Stephanie Moulton Curriculum Vitae
- 2021 - Professor, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, The Ohio State University
- 2013 - 2021 Associate Professor, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, The Ohio State University
- 2014 - 2020 Director of Doctoral Studies, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, The Ohio State University
- 2008 – 2013 Assistant Professor, John Glenn School of Public Affairs, The Ohio State University
- 2018 - Visiting Scholar, Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank
- 2016 - Academic Research Council, Urban Institute, Housing Finance Policy Center
- 2019 - Faculty Affiliate, Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin
- 2019 - Faculty Affiliate, Institute for Population Research, OSU
- 2014 - Faculty Affiliate, Center for Real Estate, Fisher College of Business, OSU
- 2014 - Faculty Affiliate, Decision Sciences Collaborative, OSU
- 2011 - Research Fellow, Center for Financial Security, University of Wisconsin
- 2018 - Oversight Committee Member, Decision Sciences Collaborative, OSU
- 2014 - 2018 Visiting Scholar, Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Washington, DC
- 2022 - Co-Editor, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
- 2021 - Professional Conduct & Inclusion Officer, AREUEA
- 2020 - Editorial Board, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
- 2016 - Editorial Board, Public Administration Review
- 2014 - 2020 Associate Editor, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
- 2017 - 2018 Special Issue Editor, Journal of Consumer Affairs
- 2013 - 2017 Board of Directors, Public Management Research Association
- 2016 - 2019 Program Committee Chair, Association for Policy Analysis and Management
- 2008 Ph.D., Public Affairs, School of Public & Environmental Affairs, Indiana University; Minor in Sociology; Dissertation Advisor: David Reingold
- 2000 B.A., Social Work, Taylor University, Magna Cum Laude with Honors
- Housing and Urban Economics
- Policy Implementation & Management
- Social Policy Consumer Finance
- Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation
- Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring, The Ohio State University, 2021
- Scholarly Excellence Award, Center for Organizational Research and Design, ASU, 2020
- Making a Difference Award, National Foundation for Credit Counseling, 2019
- Gerald Brown Award, Best Paper of the Year, Journal of European Real Estate Research, 2018
- Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching, The Ohio State University, 2015
- Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management, 2014
- Post-Doctoral Honoree, Weimer School of Advanced Studies in Real Estate and Economics, 2014
- Best Manuscript in Senior Housing, American Real Estate Society, 2013
- Graduate Student Teaching Award, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, OSU, 2013
- Effective Implementation in Practice: Integrating Public Policy and Management, with Jodi Sandfort. Wiley/ Jossey-Bass. 2015.
*indicates student coauthor
“Does Temporary Mortgage Assistance for Unemployed Homeowners Reduce Longer Term Mortgage Default? An Analysis of the Hardest Hit Fund Program,” with Yung Chun*, Stephanie Casey Pierce*, Holly Holtzen, Roberto Quercia and Sarah Riley. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. Forthcoming.
“Property Tax Compliance and Reverse Mortgages: Using Nudges to Improve the Market,” with Michael Collins, Donald Haurin, Caezilia Loibl, and Julia Brown.* National Tax Journal. Forthcoming.
“Food Insecurity among Older Adults: The Role of Mortgage Borrowing,” with Caezilia Loibl, Donald Haurin, and Chrisse Edmunds.* Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. Forthcoming.
“The Role of Consumer and Mortgage Debt for Financial Stress,” with Caezilia Loibl, Donald Haurin, and Chrisse Edmunds.* Aging & Mental Health. Forthcoming.
“The Relationship of Financial Stress with the Timing of the Initial Claim of Social Security Retirement Income,” with Donald Haurin and Caezilia Loibl. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing. Vol 21: 2022.
“Debt Stress and Debt Illusion: The Role of Consumer Credit, Reverse, and Standard Mortgages,” with Donald Haurin and Caezilia Loibl. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 76(5), 986-995, 2021
- Covered in Forbes, Market Watch, Next Avenue
“State Housing Finance Agencies and Low Income Homeownership: A Comparative Analysis of Loan Performance,” with Matthew Record* and Erik Hembre. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 40(1), 78-106, 2021.
