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“And the Survey Says”: Written Surveys and Interviews Can Yield Important Information About Incentive Program Operations and Impacts
Pew Charitable Trusts Incentive Evaluators Network Newsletter—October 2023: Evaluation Perspectives

Jim Landers published commentary about state legislative program evaluation staffs and legislative fiscal and economic analysis staffs using survey and interview methods for evaluating the impact of state and local economic development incentive programs.

China’s use of formal science and technology agreements as a tool of diplomacy
Science and Public Policy

Caroline Wagner studies the use of diplomatic tools by China's government in pursuit of foreign policy goals.

Methods and lessons for business resilience and recovery surveys
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction

Noah Dormady and colleagues address the lack of tailored guidance for conducting business resilience and recovery surveys by collecting and synthesizing instruments and best practices from previous survey efforts. 

Economic Impacts of the COVID-19 Crisis: Evidence from Credit and Debt of Older Adults
Journal of Pension Economics & Finance

Stephanie Moulton documents the credit outcomes of older adults immediately before and after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.

Preparing for Food System Resiliency in Ohio Policy and Planning Lessons from COVID-19

Jill Clark and Aiden Irish aim to inform state emergency management responses in order to better prepare for and mitigate medium- and long-term negative social and economic impacts resulting from future disasters and disruptions.

Why Are State Policy Makers Still Proponents of Enterprise Zones? What Explains Their Action in the Face of a Preponderance of the Research?
International Regional Science Review

This essay reviews the research on state EZ programs and explores why it has not had a greater influence on policy.

What Is Economic Development? And What Is the Job of an Economic Development Professional?
Economic Development Quarterly

Ned Hill's study defines economic development and the role of an economic development professional. 

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