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Recent Publications

Speaking Truth to Power in Fundraising: A Toolkit
Association of Fundraising Professionals

Erynn Beaton and Megan LePere-Schloop study the fundraising workplace, address sexual harassment in the profession, and set resources for taking action. 

A Discussion of Measuring the Top-1% Most-Highly-Cited Publications: The Case of China

Caroline Wagner examines China's most highly-cited articles, how this measures against the United States, and how field normalizations may skew the results.

Maintaining School Foodservice Operations in Ohio during COVID-19: "This [Was] Not the Time to Sit Back and Watch"
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Jennifer Garner and Joshua Hawley analyze how COVID-19 related lockdowns affected critical resources for nutritious food.

Philanthropic Capital for Communities
Federal Reserve Bank Philadelphia

This report from Megan LePere-Schloop explores the grantmaking activity of an extensive sample of community foundations and local United Way affiliates, with a particular focus on the support they provide to organizations involved in community and economic development.

Strictly Speaking: Examining Teacher Use of Punishment and Student Outcomes

This working paper, from Associate Professor Katie Vinopal and colleagues, examines how teachers vary in disciplinary behaviors and the impacts on students.

The High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina: The Unusual Institutional Arrangement of a Controlled “Democracy”
World Affairs

Jos Raadschelders examines the (Office of the) High Representative (OHR) intended to help Bosnia-Herzegovina develop into a democracy.

Food System Dynamics Structuring Nutrition Equity in Racialized Urban Neighborhoods
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Jill Clark identifies nutrition equity as an overarching goal for local food systems, which reflects a state of having freedom, agency, and dignity in food traditions resulting in people and communities healthy in body, mind, and spirit. It is a transformative goal designed to spur system-level interventions that further racial equity through improved local food system dynamics.

Equitable deliberative participation design: A call to use a lens of multidimensional power
Perspectives on Public Management and Governance

Professor Jill Clark examines the use of multidimensional power to promote social justice and equity.