- Featured in Ohio State News
"How Federally Insured Reverse Mortgages Affect the Credit Outcomes of Senior Households," with Donald Haurin, Samuel Dodini* and Maximillian Schmeiser. Journal of Consumer Affairs. 54(4): 1298- 1327, 2020.
“A Dynamic Discrete Choice Model of Reverse Mortgage Borrower Behavior,” with Jason Blevins, Wei Shi*, and Donald Haurin. International Economic Review. 61(4): 1437-1477. 2020.
“Replication or Innovation? Structuration in Policy Implementation.” With Jodi Sandfort. Perspectives on Public Management and Governance. 3(2): 141-154. 2020.
“The Relationship Between Reverse Mortgage Borrowing, Domain, and Life Satisfaction.” with Cäzilia Loibl, Donald Haurin and Julia Brown*. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 75(4): 869–878, 2020.
- “Editor’s Choice” for Lead Article
“The Impact of Automated Reminders on Credit Outcomes among Credit Counseling Clients: Results from an Experimental Pilot Program,” with Stephen Roll*. Journal of Consumer Affairs. 53(4): 1693-1724, 2019.
“Credit Counseling and Consumer Credit Trajectories,” with Stephen Roll*. Economic Inquiry. 57(4): 1981-1996, 2019.
- Covered by The Associated Press, Seattle Times
“The Accuracy of Senior’s Estimates of Home Values, with an Application to Reverse Mortgage Decisions,” with Donald Haurin and Wei Shi*. Real Estate Economics, 46(3): 655-697, 2018.
“International Perspective on Homeownership and Home Equity Extraction by Senior Households," with Donald Haurin. Journal of European Real Estate, 10(3): 245-276, 2017.
- Gerald Brown Award, Best Paper of the Year, Journal of European Real Estate Research
“The Strategic Action Field Framework for Policy Implementation Research,” with Jodi Sandfort. Policy Studies Journal, 45(1): 144-169, 2017.
“Reverse Mortgage Motivations and Outcomes: Insights from Survey Data,” with Caezilia Loibl and Donald Haurin. Cityscape, 19(1):73-98, 2017.
- Covered in Evidence Matters (HUD)
“Beyond Cans & Capacity: Nonprofit Roles and Service Mobilization in an Emergency Food Network,” with Jamie Levine Daniel*. Journal of Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 28(1): 47-64, 2017.
- Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management
“A Comparative Analysis of Two Streams of Implementation Research,” with Stephen Roll* and Jodi Sandfort. Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs, 3(1): 3-22, 2017.
“Spatial Variation in Reverse Mortgages Usage: House Price Dynamics and Consumer Selection,” with Donald Haurin, Chao Ma*, Wei Shi*, Maximillian Schmeiser, and Jason Seligman. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 53(3): 392-417. 2016.
“An Analysis of Default Risk in the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) Program,” with Donald Haurin and Wei Shi*. Journal of Urban Economics, 90: 17-34. 2015.
“Effects of Monitoring on Mortgage Delinquency: Evidence From a Randomized Field Study,” with J. Michael Collins, Cäzilia Loibl and Anya Samek. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 34: 184-207. 2015.
“Beyond the Transaction: Banks and Mortgage Default of Low-Income Homebuyers,” with Emre Ergungor. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 46: 1721-1751. 2014.
- Covered in The Wall Street Journal
“Take-up of Mortgage Assistance for Distressed Homeowners: The Role of Geographic Accessibility,” with Blair Russell* and Rob Greenbaum. Journal of Housing Economics. 24:57-74. 2014.
“Publicness in Policy Environments: A Multi-Level Analysis of Substance Abuse Treatment Services,” with Susan Miller. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 24(3): 553-589. 2014.
“Borrowing Capacity and Financial Decisions of Low to Moderate Income First-Time Homebuyers,” with Caezilia Loibl, Anya Samak and Michael Collins. Journal of Consumer Affairs 47(3): 375-403. 2013.
