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A Review of Sexual Harassment Prevention Practices: Toward a Nonprofit Research Agenda
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action

Professors Erynn Beaton, Megan LePere-Schloop and Rebecca Smith use qualitative analysis to explore the anti-harassment practices recommended to nonprofit practitioners and compares these practices to academic research to develop a nonprofit scholarly research agenda. 

The Power to Convene: Making Sense of the Power of Food Movement Organizations in Governance Processes in the Global North
Agriculture and Human Values

Professor Jill Clark uses the concept of relational fields to conduct a post-hoc analysis of nine cases, examining how social movement organizations and other actors actively create new deliberative governance spaces. 

Informational Determinants of Large-area Hurricane Evacuations
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

Professor Noah Dormady presents an experimental design that overcomes the counterfactual problem present in all prior published experiments by relying on an actual storm with a known outcome. 

Essential, Fragile, and Invisible Community Food Infrastructure: The Role of Urban governments in the United States
Food Policy

Professor Jill Clark examines the role of subnational governments in community food infrastructures.



Not All High-Growth Firms Are Alike: Capturing and Tagging Ohio’s Gazelles
Economic Development Quarterly

Professor Ned Hill presents a statistically valid typology of high-growth firms, also known as gazelles, to determine if payroll and job growth patterns differ between groups or clusters.

Maximizing the Efficiency of Active Case Finding for SARS-CoV-2 Using Bandit Algorithms

Using bandit algorithms, the authors of a paper in Medical Decision Making present and test an approach for finding otherwise undetected cases of COVID-19 before they lead to a widespread outbreak.

Experimental Estimates of the Student Attendance Production Function
Journal of Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis

Professor Long Tran evaluates factors, policies and practices that impact and improve student attendance.

The Role of Consumer and Mortgage Debt for Financial Stress
Journal of Aging and Mental Health

Caezilia Loibl and Stephanie Moulton examine the extent to which credit cards, other consumer debts, and mortgage debt increase financial stress.

Activating Community Resilience: The Emergence of COVID-19 Funds Across the United States
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly

Professor Megan LePere-Schloop draws upon concepts of community resilience to explore the antecedents of community philanthropic organizations’ response to COVID-19.

How Federally Insured Reverse Mortgages Affect the Credit Outcomes of Older Adults
The Journal of Consumer Affairs

Stephanie Moulton's paper explores how extraction of home equity through the federally insured Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) affects the credit outcomes of older adults. 

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