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Incorporating Quality-Differentiated Demand into the Undergraduate Microeconomics Core

This study, published in The American Economist, addresses quality-related aspects of consumer choice in undergraduate microeconomics.

Approaches for Overcoming Barriers to Cross-Sector Data Sharing
The American Journal of Managed Care

This study explores factors influencing the development and sustainability of data sharing in the Mid-Ohio Farmacy (MOF), a produce referral program implemented in partnership between a community-based organization and an academic medical center, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

Utilization Patterns of a Food Referral Program: Findings from the Mid-Ohio Farmacy
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine

There is limited evidence describing utilization of clinic-based food referral programs intended to support healthy eating for food-insecure patients. To address this gap, this study aims to describe the utilization of the Mid-Ohio Farmacy (MOF).

Community supported agriculture plus nutrition education improves skills, self efficacy, and eating behaviors among low income caregivers but not their children: a randomized controlled trial
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

Despite the benefits of adequate fruit and vegetable (FV) intake, most individuals in the U.S. do not eat recommended amounts, with lower intake among individuals with lower socioeconomic status. Findings suggesting that greater FV access is related to higher intake underpin ongoing public health efforts to increase FV intake.

Local Value Chain Models of Healthy Food Access: A Qualitative Study of Two Approaches
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

Country Fresh Stops (CFS) and Donation Station (DS) are two complementary programs that support local agriculture in Appalachia Ohio. As the first study of these programs in the peer-reviewed literature, this publication identifies factors that facilitate or hinder the implementation of these local value chain models of healthy food access.

Making community-supported agriculture accessible to low-income families: findings from the Farm Fresh Foods for Healthy Kids process evaluation
Technology Business Management

The purpose of this study was to assess Farm Fresh Foods for Healthy Kids reach, dose, and fidelity via a mixed methods process evaluation.

Institutional Leadership: Maintaining Mission Integrity in the Era of Managerialism
Nonprofit Management and Leadership

Professor Erynn Beaton develops a framework of practices nonprofit leaders can use to maintain mission integrity

Ethnography: Tales of the Nonprofit Field
International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations

Professor Erynn Beaton describes how nonprofits can use ethnography to enrich research.

No Margin, No Mission: How Practitioners Justify Nonprofit Managerialization
International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations

Professor Erynn Beaton examines how nonprofit practitioners respond to pressures to enact business practices.

Responding to Failure: the Promise of Market Mending for Social Enterprise
Public Management Review

Professor Erynn Beaton examines the role social enterprise plays in society as more non-profits embrace it.

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