiple Purposes through Flexible Institutional Arrangements: Comparative, Theoretical and Normative Observations. In Jos C.N. Raadschelders (ed.) The Institutional Arrangements for Water Management (19th and 20th Centuries). Cahier d'Histoire de l'Administration no.8, IIAS. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 225-235.
- 97. (2005) Fresh Water Management as Collective Action in Time: A Multi-Dimensional and Multi-Level Challenge of Governance in an Inter-Disciplinary Context. In Jos C.N. Raadschelders (ed.) The Institutional Arrangements for Water Management (19th and 20th Centuries). Cahier d'Histoire de l'Administration no.8, IIAS. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 1-21.
- 96. (2004/05) (with Aimee Franklin). Ethics in Local Government Budgeting: Is there a Gap between Theory and Practice? Public Administration Quarterly, 27(4), 456-490.
- 95. (2004) (with Jacques A.M. van Blijswijk, Richard C.J. van Breukelen, Aimee L. Franklin, Pier Slump). Beyond Ethical Codes: The Management of Integrity. The Case of the Netherlands Tax and Customs Administration. Public Administration Review, 64(6), 718-727.
- 94. (2004) A Model of the Arena of PA-Theory: Bogey Man, Doctor’s Bag and/or Artist’s Medium. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 26(1), 46-78.
- 93. (2003) (with James W. Douglas). The PhD-Graduate in Public Administration: Apprentice or Master? Journal of Public Affairs Education, 9(4), 229-243.
- 92. (2003) Een betrouwbaarder overheid: de bureaucratie als proefkonijn (i.e. A more reliable government: bureaucracy as the guinea pig). In G.S.A. Dijkstra, F.M. van der Meer, M.R. Rutgers (eds.) Het belang van de publieke zaak. Beschouwingen over bestuurskunde en openbaar bestuur (i.e. The Importance of the Public Cause: Reflections on the study of public administration and government). Delft: Eburon, 213-228.
- 91. (2003) De internationale context van bestuur. (i.e. The international context of administration). In G.H.J.M. Neelen, M.R. Rutgers, M.E. Tuurenhout (eds.), De bestuurlijke kaart van Nederland. Het openbaar bestuur in zijn omgeving in nationaal en internationaal perspectief (i.e. The administrative map of the Netherlands. Government in its environment in national and international perspective). Bussum: Coutinho, 191-201.
- 90. (2003) Section Four: Administrative History. Introduction to section four of the Handbook of Public Administration, B. Guy Peters, Jon Pierre (eds.), Thousand Oaks: Sage, 161-169.
- 89. (2003) (with Van der Meer). Mal-administration in the Netherlands in the 19th and 20th Centuries. In Seppo Tiihonen (ed.) The History of Corruption in Central Government. Cahier d'Histoire de l'Administration no.7. Amsterdam: IOS Press. International Institute of Administrative Sciences, 179-196.
- 88. (2003) Understanding Government through Differentiated Integration in the Study of Public Administration. In Mark R. Rutgers (ed.) Retracing Public Administration, vol.7 of Research in Public Administration, Amsterdam: JAI Press, 329-356.
- 87. (2002/03) Cal Hobson. Education for Economy and Society: A Focus on and a Vision for Oklahoma. Oklahoma Politics, vol.11 (published in April 2003) (ghost author), 27-52.
- 86. (2002) An Administrative History Perspective on Church-State Relations: On the Varied Impacts of Judeo- Christian Heritage and Organized Religion. In Jos C.N. Raadschelders (ed.), Church and State in European Administrative History. Vol.14 of the Yearbook of European Administrative History. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1-20.
- 85. (2002) Woodrow Wilson on the History of Government. Passing Fad or Constitutive Framework for His Philosophy of Governance? Administration & Society, 35(5), 579-598.
- 84. (2002) Public Administration: Toward a Study of Government or Public Affairs for Civil Society. Inaugural lecture Henry Bellmon Chair of Public Service, 8 April 2002, 55 pages.
- 83. (2000) (with Frits M. van der Meer). The unification of the civil service pension system in the Netherlands in the 19th and early 20th century. In: Bernd Wunder (ed.), Yearbook of European Administrative History, vol.12, 113- 126.
- 82. (2000) (with Mark R. Rutgers). Foreword, to Symposium - Rewriting the Present: The Meaning and Reconstruction of Past Administrative Thought. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 22(4), 714-715.
- 81. (2000) (with Mark R. Rutgers, Pieter Wagenaar, Patrick Overeem). Against a Study of the History of Public Administration: A Manifesto. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 22(4), 772-791.
- 80. (2000) Administrative History of the United States: Development and State of the Art. Administration & Society, 32(5), 499-528. (lead article)
- 79. (2000) Understanding Government in Society: We See the Trees, but could we See the Forest? Administrative Theory & Praxis, 22(2), 192-225. (lead article)
- 78. (2000) (with Frits M. van der Meer). Wartime Administration and its Lasting Effects on Dutch Public Administration. In Fabio Rugge (ed.), Administration and Crisis Management: The Case of Wartime. Brussels: Cahier d'Histoire de l'Administration no.6, International Institute of Administrative Sciences, 195-221.
- 77. (1999) (with Mark R. Rutgers). The Waxing and Waning of the State and its Study. Changes and Challenges in the Study of Public Administration. In Walter J.M. Kickert & Richard J. Stillmann (eds.). Administrative Sciences in Europe and the United States. Cheltenham/UK, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 17-35.
- 76. (1999) Comparative Study of Society for Domestic Concerns; The Civilizing Consequences of Theda Skocpol’s Methodological Approach to the Past. Extensions. Journal of the Carl Albert Center for Congressional Studies, 8-11.
- 75. (1999) (with Aimee Franklin). Serving the Public Interest: The Reality of Serving Multiple Audiences. Global Virtue Ethics Review, vol.1 no.3 (
- 74. (1999) (with Theo A.J. Toonen). Public Sector Reform for Building and Recasting the Welfare State: Experiences in Western Europe. In Research in Public Administration. Stamford, CT: JAI-Press, 39-62.
- 73. (1999) (with Frits M. van der Meer). The Senior Civil Service in the Netherlands. A Quest for Unity. In Edward C. Page, Vincent Wright (eds.), Bureaucratic Elite in Western European States. A Comparative Analysis of Top Officials. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 205-228.
- 72. (1999) (with Frans K.M. van Nispen). Public Administration Programmes in The Netherlands. In Tony Verheijen and Bernadette Connaughton (eds.), Higher Education Programmes in Public Administration: Ready for the Challenge of Europeanisation. Limerick: University of Limerick, Occasional Paper no.3, 259-292.
- 71. (1999) (with B.J.S. Hoetjes). Internationale instituties. In G.H.J.M. Neelen, M.R. Rutgers, M.E. Tuurenhout (eds.), De bestuurlijke kaart van Nederland. Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho, 245-268.
- 70. (1999) A Coherent Framework for the Study of Public Administration. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 9(2), 281-303.
- 69. (1998) (with Frits M. van der Meer). Politisation ou pratiques politiques habituelles? Les Pays-Bas. Revue Française d'Aministration Publique, vol.86 (avril-juin), 281-292.
- 68. (1998) Evolution, Institutional Analysis, and Path Dependency. An Administrative-Historical Perspective on Fashionable Approaches and Concepts. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 64(4), 565-582. Also appeared simultaneously in French: (1998). Evolution; analyse institutionelle et dépendence des parcours: Une perspective historico-administrative sur les approches et concepts à la mode. In Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives, 64(4), 661-682.
- 67. (1998) 'Get it done, see it through': Dwight Waldo en de “The Administrative State.” Bestuurskunde (= Public Administration), 7(4), 157-165.
- 66. (1998) Bestuurswetenschappen 1947-1996 (= Dutch Journal of Public Administration 1947-1996). In H.M. de Jong (ed.), Bestuurswetenschappen. Een analyse van 50 jaar bestuurswetenschappen (= Dutch Journal of Public Administration. An analysis of 50 years of administrative science). Den Haag: VNG-Uitgeverij, 4-39.
- 65. (1998) (with Frits M. van der Meer). Administering the Summit: a comparative perspective. In ibidem, L'entourage administratif du pouvoir exécutif. Cahier d'Histoire de l'Administration no.5. Brussels: Ets. Bruylant, 13-33.
- 64. (1998) (with Frits M. van der Meer). Administering the Summit in the Netherlands 1795-1995. In ibidem, L'entourage administratif du pouvoir exécutif. Cahier d'Histoire de l'Administration no.5. Brussels: Ets. Bruylant, 227-249.
- 63. (1997) 'Ploegpaard in gemengden dienst'. Bestuurlijke ontwikkelingen vanaf de vroegste tijd in de Nederlandse gebieden (i.e. Ploughorse in mixed service. Administrative developments from the earliest times in the Dutch territories). In J.A.P.M. van den Bosch, J.C.M. Cox, E.L. Figee, J.C. de Wildt (eds.), En bracht de schare tot kalmte. Bespiegelingen over de gemeentesecretaris door de eeuwen heen (i.e. And brought the masses to calm. Reflections about the townclerk throughout the centuries). Den Haag: SDU Uitgevers, 14-32.
- 62. (1997) The Progress of Civil Society: A 19th Century American History of Governments. Administration & Society, 29(4), 471-489.
- 61. (1997) Size and Organizational Differentiation in Historical Perspective. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 7(3), 419-441.
- 60. (1997) Belangengroep en internationalisering bestuur (i.e. Interest Group and Internationalizing Governance). Verfkroniek, 70(2), 14-18.
- 59. (1996) (with Jos de la Haye). For the last time with Twelve. The European Union in 1994: A Review. In J.J. Hesse, Th.A.J. Toonen (eds.), The European Yearbook of Comparative Government and Public Administration, vol.2. Baden-Baden/Boulder: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft/Westview, 7-45.
- 58. (1996) Paesi Bassi. In Sabino Cassese (ed.), Annuario 1996 delle autonomie locali (on provinces-new-style in the Netherlands), 449-452 (in Italian).
- 57. (1996) Bestuurders van de stad Purmerend, 1600-1795 (= Political leaders in the town of Purmerend 1600-1795). Holland, Regionaal-historisch tijdschrift (= Holland, Regional Historical Journal), 28(1), 1-21.
- 56. (1996) A Historical Perspective on Institutions. Dominant Demarcations in the Western World. In NIG working papers no. 95-1, Hengelo: Drukkerij Twente, 35 pp.
- 55. (1996) De regio in Europa: terug van weggeweest (i.e. The region in Europe: back on the map). Atlas. Orgaan van de Leidse Studentenvereniging voor Internationale Betrekkingen, 7(1), 2-5.
- 54. (1996) (with Mark R. Rutgers). The History of Civil Service Systems. In A.J.G.M. Bekke, J.L. Perry & Th.A.J. Toonen (eds.) Civil Service Systems in Comparative Perspective. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 67- 100.
- 53. (1995) Historia Administracji - Przedmiot, Znaczenie i Przydatnosc'. Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis - Przeglad Prawa i Administracji 33(1769), 15-29 (in Polish).
- 52. (1995) (with L.G.M. Meijer). Het Waterschap: Bestuur' (i.e. The Waterboard: Administration). Compendium voor Politiek, Bestuur en Samenleving (= Compendium for Politics, Administration and Society in the Netherlands). Houten: Bohn, Stafleu, Van Loghum, C0750-1-45.
- 51. (1995) Rediscovering Citizenship. Historical and Contemporary Reflections. Public Administration (UK), 73(4), 611-625.
- 50. (1995) De historische ontwikkeling van de bureaucratie in Nederland (1795-1970) (= The historical development of bureaucracy in the Netherlands). In Compendium voor Politiek, Bestuur en Samenleving (= Compendium for Politics, Administration and Society). Houten: Bohn, Stafleu en Loghum, 104 pages.
- 49. (1995) Vrije mededinging of monopolie? Publieke regulering van private belangen vóór 1945 (i.e. Free competition or monopoly? (= Public regulation of private interests before 1945). In: G.S.A. Dijkstra, F.M. van der Meer, J.W. van der Meer (eds.), Produktschappen en Bedrijfschappen Onderzocht: Bedrijfslichamen als intermediair bestuur (i.e. Statutory Trade Organizations as intermediary government). Alphen aan den Rijn: Samsom H.D. Tjeenk Willink, 15-33.
- 48. (1995) The Use of Models in Administrative History. A Reply to Thuillier. In Bernd Wunder (ed.) The Influences of the Napoleonic "Model" of Administration on the Administrative Organization of Other Countries. Brussels: Cahier d'Histoire de l'Administration no.4, International Institute of the Administrative Sciences, 263-267.
- 47. (1995) (with Frits M. van der Meer). Between restoration and consolidation. The Napoleonic model of administration in the Netherlands 1795-1990. In Bernd Wunder (ed.) The Influences of the Napoleonic "Model" of Administration on the Administrative Organization of Other Countries. Brussels: Cahier d'Histoire de l'Administration no.4, International Institute of the Administrative Sciences, 199-222.
- 46. (1995) (with Theo A.J. Toonen). Governance and government in the Netherlands in the 19th and 20th centuries. In Walter J.M. Kickert, Frans A. van Vught (eds.) Public administration and public policy in the Netherlands. London etc.: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 27-44.
- 45. (1995) (with Frank Hendriks & Theo A.J. Toonen). The Dutch Province as a European Region: National Impediments versus European Opportunities. In Barry Jones & Michael Keating (eds.) The European Union and the Regions. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 215-230.
- 44. (1995) De gemeente georganiseerd? Bestuurlijke ontwikkeling in archiefbestanden (= The municipality organized? Administrative development in archival records). Holland. Regionaal Historisch Tijdschrift (= Holland. Regional Historical Journal) 27(1), 44-51.
- 43. (1994) (with L.C.Carasso, J.M.P. Koopmans, I.F.J. Voermans). Organisatiedifferentiatie bij de rijksoverheid in historisch perspectief 1862-1992 (= Organizational differentiation in central government in historical perspective). In Bestuurswetenschappen (= Dutch Journal of Public administration), 48(6), 483-495.