“The Authority to do Good: Publicly Responsible Behavior among Private Mortgage Lenders.” Public Administration Review.72:3 (430-439). 2012.
“Preserving the Publicness of the Nonprofit Sector: Resources, Roles and Public Values,” with Adam Eckerd*. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 41(4): 656-685. 2012.
“Public Service in the Private Sector: Private Loan Originator Participation in a Public Mortgage Program,” with Mary Feeney. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 21: 547-572. 2011.
“The Publicness of Policy Environments: An Evaluation of the Subprime Mortgage Lending Strategy,” with Barry Bozeman. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 21: 87-115. 2011.
“Integrative Publicness: A Framework for Public Management Strategy and Performance,” with Barry Bozeman. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 21: i363-i380. 2011.
“Heterogeneous Roles and Heterogeneous Practices: Understanding the Adoption and Uses of Nonprofit Performance Evaluations,” with Adam Eckerd*. American Journal of Evaluation 32(1): 98-117. 2011.
“Wrestling with Intellectual Diversity in Public Administration: Avoiding Disconnectedness and Fragmentation While Seeking Rigor, Depth and Relevance,” with Rebecca Nesbit, Leisha DeHart-Davis, Mary Feeney, Beth Gazley, Yilin Hou, Craig Smith, Scott Robinson. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 21(s1):13-28. 2011.
“Shifting Boundaries between Public and Private Sectors: Implications from the Economic Crisis,” with Charles Wise. Public Administration Review 70(3): 349-360. 2010.
“Originating Lender Localness and Mortgage Sustainability: An Evaluation of Delinquency and Foreclosure in Indiana’s Mortgage Revenue Bond Program.” Housing Policy Debate 20(4): 547-583. 2010.
“Putting Together the Publicness Puzzle: A Framework for Realized Publicness.” Public Administration Review 69(5): 889-900. 2009.
“The Market for Reverse Mortgages Among Older Americans,” with Chris Mayer. In O.S. Mitchell, ed., New Models for Managing Longevity Risk: Public-Private Partnerships. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. xxx-xxx. Forthcoming.
“Enabling Social Policy Innovation: Trends and Promising Directions,” with Jodi Sandfort and Weston Merrick. In Oxford International Handbook of Public Administration for Social Policy:
Promising Practices and Emerging Challenges. Edited by Karen Baehler. Oxford University Press. Forthcoming.
“Save at Home: Building Emergency Savings One Mortgage Payment at a Time,” with Anya Samek and Caezilia Loibl. In A Fragile Balance: Emergency Savings and Liquid Resources for Low-Income Consumers. Edited by J. Michael Collins. Palgrave MacMillan. 2014.
“Access and Sustainability for First Time Homebuyers: The Evolving Role of State Housing Finance Agencies.” with Roberto Quercia. In Homeownership Built to Last: Balancing Access, Affordability, and Risk after the Housing Crisis. Brookings Institution Press with the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University. 2014.
“Studying Patterns in Housing and Urban Development,” with Robert Greenbaum. In Public Economics: The Government's Role in American Economics. Edited by: Steven Payson. 2014.
"Homebuyer Education and Mortgage Outcomes." In Financial Decisions Across the LifeSpan: Problems, Programs and Prospects, ed. Douglas Lamdin. New York, New York: Springer. 2012.
“Economic Impacts of the COVID-19 Crisis: Evidence from Credit and Debt Use of Older Adults,” with Meta Brown and J. Michael Collins. (UNDER REVIEW).
“Managing a Health Shock in Older Age: Housing Wealth, Mortgage Borrowing, and Medication Adherence,” with Donald Haurin, Caezilia Loibl, and Alec Rhodes. (UNDER REVIEW).
“On the Edge: Social Safety Net Generosity and Inequalities in Financial Coping during the COVID Pandemic,” with Lawrence Berger, Meta Brown, Michael Collins, Rachel Dwyer, and Jason Houle. (WORKING PAPER).
