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Jos Raadschelders

Professor, Faculty Director Professional Development Programs

Dr. Jos Raadschelders does research in and teaches about public administration theories, history of government, comparative government and civil service systems.

He received his doctorate in the social sciences from the Department of Public Administration at the University of Leiden (1990), a master’s in history (with minors in public administration and international relations) from the University of Leiden (1982), and a bachelor’s in history and textiles from Teachers College, Delft, The Netherlands (1979).

At the John Glenn College of Public Affairs at The Ohio State University he has been a faculty member since 2011 and served as the associate dean of faculty development (2013-2023). Since 2018 he serves as faculty director for professional development programs. Previously he served as assistant and associate professor of public administration at the University of Leiden (1983-1998) and as associate and full professor of public administration at the University of Oklahoma. Since 2011 he is affiliated as full professor with the University of Leiden, where he teaches in June and supervises master’s theses. He served as managing editor of Public Administration Review (2006-2011) and as the co-editor in chief of the same journal since 2024. He is a fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA).

His research focuses on the structure and functioning of governments at large from a historical and comparative perspective. He has also written extensively about the study of public administration as academic pursuit. He has published more than 140 articles and book chapters, multiple book review essays, and (co-)authored and (co-)edited multiple smaller and larger books.

He teaches courses at undergraduate, graduate and doctoral level on organizational theory, policy making and process, foundations of public administration as a study, and comparative government. Recently taught courses at the Glenn College include: PA 2110 Introduction to Public Affairs; PA 6000 Policy Formulation and Implementation; and PA 8000 Foundations of Public Administration. He also taught elected officeholders, career civil servants, diplomats, military and police personnel from a variety of countries around the world.

In The Netherlands Raadschelders has been involved in some applied research projects for, among others, municipalities, water boards and the national association of itinerant merchants. In 2017 he was member of a five-panel White Paper published by NAPA on civil service reform in the United States.

From Disciplinary Depth to Interdisciplinary Breadth: The Case of Public Administration
The American Review of Public Administration
January 17, 2025

This article examines the evolution and academic status of Public Administration (PA) as a field of study.

Election workers under stress: Pressures from political officeholders, lawyers, and citizens
September 13, 2024

Jos Raadschelders explores the tensions between agendas of elected officials and career civil servants.

The Yoke of Objectivity in Public Administration (and Beyond)
Perspectives on Public Management and Governance
August 06, 2024

This article problematizes the concept of "objectivity" as it applies to research and practice in public administration and beyond.

New development: Loyalty to principle or politics—The US civil service under attack … but is it justified?
Public Money & Management
July 16, 2024

Jos Raadschelders studies the threats to merit-based, apolitical civil service, necessary reforms and risks to democracy.

Managing Forced Migration: Overt and Covert Policies to Limit the Influx of Ukrainian Refugees
World Affairs
February 27, 2024

Jos Raadschelders studies the reception of Ukrainian migrants in the EU and United States. 

Introduction to Governance, Government and Public Administration
August 17, 2023

Jos Raadschelders presents an accessible, student-friendly introduction to governance, government and public administration

Mastering Public Administration: From Max Weber to Dwight Waldo, Fourth Edition
January 01, 2023

Jos Raadschelders provides a singular investigation into the influence of 10 scholars on contemporary public administration as well as how significant their work continues to be on contemporary research.

Historical Roots of Public Administration: Development of the Interaction between Political and Administrative Officeholders
Elgar Encyclopedia of Public Management
October 20, 2022

Jos Raadschelders looks at the history of public administration and relationship between administrative and political officeholders.

Commentary – The Bosnian Tinderbox: Is Putin Holding the Wick?
World Affairs
June 08, 2022

This commentary is intended as an addendum and recent update to the original research article published in World Affairs, “The High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina: The Unusual Institutional Arrangement of a Non-Authoritarian, yet Controlled, Democracy” 

The High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina: The Unusual Institutional Arrangement of a Controlled “Democracy”
World Affairs
April 27, 2022

Jos Raadschelders examines the (Office of the) High Representative (OHR) intended to help Bosnia-Herzegovina develop into a democracy.

How to “Run” the Many Moving Parts of Democratic Government? Book review of Nissim Cohen (2021).
Public Administration Review
December 06, 2021

This review was written by Professor Jos Raadschelders.

Ethics Education in the Study of Public Administration: Anchoring to Civility, Civics, Social Justice, and Understanding Government in Democracy
Journal of Public Affairs Education
September 03, 2021

Professor Jos Raadschelders argues that teaching ethics should be not only limited to specific ethics courses in higher education nor just embedded as an element in various core courses in public administration programs, but also anchored in a thoughtful K-12 curriculum.

Rising to Ostrom's Challenge: An Invitation to Walk on the Bright Side of Public Governance and Public Service
September 03, 2021

This programmatic essay argues that public governance scholarship would benefit from developing a self-conscious and cohesive strand of "positive" scholarship, akin to social science subfields like positive psychology, positive organizational studies, and positive evaluation.

The Three Ages of Government, From the Person, to the Group, to the World
November 01, 2020

This book, by Professor Jos C.N. Raadschelders, provides the information that all citizens should have about their connections to government, why there is a government, what it does, how it does it, and why we can no longer do without it.

Taking a Closer Look at the Empowerment-Performance Relationship: Evidence from Law Enforcement Organizations
Public Administration Review
June 25, 2018

Professors Jos Raadschelders and Russell Hassan examine the influence of empowering leadership practices on police officers' job performance, perceptions of managerial effectiveness, and unit performance.

Foundations of Public Administration
January 01, 2016

This book, written by Jos C.N. Raadschelders and Richard J. Stillman II provides academics and students with a rich supply of knowledge on the scope, methods, and theoretical foundations of public administration.

Comparative Civil Service Systems in the 21st Century
February 06, 2015

This book, written in part by Jos Raadschelders, describes how civil service systems have been subject to intense scrutiny and their roles brought into question.

Global Dimensions of Public Administration and Governance: A Comparative Voyage
January 30, 2015

This book, written by Jos Raddschelders and Eran Vigoda-Gadot, is a comprehensive, comparative text on the structure and function of governments around the world.

Mastering Public Administration
July 25, 2013

This book, written in part by Jos Raadschelders, features chapters spotlighting theorists in the field, covering his/her life, research, writings, and impact, introducing the discipline′s most important scholarship in both a memorable and approachable manner.

Public Administration: The Interdisciplinary Study of Government
July 12, 2013

Jos Raadschelders tracks the emergence of the field against a background of the expanding conception of the state and the growth of public services


350D Page Hall


Administrative History; Comparative Government; Epistemology of Public Administration; Social Ontology of Government