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Autonomy Versus Control in Procurement and Contracting: the Use of Cost-Reimbursement Contracts in Three US Federal Departments
International Review of Administrative Sciences

Dean Trevors examines the efficacy of central attempts to influence the use of specific types of contracts, namely, cost-reimbursement versus fixed-price contracts.

Designing the Buyer–Supplier Contract for Risk Management: Assessing Complexity and Mission Criticality

This study, published in the Journal of Supply Chain Management, argues that contract design is a predominant strategy to set contractual expectations among supply chain partners to manage risk

Sex, Gender, and Disasters: Experimental Evidence on the Decision to Invest in Resilience
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction

Professors Kim Young, Rob Greenbaum and Noah Dormady use a randomized controlled experimental design to examine whether biological sex or gender diversity might lead to decision-making that improves investments in resilience to calamitous events. 

Incentives in Third-Party Governance: Management Practices and Accountability Implications

This study, published in Public Administration Review, assesses public managers’ use of contract incentives in practice and advances theory development. 

Scaling-Up Regional Fruit and Vegetable Distribution: Potential for Adaptive Change in the Food System
Agriculture and Human Values

Professor Jill Clark describe current distribution systems within Ohio, identifies firms interested in scaling-up distribution and inform state-level policy efforts by identifying opportunities to better target any state-level policy and program efforts.

Impact of Product Characteristics and Market Conditions on Contract Type: Use of Fixed-Price Versus Cost-Reimbursement Contracts in the US Department of Defense
Public Performance and Management Review

Dean Trevor Brown used transaction cost economics to produce a conceptual framework that helps explain public-sector contract decisions.

The Leakage Risk Monetization Model for Geologic CO2 Storage
Environmental Science and Technology

Professor Jeff Bielicki developed a Leakage Risk Monetization Model (LRiMM) which integrates simulation of CO2 leakage from geologic CO2 storage reservoirs with an estimation of monetized leakage risk (MLR).

The Role of Industrial Diversity in Economic Resilience: An Empirical Examination Across 35 Years
Urban Studies

This study explores the relationship between industry diversity and economic resilience over time.

The Agrifood System Policy Agenda and Research Domain
Journal of Rural Studies

Professor Jill Clark evaluates the emergence of agrifood system policy in the U.S. and suggests future evaluative policy research and comparative analysis with other domains of food policy research.

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