“Earnings and Employment Effects of Mortgage Assistance to Unemployed Homeowners,” with Julia Brown, Yung Chun, and Stephanie Casey Pierce. (WORKING PAPER)
“Economic Security in Retirement: Does Borrowing from Home Equity after a Health Shock Affect Health Outcomes?” with Caezilia Loibl, Joshua Joseph, Donald Haurin, and Alec Rhodes. (WORKING PAPER).
“Loan Risk and Strategic Behavior: How Recent Policy Changes Influence Reverse Mortgage Borrowing,” with Lauren Lambie-Hanson. (WORKING PAPER)
“The Effects of Administrative Burden on Program Equity and Performance: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in a Foreclosure Prevention Program,” with Stephanie Casey Pierce. (WORKING PAPER).
“Racial Differences in Forbearance and Refinancing Among Low-Income Borrowers during COVID-19,” with Matt Dean and Katie Visalli. (WORKING PAPER).
“Do FHA Borrowers Pay More or Less for Their Homes? Exploring the Effect of Federal Housing Administration Insurance on the Negotiated Sales Price,” with Matthew Record. (WORKING PAPER)
“Reverse Mortgage Retrospective: How Recent Policy Changes Affected Government-Insured
Reverse Mortgage Originations and Performance,” with Lauren Lambie-Hanson. Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Discussion Paper 2020-06. 2020.
“The Market for Reverse Mortgages among Older Americans,” with Chris Mayer. Wharton Pension Research Council Working Paper No 2020-22. 2020.
“Housing Wealth and Economic Security in Retirement: Does Borrowing from Home Equity Increase Adherence to Prescription Drugs?” With Donald Haurin and Caezilia Loibl. Center for Financial Security at the University of Wisconsin. 2020.
“Debt Stress and Mortgage Borrowing in Older Age: Implications for Economic Security in Retirement,” with Donald Haurin and Caezilia Loibl. Center for Financial Security at the University of Wisconsin. 2019.
“Unlocking Housing Wealth for Older Americans: Strategies to Improve Reverse Mortgages,” with Donald Haurin. Brookings and the Kellogg School of Management, October 2019.
“Low Income Homeownership and the Role of State Affordable Mortgage Programs,” with Hamilton Fout. Fannie Mae Perspectives. May 2018.
"How Home Equity Extraction and Reverse Mortgages Affect the Credit Outcomes of Senior Households", with Stephanie Moulton, Donald Haurin, Samuel Dodini and Maximillian Schmeiser. Michigan Retirement Research Center at The University of Michigan. 2016.
"Reducing Default Rates Of Reverse Mortgages," with Donald Haurin and Samuel Dodini, Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. 2016.
“Implementation and Impact Evaluation of Local Interventions for Financial Empowerment through Utility Payments (LIFT-UP),” with Danielle Harlow, Olga Kondratjeva and Stephanie Casey Pierce. Prepared for the National League of Cities through the Center of Financial Security, University of Wisconsin. 2016.
“The NFCC Sharpen Your Financial Focus Impact Evaluation,” with Stephen Roll. Prepared for the National Foundation for Credit Counseling. 2016.
“Aging in Place: Analyzing the Use of Reverse Mortgages to Preserve Independent Living, Summary Report of Survey Results,” prepared for the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. 2016.
“Reverse Mortgages: Reducing Financial Risk While Preserving Access,” with Donald Haurin and Wei Shi. MacArthur Foundation How Housing Matters Policy Research Brief. 2014.
"Field Experiment on the Impacts of Financial Planning Interventions for Low Income Homebuyers," with Cäzilia Loibl, J. Michael Collins, and Anya Savikhin. Center for Financial Security, University of Wisconsin. 2011.
"Beyond the Transaction: Depository Institutions Reduced Mortgage Default for Low-Income Homebuyers," with Emre Ergungor. In: 47th Annual Bank Structure Conference Proceedings. Chicago, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. 2011.
"Do Bank Branches Matter Anymore?” with Emre Ergungor. Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. 2011.