- 42. (1994) Centralizacja i decentralizacja: dychotomia i kontinuum (= Centralization and decentralization: dichotomy and continuum). Samorzad Terytorialny (= Local Government), 42(6), 3-12 (in Polish).
- 41. (1994) Tussen markt en overheid. De Centrale Vereniging en de organisatie van de belangenbehartiging in het marktwezen (= Between market and government). De Koopman (= The Merchant) 73(1716-1718), 3-5.
- 40. (1994) Understanding the Development of Local Government: Theory and Evidence from the Dutch Case. Administration and Society, 25(4), 410-442.
- 39. (1994) Administrative History: contents, meaning, and usefulness. International Review of the Administrative Sciences 60(1), 117-129.
- 38. (1994) Le contenu, le sens et la fonction de l'histoire administrative. Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives, vol.60(1), 141-155.
- 37. (1994) (with Frank Hendriks & Theo A.J. Toonen). Provincial repositioning in the Netherlands: some models and the impact of European Integration. In Udo Bullman (ed.), Die Politik der dritten Ebene. Regionen im Europa der Union. Baden Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 147-160.
- 36. (1993) Bestuursgeschiedenis en de Nederlandse bestuurskunde (= Administrative History and Dutch Public Administration). Bestuurswetenschappen (Dutch Journal of Public Administration) 47(5), 338-350.
- 35. (1993) (with Aris van Braam). Europe and its Regions: An Administrative Structure for Public Service Delivery. In John L. Mikesell (ed.), International Perspectives on Regional Development and Regional Organization. Bloomington: School for Public and Environmental Affairs, 181-199.
- 34. (1993) (with Cees J.N. Versteden). De provincie: bestuur (= The province: administration). In Compendium voor Politiek, Bestuur en Samenleving (= Compendium for Politics, Administration and Society). Houten: Bohn, Stafleu en Loghum, C0300-1-38.
- 33. (1993) (with Theo A.J. Toonen). Water-land en waterschap bestuurskundig bekeken (= Water-land and waterboard from an administrative science perspective). In Jos C.N. Raadschelders, Theo A.J. Toonen (eds.), Waterschappen in Nederland (= Waterboards in the Netherlands). Hilversum: Verloren, 1-12.
- 32. (1993) (with Frits M. van der Meer). Waterschapspersoneel en organisatie, 1900-heden (= Personnel and organisation of waterboards 1900 - present). In Jos C.N. Raadschelders, Theo A.J. Toonen (eds.) Waterschappen in Nederland (= Waterboards in the Netherlands). Hilversum: Verloren, 31-45.
- 31. (1993) (with Theo A.J. Toonen). Theorie, casus en perspectief voor onderzoek (= Theory, cases and research agenda). In Jos C.N. Raadschelders, Theo A.J. Toonen (eds.) Waterschappen in Nederland (= Waterboards in the Netherlands). Hilversum: Verloren, 179-191.
- 30. (1993) Paesi Bassi (on mesolevel government in the Netherlands). Annuario 1993 delle autonomie locali, 444- 446 (in Italian).
- 29. (1992) (with Frits M. van der Meer). Administrative History in the Netherlands: State of the Art and Research Agenda. Yearbook of European Administrative History, E.V. Heyen (ed.) vol.4, 327-342.
- 28. (1992) Adequaat anticiperen. Het Zeeuwse waterschapsbestel en haar invloed op de vormgeving van de waterbeheersing (= Adequate Anticipation: The Zeeland Waterboards and Their Influence on the Reorganization of Water Management). Zeeuws Tijdschrift (= Zeeland Journal), 6(2), 51-57.
- 27. (1992) (with Mart-Jan M. Alkemade). Ontstaan en ontwikkeling van de ministeries van algemeen bestuur 1798 - heden (= Genesis and Development of Government Departments 1798 - Present). In Jaap N. Breunese, Renk J. Roborgh, (eds.) Ministeries van Algemeen Bestuur (= Ministries of Government). Leiden: SMD Publishers, (revised edition) 45-63.
- 26. (1992) Transnationale betrekkingen: een hard ontwaken? (= Transnational Relations: Waking up the Hard Way?). In Jaap N. Breunese, Renk J. Roborgh, (eds.) Ministeries van Algemeen Bestuur (= Ministries of Government). Leiden: SMD Publishers, 319-331.
- 25. (1992) Paesi Bassi (on legislation and government of waterboards). In S. Cassese (ed.) Annuario 1992 delle autonomie locali, 423-424 (in Italian).
- 24. (1991) Overheid en marktwezen: hoeveel toezicht, hoeveel markt? (= Government and Markets: How Much Control, How Much Market?). Openbaar Bestuur (= Public Administration) 1(4), 27-32.
- 23. (1991) (with Frits M. van der Meer, Renk J. Roborgh, Theo A.J. Toonen). Representativeness and Bureaucracy in the Netherlands. In Vincent Wright (ed.), La Representativité de l'Administration Publique. Brussels: Cahier d'Histoire de l'Administration no.3, International Institute of the Administrative Sciences, 193-224.
- 22. (1991) Naschrift bij reactie Van Riel op Overheid en marktwezen (= Postscriptum to Reaction on Government and Markets). Openbaar Bestuur (= Public Administration) 1(8), 11-12.
- 21. (1991) Paesi Bassi (about police-regions). In S. Cassese (ed.) Annuario 1991 delle autonomie locali, 493-495 (in Italian).
- 20. (1991) (with Frits M. van der Meer). Het einde van de integrale politiezorg (= The End of the Integral Police System). Tijdschrift voor Politie (= Journal of Police), 53(1), 12-17.
- 19. (1991) Overheidszorg in de Zaanstreek (= Government Care in the Zaan Region). In J.P. Woudt, K. Woudt (eds.) Encyclopedie van de Zaanstreek (= Encyclopedia of the Zaan Region). North Holland Publishers: Wormerveer/Zaanstad, 563-569.
- 18. (1990) Paesi Bassi (about urban crisis and the Montijn committee). In S. Cassese (ed.) Annuario 1990 delle autonomie locali, 437-439 (in Italian).
- 17. (1990) De markt is economisch gezien van groot belang: schrappen van de marktverordening uit de Gemeentewet zal de zaken geen goed doen (= The Market is of Great Economic Value: Abolishing the Market Articles from the Municipal Act will do Business no Good). Binnenlands Bestuur (= Home Government), vol.13, 22-23.
- 16. (1989) (with Mart-Jan M. Alkemade). Ontstaan en ontwikkeling van de ministeries van algemeen bestuur, 1798 - heden (= Genesis and Development of Government Departments 1798- present). In Jaap N. Breunese, Renk J. Roborgh (eds.) Ministeries van Algemeen Bestuur (= Ministries of Government). Leiden: SMD Publishers, 33- 48.
- 15. (1989) (with Mark R. Rutgers). Grondslagen en grondvragen van de bestuurskunde. Over de methodologische fundamenten van de bestuurskunde (= Foundations and Fundamental Questions of Public Administration: On the Methodological Foundations of Public Administration). Bestuurswetenschappen (= Dutch Journal of Public Administration), 42(2), 487-498.
- 14. (1989) (with Mark R. Rutgers). Verklaring en bureaucratie. Verklaren als methodologisch probleem geïllustreerd aan de hand van bureaucratieonderzoek (= Explanation and Bureaucracy: Explanation as a Methodological Problem Illustrated by Research on Bureaucracies). Beleidsanalyse (= Policy Analysis) 18(2), 22-29.
- 13. (1989) Departementen in historisch en vergelijkend perspectief (= Government Departments in Historical and Comparative Perspective). In Jan Hakvoort, Jaap de Heer (eds.), Wetenschap over Departementen. Theoretische confrontaties (= Science about Government Departments: Theoretical Confrontations). The Hague: VUGA Publishers, 16-38.
- 12. (1988) Co-production in Historical Perspective: Initiative and Participation at the Local Level. In L.J. Roborgh, R.R. Stough, Th.A.J. Toonen (eds.) Public Infrastructure Redefined. Bloomington/Leiden/Rotterdam: Groen BV, 265-280.
- 11. (1988) Bureaucratisering in het gemeentelijk onderwijsbestel, 1795-1980 (= Bureaucratization in the Municipal Schoolsystem 1795-1980). In A.M.L. van Wieringen (eds.) Gemeenten en Onderwijs (= Municipalities and Education. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, 177-188.
- 10. (1988) (with Frits M. van der Meer). Urbane problematiek in Nederland (= Urban Problems in the Netherlands). Bestuurswetenschappen (= The Dutch Journal of Public Administration), 41(7), 487-498.
- 9. (1987) (with Jacques van Vliet). Lokale bestuursdienstopleidingen hier en elders: Nederland, BRD, Zweden en Brazilië (= Public Administration Curricula for Practitioners Here and Elsewhere: the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden and Brazil). Bestuur: Maandblad voor Overheidskunde (= Administration: Monthly Journal of Government), 6(6), 186-191.
- 8. (1987) Ambtelijke loyaliteit (= Civil Service Loyalty). In Aris van Braam, Marie-Louise Bemelmans-Videc, Leerboek Bestuurskunde (= Handbook of Public Administration) part B. Muiderberg: Coutinho Publisher, 116- 117.
- 7. (1987) Rijks- en gemeente-ambtenaren: een zinvol onderscheid? (= State and Local Civil Servants: A Meaningful Distinction?). In Aris van Braam, Marie-Louise Bemelmans-Videc, Leerboek Bestuurskunde (= Handbook of Public Administration) part B. Muiderberg: Coutinho Publisher, 127-128.
- 6. (1987) Verzuiling en ontzuiling (= Pillarization and Depillarization). In Aris van Braam, Marie-Louise Bemelmans-Videc, Leerboek Bestuurskunde (= Handbook of Public Administration) part B. Muiderberg: Coutinho Publisher, 195-196.
- 5. (1986) De vroedschap der Stede Beverwijck (= The Town-Council of Beverwijck City, 1642-1795). Holland. Regionaal Historisch Tijdschrift (= Holland. Journal of Regional History), 18(1), 24-45.
- 4. (1986) Co-production in the Fight Against Youth Unemployment: A Case for Autonomy. Planning and Administration, 13(2), 14-24.
- 3. (1985) (with Frits M. van der Meer). Decentralisatie. Functioneel-cosmetisch beleid (= Decentralization. Functional-Cosmetic Policy). Bestuur: Maandblad voor Overheidskunde (= Administration. Monthly Journal of Government), 4(1), 16-19.
- 2. (12 december 1984) Bromsnor en de ordehandhaving. Het 19e eeuwse politieapparaat en de Nederlandse staatsorganisatie (= Bromsnor and the Maintenance of Public Order: The 19th Century Police System and the Dutch State Organization). Tijdschrift voor de Politie (= Journal of Police), vol.46, 551-556.
- 1. (1983) (with Frits M. van der Meer). Het decentralisatieplan. Macht en besluitvorming (= The Decentralization Plan: Power and Decision-making). Bestuur: Maandblad voor Overheidskunde (= Administration: Monthly Journal of Government), 2(11), 24-27.
Book Reviews
- 45. (2024). Civil servants navigating networks for development: From the perches of the World Bank and MENA countries. Book review essay of Tony Verheijen, Katarína Staraňová, Ibrahim Elghandour, Anne Lucie Lefebvre (2022). Civil Servants and Globalization: Integrating MENA Countries in a Globalized Economy. Bristol: Bristol University Press, and of Kimberly Moloney (2022). Who Matters at the World Bank: Bureaucrats, Policy Change, and Public Sector Governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In Public Administration Review, 84(1), 190-193
- 44. (2023). Review of Richard J. Stillman II (2021), Dwight Waldo. Administrative Theorist for our Times. New York: Routledge. Public Administration Review, 83(6), 1859-1861.
- 43. (2023). On the Many Extra Miles that Street-Level Civil Servants Run and on the Perverted Consequences OF Market-Based Ideologies in the Public Sector. Book review Einat Lavee (2021). The Hidden Tier of Social Services. Frontline Workers’ Provision of Informal Resources in the Public, Nonprofit and Private Sectors. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In Public Administration Review 83(2), 424-443.
- 42. (2022). The People’s Choice: A Territorial or Humanitarian Future. Book review essay of Salvador Santino F. Regilme jr. (2021). Aid Imperium. United States Foreign Policy and Human Rights in Post-Cold War Southeast Asia. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. In World Affairs, 185(3), 615-633.
- 41. (2022). How to “Run” the Many Moving Parts of Democratic Government? Book review of Nissim Cohen (2021). Policy Entrepreneurship at the Street Level. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In Public Administration Review, 82(1), 192-195.
- 40. (2021). An Innovation Overlooked, yet Vital: The Institutional Arrangements of Democracy in Thought and Practice. Review essay of Paul Krugman. Arguing with Zombies. Economics, Politics, and the Fight for a Better Future. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2020. The Innovation Journal: the Public Sector Innovation Journal, 26(1) article 4 ( essay_krugman_raadschelders_democracy.pdf).
- 39. (2021). Saving Democracy from Rent-Seeking Economic and Political Behavior. Book review of Robert F. Durant (2020). Building the Compensatory State. An Intellectual History and Theory of American Administrative Reform. New York/London: Routledge. In Public Administration Review, 81(4), 805-809.
- 38. (2020). Book review of Maarten Prak. Citizens without Nations. Urban Citizenship in Europe and the World, c. 1000-1795. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. In Public Administration Review, 80(3), 516 -517.
- 37. (2018). Book review of Edoardo Ongaro. Philosophy and Public Administration. An Introduction. Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. In Public Administration Review 78(5), 811-816.
- 36. (2016) Book review of Margaret Stout, Jeannine M. Love. Integrative Process. Follettian Thinking from Ontology to Administration. Anoka, MI: Process Century Press, 337 pp. In Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 26(2) 398-401.
- 35. (2016). Book review of Montgomery Van Wart, Annie Hondeghem, and Erwin Schwella, eds., Leadership and Culture. Comparative Models of Top Civil Servant Training (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015). 357 pp., Public Administration Review, 76(3) 521-524.
