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Fruit and Vegetable Preferences and Practices May Hinder Participation in Community-Supported Agriculture Among Low-Income Rural Families
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior

Assistant Professor Jennifer Garner describes fruit and vegetable preferences and other factors that may influence participation in community-supported agriculture.

Can a Shift in the Purchase of local Foods by Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Recipients Impact the Local Economy?
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems Journal

Assistant Professor Jennifer Garner used a customized input-output model to simulate potential economic impacts of programs and policies that enable Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program recipients to shift purchases from traditional food retailers to DTC venues in four states.

The Consignment Mechanism in Carbon Markets: A Laboratory Investigation
Journal of Commodity Markets

Professor Dormady details the consignment auction design used in California, in which utilities are allocated a share of emissions permits that they must sell into the uniform-price auction.

Complex Contracting: Management Challenges and Solutions
Public Administration Review

Dean Trevor Brown creates a framework that provides guidance on how managers can harness the upsides of complex contracting while avoiding its pitfalls.

Natural Disasters and Relief Assistance: Empirical Evidence on the Resilience of U.S. Counties Using Dynamic Propensity Score Matching
Journal of Regional Science

Rob Greenbaum utilizes a novel dynamic propensity score matching approach for multiple cohorts of U.S. counties between 1989 and 1999 to examine local economy resilience to rare natural disasters. 

Who Pays for Retail Electric Deregulation? Evidence of Cross-Subsidization from Complete Bill Data
Energy Journal

Professor Noah Dormady provides a multi-utility panel regression analysis of the effect of retail deregulation on total electric bills in Ohio.

The Geospatial and Economic Viability of CO2 Storage in Hydrocarbon Depleted Fractured Shale Formations
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control

Professor Bielicki examines the storage of CO2 including capacities, regional coordination, and storage in shale. 

Acclimation and the Response of Hourly Electricity Loads to Meteorological Variables
Energy Journal

Professor Jeff Bielicki examines the relationship between electricity demand and meteorological conditions to assist with short-term electricity load forecasts and long-term projections of climate change impacts.

Designing Public Participation: Managing Problem Settings and Social Equity
Public Administration Review

Professor Jill Clark provides a theoretical framework that links public managers' and community leaders' perspectives on their own political efficacy and sources of their efficacy, yielding four types of “designers.” 

Leakage Risks of Geologic CO2 Storage and the Impacts on the Global Energy System and Climate Change Mitigation
Climatic Change

Professor Bielicki investigated how subsurface and atmospheric leakage from geologic CO2 storage reservoirs could impact the deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage in the global energy system. 

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