"Default Risk and Downpayment Assistance: Adverse Selection Vs. Program Characteristics," with Andrew Saunders. Ohio Housing Finance Agency Office of Affordable Housing Research. 2011.
“What Have we Learned about Homeownership? Lessons from Current Research.” Ohio Housing Finance Agency Office of Affordable Housing Research. 2011.
“Beyond the Market: Homeownership and Public Values,” with Roy Heidelberg. PA Times 33(5):3.
“Integrating the Public in Public Administration: Envisioning the Scholarly Field in the year 2020,” in Public Administration Review 70(s1): 317-18. 2010.
“Public Management across Sectors: Insights from the Mortgage Crisis.” PA Times. Vol.,32, no. 1. 2009.
“Mortgage Revenue Bond Program Use in Ohio: Executive Summary.” Policy Brief for the Office of Affordable Housing Research, The Ohio Housing Finance Agency, October, 2009.
“Mortgage Revenue Bond Program Analysis: Origination Practices and Borrower Outcomes (Ohio).” Summary Report Prepared for the Ohio Housing Finance Agency. 2009.
“Mortgage Revenue Bond Program Analysis: Origination Practices and Borrower Outcomes (Florida).” Summary Report Prepared for the Florida Housing Finance Corporation. 2009.
“Mortgage Revenue Bond Program Analysis: Origination Practices and Borrower Outcomes (Indiana).” Summary Report Prepared for the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority. 2008.
- 2021: Principal Investigator. “FAIR Evaluation”. Prepare and Prosper, Minneapolis, MN. ($30,000).
- 2020-2021: Principal Investigator. (Co-PIs: Donald Haurin, Caezilia Loibl, Joshua Joseph). “Economic Security in Retirement: Does borrowing from home equity moderate the impact of a health shock on health outcomes?” Social Security Administration Retirement and Disability Research Consortium, through the Center for Financial Security, University of Wisconsin-Madison ($124,578).
- 2020-2022. CO-Principal Investigator. (CO PIs: Meta Brown and Rachel Dwyer). “Household Formation and Inequalities in Financial Coping [in the COVID19 Crisis]: Building Demographic Insight with New Credit Report Panel Data.” Institute for Population Research, The Ohio State University ($75,000).
- 2020-2021. Principal Investigator. (CO-PI: Michael Collins). “Economic Security of Older Adults during the COVID19 Crisis: Early Data to Inform Research and Policy.” Social Security Administration/University of Wisconsin ($121,250).
- 2020-2021. Principal Investigator. “Ohio Housing Finance Agency Research Contract for Power of Home and HHF.” Ohio Housing Finance Agency ($61,417).
- 2019-2021. Principal Investigator. “Alliance for the American Dream”. Schmidt Futures Foundation. ($300,000).
- 2019-2021. Principal Investigator. “Power of Home.” Ohio Housing Finance Agency. ($500,000).
- 2019-2020: Principal Investigator. (Co-PIs: Donald Haurin, Caezilia Loibl). “Housing wealth and economic security in retirement: Does borrowing from home equity increase adherence to prescription drugs?” Social Security Administration Retirement and Disability Research Consortium, through the Center for Financial Security, University of Wisconsin-Madison ($119,805).
- 2019-2022: Co-Investigator. (PI: Caezilia Loibl; Co-I: Donald Haurin). “Understanding food related hardship among older Americans.” University of Kentucky. ($50,000).
- 2019-2020. Research Contract. Office of Affordable Housing Research. Ohio Housing Finance Agency. PI: Stephanie Moulton ($65,435).
- 2018-2020. Principal Investigator. “Sharpen Your Financial Focus Evaluation 2.0.” National Foundation for Credit Counseling. ($256,270).
- 2019. Co-Investigator. (PI: Caezilia Loibl; Co-I: Donald Haurin). “Reverse Mortgage Borrowing and Financial Well-Being of Older Adults. Abt Associates sub-award from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. ($35,000).
- 2019. Principal Investigator- Consultant. “HUD Pre-Purchase Homeownership Counseling Demonstration Impact Evaluation.” Abt Associates sub-award to OSU from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. ($15,620).