- 34. (2014). Book review of Yong-duck Jung, The Korean State, Public Administration, and Development. Past, Present, and Future Challenges. Seoul: Seoul National University Press, 2014. Public Administration Review, 74(4) 529-532.
- 33. (2013). Book review of Donahue, John D., Richard J. Zeckhauser (2011). Collaborative Governance. Private Roles for Public Goals in Turbulent Times. Princeton/Oxford: Princeton University Press. Perspectives in Politics, 11(2), 640-642.
- 32. (2012). Book review of Alasdair Roberts (2012). America’s First Great Depression. Economic Crisis and Political Disorder after the Panic of 1837, 2012, Ithaca/London: Cornell University Press. American Review of Public Administration, 42(5), 629-630.
- 31. (2011). Public Sector Reform in Comparative Perspective? The Italian Case and some Afterthoughts. Review of Edoardo Ongaro (2009). Public Management Reform and Modernization: Trajectories of Administrative Change in Italy, France, Greece, Portugal and Spain. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 316 pages. Public Administration Review, 71(3), 513-516.
- 30. (2008) The Early Years of the Administrative State: Was there a “Second State? Book Review of Willliamjames Hull Hoffer (2007). To Enlarge the Machinery of Government. Congressional Debates and the Growth of the American State, 1858-1891. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 258 pp. Public Administration Review, 68(5), 945-948.
- 29. (2007) Book review of Frederickson, David G., H. George Frederickson (2006). Measuring the Performance of the Hollow State. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press. American Review of Public Administration, 37(3), 378-380.
- 28. (2007) Abraham Lincoln’s Presidency as the Foundation of the Modern Administrative State? Review of Doris Kearns Goodwin (2005). Team of Rivals. The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln. New York: Simon & Schuster. 916 pp. Public Administration Review, 67(5), 943-946.
- 27. (2004) Review of Donald F. Kettl. The Transformation of Governance. Public Administration for Twenty-First Century America. Baltimore/London: The Johns Hopkins University Press. Journal of Politics, 66(3), 989-991.
- 26. (2002) Review of Christoph Knill. The Europeanisation of National Administrations: Patterns of Institutional Change and Presistance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Governance. An International Journal of Policy and Administration, 15(3), 417-419.
- 25. (2000) Domestic Reform in sub-Saharan African Governments under International Influence. Public Administration Review, 60(4), 376-382. (book review essay).
- 24. (2000) On the Current Rags and the Desired Clothes of Public Square Ethics. Governance: An International Journal of Policy and Administration, 13(2), 279-289. (book review essay).
- 23. (1999) Aard en grondslagen van de openbare dienst (= Nature and foundations of the public service). Bestuurswetenschappen (= Dutch Journal of Public Administration), Bestuurswetenschappelijke Kroniek, 53(3) (review of several books), 275-279.
- 22. (1997) (with Theo A.J. Toonen). Moderniteit, internationalisering en globalisering? (i.e. Modernity, internationalization and globalization?) Bestuurswetenschappen (= Dutch Journal of Public Administration), Bestuurswetenschappelijke Kroniek, 51(6) (review of several books), 396-399.
- 21. (1997) (with Theo A.J. Toonen). Europa: wat is het, wie bestuurt het? (i.e. Europe: what is it, who governs?). Bestuurswetenschappen (= Dutch Journal of Public Administration), Bestuurswetenschappelijke Kroniek, 51(4) (review of several books), 259-262.
- 20. (1997) Review of Henk te Velde & Hans Verhage (eds.), De eenheid en de delen. Zuilvorming, onderwijs en natievorming in Nederland 1850-1900 (i.e. Unity and its Components. Pillarization, Education and Nation- Building in The Netherlands 1850-1900). Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. Beleidswetenschap (= Policy Sciences), 11(2), 192-193.
- 19. (1997) (with Theo A.J. Toonen). Wij praten ons het graf in. Het verhaal en de postmoderne bestuurskunde (i.e. We will bury ourselves. The narrative and postmodern public administration. Bestuurswetenschappen (= Dutch Journal of Public Administration), Bestuurswetenschappelijke Kroniek, 51(2) (review of several books), 122- 126.
- 18. (1997) (with Theo A.J. Toonen). Visies op Bestuur(skunde) (i.e. Visions about Public Administration). Bestuurswetenschappen (= Dutch Journal of Public Administration), Bestuurswetenschappelijke Kroniek, 51(1) (review of several books), 49-53.
- 17. (1996) (with Theo A.J. Toonen). Democratie en efficiency voor de kwaliteit van het lokaal bestuur (i.e. Democracy and efficiency for the quality of local governments. Bestuurswetenschappen (= Dutch Journal of Public Administration), Bestuurswetenschappelijke Kroniek, 50(5) (review of several books), 341-344.
- 16. (1996) (with Theo A.J. Toonen). Arbeidsbemiddeling als overheidstaak (i.e. Labor mediation as public task). Bestuurswetenschappen (= Dutch Journal of Public Administration), Bestuurswetenschappelijke Kroniek, 50(2) (review of several books), 152-156.
- 15. (1996) Review of Henk Boels, Binnenlandse Zaken. Ontstaan en ontwikkeling van een departement in de Bataafse tijd, 1795-1806. Een reconstructie ('s-Gravenhage: SDU Uitgeverij Koninginnegracht, 1993). Beleidswetenschap (= Policy Sciences), 10(1), 89-91.
- 14. (1995) (with Theo A.J. Toonen). De computer heeft altijd gelijk (i.e. The computer is always right). Bestuurswetenschappen (= Dutch Journal of Public Administration), Bestuurswetenschappelijke Kroniek, 49(5) (review of several books), 377-381.
- 13. (1995) (with Theo A.J. Toonen). Vergelijkende bestuurskunde' (i.e. Comparative administration). Bestuurswetenschappen (= Dutch Journal of Public Administration), Bestuurswetenschappelijke Kroniek, 49(4) (review of several books), 305-309.
- 12. (1994) Review of V. Veldheer, Kantelend bestuur. Onderzoek naar de ontwikkeling van taken van het lokale bestuur in de periode 1851-1985 (= Changing government. Inquiry into the development of local government tasks, 1851-1985) (Rijswijk: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, 1994). Beleidswetenschap (= Policy Sciences), 8(3), 309-310.
- 11. (1994) Review of Beleid en bestuur in de oude Nederlanden. Liber Amicorum prof.dr. M. Baelde (= Policy and administration in the early Netherlands) (Gent: University of Gent, 1993). Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis (= Journal of History), 107(2), 288-289.
- 10. (1994) Review of Henk Boels, Binnenlandse Zaken. Ontstaan en ontwikkeling van een departement in de Bataafse tijd, 1795-1806. Een reconstructie (= Home Affairs. Genesis and development of a government department in the Batavian period) ('s-Gravenhage: SDU Uitgeverij Koninginnegracht, 1993). Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis (= Journal of History), 107(2), 290-291.
- 9. (1994) (with Theo A.J. Toonen). Overheid als subject en burger als object van verandering (= Government as subject and citizen as object of change). Bestuurswetenschappen (= Dutch Journal of Public Administration), Bestuurswetenschappelijke Kroniek, 48(1) (review of several books), 74-77.
- 8. (December 1993) Review of Liah Greenfeld, Nationalism. Five Roads to Modernity (Cambridge/Mass, London/England: Harvard University Press, 1992). In Political Studies, 723.
- 7. (1993) (with Theo A.J. Toonen). Bestuursgeschiedenis: interessant of ook nuttig?' (= Administrative history: interesting or also useful?). Bestuurswetenschappen (= Dutch Journal of Public Administration), 47(1) (review of several books), 60-63.
- 6. (1992) (with Theo A.J. Toonen). Autonomie en interdependentie van het Nederlandse waterschap (= Autonomy and Interdependence of the Dutch Waterboard). Bestuurswetenschappen (= Dutch Journal of Public Administration), 46(1) (review of several books), 70-72.
- 5. (1992) (with Theo A.J. Toonen). Naar meer samenspel tussen lokaal/regionaal bestuur en burger (= Toward More Interplay Between Local and Regional Government and the Citizen). Bestuurswetenschappen (= Dutch Journal of Public Administration), 46(2) (review of several books), 147-150.
- 4. (1992) (with Theo A.J. Toonen). Verantwoording van de publieke zaak (= Accountability and the Public Cause). Bestuurswetenschappen (The Dutch Journal of Public Administration), 46(4) (review of several books), 372- 374.
- 3. (1991) Review of J.W.P.P. van den Noort, 'Pion of Pionier. Rotterdam - gemeentelijke bedrijvigheid in de negentiende eeuw' (Uitg. Stichting PK: Rotterdam 1990) (= Pawn or Pionier: Rotterdam - Municipal Activity in the Ninenteenth Century). Beleidswetenschap (= Policy Sciences), 5(2), 186-187.
- 2. (1990) (with Monique H.M. Alink). Review of A.B. Ringeling, A. Sorber (eds.) 'Macht en onmacht van bestuurlijke evaluaties' (= Power and Non-power of Administrative Evaluations). Conference proceedings of the Dutch Society of Public Administration 1987. Beleidswetenschap (= Policy Sciences), 4(1), 75-77.
- 1. (1989) Review of A.Th. Derksen, 'Democratie op het niveau van nationale samenlevingen. Verklaringen en resultaten van empirisch onderzoek' (= Democracy at the Level of Nation-State Societies: Explanations and Results of Empirical Research). Beleidswetenschap (= Policy Sciences), 3(2), 180-182.
Newspaper Articles, Editorials, Blogs, and Forewords
- 32. (2024) (editorial with Ron Sanders, Katherine Willoughby). Practically Speaking: An Introduction. Public Administration Review, 84(1) 155-159.
- 31. (2224) (editorial with Katherine Willoughby, Hongtao Yi, and Preston Phillips). Invitation to country studies for Public Administration Review, 84(1), 9-10.
- 30. (2024) (editorial with Katherine Willoughby, Hongtao Yi, Preston Phillips). Introducing our Vision and Plans. Public Administration Review, 84(1), 5-8.
- 29. (2023). (with Ron Sanders, Katherine Willoughby, Hongtao Yi). Practically Speaking (PS): A New Feature in Public Administration Review. In Management Matters, November 9, newsletter of the National Academy of Public Administration.
- 28. (2021). (with Gerrit Dijkstra), Opnieuw burgeroorlog in Bosnië-Herzegovina? Een nieuwe rol voor de Hoge Vertegenwoordiger van de EU is nodig. De Hofvijver, 11(125), November 29.
- 27. (2018). Society with Government: Key to Success for the Biden Challenge. Posted, November 5, at, Biden Institute, University of Delaware.
- 26. (2018). Democracy and Bureaucracy Need Each Other. Statecraft online, May 24, at
- 25. (2012) (with Richard Stillman). Foreword. In Robert F. Durant, Jennifer R.S. Durant (eds.), Debating Public Administration. Management Challenges, Choices, and Opportunities. Boca Raton: CRC Press, xi-xiii.
- 24. (2011) (with Jim Hartmann). Practitioners and Academicians: About Gap, Authorship and Bridges. PA-Times, 34(3), 25.
- 23. (2011) (editorial with Richard Stillman). Editorial Report Public Administration Review, 2006-2011: a Global Graduate Seminar, A Privilege, and a Challenge. Public Administration Review, (71(6) 925-930.
- 22. (2011) (editorial with Richard Stillman). Farewell with Thanks and Welcome Aboard. Public Administration Review, 71(1), 5-6.
- 21. (2010) Public Administration Review in its Arena of Ideas: Connecting Potential of Research and Needs of Practice. In Geert Bouckaert, Wim van den Donk (eds.), The European Group for Public Administration (1975- 2010): Perspectives for the Future. Brussels: Bruylant, 30-34.
- 20. (2010) (editorial with Richard Stillman). Congratulations and Commentary. Public Administration Review, 70(4), 525-526.
- 19. (2010) (editorial with Richard Stillman). Goodbye with Thanks and Welcome Aboard. Public Administration Review, 70(1), 7.
- 18. (2009) Els funcionaris public al segle XXI: els guardians mesurats de l’Estat marc capacitador (Civil servants in the 21st century: The self-restrained guardians of the enabling framework state). Bulletí de l’Institut de Governança I Direcció Pública d’ESADE, e-Newsletter, Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, 3 pages.
- 17. (2009) (editorial with Richard Stillman). Congratulations and Commentary. Public Administration Review, 69(4), 567-568.
- 16. (2009) (editorial with Richard Stillman). Welcome Aboard and Farewell with Thanks. Public Administration Review, 69(1), 5.
- 15. (2008) (editorial with Richard Stillman). Congratulations and Commentary. Public Administration Review, 68(4), 601-602.
- 14. (2008) Heated Emotions among American Public Administration Scholars: What is or ought to be the Nature of the Study of Public Administration? (in Korean). Public Administration Focus, 76(4), 8-9.
- 13. (2007) (editorial with Richard Stillman). Congratulations and Commentary. Public Administration Review, 67(4), 605-607.
- 12. (2007) (editorial with Richard Stillman). Welcome Aboard. Public Administration Review, 67(1), 4.
- 11. (2006) Managing PAR: Division of Labor, Norman and Denver. In PA-Times, September, pp. 17 and 20.
- 10. (2006) (editorial with Richard Stillman) Farewell and Welcome: PAR Celebrates Outgoing and Incoming Board Members. In Public Administration Review, 66(4), 484-485.
- 9. (2006) (editorial with Richard Stillman) Congratulations and Commentary (re. Award winners). Public Administration Review, 66(5), 661-662.
- 8. (2006) (editorial with Richard Stillman) Why PAR? Public Administration Review, 66(1), 1-5.
- 7. (2005) Oh, ye of little faith. Opinion piece on evolution v. creationism, in The Norman Transcript, 12-27-2005.
- 6. (2001) (with Donald Klingner, Richard Stillman). SICA Hosts Successful Roundtable at 2001 ASPA National Conference in Newark. PA-Times, 24(5), 21.
- 5. (1999) (with Aimee Franklin). Translating ‘High’Codes into Daily Action. PA-Times, 22(8), page 7. Reprinted in: Howard R. Balanoff (2000, seventh edition). Public Administration 01/02.Guilford, CT: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, 61-62.
