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Recent Publications

Cost Analysis and Cost Effectiveness of a Subsidized Community Supported Agriculture Intervention for Low-Income Families
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

Jennifer Garner and colleagues study the cost of implementing and participating in a multi-component subsidized community supported agriculture intervention and calculate cost-effectiveness based on diet and food security impacts.

Police station design and intrusive police encounters: untangling variations in emotions and behaviourally-relevant perceptions across racial groups
Policing and Society

Victor St. John studies police station design as a strategy to improve police-community relationships.

What Side of Town? How Proximity to Critical Survival Factors Affects Rural Business Longevity
Growth and Change

Professor Ned Hill examines the impact of proximity to fixed assets on rural business survival during the Great Recession, finding that factors like highway proximity and industry agglomeration play crucial roles in different sectors.

Avid, Averse, Apprehensive, or Apathetic? A Typology of Collaboration Attitudes
Nonprofit Management and Leadership

Long Tran's publication identifies four major types of attitudes toward collaboration opportunities: Avid, Averse, Apprehensive, and Apathetic.

Managers’ Career Paths and Interlocal Collaboration: An Agent Network Collaboration Model
Public Management Review

Hongtao Yi examines the role of change agents, city leaders, and their networks in facilitating interlocal collaboration in environmental governance.

A Diplomatic-Informed Archival Pedagogy: Fostering Student-Centered Learning Environments for Novice Archival Researchers
Journal of Documentation

Dearborn and colleagues utilize self-determination theory to define student-centeredness and provide empirical guidance for creating a learning environment supporting student motivation, persistence and academic achievement. The proposed framework provides both structure and theoretical grounding for the archivist while also cultivating a learning environment which effectively motivates novice researchers.

The Eco-Munitionary Subject: Conservation with and of Firearms
Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space

​​​​​​​Assistant Professor Christopher Rea examines the role of the Pittman-Robertson Act in shaping the relationship between firearms and conservation and seeks to understand how this relationship is reproduced.

The Promise of Coupling Geologic CO2 Storage with Sedimentary Basin Geothermal Power Generation

This study examines the potential of utilizing geologic carbon dioxide (CO2) storage and CO2 as a working fluid for geothermal energy production to achieve ambitious greenhouse gas mitigation targets and provide load following flexibility for integrating variable renewable energy sources.