- 2018-2019. Principal Investigator. (Co-PIs: Donald Haurin, Caezilia Loibl). “Debt Stress and Mortgage Borrowing in Older Age: Implications for Economic Security in Retirement.” Social Security Administration Retirement and Disability Research Consortium, through the Center for Financial Security, University of Wisconsin-Madison ($134,578).
- 2018-2019. Research Contract. Office of Affordable Housing Research. Ohio Housing Finance Agency. PI: Stephanie Moulton ($59,417).
- August 2017. Research Contract. Office of Affordable Housing Research Co-Coordinator. Ohio Housing Finance Agency. ($57,876).
- April 2017. Co-Investigator. (Principal Investigator: Caezilia Loibl). “Food Insecurity among Older Adults: The Role of Housing Costs and Home Equity. InFACT 2016-2017 Linkage and Leverage Grant, The Ohio State University. ($31,590).
- February 2017. Principal Investigator. “Understanding the market for reverse mortgages,” National Council on Aging. ($44,206).
- 2019. Principal Investigator- Consultant. “HUD Pre-Purchase Homeownership Counseling Demonstration Impact Evaluation.” Abt Associates sub-award to OSU from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. ($12,190).
- July 2016. Research Contract. Office of Affordable Housing Research Co-Coordinator. Ohio Housing Finance Agency. ($66,900).
- January 2016. Principal Investigator (w/ Matthew Record). “Comparative study of housing finance agency lending access and loan performance, ” Fannie Mae. ($59,282).
- September 2015. Principal Investigator (through University of Michigan, w/, Donald Haurin, Maximiliian Schmeiser and Samuel Dodini). “How Home Equity Extraction and Reverse Mortgages Affect the Financial Well-Being of Senior Households.” Social Security Administration, University of Michigan Retirement Research Center. ($75,000).
- July 2015. Research Contract. Office of Affordable Housing Research Co-Coordinator. Ohio Housing Finance Agency. ($66,900).
- September 2014. Principal Investigator. “Evaluation of Local Interventions for Financial Empowerment through Utility Payments (LIFT-UP).” University of Wisconsin subcontract, Center for Financial Services Innovation (CFSI). ($29,277).
- July 2014. Principal Investigator (w/ Caezilia Loibl, Donald Haurin, J. Michael Collins). “Post Origination Monitoring of Reverse Mortgage Borrowers. “ The John D & Catherine T MacArthur Foundation. ($70,000).
- January 2014. Principal Investigator (w/ Stephen Roll). “NFCC Financial Stabilization Campaign Evaluation.” National Foundation for Credit Counseling. ($146,000).
- July 2014. Research Contract. Office of Affordable Housing Research Co-Coordinator. Ohio Housing Finance Agency. ($37,350).
- January 2014. Co-Principal Investigator (w/ Holly Holtzen, Blair Russell and Roberto Quercia). “A Multistate Study of Housing and Employment Impacts of Foreclosure Prevention Programs. The John D & Catherine T MacArthur Foundation. ($460,000).
- May 2013. Principal Investigator (w/ Donald Haurin, Jason Blevins and Caezilia Loibl). “Aging in Place: Managing the Use of Reverse Mortgages to Enable Housing Stability. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. ($555,004).
- January 2012. Principal Investigator (w/ Caezilia Loibl, Donald Haurin, J. Michael Collins). “Aging in place: Analyzing reverse mortgages to preserve independent living.” The John D & Catherine T MacArthur Foundation. ($427,000).
- July 2013. Research Contract. Office of Affordable Housing Research Co-Coordinator. Ohio Housing Finance Agency. ($46,500).
- July 2012. Research Contract. Office of Affordable Housing Research Co-Coordinator. Ohio Housing Finance Agency. ($46,000).
- July 2011. Research Contract. Office of Affordable Housing Research Co-Coordinator. Ohio Housing Finance Agency. ($46,000).