- 4. (1993). Bureaucratie is geen infaam fenomeen (= Bureaucracy is not an infamous phenomenon). In NRC- Handelsblad (a national newspaper), April 1.
- 3. (1992). Passies overheersen in debat over dijkverzwaring (= Passions Dominate the Debate on Dike- Strengthening). De Volkskrant (a national Dutch newspaper), August 13.
- 2. (1990, October 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13) Overheidszorg in de Zaanstreek (= Government Care in the Zaan Region). In De Typhoon (regional newspaper).
- 1. (1988). Bestuurskunde in historische panden: 1498-1988. Bestuurskundige Berichten, 3(1), 24-25.
Contract Research, Reports, and/or Teaching/External Advising
- 13. NAPA (2017). No Time to Wait: Building a Public Service for the 21st Century. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Public Administration, 42 pages.
- 12. Office of State Finance, State of Oklahoma. Advise regarding span of control and possible reorganization of management and supervisory levels. One report (with Franklin), 3 pages (January 6, 1999).
- 11. Indonesian government and the Ministry of Home Affairs in the Netherlands. Development and teaching of a three-week program for higher civil servants on decentralization and local government (including syllabus development), in cooperation with the International Institute of Asian Studies at the University of Leiden (taught five times in 1997-1998) (together with Toonen).
- 10. University of Lund, Sweden. Development and teaching of a two-week program for higher civil servants on International and Comparative Administration as part of a curriculum offered by the Departments of Political Science, Business Administration, and Economics (Fall 1997, Fall 1998) (together with Theo A.J. Toonen).
- 9. Public Administration in the Netherlands. University of Leiden, Department of Public Administration. Prepared for the Steering Committee of the Sub-Project on Public Administration under the SOCRATES Thematic Network on Political Science and Public Administration (April 1998) 51 pages.
- 8. Swedish Center of Organizational Research, Stockholm. Development and teaching of a four-week program for higher civil servants in cooperation with the European Institute of Public Administration in Maastricht, on European Integration (Spring 1998) (together with Toonen).
- 7. An administrative history of the National Union for Itinerant Trade (fl. 20.000,-, contract for a study resulting in a book, 1993-1996)
- 6. Province of South-Holland, 10-11 December 1992: advice regarding their repositioning in relation to the Ministry of Home Affairs and the 'Overleg Orgaan Rijnmond' (one report).
- 5. Region Holland-Utrecht (March-November 1992, fl. 140.000,-), report on the future of the province in Dutch Home government in relation to the European dimension (book with Frank Hendriks and Theo A.J. Toonen).
- 4. Municipality of Berghem (Noord-Brabant), (August-November 1991, fl. 8.500,-): advice regarding the amalgamation of Berghem as well as a citizen survey, 1991.* (one report): Jos C.N. Raadschelders, Theo A.J. Toonen, Lokale democratie onder-druk(t). Berghem in de herindeling Brabant Noordoost? (= Local Democracy Repressed: The Municipality of Berghem and the Amalgamation in Northeast Brabant) (Department of Public Administration, Leiden, 1992) 45 pages.
- 3. Department of Welfare of the Municipality of Leiden (10 April 1991): advice regarding the re-organization in the Municipality of Leiden and the future role of the Department of Welfare.
- 2. Statutory Trade Organization, 1990: research regarding the necessity of the "market articles" in the Municipal Act (led to an amendment of the Home Affairs Act by the Second Chamber)* (two articles).
- 1. Contribution to the report on the administrative structure in the Breda region, 1990.
* = has led to publication
** = forthcoming publication
- 201. (2024), presentation: The Biggest Challenge to Democracy: The Human Animal. First Community Village, Upper Arlington, May 29.
- 200. (2024), keynote, Concepts and Tools for Comparative Public Policy: Navigating Cultural and Structural (Dis)similarities, at International Conference on China Policy Studies, School of Government at Beijing Normal University, June 14-16. (invited but withdrew for personal reasons).
- 199. (2024). Roundtable discussion on social equity, School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, American University in Cairo, Egypt, May 13, (invited but withdrew for personal reasons).
- 198. (2024). ASPA annual conference, Minneapolis, April 11-15.
- PAR editorial board meeting, April 12, 5-6 p.m.
- paper presentation April 14.
- 197. (2023). NAPA annual conference, Washington, D.C., November 1-3.
- 196. (2023). Keynote speaker, “The Future of Government and its Study of Public Administration: Accountability for Democracy,” Public Administration Congress, Public Administration Association Turkey, October 26-27.
- 195. (2023). NASPAA annual conference, Pittsburgh, October 11-13.
- panel, with paper “Election workers under stress: Pressures from political officeholders, lawyers, and citizens
- panel, with paper “Teaching Intro PA for Undergraduates in the USA.”
- 194. (2023). Speaker, “Accounting in the Context of a Fragile Democracy.” Central Ohio Association of Government Accountants (COAGA), annual training conference, September 19-20 (9/19, 12.10-1 p.m.).
- 193. (2023). Who can and do we trust? Policy-making by experts, elected officeholders, populists. Rotary Club, Norman, Oklahoma, June 15.
- 192. (2023). Annual conference ASPA, March 20-24.
- 191. (2023). Democracy Through Accountability: A Conceptual Framework for Assessing Government Capacity to meet Citizen Need. Keynote for the opening of academic activities, Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (ENAP), Brasilia, Brazil, January 31, 8-11 a.m.
- 190. (2022). Is democracy fragile? Rotary Club, Norman, Oklahoma, December 15.
- 189. (2022). NASPAA annual conference, October 19-21, Chicago:
- NASPAA accreditation team training, October 19, 8-10 a.m.
- paper (with Eran Vigoda-Gadot), Concepts and Tools for Teaching Comparative Public Administration: Navigating Cultural and Structural (Dis)similarities, for the NASPAA & ICPA-Forum/JCPA Workshop on Comparative Approaches to Public Affairs Teaching, October 19, 10.00 a.m. – 4 p.m.
- Panel, Big-10 collaboration on civics and democracy, October 20, 1.30-2.30 p.m.
- Paper, Capacity for Democracy in America: Strong, Weak, Failing? Who can be held Accountable?, presented at panel on lessons learned from the pandemic, October 21, 8-10 a.m. - 188. (2022). Speaker, Capacity for Democracy in America: Strong, Weak, Failing? Who can be held Accountable? Speaking series in the Centennial Year of the Woman History Club, Columbus, Ohio, April 18.
- 187. (2022). ASPA annual conference, March 18-22.
- speaker at student summit (on job interview/job talk), March 18, 2022, ASPA
- presenter: Administrative and Governance Capacity during and after Covid: A Conceptual Framework for Assessing Accountability in Democracy, March 20. - 186. (2021). Speaker, “Accounting for and Accountability in Democracy.” Central Ohio Association of Government Accountants (COAGA), annual training conference, October 26-27.
- 185. (2021). ASPA annual conference, virtual, April 9-15.
- presenter: Ancient ideals of civil servants at the root of Eastern and Western traditions, panel convened by Ali Farazmand*
- discussant, of papers in panel convened by Kim Moloney, ASPA, 2021. - 184. (2021). Worth Foundation: Be the Generation to Risk it All. A comprehensive conference on community and civic engagement. Speaker: Civic Engagement and Civility: Understanding Government for Community in Democracy (January 16).
- 183. (2019). 12th Annual International Conference on Public Administration and Management, Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, University of Pretoria, South Africa, October 24-25. Keynote speaker: The Future of Public Administration Scholarship in South Africa: Serving Democracy, Practice, and Academe.*
- 182. (2019). Academic Leadership Forum. Seminar for academic leaders, convened by Provost Bruce McPheron, The Ohio State University, September 27.
- 181. (2019). Seoul, Korea:
- August 29, presentation, “Civil Servant in a Democratic Society,” at the DMZ International Forum on Peace and Economy;
- August 30, keynote, “Ideal Civil Servants: Are there Eastern and Western Traditions?,” at the International Seminar on Promoting Fiscal Decentralization and Administrative Innovation of Inclusive States, Korea Institute of Public Administration. * - 180. (2019), July 23, Education Advisory Panel, General Accountability Office, Washington, D.C.
- 179. (2019). Annual conference, Consortium of University Public Service Organizations, April 24-26, Portland State University, Oregon.
- 178. (2019) ASPA annual conference, Washington, D.C., March 8-12, 2019;
- presenter: Challenges of Governing Democratic Regimes: Public Administration as Counterweight to Populism, Partisanship, and Rent-Seeking. Paper for panel convened by Ali Farazmand on global challenges of governance.*
- chair of panel on international migration; co-presenter (with Jessica Larrison) of paper International Migration as Public Administration Challenge.* - 177. (2018). Annual conference of the National Academy of Public Administration, November 2-3.
- 176. (2018). Academic Leadership Forum. Seminar for academic leaders, convened by Provost Bruce McPheron, The Ohio State University, September 28.
- 175. (2018). Presentation “What is government? Human Instinct, Tribal Community, Global Society,” Department of Public Administration, Florida International University, April 26.*
- 174. (2018). ASPA annual conference, Denver, March 11-15.
- presenter (panel convenor Ali Farazmand) “Comparative Public Administration in a Globalizing World: A New Psychological Challenge next to the Traditional Scholarly Challenges”; *
- convenor: panel on “comparative public administration: contributing to understanding”
- professional development seminar for Ph.D. and MPA students. - 173. (2017). Annual conference of the National Academy of Public Administration, November 15-16.
- 172. (2017). State of the Parties conference, Bliss Institute, University of Akron, November 9-10; meeting Ohio Civility Consortium, November 10.
- 171. (2017). Panel Convenor (with Chris Adams) Capping the Undergrad Experience: Capstones, Internships and Employment Outcomes, October 13, NASPAA annual conference, Washington, D.C., October 11-13.
- 170. (2017). Presentation on civil service reform across the globe, and specifically on a recent white paper by NAPA on federal civil service reform; Washington Academic Internship Program and Glenn College alumni, Washington, D.C., October 11.*
- 169. (2017). Leaders Forum. Seminar for academic leaders, convened by Provost Bruce McPheron, The Ohio State University, September 29.
- 168. (2017). Annual ASPA conference, Washington, D.C. (March):
- Presenter: Refugee Migration as Wicked Problem: From Palliative Responsxe to Governing Policy. (paper for panel on Managing Migrations Worldwide) (March 18)*;
- Discussant: New Frontiers in Public Administration Research: Explorations in Cognitive Science (March 20);
- Organizer professional development seminar for Ph.D. and MPA students (March 17); - 167. (2016). Comparative Public Administration in a Globalizing World: Theoretical, Conceptual and Methodological Challenges. Paper for international symposium on Comparative Public Administration and Policy, Renmin University of China, November 26-27. *
- 166. (2016). Government in Society and the Study of Public Administration. Paper and brown bag presentation, School of Public Administration and Policy, Renmin University of China, November 25.
- 165. (2016). From Ruler’s Instrument of Exploitation to Buttress of Democracy: Putting Max Weber’s (and that of contemporaries) Concerns about Bureaucratization to Rest. Lecture, student association ‘House of Wisdom”, University of Leiden, at Leiden, June 9, 7 – 9 p.m.
- 164. (2016). Public Management Reforms in Developing Countries. Seminar at the Institute of Public Administration, University of Leiden in The Hague, June 9, 3 – 5 p.m.
- 163. (2016). Doctoral summit, professional training for Ph.D. students, ASPA annual conference Seattle, March 18.
- 162. (2015). Lecture at the University of Santiago, Chile, on “Administrative History”, November 5.
- 161. (2015). Keynote lecture for the Congreso Chilena de Administracion Pública, Rancagua, Chile, November 4, “The Epistemological Status of the Study of Public Administration: Its Intellectual Identity as Scholarship and Science.”
- 160. (2015) Lecture on civil service reform, ethics, and training/education, for the National Civil Service Agency, Santiago, Chile, November 3, upon invitation of the Director of the NCSA, Dr. Rodrigo Egaña Barona.
- 159. (2015) ASPA annual conference Chicago:
- Doctoral summit, professional training for Ph.D. students, March 8;
- Presenter: Max Weber’s Sigh: Does (Has) Democracy Suffer(ed) from the Inexorable March Forward of Bureaucracy? March 7.*
- Presenter: Government in a Globalizing World: Public Administration Generalists dealing with Converging and Diverging Dynamics, March 8. - 158. (2014) Moderator of panel “The Public Servant’s Role and Impact in International Affairs.” (panel members Major General Charles Tucker, Colonel Frank Titus, Commander Rudy Hightower). Glenn School Leadership Forum, October 17.
- 157. (2014) On the Future of Government. Brown bag presentation at the Institute of Public Administration, University of Leiden, May 28.
- 156. (2014) ASPA annual conference Washington, D.C.:
- Doctoral summit, professional training for Ph.D. students, March 16;
- Presenter: The A-disciplinary Context of Complex Public Problem Resolution: Consequences for Professionalism, Inquiry, and Pedagogy, March 16. - 155. (2013) Paper “Political (System) Reform: Can Administrative Reform Succeed Without?”, Presented at conference on comparative civil service systems, Institute of Public Administration, University of Leiden, The Hague, May 30-31.*
- 154. (2013) Keynote speech at the annual conference of the Korean Social Science Research Council, Seoul, South Korea, May 16, “Convergence of Disciplines for Global and Public Problem Solving: Necessities and Possibilities.”*
- 153. (2013) “Food Safety Regulation in the Netherlands, 19th and 20th Centuries,” paper for IIAS working group, The Regulation of Food Safety in the 20th Century, University of Reims, France, May 3.**
- 152. (2013) Doctoral summit, professional training for Ph.D. students, ASPA annual conference New Orleans, March 17.
- 151. (2012) “The Separation of Church and State: A Recent Phenomenon?,” Lecture at the annual conference of the Institute of Public Administration Australia, Melbourne, September 19.*
- 150. (2012) “Napoleon as Administrative Reformer.” Opening speech at the annual conference of the Institute of Public Administration Australia, Melbourne, September 18.
