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Inequality in high-cost borrowing and unemployment insurance generosity in US states during the COVID-19 pandemic
Human Nature Behavior

Stephanie Moulton and colleagues research the association between public benefits and the use of costly credit.

The Effect of Household Earnings on Child School Mental Health Designations: Evidence from Administrative Data
Journal of Human Resources

Lauren Jones investigates the impact of household earnings shocks on in-school mental health designations in the context of the Great Recession using propensity score matching and a unique data set of linked administrative educational and tax data.

Children needs and childcare: an illustration of how underappreciated social and economic needs shape the farm enterprise
Agriculture and Human Values

Shoshanah Inwood studies how children and their childcare needs shape the farm enterprise and the extent to which childcare arrangements, farm individuals and households, and farm enterprise characteristics interact with these decisions.

The potential of urban food governance to transform lives, cities, and the planet
Global Food Security

Jill Clark and colleagues propose five interconnected principles to impact urban food governance thinking and practice and argue that attending to these five principles can support the capacity and expansion of transformative urban food governance.

Giving Voice: Examining the Tactical Repertoires of Nonprofit Advocacy for Disadvantaged Populations
Nonprofit Policy Forum

This research study empirically examines the ways that service-providing nonprofit organizations advocate on behalf of their disadvantaged clients.

The Yoke of Objectivity in Public Administration (and Beyond)
Perspectives on Public Management and Governance

This article problematizes the concept of "objectivity" as it applies to research and practice in public administration and beyond.

New development: Loyalty to principle or politics—The US civil service under attack … but is it justified?
Public Money & Management

Jos Raadschelders studies the threats to merit-based, apolitical civil service, necessary reforms and risks to democracy.

For-profit milk in nonprofit cartons? The case of nonprofit charter schools subcontracting with for-profit education management organizations
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management

Long Tran and Stéphane Lavertu examine how nonprofit charter schools’ reliance on for-profit operators affects student achievement and attendance

The Gift of a Lifetime: The Hospital, Modern Medicine, and Mortality
American Economic Review

Alex Hollingsworth explores how access to modern hospitals and medicine affects short-run and long-run mortality. 

The Courts and the President
Elements in Public and Nonprofit Administration

Charles Wise explores how US Presidents have long issued presidential directives to federal agencies to adopt and implement programs to advance presidential priorities, both pursuant to statutes passed by Congress and outside of them.

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