- 2011. Principal Investigator- Consultant. “HUD Pre-Purchase Homeownership Counseling Demonstration Impact Evaluation.” Abt Associates sub-award to OSU from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. ($16,211).
- January 2010. Principal Investigator (w/ Caezilia Loibl). “MyMoneyCheck-Up Online Financial Assessment Tool.” National Foundation for Credit Counseling. ($10,000).
- January 2010. Principal Investigator (w/ Caezilia Loibl and J. Michael Collins). “Field Experiment on the Impacts of Financial Planning Interventions for Recent Homebuyers.” University of Wisconsin Center for Financial Security & The Social Security Administration. ($224,007).
- June 2010. Research Contract. “Mid Ohio Food Bank Capacity Assessment.” Mid-Ohio Food Bank. ($32,598)
- July 2010. Research Contract. Ohio Housing Finance Agency Research Assistance. Ohio Housing Finance Agency. ($38,650).
- July 2010. Principal Investigator (w/ Caezilia Loibl and Michael Collins ). Impact Outreach and Engagement Grant. The Ohio State University. ($50,000).
- September 2009. Research Contract. “Mid Ohio Food Bank Capacity Assessment.” Mid Ohio FoodBank. ($24,448).
- July 2009. Research Contract. Ohio Housing Finance Agency Policy and Research Assistance. Ohio Housing Finance Agency. ($18,200).
- University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, (virtual)
- American University, School of Public Affairs, Washington, DC (virtual) Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA (virtual)
- National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association Annual Meeting (virtual) National Foundation for Credit Counseling Annual Meeting (virtual)
- Pension Research Council, The Wharton School of Business, Philadelphia, PA (virtual) Department of City and Regional Planning, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
- National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Research Seminar, Washington, DC Brookings Institute, Washington, DC
- National Council of State Housing Finance Agencies Annual Meeting, Boston, MA National Foundation for Credit Counseling Annual Meeting, Washington, DC Center for Financial Security, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
- Social Security Administration Retirement and Disability Research Consortium, Washington, DC Joint Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University, Boston, MA
- Department of Economics, Kent State University, Akron, OH
- Housing Wealth in Retirement Symposium, Bipartisan Policy Center, Washington, DC Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Columbia Business School, Columbia University, New York, NY
- Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Research Seminar, Cleveland OH
- Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Urban Institute, Housing Finance Policy Center, Washington, D.C. Fannie Mae Research Seminar, Washington, D.C
- Decision Sciences Collaborative, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
- Social Security Administration Retirement Research Consortium, Washington, DC
- National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL Institute for Population Research, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH Department of Political Science, Texas A&M University, TX
- U.S. Department of Treasury & Social Security Administration, Washington, D.C. Consumer Science Seminar Series, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Washington, DC.
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Washington, DC Virginia Tech Metropolitan Institute & SPIA Speaker Series, Washington, D.C.
- Center for Real Estate and The Center for Financial Security, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA
- MIT Center for Finance and Policy, Boston, MA
- Office of the Vice President of the United States and the National Economic Council, Washington, DC School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University, Netherlands
- Fannie Mae HFA Training Summit, Washington, D.C.
- School of Public Affairs Seminar Series, University of Colorado Denver, CO
- Risk Management Seminar Series, Pennsylvania State University Business School, PA Federal Reserve Board and George Washington University, Washington, D.C.;
- Consumer Science Seminar Series, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
- American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association/AEA Annual Meetings (VIRTUAL)
- Association for Policy Analysis and Management (virtual)
- Retirement and Disability Research Consortium, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI (VIRTUAL). American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, Washington, DC. (VIRTUAL)
- American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, Washington, DC Public Management Research Association, Chapel Hill, NC
- Urban Economics Association, Philadelphia, PA
- Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPPA), Los Angeles, CA; Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Denver, CO
- American Economic Association/American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, Philadelphia, PA Public Management Research Conference, Singapore
- Academy of Management, Chicago, IL
- Minnowbrook 50th Anniversary Workshop, Syracuse, NY
- Urban Economics Association Conference, Columbia University, NY Workshop on Organizational Theory, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
- Public Management Research Association, Washington, DC Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Chicago, IL Urban Economics Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada
- Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Washington D.C.