- 149. (2012) Chair, Expert Roundtable, “Converging versus Conflicting Trends in the Public Administration of the US, Europe, and Germany,” International Conference, Deutsche Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften, Speyer, Germany, July 19-20.*
- 148. (2012) “A comparative perspective upon the study of public administration in the USA and Europe.” Lecture, Section of Public Administration, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, July 10.*
- 147. (2012) “An a-disciplinary public administration for a diverse society: historical, ontological, epistemological and axiological reflections.” Inaugural lecture upon the assumption of the office of full professor in public administration, specifically the comparative analysis of the normative aspects of government, University of Leiden, June 18 (short version of the monopgraph listed on p.9).*
- 146. (2012) “Food Safety Regulation in the Netherlands, 19th and 20th Centuries,” paper for IIAS working group, The Regulation of Food Safety in the 20th Century, Washington, D.C., April 30.**
- 145. (2012) Doctoral summit, professional training for Ph.D. students, ASPA annual conference Las Vegas, March 3.
- 144. (2011) “Local associations in the rise and fall of political regimes,” presentation at the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, November 28.*
- 143. (2011) Presentation on interdisciplinary public administration, The Maxwell School for Citizenship and Public affairs, Syracuse University, October 27.*
- 142. (2011) Lecture on interdisciplinary public administration, University of Haifa, Israel, May 12.
- 141. (2011) Presentation on publishing in English-language journals, University of Haifa, Israel, May 11.
- 140. (2011) Paper at IIAS working group history of government, on food administration in 19th and 20th centuries, University of Frederick II, Naples, Italy, May 7.**
- 139. (2011) Annual conference of the American Society of Public Administration, Baltimore, March 12-15.
a) annual report at the PAR editorial board meeting, March 13, 7 – 8.30 a.m., and scouting for papers,
b) Ferrel Heady Roundtable speaker (Between “thick description” and large-N studies: The Fragmentation of Comparative Research), March 13, 8.30-9.30 a.m.; *
c) publishing in journals (using paper co-authored with Arie Halachmi), doctoral summit, March 13, 11.45 a.m. - 3 p.m.;
d) panel convenor (Trends in and Future of the Study of Public Administration), March 14, 11.45 a.m. – 1.15 p.m - 138. (2010) “Motives and Initiators of Administrative Reform in The Netherlands, 19th and 20th Centuries,” paper presented at the working group History of Government, the International Institute of Administrative Sciences, University of Linz, Austria, June 19.**
- 137. (2010) “Local Communities as Backbone and Default in the History of Organized Government: Some Preliminary Observations and a Research Agenda,” paper presented at the 13th Economics of Infrastructures Conference, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, May 27-28, 2010.
- 136. (2010) Lecture at the Deutsche Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften, Speyer, Germany, May 31, on ‘The Interdisciplinary Nature of Public Administration.’*
- 135. (2010) Lecture at University of Hong Kong, May 14, on ‘Just Bridges, No Boundaries: On the Interdisciplinary Nature of Public Administration.’*
- 134. (2010) Lectures at the City University of Hong Kong, May 11, “Publishing in Public Administration Review: Challenges and Strategies,” and May 13, “Current Developments in Civil Service Systems: A Historical Context for Understanding 21st Century Reforms.”*
- 133. (2010) Annual conference of the American Society of Public Administration, San Jose, CA, April 9-13. Ferrel Heady Roundtable speaker, “How Geography, Familiarity, Methods and Approaches Fragment Comparative Research,” (and scouting for papers, annual report at the PAR editorial board meeting) (again on March 13, 2011). *
- 132. (2009) “Is American Public Administration detached from Historical Context? On the Nature of Time and the Need to Understand it in Government and its Study,” Paper presented at the sixth annual work conference of the Netherlands Institute of Government, November 12-13, University of Leiden.*
- 131. (2009) Panel chair at the Public Management Research Conference, John Glenn School of Public Affairs, Ohio State University, 1-3 October.
- 130. (2009) Participant International Public Service Motivation Research Conference, Indiana University, Bloomington, June 7-9 (to scout for papers for PAR).
- 129. (2009) “Motives and Initiators of Administrative Reform in The Netherlands, 19th and 20th Centuries,” paper presented at the working group History of Migration of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences, University of Leiden, April 25.**
- 128. (2009) Annual conference of the American Society of Public Administration, Miami, March 20-24, (to scout for papers, and report to the PAR editorial board meeting); also discussant at a panel on The Historical Development of Administration in East Asia: China, Japan, Taiwan.
- 127. (2008) “Publishing in Foreign Public Administration Journals: Challenges and Strategies,” presentations at the Centre for European Studies and the Department of Public Policy & Economy, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, November 2; and at the School of Public Administration, Renmin University, Beijing, November 3.
- 126. (2008) “Research in American Public Administration: Topics and Trends,” keynote speech at the 1st Liangzhu Forum, International Conference on ‘Governance and Social Responsibility’, College of Public Administration, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou. P.R. of China, Oct.31 – Nov.2. *
- 125. (2008) “Is American Public Administration Dissociating from Historical Context?,” paper presented at the Minnowbrook III conference, Lake Placid, 5-7 September. *
- 124. (2008) “Trends in American Public Administration and their Meaning for Korean Public Administration,” keynote speaker at conference of the Korean Institute of Public Administration, in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Republic of Korea, August 11.*
- 123. (2008) (with Van der Meer) “The Administration of Dutch Migration, 19th and 20th Centuries,” paper presented at the working group History of Migration of International Institute of Administrative Sciences, Paris, April 5, 2008. *
- 122. (2008) Annual conference of the American Society of Public Administration, March 7-11 (to scout for papers, and report to PAR editorial board meeting).
- 121. (2007) (with Theo A.J. Toonen and Frits M. van der Meer). “Administrative Models, Traditions, and Reform: Explanations of Last Resort?”, paper presented at the conference ‘Governing by Looking Back’, Research School of Social Sciences, Australia National University, Canberra, December 12-14.*
- 120. (2007) “Tradition in Public Administration: Explorations and the Case of Negotiable Authority,” paper presented at the conference ‘Governing by Looking Back’, Research School of Social Sciences, Australia National University, Canberra, December 12-14.*
- 119. (2007) Panel chair at the Public Management Research conference, Tucson, October 25-27.
- 118. (2007) Lecture Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, Amsterdam, June 22, 2007, Toekomst van de Nederlandse Bestuurskunde: Publicatiestrategieën voor een interdisciplinaire en (inter)nationale markt (i.e. The future of Dutch public administration: publication strategies for an interdisciplinary and (inter)national market).
- 117. (2007) “The Meaning of Leadership over Time,” presentation before a meeting of the Oklahoma chapter of ASPA, J.D. McCarty Center, Norman, OK, June 22.
- 116. (2007) (with Frits van der Meer). “Immigration Policies in the Netherlands,” paper presented at the annual conference of the IIAS working group ‘History of Government’, University of Pavia, Italy, April 21. **
- 115. (2007) Annual conference of the American Society of Public Administration, March 23-27, (specifically to scout for papers, and report to the PAR editorial board meeting).
- 114. (2006) Participant at the public management conference at the University of Leuven, Belgium, June 1-3.
- 113. (2006) Guest upon invitation at the public management conference at the Department of Political Science, Texas A&M, College Station, May 4-5.
- 112. (2006) (With Frits van der Meer) In the Search for National Identity: The Discovery, Governance, and Management of Cultural Heritage in the Netherlands. Paper presented at the annual conference of the IIAS working group ‘History of Government’, University of Granada, Spain, April 29. *
- 111. (2006) (with Kwang-Hoon Lee) Positioning Aberbach, Putnam and Rockman (1981) in the Study of Political- Administrative Relations. Paper at the Midwest Political Science meeting, April 20-23, 2006, Chicago. *
- 110. (2006) Annual conference of the American Society of Public Administration, April 1-4, 2006 (specifically to scout for papers, and report to the PAR editorial board meeting).
- 109. (2006) Speaker at the Spring Lecture Series of the Department of Political Science, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, March 6-7, 2006 (upon invitation; on the nature of the study of public administration). *
- 108. (2006) Discussant of two papers at the Southern Political Science Association annual meeting, Atlanta, January 4-5, 2006.
- 107. (2005) Two papers at the conference concluding the Pioneer Project on the “Renaissance of Public Administration,” University of Leiden, November 10-11, 2005. 1. “Studying Government in Public Administration (and Political Science): One Crisis, Two Contestants, Four Traditions.” *; 2. “The Role of Belief and Normative Choice in Public Administration Research: A Few Tentative Observations.”
- 106. (2005) Paper on political reforms for conference on Civil Service Systems in Comparative Perspective, at Virginia Polytech, Blacksburg, VA, September 29 - October 2, 2005. *
- 105. (2005) (with Frits M. van der Meer) In the Service of National Identity: The Discovery, Use, and Appearance of Historical and Cultural Heritage in the Netherlands. Paper presented at the annual conference of the IIAS working group ‘History of Government’, University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, April 8-9. *
- 104. (2005) (with Frits M. van der Meer, Caspar van den Berg). Representative Government and Top Administrative Officers. A Comparative Approach. Paper presented at the international conference Governo rappresentative e dirigenze amministrative (secoli XIX e XX), June 9-10, Istituto Trentino di Cultura, Trente, Italy. *
- 103. (2005) Government and Public Administration. The Challenge of Connecting Knowledge. Paper presented at the Public Administration Theory Network, June 9-11, Krakow, Poland.*
- 102. (2004) Panel convenor and paper presenter (Organizing Inter-Disciplinarity and Differentiated Integration for Public Administration or The “Canons of Integration”. Four Approaches to Understanding Government (and Beyond?) at ASPA’s Annual conference, March 27-31. *
- 101. (2004) Two papers at annual meeting of IIAS-working group ‘History of Government’, University of Konstanz, March 30. Opening editor paper (see 93) and concluding comparative editor paper. *
- 100. (2003) (with Aimee Franklin), Tracking the Invisible Citizen: How Does This Phenomenon Impact Local Government? Paper presented at regional ASPA (Kansas City), September. *
- 99. (2003) Presentation on ‘Types of international exchange programs: reflections and experiences’ in Panel “Critical Perspectives on International Partnerships for Graduate Education in Public Affairs”, NASPAA Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, October 10-16.
- 98. (2003) The “Canons of Integration”. Four Traditions in the Study of Government (and Beyond?). Lecture at the Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University, Korea, September 18. *
- 97. (2003) Time to Move On or Beyond The Grand Phases in the Discourse about Government: Changing Masks for Understanding the Unlimited Boundaries of Administration. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Public Administration Theory Network, June 19-21, Anchorage, Alaska. *
- 96. (2003) Presentation on the study of government for Ph.D. students at the Department of Public Administration, American University, Washington, D.C. April 16.
- 95. (2003) Water-Management as Collective Action in Time: A Multi-Level and Multi-Dimensional Challenge in a Multi-Disciplinary Context. Paper (as editor) for the meeting of the working group ‘History of Government, International Institute of the Administrative Sciences, April 5, University of Malta.*
- 94. (2002) Panelist on public sector ethics, in “Funny Business! Corporate Ethics and Public Sector Ethics. November 11, first symposium in a series of colloquia on ethics and public life, College of Arts and Science, University of Oklahoma.
- 93. (2002) Meeting of Civil Service Systems in Comparative Perspective Consortium. University of Leiden, September 12-14. Paper (with Theo Toonen) Some Thoughts On the Next Generation of Civil Service Systems Research. *
- 92. (2002) For the future of Our Water: Historical Experiences with Organization and Functioning of Water Management, Paper for the meeting of the working group ‘History of Government, International Institute of the Administrative Sciences, Royal Holloway College, University of London, April 20. *
- 91. (2002) Patterns and Trends in the Development of the Civil Service in Western Europe: Between Institutional Determinism and Methodological Individualism; Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Society of Public Administration, Phoenix, AZ, March 23-26.
- 90. (2002) Woodrow Wilson on Public Office as a Public Trust; paper presented at the Paul van Riper symposium preceding the annual conference of the American Society for Public Administration, Phoenix, AZ, March 23.
- 89. (2002) Presentation at the Department of Public Administration, University of Nebraska in Omaha, February 19, on The Varied Impacts of Judeo-Christian Thought and Organized Religion upon Western Government.*
- 88. (2002) Two presentations: 1) Mornings with the professor: on ‘Bureaucrats as Predators or Protectors of the Public Interest: a Case for more Bureaucracy,’ Senior Adult Services, Oklahoma College of Continuing Education, March 12, and 2) the Lions Club, Oklahoma City, April 24.
- 87. (2001) Section Four: Administrative History. Introduction to section four of the International Handbook of Public Administration, B. Guy Peters, Jon Pierre (eds.), presented and discussed at the annual conference of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, September 1-4. *
- 86. (2001) Understanding Government through Differentiated Integration. Paper for annual conference of the Public Administration Theory Network, June 19-21, University of Leiden, the Netherlands. *
- 85. (2001) (with Mark R. Rutgers). An Overview and Synthesis of Developments and Trends in Public Administration. Tentative Report for meeting of Research Committee 32, International Political Science Association (IPSA), March 29, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK.
- 84. (2001) (with Frits M. van der Meer). The Urban Management Problem in Dutch Metropolitan Areas, 1850-2000. Paper prepared for annual conference of the American Society of Public Administration, Newark, March 10-14.
- 83. (2000) Participation in annual conference of the American Political Science Association, Washington D.C., August 26-30. No paper.
