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Should Managers Provide General or Specific Ethical Guidelines to Employees: Insights from a Mixed Methods Study
Journal of Business Ethics

Professor Russell Hassan contributes to our understanding of how communication of ethical guidelines by managers may reduce the likelihood of employee unethical behavior.

Gender, Race, and Experiences of Workplace Incivility in Public Organizations
Review of Public Personnel Administration

Professor Russell Hassan explores how public employees’ incivility experiences vary across social categories, specifically by gender and race.

Facilitating Learning to Improve Performance of Law Enforcement Workgroups: The Role of Inclusive Leadership Behavior
International Public Management Journal

Professor Russell Hassan examines how law enforcement managers may cultivate learning and improve performance of their workgroups by demonstrating inclusive leadership

Do Markets Make Good Commissioners?: A Quasi-Experimental Analysis of Retail Electric Restructuring in Ohio
Journal of Public Policy

Noah Dormady provides a quasi-experimental analysis of the price impacts of retail electric restructuring in Ohio.

The Cost-Effectiveness of Economic Resilience
International Journal of Production Economics

Professor Noah Dormady incorporates resilience into longstanding economic production theory and identifies the key components for evaluating the cost and effectiveness of resilience.

Advances in the Empirical Estimation of Disaster Resilience
Handbook on the Economics of Natural Disasters

Professor Noah Dormady summarizes key contributions and advances in the empirical estimation of disaster resilience.

Making Disciplinary-Based Theories of the Nonprofit Sector Accessible for Students: An Example Using a Theory From Political Science
Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership

Professor Megan LePere-Schloop introduces a novel pedagogical approach that helps students understand the theories used to teach about the nonprofit sector and how educators can connect theory to current challenges impacting nonprofit organizations.

Ohio Nonprofit COVID-19 Survey: A Report of Wave 3 Results
Social Science Research Network

Erynn Beaton's Wave 3 survey results tell a story of the nonprofit sector’s resilience and contribution, and how organizations rallied during the pandemic to provide new services to new populations and to create partnerships with other organizations.

Ohio Nonprofit COVID-19 Survey: A Report of Wave 2 Results
Social Science Research Network

This report contains the results of the Ohio Nonprofit COVID-19 Survey, Wave 2.

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