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The Influence of Learning Activity on Low-Skilled Workers’ Skill Improvement in the South Korean Manufacturing Industry
Human Resources Development International

Professor Joshua Hawley explores how low-skilled worker’s learning activity influences skill improvement.

Effectiveness of Broad and Specific Leadership Behaviors
Personnel Review

Professor Russell Hassan supports the idea that examining specific leader behaviors in addition to broad meta-categories can improve leadership theory, research and training.

Nonprofit Role Classification Using Mission Descriptions and Supervised Machine Learning
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly

Professor Megan LePere-Schloop uses data on United Ways that e-filed their 990 forms and supervised machine learning to illustrate an approach for classifying a large set of mission descriptions by roles.

Ethics Education in the Study of Public Administration: Anchoring to Civility, Civics, Social Justice, and Understanding Government in Democracy
Journal of Public Affairs Education

Professor Jos Raadschelders argues that teaching ethics should be not only limited to specific ethics courses in higher education nor just embedded as an element in various core courses in public administration programs, but also anchored in a thoughtful K-12 curriculum.

Encouraging the Collection of Performance Data in Nonprofit Organizations: The Importance of Organizational Support for Learning
Public Performance and Management Review

Professor Russell Hassan provides insight into how to facilitate performance data collection within nonprofit organizations

How Empowering Leadership Reduces Employee Silence in Public Organizations
Public Administration

Professor Russell Hassan provides insights into how managers may lower employee silence in government organizations.

Taking a Closer Look at the Empowerment-Performance Relationship: Evidence from Law Enforcement Organizations
Public Administration Review

Professors Jos Raadschelders and Russell Hassan examine the influence of empowering leadership practices on police officers' job performance, perceptions of managerial effectiveness, and unit performance.

The Behavioral Public Administration Movement: A Critical Reflection
Public Administration Review

Professor Russell Hassan discusses the behavioral public administration movement call for greater use of theories from psychology and experimental research designs to improve the rigor of public administration research.

The Need for Ethical Leadership in Combating Corruption
International Review of Administrative Sciences

Professor Russell Hassan empirically assesses the role of ethical leadership in reducing corruption. 

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