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An Experimental Investigation of Resilience Decision Making in Repeated Disasters
Environment Systems & Decisions

Noah Dormady, Rob Greenbaum and Kim Young examine resilience decision making in the more realistic context of repeated catastrophic events. 

Maintaining School Foodservice Operations in Ohio during COVID-19: "This [Was] Not the Time to Sit Back and Watch"
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Jennifer Garner and Joshua Hawley analyze how COVID-19 related lockdowns affected critical resources for nutritious food.

Policy Composition and Adoption Duration: Capturing Conflict in the Legislative Process
Policy Studies Journal

Hongtao Yi, Doctoral Student Catherine Chen and colleagues were published in the Policy Studies Journal for their work on the affects of conflicts during the policy process 

Public Administration: The Interdisciplinary Study of Government

Jos Raadschelders tracks the emergence of the field against a background of the expanding conception of the state and the growth of public services

A Discussion of Measuring the Top-1% Most-Highly-Cited Publications: The Case of China

Caroline Wagner examines China's most highly-cited articles, how this measures against the United States, and how field normalizations may skew the results.

Do Markets Make Good Commissioners?: A Quasi-Experimental Analysis of Retail Electric Restructuring in Ohio
Journal of Public Policy

Noah Dormady provides a quasi-experimental analysis of the price impacts of retail electric restructuring in Ohio.

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