- Public Management Research Association, International Conference, Aarhus, Netherlands Public Values Research Consortium, Arizona State University
- Michigan Retirement Research Center (MRRC) Research Workshop, Ann Arbor
- Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Albuquerque, NM Public Management Research Association Minneapolis, MN
- Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management
- International American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, Reading, United Kingdom FDIC Consumer Finance Research Symposium, Washington, DC
- Public Affairs Decision Making (Undergraduate) Seminar in Public Policy (PhD)
- Public Policy Formulation & Implementation (MA/MPA)
- Policy, Innovation & Strategy in the Nonprofit Sector (MA/MPA) First Year Doctoral Seminar (PhD)
- Managing Public Sector Organizations (MA/MPA) Nonprofit Management & Governance (MA/MPA) Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector (MA/MPA)
Current Students
- 2020, (Dissertation Chair). Yinglin Ma (Public Affairs); Current Position: Doctoral Candidate
- 2020, (Dissertation Committee). Andrew VanLeuvan (Public Affairs); Current Position: Doctoral Candidate
- 2020, (Dissertation Committee). Jin Hong Kim (Public Affairs); Current Position: Doctoral Candidate
- 2020, (Dissertation Committee). Johabed Olvera (School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University); Current Position: Doctoral Candidate
- 2020, (Dissertation Committee). Alexis Kennedy (School of Public Affairs, University of Colorado, Denver); Current Position: Doctoral Candidate
- 2020, (Dissertation Chair). Stephanie Casey Pierce (Public Affairs); Current Position: Post DoctoralScholar, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, The Ohio State University
- 2019, (Dissertation Chair). Yung Chun (Public Affairs); Current Position: Research Analyst, University of Washington, George W. Brown School of Social Work
- 2019, (Committee Member). Daisuke Nagase. (City and Regional Planning). The Ohio State University.
- 2018, (Committee Member). Lisa Frazier (Public Affairs); Current Position: Assistant Profesor, Miami ofOhio, Political Science
- 2017, (Dissertation Chair). Matthew Record (Public Affairs); Current Position: Assistant Professor, San Jose State University, Political Science
- 2017, (Dissertation Chair). Olga Kondratjeva (Public Affairs); Current Position: Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Washington, George W. Brown School of Social Work
- 2017, (Committee Member). Gabriel Pina (School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University); Current Position: Senior Researcher
- 2016, (Dissertation Chair). Stephen Roll (Public Affairs); Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Washington, George W. Brown School of Social Work
- 2015, (Dissertation Chair). Jamie Levine Daniel (Public Affairs); Current Position: Assistant Professor, School of Public & Environmental Affairs, IUPUI
- 2013, (Committee Member). Blair Russell (Public Affairs); Current Position: Research Analyst, U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development
- 2011, (Committee Member). Adam Eckerd (Public Affairs); Current Position: Associate Professor, Indiana University Purdue University
- 2011, (Committee Member). Yuanjie Zhang (Economics); Current Position: Senior Associate, Charles Rivers Associates
- Academy of Management American Economics Association
- American Council on Consumer Interests
- American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Public Management Research Association
- Urban Economics Association
- Administration & Society
- American Review of Public Administration Business & Politics
- Cityscape Demography Economic Inquiry Housing Policy Debate Housing Studies
- International Journal of Strategic Property Management Journal of Consumer Affairs
- Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization Journal of Family & Economic Issues
- Journal of Housing Economics
- Journal of Policy Analysis & Management
- Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs
- Journal of Real Estate Finance & Economics Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly Policy Studies Journal
- Public Administration
- Public Administration Review Public Management Review
- Public Performance & Management Review State & Local Government Review
- Social Science & Medicine Social Science Quarterly
- 2000 – 2005 Program Manager, Affordable Housing Corporation, Marion Indiana
- 2001 – 2003 Independent Contractor/Grant Writer, Project Development Contractors, Inc.