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Foundations of Public Administration

This book, written by Jos C.N. Raadschelders and Richard J. Stillman II provides academics and students with a rich supply of knowledge on the scope, methods, and theoretical foundations of public administration.

The Three Ages of Government, From the Person, to the Group, to the World

This book, by Professor Jos C.N. Raadschelders, provides the information that all citizens should have about their connections to government, why there is a government, what it does, how it does it, and why we can no longer do without it.

Accountability in Collaborative Federal Programs—Multidimensional and Multilevel Performance Measures Needed: The Case of Wildland Fire Prevention
American Review of Public Administration

This research explores the nature of the accountability dilemma in collaborative programs and analyzes and illustrates them in the context of wildland fire prevention in the United States.

Back-Pedaling or Continuing Quietly? Assessing the Impact of ICLEI Membership Termination on Cities’ Sustainability Actions

This study, published in Environmental Politics, questions whether cities’ termination of their ICLEI affiliation diminishes their implementation of sustainability actions.

Regional Governance and Institutional Collective Action for Environmental Sustainability
Public Administration Review

Hongtao Yi investigates why various mechanisms of cooperation among local authorities are chosen using the theoretical lens of institutional collective action.

Measure of National Return in International Science Cooperation
STI 2018 Conference Proceedings

This article suggests a measure for the impact of international collaboration in science

The Collaborative Era in Science

This book, written by Caroline Wagner, argues that the global network of science has ushered in a new era of collaboration that is changing the playbook for science policy.

International Research Collaboration: Novelty, Conventionality, and Atypicality in Knowledge Recombination
Research Policy

Professor Caroline Wagner tests for novelty and conventionality in international research collaboration.

Global Science for Global Challenges
Handbook on Science and Public Policy

Professor Caroline Wagner explores the application of complex systems theory to understand the rapid growth of international collaboration, particularly as it can be applied to global challenges. 

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