- 82. (2000) Public Policy Analysis: Between Generalized Theory and Compartmentalized Policies. Paper submitted for round table on The Development of the Discipline: Public Policy Analysis, at the XVIII World Congress of the International Political Science Association, August 1-5, Quebec City. *
- 81. (2000) (with Frits M. van der Meer) Corruption in Dutch Government in the 20th Century. Paper for the working group ‘History of Government’, International Institute of Administrative Sciences, Leiden, the Netherlands, May 27-28. *
- 80. (2000) A New Idealtype for Analyzing Trends in Human Resource Administration. Paper for the annual conference of the American Society of Public Administration, San Diego, April 1-4. *
- 79. (1999) Published yet Forgotten? Woodrow Wilson’s Studies on the History of Government. Paper for the conference of the Southern Political Science Association, Savannah, GA, November 3-7. *
- 78. (1999) Comparative Study of Society for Domestic Concerns; The Civilizing Consequences of Theda Skocpol’s Methodological Approach to the Past. Paper for forum on 27 October at the occasion of the visit of Theda Skocpol for the Rothbaum Lectures at OU, October 26-28, 20 pages. *
- 77. (1999) (with Aimee Franklin) Collective Valuation or Individual Morality: Tensions in the Budgetary Process. Paper for the Regional ASPA conference, Omaha, October 22-24. *
- 76. (1998) (with Aimee Franklin) Serving the Public Interest: The Reality of Serving Multiply Publics. Paper for the Annual conference of the Association on Budgeting and Financial Management, October 7-9, Washington D.C.*
- 75. (1999) Two presentations: 1) Mornings with the professor: on the American (un)appreciation of the past, Senior Adult Services, Oklahoma College of Continuing Education, September 28; 2) for the residents in Rivermont at the Trails, retirement center (Norman) on the American (un)appreciation of the past, October 5.
- 74. (1999) (with Theo A.J. Toonen) Modernity and the Challenge of Metropolitan Governance. Failure of Structural Solutions and the Polycentric Alternative. IU, Bloomington, 25th Anniversary Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, June 9-13, 20 pages.
- 73. (1999) Administrative History as Cross-Time Comparison. Let’s Have a Real Debate. Paper presented at ASPA, senior scholar session, Orlando, April 10-14, 22 pages. *
- 72. (1999) Administrative History in the United States: Development and State of the Art. Paper presented at ASPA, senior scholar session, Orlando, April 10-14, 35 pages. *
- 71. (1999) (with Frits M. Van der Meer) Wartime Administration and its Lasting Effects on Dutch Public Administration. Paper presented at working group 'History of Administration' meeting, Pavia, Italy, May 8. *
- 70. (1999) (with Frits M. Van der Meer), From the Active to the Enabling State: The Changing Role of Senior Civil Servants in the Netherlands, Second paper for the Whitehall-project, subproject coordinated by Vincent Wright en Edward C. Page, Oxford, January 15-16. *
- 69. (1998) (Frits M. Van der Meer), paper on warfare administration at meeting of working group 'History of Administration', International Institute of Administrative Sciences, Corfu, Greece, Ionean University, March 28*
- 68. (1998) 3 Lectures (Comparative Political Systems, State and Administrative Traditions, Central-Local Relations), Clingendael Institute for International Relations, group of international civil servants and diplomats from Mozambique, January 20.
- 67. (1997) Organization of Summer-school (on European Integration) for the Netherlands Interuniversity Institute of Public Administration, June 25-27.
- 66. (1997) (with Van der Meer). The Transformation of the Senior Civil Service in the Netherlands after the Second World War. Paper for the Political Science Conference, June 6, University of Amsterdam.
- 65. (1997) Lecture Water Central. Administrative Science Considerations on the report Water Central of the Dutch Union of Waterboards. Study meeting of the Association for Water management Law and Waterboard management, May 29, High Waterboard Rijnland, Leiden.
- 64. (1997) Lecture The Development of the Province in the Dutch State and Administrative System. Upon the first meeting of the Association of former Members of the Provincial Council of the Province of Utrecht, May 29, Provinciehuis Utrecht.
- 63. (1997) Reforming the Public Sector: the Importance of Historical Understanding, lecture at the Swedish Center for Organizational Research (SCORE), Stockholm, April 24.
- 62. (1997) The State of Administrative History, seminar at the Swedish Center for Organizational Research (SCORE), Stockholm, April 23. *
- 61. (1997) The Development of Civil Service Systems in Comparative Perspective, and (together with Theo A.J. Toonen) "Public Sector Reform in Western Europe: A Comparative View." Papers in conference Civil Service Systems in Comparative Perspective, Bloomington April 5-8. *
- 60. (1997) De bestuurlijke ontwikkeling van Nederland (i.e. The Administrative Development of the Netherlands), lecture at the Catholic University Nijmegen, January 29. *
- 59. (1997) The Senior Civil Service in the Netherlands: A Fragmented Unity (together with Frits M. van der Meer). Paper for the Whitehall-project, subproject coordinated by Vincent Wright en Edward C. Page, Oxford, March 21-22. *
- 58. (1997) Administering the Summit and Administering the Summit in The Netherlands 1795-1995, International Institute of the Administrative Sciences, working group on History of Administration, two papers, Brussels, March 14-15. *
- 57. (1996) Lecture Interest Groups and Internationalization of Governance, annual meeting of the 'Vereniging van Verf- en Drukinktfabrikanten' (i.e. Association of Paint- and Inkmanufacturers), Garderen, December 12. *
- 56. (1996) Lecture, Bewaren voor bestuur, burger en onderzoeker (i.e. Keeping archives for government, citizen and researcher), Algemeen Rijksarchief (Dutch National Archives), The Hague, November 26. *
- 55. (1996) Lecture Erasmus University Rotterdam, Researching civil service systems in comparative perspective + excursion, deputation of civil servants from the Kirghiz Republic (UNDP-sponsored), August 6.
- 54. (1996) The Waldo Symposium, ‘Size and Organizational Differentiation in Evolutionary Perspective’, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse, June 26-28. *
- 53. (1996) Opening speech at the 75th anniversary of the National Union of Itinerant Trade, Amersfoort, June 21.
- 52. (1996) Government Reform in Western, Central and Eastern Europe: Trends and Patterns since 1945, Institut für Staatswissenschaft und Praxis, Berlin, May 17-18. *
- 51. (1996) Administering the Summit and Administering the Summit in The Netherlands 1795-1995, International Institute of the Administrative Sciences, Workshop Administrative History, two papers, Helsinki, March 24- 25.*
- 50. (1995) Paper conference Netherlands Interuniversity Institute of Public Administration, November 9-10. *
- 49. (1995) Lecture Regions and Regional Cooperation in Europe, Training Program International Relations of the Netherlands Institute for International Relations Clingendael, The Hague, June 23.
- 48. (1995) Organization of and paper in working group Administrative Reform in Historical Perspective, for the annual conference of the European Group of Public Administration, September 6-9.
- 47. (1995) Organization of Summer-school for the Netherlands Interuniversity Institute of Public Administration, Leiden, June 6-9.
- 46. (1995) Paper conference Netherlands Interuniversity Institute of Public Administration, March 8-10. *
- 45. (1995) Administering the Summit, International Institute of the Administrative Sciences, Workshop on Administrative History, Paris, January 14, * (two chapters 1998)
- 44. (1994) Organization (with M.A.P. Bovens & F.K.M. van Nispen) of International Conference on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Interuniversity Department of Public Administration, Universities of Leiden and Rotterdam, October 20. Organization (with M.R. Rutgers) of a working group for anniversary conference.
- 43. (1994) Lecture for the Society of the Family Van Nispen, Huis Bergh, October 8: Some notes concerning the 't Velde branch of the Family Van Nispen.
- 42. (1994) Lecture Rijksopleidings Instituut, The Hague, The Welfare State under Siege: A Global Perspective on Regional Issues, August 22, for a delegation of the British civil service. *
- 41. (1994) Organizer of and opening lecture for study meeting on European integration with lecture by the Ambassador of Luxemburg in the Netherlands, June 6, University of Leiden.
- 40. (1994) Lecture 'Europese eenwording: naar een nieuwe staat?' (= European integration: toward a new state?), in Studium Generale course In alle staten. Europese staatsvorming in staatsvormen (= In all states. European statemaking in stateforms), April 21, University of Leiden.
- 39. (1994) Paper “De Beus’ conception of the new state”, The Sixth Annual Social Science Conference, University of Amsterdam, April 7-8.
- 38. (1994) The Netherlands governance system between reorganization and reform, 1945-1993, conference at University of Wroclaw, Poland, March 22-25.
- 37. (1994) Opening lecture annual conference of the Centrale Vereniging voor de Ambulante Handel (central association for itinerant trade), Tussen markt en overheid. De CVAH en de organisatie van de belangenbehartiging in het marktwezen (= Between market and government. The CVAH and interest articulation in the markets), March 7 in Veldhoven. *
- 36. (1994) Lecture Rijksopleidings Instituut, The Hague, The Netherlands governance system between reorganization and reform, 1945-1993, March 7, for delegation of civil servants from the Republic of Latvia.
- 35. (1994) Lecture Municipal Archive The Hague, De gemeente georganiseerd? Bestuurlijke ontwikkeling in archiefbestanden (= Organizing municipalities. Administrative development in archival records), February 17. *
- 34. (1994) The Napoleonic Model of Administration, International Institute of the Administrative Sciences, Workshop on Administrative History, February 5. *
- 33. (1994) Organizer of and lecture during study day at the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, delegation from Yemen chaired by Deputy-Minister Mr. Mohamed Saeed Abdullah, Ministry of the Civil Service, The Netherlands governance system: between reorganization and reform, 1945-1993, January 6.
- 32. (1993) Lecture Rijksopleidings Instituut, The Hague, Territorial and functional reorganization in the Netherlands, November 25.
- 31. (1993) Lecture Macht en Onmacht van Raad (en College) (= Power and lack of power of council and board), introduction day for new members of the Leiden University Council, August 26.
- 30. (1993) Lecture, Administrative History, Department of Sociology, University of Utrecht, October 5. *
- 29. (1993) Lecture, Adjustments of the Dutch public administration to European demands, Postgraduate Study of Local Government, University of Wroclaw, June 9.
- 28. (1993) Lecture Administrative history, Department of Law and Administration, University of Wroclaw, June 9. * (in Polish).
- 27. (1993) Lecture, Europe and its regions: an administrative structure for public service delivery, Department of Law and Administration, University of Wroclaw, June 8. *
- 26. (1993) Lecture, A curriculum in public administration, Department of Political Science, University of Wroclaw, June 8.
- 25. (1993) The Napoleonic Model of Administration, International Institute of the Administrative Sciences, Workshop on Administrative History, January 30. *
- 24. (1992) The Regions in the European Community Integration Process, Gieszen, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, December 4-6 (paper). *
- 23. (1992) Regionalization of Unitary States: France and the Netherlands in Comparative Perspective, Leiden/Rotterdam, November 25-28.
- 22. (1992) Paper Between Ecology and Economy: From Rigid to Flexible Water Defense Systems in the Netherlands, paper for the 3rd Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, Washington, September 16-20, 18 pages (organizer of session). *
- 21. (1992) Speech, for presentation of book on Local Government History, Bank of Dutch Municipalities, Sept.4. *
- 20. (1992) Lecture, for the Constitutional Committee of the Finnish Parliament, The Hague, Finnish Embassy, March 2, about the role of parliament in an integrated Europe.
- 19. (1992) Lecture, European Integration and the Public Services of the Member States: A Comparative Approach, Brussels, February 28, for top civil servants of the Belgian government.
- 18. (1991) Lecture, for the Chinese Ministry of Personnel: Dutch Government: Structure and Functioning, The Hague, October.
- 17. (1991) Lecture, Dutch Government: Planning and Zoning, The Hague, September, for a Kenyan governmental delegation (UNDP sponsor).
- 16. (1991) Nine Centuries of Waterboards in the Netherlands: From Autonomy to Interdependence, paper for the 2nd Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, September 26-29, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, 22 pages. *
- 15. (1991) Civil Service Systems in Comparative Perspective, International Congress, October 17-19, Leiden/Rotterdam (paper). *
- 14. (1991) Lecture, the Royal Zeeland Society of Sciences: The Waterboard: Decision-Making in Two Zeeland Cases, April 24. *
- 13. (1990) Representative Government, International Institute of the Administrative Sciences, Workshop on Administrative History. January 25. *
- 12. (1990) Opening speech, Annual Meeting of the Dutch Society for Overseers of the Markets, September 6. *
- 11. (1990) Representative Government, International Institute of the Administrative Sciences, Workshop on Administrative History. March 1990. *
- 10. (1989) Regional Development, SPEA/Leiden/Rotterdam conference in Bloomington, Indiana University, May. *
- 9. (1988) Multi-Functional Common Pool Resources: The Case of Dutch Waterboards, seminar at the Workshop for Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Bloomington, Indiana, October 24. *
- 8. (1988) Local Government Development in The Netherlands, seminars given at Indiana University, Bloomington and Ft. Wayne, September 14, October 25.
- 7. (1988) Philosophy and Methodology of Public Administration, Leiden, October; symposium organized with Mark R. Rutgers) (two papers). *
- 6. (1987) Municipalities and Education, paper at Conference of Educational Scientists, Amsterdam, October. *
- 5. (1987) Co-Production in Historical Perspective, paper at the conference on Public Infrastructure, Leiden/Rotterdam June 30 - July 2. *
- 4. (1985) Higher Education in Comparative Perspective, (working group), International Union of Local Authorities World Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September. *
- 3. (1985) Bureaucratization, paper at Historical Congress at University of Groningen, October. *
- 2. (1985) Balance and Perspective, paper Historical Congress at University of Utrecht, May. *
- 1. (1984) Public Administration, conference at Ministry of Home Affairs, The Hague. *
Teaching and Thesis Supervisor Experience
Courses taught at The Ohio State University
- 43. Civics, the Making of Law, and the Development and Implementation of Public Policy, spring 2023, spring 2024 (undergraduate high impact gen.ed., co-taught with College of Law faculty Steven Huefner).
- 42. History of Public Administration and Government, spring 2018, spring 2019 (undergraduate, gen.ed).
- 41. Public Management, spring 2017 (undergraduate), fall 2024.
- 40. Seminar in Public Policy, spring 2015 (doctoral class).
- 39. Public Policy & Management – Foundations & Approach, fall 2013, fall 2016 (doctoral class).
- 38. Capstone Comparative Government, spring 2013 (graduate).
- 37. Managing Public Organizations, winter 2012 (graduate, two sections).
- 36. Public Policy Formulation and Implementation (graduate), fall 2011, fall 2012 (two sections), fall 2013 (two sections), fall 2014 (two sections), fall 2015, spring 2016, fall 2018, fall 2019, fall 2020, spring 2022.
