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Neal Hooker


Dr. Neal Hooker is a professor of food policy in the John Glenn College of Public Affairs, The Ohio State University. His research explores public policy, marketing and management issues within global food supply chains. He is particularly interested in how food safety, nutrition and sustainability attributes are communicated, controlled and (where appropriate) certified. These issues require special attention when considering public health and international trade impacts of different types and sizes of firms and farms and the responses of customers, consumers and stakeholders. He received a doctorate from the University of Massachusetts, a master’s from the University of British Columbia (Canada) and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) from Essex University (UK). Hooker has also worked at Saint Joseph’s University as the CJ McNutt Professor of Food Marketing, and as a visiting professor at the Food Policy Institute, Rutgers University, at Colorado State University and at Texas A&M University. He has published more than 70 journal articles and book chapters on the economics and marketing of food quality, product recalls, international food trade, and the demand for and supply of sustainable and functional food and drink.

Hooker is the editor of Journal of Food Products Marketing, co-edited a book “Interdisciplinary Food Safety Research” (with Elsa Murano) and special issues of journals on Private Sector Management of Food Safety and Emerging Issues in Food Safety. He served on a National Academy of Sciences/Institute of Medicine committee, which prepared a report, “Scientific Criteria to Ensure Safe Food.” He has reviewed for many government agencies, grant programs and academic journals. He serves on the Council on Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics Program Committee and has been an investigator on grants and contracts totaling more than $4.5 million.

Current research and consulting projects include; assessments of consumer reaction to information on product labels and advertisements, particularly for product and process information (fair trade, organic, natural and sustainability); differences between private label and national brand strategies (nutrition claims); approaches to describing novel/emerging information, (qualified health claims, vitamin D) and the nutritional quality of innovative food and beverage products (UK and USA). A native of England, Hooker has performed research, consulting and industry training in the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Israel, Thailand, Mexico and South Korea. He has traveled extensively throughout the world, enjoying food as he goes!

Exploring factors influencing repeated recalls in the US meat and poultry industry
August 01, 2024

Neal Hooker investigates the timing, probability and frequency of repeated recalls in the U.S. meat and poultry industry between 2003 and 2019. 

The International Trade of U.S. Organic Agri-Food Products: Export Opportunities, Import Competition and Policy Impacts
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems
October 12, 2022

Neal Hooker offers new insights concerning the current status and trends of U.S. organic imports and exports U.S. policies relevant to the international trade of U.S. organic agri-food products are described, characterizing specific products and partners.

Measuring the Potential Impact of New and Reformulated Bread and Breakfast Cereal Products on Nutrient Intakes
US Department of Agriculture
July 01, 2021

Professor Neal Hooker studies the potential impact of new breakfast cereal and bread products on nutrients consumed by adults and children.

Dietary Intake Contributions of Food and Beverages by Source and Food Security Status in US Adults
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
September 01, 2017

Professors Jill Clark and Neal Hooker compare the consumption patterns and diet quality of foods and beverages obtained from various sources by food security status.

Securing a Stop to the Summer Setback: Policy Considerations in the Future Expansion of the Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer for Children
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
September 01, 2017

Professor Neal Hooker reviews empirical assessments of Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer for Children (SEBTC) and Electronic Benefits Transfer research, and presents policy considerations in the program's future expansion.

Comparing UK Food Retailers Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies
British Food Journal
March 01, 2017

Professor Neal Hooker examines how socio-economic and institutional factors impact UK food retailers’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies as revealed in corporate communications and product marketing. 

A Natural Experiment: Using Immersive Technologies to Study the Impact of "All-Natural" Labeling on Perceived Food Quality, Nutritional Content, and Liking
Journal of Food Science
February 08, 2017

Professor Neal Hooker examines how an all-natural label impacts judgments of perceived food quality, nutritional content, and acceptance.

Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts: The Potential Impact of Yogurt Innovation on Dietary Intakes
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
January 01, 2017

Professor Neal Hooker details the challenges to surveillance with the dynamic food supply.

What's in a Name? The Impact of Fair Trade Claims on Product Price
Agribusiness: An International Journal
November 01, 2016

Professor Neal Hooker uses food marketing and other data to find the impact of a fair trade label on a product. 

What Initiatives Are British Food Retailers Taking to Improve Children’s Health and Nutrition?
Journal of Food Products Marketing
April 06, 2016

Professor Neal Hooker explores efforts targeting children’s health and nutrition.

A Balancing Act: Disproportionate Sampling of Organic Foods
Journal of Food Products Marketing
May 07, 2015

Professor Neal Hooker demonstrates that there is little statistical difference, and even a net gain in predictive power, when using a balanced sample to test factors that influence a firm’s decision to market organic food.


210R Page Hall


Food Policy and Marketing; Food Safety and Nutrition Economics; Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability