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Socioeconomic Representation: Expanding the Theory of Representative Bureaucracy
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory

Associate Professor Katie Vinopal investigates whether socioeconomic representation affects teachers' perceptions of their relationships with students.

Pediatric Care Provider Density and Personal Belief Exemptions From Vaccine Requirements in California Kindergartens
American Journal of Public Health

Assistant Professor Christopher Rea explores contextual associations between medical care providers and personal belief exemptions from mandated school entry vaccinations.

Theorizing Command-and-Commodify Regulation: the Case of Species Conservation Banking in the United States
Theory & Society

Assistant Professor Christopher Rea offers a framework for explaining these processes of regulatory marketization, like cap-and-trade and ecological offsetting.

Regulatory Thickening and the Politics of Market-Oriented Environmental Policy
Environmental Politics

Assistant Professor Christopher Rea examines the linkages between market-based policy instruments and expanding state control over environmental quality.

Election Timing, Electorate Composition, and Policy Outcomes: Evidence from School Districts
American Journal of Political Science

Professor Stéphane Lavertu and Vladimir Kogan examine how election timing influences voter composition in terms of partisanship, ideology, and the numerical strength of powerful interest groups. 

School Improvement Grants in Ohio: Effects on Student Achievement and School Administration
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis

Professor Stéphane Lavertu estimates the effect of Ohio’s School Improvement Grant turnaround efforts on student achievement and school administration.

Beyond Spending Levels: Revenue Uncertainty and the Performance of Local Governments
Journal of Urban Economics

Professor Stéphane Lavertu estimates the impact of revenue uncertainty on Ohio public school districts’ educational effectiveness.

Government Privatization and Political Participation: The Case of Charter Schools
Journal of Politics

Professor Stéphane Lavertu and Vladimir Kogan explore if privatization could also affect citizen participation in democratic governance.

School District Operational Spending and Student Outcomes: Evidence From Tax Elections in Seven States
Journal of Public Economics

Professors Stéphane Lavertu and Vladimir Kogan use close tax elections to estimate the impact of school district funding increases on operational spending and student outcomes.

How Does Minority Political Representation Affect School District Administration and Student Outcomes?
American Journal of Political Science

Professors Stéphane Lavertu and Vladimir Kogan investigates how the racial and ethnic composition of California school boards affects school district administration and student achievement. 

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