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Does Temporary Mortgage Assistance for Unemployed Homeowners Reduce Longer-Term Mortgage Default? An Analysis of the Hardest Hit Fund Program
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management

Stephanie Moulton and Stephanie Casey-Pierce analyze the longer-term effects of temporary mortgage payment subsidies on mortgage default.

Peak-Load Pricing with Quality-Differentiated Demand

This study, published in The American Economist, focuses on peak-load pricing and highway tolls.

Conflict and Cooperation Within Police Units: The Importance of Manager Inclusiveness
Public Management Review

This study by Russell Hassan assesses the influence of manager inclusiveness on unit-level relational conflict and interpersonal helping behavior.

Food Insecurity Among Older Adults in the U.S.: The Role of Mortgage Borrowing
Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy

Stephanie Moulton assesses the impact of new mortgage borrowing on food insecurity among homeowners aged 65 and older.

The Interactive Influence of Public Service Motivation, Perceived Reward Equity, and Prosocial Impact on Employee Engagement: A Panel Study in Pakistan
Public Management Review

This study examines independent and joint influences of public service motivation, job prosocial impact, and job reward equity on public employee engagement.

The relationship of financial stress with the timing of the initial claim of U.S. Social Security retirement income
Journal of the Economics of Aging

Stephanie Moulton and Caezilia Loibl explore why some older adults claim Social Security benefits early and whether the level of an individual’s financial stress prior to the claiming decision is associated with a benefit claim at age 62.

Public Administration: The Interdisciplinary Study of Government

Jos Raadschelders tracks the emergence of the field against a background of the expanding conception of the state and the growth of public services

Mastering Public Administration

This book, written in part by Jos Raadschelders, features chapters spotlighting theorists in the field, covering his/her life, research, writings, and impact, introducing the discipline′s most important scholarship in both a memorable and approachable manner.

Comparative Civil Service Systems in the 21st Century

This book, written in part by Jos Raadschelders, describes how civil service systems have been subject to intense scrutiny and their roles brought into question.

Global Dimensions of Public Administration and Governance: A Comparative Voyage

This book, written by Jos Raddschelders and Eran Vigoda-Gadot, is a comprehensive, comparative text on the structure and function of governments around the world.

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