- 35. Introduction to Public Affairs (undergraduate, gen.ed.), fall 2011, fall 2015, spring 2016, fall 2017, spring 2018, fall 2019, spring 2021, fall 2021, fall 2022, fall 2023, fall 2024.
Courses taught at the University of Oklahoma
- 34. Cultures of Organizations (graduate, online, OU College of Liberal Studies) spring and fall 2014.
- 33. Foundations of Interdisciplinary Studies (graduate, online, OU College of Liberal Studies), Spring and Fall 2008, Spring and Fall 2009, spring and fall 2010, spring and fall 2011, spring 2012, spring 2014.
- 32. Introduction to American Government (undergraduate general education class), Spring 2003. 31 Public Policy Analysis (graduate), Spring 2003, Ft. Sill (prepared but canceled).
- 30. Introduction to Public Administration (graduate), Fall 2002 (on-line class for on-campus and AP-students).
- 29. Organizational Culture and Ethics (graduate), Spring 2002 (Norman), Fall 2003 (Yongsan AB, Korea), Fall 2004 (HSC, Oklahoma City), Spring 2005 (Norman), Spring 2006 (Kadena AB, Okinawa), Fall 2007 (HSC, OKC), Fall 2009 (Norman), Spring 2011 (Norman).
- 28. Comparative Political Analysis (graduate), Fall 2001 (Mildenhall AB, England).
- 27. Organizational Change and Development (graduate), Summer 2001 (Tinker AFB, prepared but canceled), Fall 2004 (Hickam AFB, Hawaii), Summer 2005 (Tulsa), Fall 2006 (Washington, D.C.), Fall 2007 (OU-Tulsa), Summer 2008 (Mt.Home AFB, Idaho) Fall 2011 (Norman).
- 26. Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations (graduate), Spring 2001.
- 25. Functions of Public Management (undergraduate), Fall 2000.
- 24. Pro-seminar/Field-seminar in Public Administration (Ph.D. course), Fall 2000, Fall 2003, Fall 2006, Spring 2009, Summer 2011.
- 23. Comparative Public Policy Analysis (graduate), Summer 2000 (Geilenkirchen, Germany).
- 22. Comparative Administration (graduate), Spring 2000 (Norman), Spring 2001 (Tulsa), Spring 2002 (Offutt AFB), Summer 2003 (Norman); Spring 2004 (Yokota Air Base, Tokyo), Summer 2004 (Mt. Home AFB), Summer 2006 (Ft. Sill), Spring 2007 (Yongsan AB, Korea), Fall 2007 (SHAPE, Belgium), Spring 2008 (Norman), Fall 2008 (Ramstein/Vogelweh, Germany), Spring 2009 (Nellis AFB), Spring 2010 (Hurlburt AFB), Summer 2010 (Ramstein/Vogelweh), Fall 2010 (Ft. Sill).
- 21. Capstone Public Administration (undergraduate), Fall 1999, Spring 2005.
- 20. Organizations: Design, Structure, Process (graduate), Fall 1999 (Norman), Spring 2005 (Quantico), Spring 2006 (Norman), Fall 2006 (Ft. Sill), Fall 2010 (Norman).
- 19. Human Resource Administration (graduate), Spring 1999 (Norman), Spring 1999 (Offutt AFB), Summer 1999 (Washington), Fall 1999 (Tulsa), Spring 2000 (Nellis AFB), Fall 2001 (Tulsa), Spring 2002 (Norman), Spring 2003 (Washington, D.C.)., Summer 2004 (Tulsa), Fall 2005 (Nellis AFB, Las Vegas), Spring 2008 (Ft. Sill), Fall 2008 (Norman), Summer 2009 (Norman), Spring 2010 (Norman), Spring 2011 (Tulsa).
- 18. Human Resource Management (undergraduate), Spring 1999, Spring 2001, Fall 2002.
- 17. Theory of Public Organizations (undergraduate), Fall 1998, Spring 2000, Spring 2007.
- 16. Administration & Society. An Introduction to Public Administration (undergraduate), Fall 1998, Fall 2001, spring 2008.
Courses Taught in English at the University of Leiden
- 16. Comparative Public Management (graduate) May 2014, June 2015, June 2016, June 2017, June 2018.
- 15. European Public Administration and Public Management, Spring 1998, Leiden (advanced course, Swedish civil servants).
- 14. International and Comparative Administration, Fall 1997, Leiden (advanced course, Swedish civil servants).
- 13. The Dutch Administrative System, Fall 1997, Leiden (advanced course, Indonesian local government officials).
- 12. Comparative Public Administration in Europe, Fall 1996, Master of European Public Administration Program, Leiden (postgraduate).
- 11. The Dutch State and Government in Historical Perspective, Fall 1996, 1997 International Program, Leiden (undergraduate).
- 10. Comparative Administrative Systems, Fall 1995, 1996, 1997, International Program, Leiden (graduate).
- 9. International Relations and Organizations, Fall 1994, International Program, Leiden (with Leurdijk) (graduate).
- 8. European Politics, Policies, and Administration, Rotterdam School of Management, Fall 1993 (with Hoetjes & Toonen) (graduate).
- 7. European Public Administration and Public Management in Comparative Perspective, Fall 1992, Teikyo University Holland in Maastricht (with Toonen) (undergraduate).
- 6. Dutch History and Culture from an Administrative Science Perspective, Fall 1992, 1993, 1994, and 1995, International Program, Leiden (undergraduate).
- 5. Institutionalization and the "New States", Fall 1990 and 1991, International Program, Leiden (undergraduate).
- 4. Institutional Development of Western Nations, Fall 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997; Spring 1993 in Rotterdam. International Program, Leiden (undergraduate/graduate).
- 3. Directed Research, Fall 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 International Program, Leiden (undergraduate and graduate).
- 2. Policy Analysis, Fall 1989 and 1990, International Program, Leiden (undergraduate).
- 1. International Public Affairs, September/October 1988, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University (undergraduate).
Courses Taught and Lectures in Dutch (University of Leiden or elsewhere)
- 18. Philosophy of Government and of the Study of Public Administration, University of Leiden, (graduate) June 2012.
- 17. Comparative Public Management, University of Leiden, (graduate) June 2012, June 2013, May 2014, June 2015, June 2016, June 2017, June 2018.
- 16. Guest lectures Development of Government in the Netherlands, University of Nijmegen (February 1991, November 1997, February 1998).
- 15. PhD seminar for all PhD students of the Department of Public Administration (together with De Zwart), 1997-1998 (on research, methodology and progress of projects).
- 14. Introduction to Comparative Public Administration, Spring 1995, Fall and Spring 1995-1996, 1996-1997, 1997-1998, graduate 3rd year).
- 13. PhD seminar, Administrative History of the Netherlands, for the Netherlands Institute of Government, April- May 1995.
- 12. Guest lectures on European Integration for electives, October and November 1993, April 1994, November 1994, April 1995 (graduate).
- 11. European Administrative Integration, Spring 1994 (graduate).
- 10. Working group, Foundations and Methodological Problems of Public Administration, Fall 1992, 1993 (undergraduate).
- 9. International and Comparative Public Administration, 1992-1993, 1993-1994, 1994-1995, 1995-1996, 1996-
- 1997, 1997-1998 (graduate 4th year).
- 8. PhD seminar, Institutional Development, June 1991 - May 1992.
- 7. Guest lecture, Bureaucracy and Bureaucratization, November 28, 1990, November 26, 1991 (graduate).
- 6. Research in Policy and Organization, Spring 1990, 1991 (graduate).
- 5. Development Administration: Latin America, Spring 1990 (graduate).
- 4. Working groups Introduction to Public Administration, Fall 1989, 1990, 1991 (undergraduate).
- 3. Introduction to Public Administration, Fall 1987, 1988 (undergraduate).
- 2. Administrative Skills and Formal Logic, 1985-1986, 1986-1987 (undergraduate).
- 1. The Dutch Administrative System, 1987-1988, 1988-1989, Spring 1991 (graduate).
Courses and Lectures for Mid-Career and Elected Professionals
Courses taught for Practitioners while at The Ohio State University
- Ohio Public Safety Leadership Academy, March 31– June 12, 2013; March 31- June 14, 2014; March 16 –
- May 30, 2015; March 28 – June 10, 2016; March 29 – June 10 2017; March 30 – June 10, 2018; March 25 –
- June 6, 2019; March 22 – May 28, 2021; March 28 – June 10, 2022; March 27 – June 8, 2023;
April 1 – June 17, 2024; eleven-week program for law enforcement personnel in Ohio organized by the Glenn College; served as instructor of record for the entire program, taught several units (HRM, organization theory, organizational culture and ethics, decision making) and graded (since 2016) the graduate experiential learning papers.
- Young African Leaders Academy, YALI Public Management Institute, June 20 – July 31, 2016; two lectures July 1 (on civic education) and July 7 (on merit and professionalism); one lecture (on civicness), July 5, 2017.
- Leadership Certificate, March – October 2017, served as instructor of record; opening lecture on leadership, March 31, 2017; lecture on decision making under uncertainty and organizational ethics, October 20, 2017; second cohort January – December 2018. Third cohort January – October 2019; fourth cohort April – December 2019 for which a hybrid delivery format has been developed; fifth cohort for veterans, National Veterans Memorial and Museum, Columbus, Ohio, February – June 2020. Development of fully online version of this Leadership Certificate for Veterans (spring 2020) (renamed Military to Civilian Leadership Certificate, McLCERT); section, summer 2024 (May 10 – July 26, hybrid format)
- State of Ohio Leadership Academy, 16-20 July, 2018; 14-19 July, 2019; 5-9 July, 2020, for elected officeholders at state and local level (inaugural program), lecturing on nature of governing in democracy;
- Leadership Certificate, 12-day program for practitioners (2019); developed the hybrid version (2019); developed in-class and fully online version specifically for veterans (2020) and in collaboration with the National Veterans Memorial and Museum.
Courses spring 1999 to spring 2011 for OU’s College of Continuing Education
- Organization theory, organizational change and development, organizational culture and ethics, human resource management, comparative government, comparative public policy, and comparative political systems (mainly students employed in the U.S. military, although most classes also had civilians).
Course for OU’s College of Liberal Studies
- Foundations of Interdisciplinary Studies (online class; mainly civilian students) (spring 2008 – spring 2012, spring 2014); Cultures of Organizations (online) (spring 2014, fall 2014).
Special courses taught for administrative and political officeholders/appointees, University of Leiden
- European Public Administration and Public Management, Spring 1998, Leiden (advanced course, Swedish civil servants);
- International and Comparative Administration, Fall 1997, Leiden (advanced course, Swedish civil servants);
- The Dutch Administrative System, Fall 1997, Leiden (advanced course, Indonesian local government officials);
- International Relations and Organizations, Fall 1994, International Program, Leiden (with Leurdijk from the Institute for International Studies, Clingendael) (for European diplomats);
- European Politics, Policies, and Administration, Rotterdam School of Management, Fall 1993 (with Hoetjes & Toonen) (for Dutch civil servants);
- European Public Administration and Public Management in Comparative Perspective, Fall 1992, Teikyo University Holland in Maastricht (with Toonen) (for European civil servants).
Invited Lectures for Practitioner Audiences:
- (2015) Lecture on civil service reform, ethics and training/education, for the National Civil Service Agency, Santiago, Chile, November 3, upon invitation of the Director of the NCSA, Dr. Rodrigo Egaña Barona.
- (2008) Research in American Public Administration: Topics and Trends. Keynote Speech at the 1st Liangzhu Forum, International Conference on ‘Governance and Social Responsibility’, College of Public Administration, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou. P.R. of China, Oct.31 – Nov.2 (for Chinese local and regional administrative and political officeholders).
- (2008) Trends in American Public Administration and their Meaning for Korean Public Administration. Keynote speaker at conference of the Korean Institute of Public Administration, in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Republic of Korea, August 11 (for Korean political officeholders and civil servants).
- (1998) 3 Lectures (Comparative Political Systems, State and Administrative Traditions, Central-Local Relations), Clingendael Institute for International Relations, group of international civil servants and diplomats from Mozambique, January 20.
- (1997) Lecture ‘The Development of the Province in the Dutch State and Administrative System.’ Upon the first meeting of the Association of former Members of the Provincial Council of the Province of Utrecht, May 29, Provinciehuis Utrecht.
- (1996) Lecture Erasmus University Rotterdam, Researching civil service systems in comparative perspective + excursion, deputation of civil servants from the Kyrghiz Republic (UNDP-sponsored), August 6.
- (1994) Organizer of and opening lecture for study meeting on European integration with lecture by the Ambassador of Luxemburg in the Netherlands, June 6 (for Luxemburgean diplomats and civil servants).
- (1994) Lecture Rijksopleidings Instituut, The Hague, The Netherlands governance system between reorganization and reform, 1945-1993, March 7 (for delegation of civil servants from the Republic of Latvia).
- (1994) Lecture Municipal Archive The Hague, De gemeente georganiseerd? Bestuurlijke ontwikkeling in archiefbestanden (= Organizing municipalities. Administrative development in archival records), February 17 (for archivists).
- (1994) Organizer of and lecture during study day at the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, delegation from Yemen chaired by Deputy-Minister Mr. Mohamed Saeed Abdullah, Ministry of the Civil Service, The Netherlands governance system: between reorganization and reform, 1945-1993, January 6 (for Saudi Arabian civil servants).
- (1993) Lecture Rijksopleidings Instituut, The Hague, Territorial and functional reorganization in the Netherlands, November 25 (for Dutch civil servants).
- (1992) Speech, for presentation of book on Local Government History, Bank of Dutch Municipalities, Sept.4 (for Dutch civil servants).
- (1992) Lecture, for the Constitutional Committee of the Finnish Parliament, The Hague, Finnish Embassy, March 2, about the role of parliament in an integrated Europe (for Finnish political officeholders and civil servants).
- (1992) Lecture, European Integration and the Public Services of the Member States: A Comparative Approach, Brussels, February 28 (for top civil servants of the Belgian government).
- (1991) Lecture, for the Chinese Ministry of Personnel: Dutch Government: Structure and Functioning, The Hague, October 1991 (for Chinese civil servants).
