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Recent Publications

The Leakage Risk Monetization Model for Geologic CO2 Storage
Environmental Science and Technology

Professor Jeff Bielicki developed a Leakage Risk Monetization Model (LRiMM) which integrates simulation of CO2 leakage from geologic CO2 storage reservoirs with an estimation of monetized leakage risk (MLR).

What Initiatives Are British Food Retailers Taking to Improve Children’s Health and Nutrition?
Journal of Food Products Marketing

Professor Neal Hooker explores efforts targeting children’s health and nutrition.

The Role of Industrial Diversity in Economic Resilience: An Empirical Examination Across 35 Years
Urban Studies

This study explores the relationship between industry diversity and economic resilience over time.

Foundations of Public Administration

This book, written by Jos C.N. Raadschelders and Richard J. Stillman II provides academics and students with a rich supply of knowledge on the scope, methods, and theoretical foundations of public administration.

The Influence of Learning Activity on Low-Skilled Workers’ Skill Improvement in the South Korean Manufacturing Industry
Human Resources Development International

Professor Joshua Hawley explores how low-skilled worker’s learning activity influences skill improvement.

Citizen Attributions of Blame in Third-Party Governance

This study, published by Public Administration Review, examines how structural differences in governance arrangements affect citizens’ notions of who is culpable for poor service quality.

The Agrifood System Policy Agenda and Research Domain
Journal of Rural Studies

Professor Jill Clark evaluates the emergence of agrifood system policy in the U.S. and suggests future evaluative policy research and comparative analysis with other domains of food policy research.

A Balancing Act: Disproportionate Sampling of Organic Foods
Journal of Food Products Marketing

Professor Neal Hooker demonstrates that there is little statistical difference, and even a net gain in predictive power, when using a balanced sample to test factors that influence a firm’s decision to market organic food.