- (1991) Lecture, Dutch Government: Planning and Zoning, The Hague, September 15 (for a Kenyan governmental delegation, UNDP sponsor).
- (1991) Lecture, the Royal Zeeland Society of Sciences: The Waterboard: Decision-Making in Two Zeeland Cases, April 24 (for waterboard administrators).
Other Educational Activities/Guest Lectures
- guest lecture, PA 4011, Capstone, spring 2024, February 6.
- guest lectures, PA 8000, Foundations of PA, fall 2023 (8/29 and 9/5)
- guest lecture, Oral and Written Communication, PA 2367, OSU, March 2, 2023.
- guest lecture, Ethics and Public Management, in PA 3500 Public Management, OSU, November 29, 2022.
- guest lecture (via zoom). German Public Administration and Max Weber, in course Comparative Administrative Systems by Dr. Fron Nahzi, American University, November 17, 2022; November 16, 2023.
- guest lecture (via zoom), Why is studying history of PA important in doctoral program? In course PA 761, Foundations of Public Administration by Dr. Bruce McDonald, North Carolina State University, October 31, 2022.
- panel member, student presentations in Foresight and Democracy class, August 3, 2022.
- guest lecturer (via zoom), in course Historical Political Economy of Bureaucracy by Dr. Jan Vogler, University of Konstanz, Germany: “Comparative Bureaucratic Development and the Dutch Bureaucracy,” December 17, 2021, 9-10.30 a.m.
- guest instructor, PA 8000 on history of the study of PA (Foundation of Public Administration) (September 2, 2021) (John Glenn College)
- guest lecture in class on Introduction to the Study of Government, Regent University, Department of Government, History, and Criminal Justice; on The Three Ages of Government, August 25, 2021, 8-9 p.m. (via zoom).
- Colloquium, John Glenn College, November 30, 2020
- guest instructor (via skype), lecture on the nature of the study of public administration, School of Public Management and Administration, University of Pretoria, South Africa, February 5, 2020
- guest instructor PA 8890.04 (College Teaching in Public Affairs) (January 22, 2020)
- guest instructor PA 8890.04 (College Teaching in Public Affairs) (January 31, 2018)
- guest instructor PA 5610 (Innovation, Policy and the Global Economy), student presentations (December 5, 2017).
- guest lecture PA 8000 (Foundations of Public Administration), on comparative studies (November 29, 2017).
- guest lecture PA 8000 (Foundations of Public Administration), on theories of democracy (September 6, 2017).
- guest lecture PA 4510 (Law and Public Affairs), on administrative law, John Glenn College (September 5, 2017).
- guest lecture PA 2110 (Introduction to Public Affairs, on bureaucracy, John Glenn College (February 22, 2017)
- guest lecture PA 6060 (Managing Human Resources in Public Organizations), on organizational ethics John Glenn College, (April 12 and 14, 2016).
- guest lecture PA 8000, on comparative public management (Public Policy and Management: Foundations and Approaches), John Glenn School, (November 16, 2012; November 5, 2014; December 9, 2015; November 15, 2017).
- guest lecture Psc 3243: Health Policy (OU, Givel) (April 6, 2010).
- guest lecture - PUAD 5343-001: Training and Learning (Department of Political Science, Texas Tech, Lubbock, March 6, 2006)
- guest lecture in Psc 3133: Politics and Public Administration (OU, Hill) on development of American personnel system and civil service hierarchy (February 1, 2005).
- guest lecture in Psc 3183, Politics of Government Budgeting (OU, Krutz), on development of budgeting (15 September 2004).
- guest lecture in Psc 4063, Comparative Public Policy (OU, Tao), on welfare policies (March 1, 2004).
- guest lecture in Psc 4213, Regulatory Policy (OU, Givel), on comparative policies regarding measures to reduce use of dirty needles by drug addicts (March 3, 2004).
- guest lecture, Psc 2223, Making Public Policy (OU, Franklin), on policy formation (January 19, 2003).
- guest lecture, Psc 2173, Administration & Society (OU, Franklin), on democratic accountability and administrative discretion (October 9, 2003).
- guest lecture, Psc 5103, Organizational theory (OU, Hill), on bureaucracy (October 15, 2001).
- guest lecture, Psc 3623, ‘Colonial administration in comparative perspective’ (Politics of Transitional Areas, OU, Sloan) (February 9, 2000).
- Brown bag lunch series on the Identity of Public Administration, five meetings for PhD-students in preparation of the comprehensive exams, February-March 2000 (organized with Rosenthal).
Ph.D. and MPA Supervision
- spring – fall 2023: member Ph.D. committee, Ken Poland, Glenn College
- spring 2023, external member Ph.D. committee, …, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
- spring 2022, member MA-committee Zachary Grammel, Glenn College
- spring 2022: member, Ph.D. committee Leslie Dillon, Kinesiology
- spring 2021: chair, MPA committee Brandon Harvey, Slavic Studies
- fall 2019 – April 2021, member Ph.D. committee, Aiden Irish, Glenn College
- spring 2021 – spring 2022: member Ph.D. committee, Jin Hong Kom, Glenn College
- spring 2020, external reviewer, Ph.D.-thesis, Robert J. van Putten, Free University, Amsterdam.
- fall 2019 – spring 2020: chair MPA-thesis, Sanne Pijnaker, University of Leiden
- fall 2018 – spring 2019: chair MPA-thesis, Marc Bakkum, University of Leiden
- fall 2018 – present: member Ph.D. committee, Alex Wesaw, The Ohio State University
- fall 2018 – spring 2019: chair MPA-thesis, Sjoerd Buizert, University of Leiden
- spring 2019 – spring 2020: chair Ph.D. committee, Mr. H. Fabius, University of Leiden (not completed)
- fall 2018 – ….: co-chair Ph.D. committee, Kees Nagtegaal, University of Leiden
- fall 2018 – fall 2019: member Ph.D. committee, Jan Porth, University of Leiden
- fall 2018-spring 2019: chair MPA-thesis, Mark de Groot, University of Leiden
- fall 2018: chair MPA thesis, Hasan Yalçin, University of Leiden
- fall 2018: chair MPA-thesis, Samantha de Groot, University of Leiden
- spring 2018 – fall 2020: member Ph.D. committee, Lisa Gajary, Glenn College
- fall 2016-spring 2017: member Ph.D. committee, Lathania Brown, Glenn College, OSU
- spring 2017- spring 2019: member Ph.D. committee, Jan Vogler, Duke University
- fall 2016 – spring 2017: chair MPA-thesis, Ellen van Reemst, University of Leiden
- fall 2013 – summer 2016: member Ph.D. committee, Lauren Bailes, College of Education, OSU
- fall 2014 - spring 2016: member Ph.D. committee, Lisa Fern, College of Engineering, OSU
- August 2015 – fall 2018: Member Ph.D. Committee, Jeremy Luke, College of Education, OSU
- fall 2015 - spring 2017: chair Ph.D. committee, James Comeaux, Glenn College, OSU (not completed)
- fall 2014 – fall 2016: member Ph.D. committee, Jongsoo Park, Glenn College, OSU
- summer 2014 - 2015: member Ph.D. committee, James Low, Australia National University
- fall 2015-spring 2016: chair MPA-thesis ,Viktor Tomov, University of Leiden
- fall 2014: chair MPA-thesis, Erwin Zwart, University of Leiden
- spring 2013 – spring 2017: chair MPA-thesis, Reinier Geijtenbeek, University of Leiden
- spring 2013: chair MPA-thesis, Fiona van Beek, University of Leiden
- May 2013 – November 2017: member Ph.D. committee, Rudy Hightower, Glenn College, OSU
- summer 2013 – November 2017: chair Ph.D. committee, Alex Roberts, Glenn College, OSU
- Fall 2012 – present: chair Ph.D. thesis, Wilma der Weduwe, University of Leiden
- fall 2012 - fall 2013: chair MPA-thesis, Marit Bakker, Lotte Helder, University of Leiden
- spring 2012 – summer 2016: member Ph.D committee, Hae Na Kim, College of Education, OSU
- Spring 2013 defense: member Ph.D. committee, Yun-Hsiang Hsu, Glenn College, OSU
- Spring 2013 defense: member Ph.D. committee, Roy Heidelberg, Glenn College, OSU
- Fall 2013 defense: member Ph.D. committee, Michel Hoenderboom, Free University of Amsterdam
- Spring 2013 defense: member Ph.D. committee, Toon Kerkhof, University of Leiden
- Fall 2011: co-reviewer for the Ph.D. dissertation, Christian Rosser, University of Bern, Switzerland
- Spring 2011: nine students, OU, MPA-papers of community needs assessments.
- University of Leiden, member Ph.D. opposition committee, Casper van den Berg, defended January 20, 2011.
- MPA-papers, eight students, as part of a National Issues Forums on immigration, Oklahoma Fall 2010 (total of six forums, final report for the Kettering Foundation in January 2011).
- University of Utrecht, member Ph.D. committee, Jeroen van Bockel, defended October 23, 2009.
- University of Leiden, referee in Ph.D. committee, Alexander Kotchegura (University of Moscow), defended November 19, 2008.
- OU: member of PhD-committee in the College of Education (chaired by Sarah Beach) (2004-2007).
- OU: member of seven PhD-committees in the AP German cohort 2008-9 (chaired one).
- OU: committee member for several on-campus Ph.D.-students.
- Chair, Ph.D. Committee for Kwang-Hoon Lee (2003-2011), OU.
- Supervisor of three PhD students (with Theo A.J. Toonen) in project on development of water-management in the Netherlands (1991-1996); PhD-coordinator of the Department of Public Administration, University of Leiden (1997-1998).
-Together with Professor Theo Toonen, application for and management of a grant from the Dutch National Science Foundation for a four-year research project on the institutional development of waterboards in the Netherlands (since 1991: three PhD students). - co-chair (with Prof. Theo A.J. Toonen) Ph.D.-dissertation by Birgitta Dolfing on bureaucratization in the 17th and 18th centuries in a Dutch Waterboard, Department of Public Administration, University of Leiden (1995- 1997);
- co-chair (with Prof. Simon Groenveld) Ph.D.-dissertation by Pieter Wagenaar on bureaucratization of Dutch waterboards in 17th and 18th centuries in the Department of History, University of Leiden (2000).
- member Ph.D.-committee for study on water-management in the 19th century in the Department of History, University of Leiden (1997) (Chair: Prof. H. de Vries);
- member Ph.D.-committee European University in Florence for comparative study by Marleen Brans on pay of elected officials in the Belgium and The Netherlands in the 19th and 20th centuries (1999) (Chair: Prof. Jean Blondel, European University Florence);
- Member of Expert Panel in research project (1998-2003) at University of Leiden: The Renaissance of Public Administration. An Interdisciplinary Project on the Foundations of Administrative Thought, principal researcher dr. Mark R. Rutgers. Other expert panel members: prof. A. Hans G.M. Bekke (Netherlands), prof. Thijs G. Drupsteen (Netherlands), prof. Jens J. Hesse (Germany), prof. Erk Volkmar Heyen (Germany), prof. Edward C. Page (United Kingdom), prof. Richard J. Stillman II (United States), prof. Uri Rosenthal (Netherlands), prof. Gary L. Wamsley (United States).
Professional Memberships
- Member, Dutch Society of Public Administration (1984-1998).
- Member, European Group of Public Administration (1986-1998).
- Member, "History of Administration" working group, International Institute of Administrative Sciences (1990-2015).
- Member, American Society for Public Administration (since 1996).
- Member, International Political Science Association (2000-2007).
- Member, American Political Science Association (2000-2010).
- 2021:
nomination: best book award SPAR – ASPA
nomination: best book award APSA
nomination: Brownlow Award NAPA
nomination: George R. Terry Book Award, AoM - 2020, Outstanding Reviewer Award (i.e. Emerald Publishing Literati Award), International Journal of Public Leadership.
- 2018, 2017 Laverne Burchfield Award for best PAR book review for “The United States of America as Rechtsstaat: State and Administrative Law as Key to Understanding the Administrative State.”
- 2016. Friendship 7 Individual Faculty Award, John Glenn College of Public Affairs.
- 2014. Fellow, National Academy of Public Administration.
- 2012. Chester A. Newland Presidential Citation of Merit, American Society for Public Administration.
- Financial support ($ 3,000.-) (course release time or professional development) by College of Arts and Sciences for development of web-delivered course program in academic year 2002-2003.
- Visiting professor, Pioneer Project ‘The Renaissance of Public Administration, Department of Public Administration, University of Leiden, June 6 - July 3, 2001.
- Presidential International Travel Fellowship, OU, April 2000.
- Senior Scholar Session, 60th annual conference of the American Society of Public Administration, April 10- 14, 1999, Orlando, FL.- 1998. Outstanding Academic Book, Choice (October 1998), Journal of the American Library Association (for Handbook of Administrative History).
Other Activities
- Teaching classical guitar to friends 1979-1989.
- Secretariate (1977-1983) and Chairman (1983-1993) of a Youth Association (4 groups with 750 members in total: scouting, gymnastics, hobby-club, young adults society) in the city of The Hague, The Netherlands.
- Member of the Church Council of the American Protestant Church in The Hague (1996-1998).
- Musical performance for the Friday assembly of Washington Elementary, Norman, OK (2001 - 2004; four times).
- Title I committee member 2004-05, Washington Elementary, Norman OK, preparation for a federal grant and evaluating student and parent surveys.
- Performance as Captain Von Trapp in the production of the Sound of Music, Sooner Theatre, Norman, OK, Sept/Oct. 2005.
- Musical performance at the Christmas luncheon of the staff of College of Continuing Education, OU, December 20, 2005; December 16, 2006; December 21, 2011.
- Served as stage crew for the production of Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, May 9-16, 2009, Irving Middle School, Norman, OK (building and dismantling the stage set) (12 hours);
- Served as narrator, camp dad, and cleaner for the production of Beauty and the Beast, Sooner Theatre, Norman, Oklahoma, June 19-28, 2009 (45 hours).
- Performance with OSU University Choir of Carmina Burana, February 24, 2018.