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Recent Publications

Managing the onset of a new disease in older age: Housing wealth, mortgage borrowing, and medication adherence
Social Science & Medicine

Stephanie Moulton examines the relationship between wealth and health. 

The International Trade of U.S. Organic Agri-Food Products: Export Opportunities, Import Competition and Policy Impacts
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems

Neal Hooker offers new insights concerning the current status and trends of U.S. organic imports and exports U.S. policies relevant to the international trade of U.S. organic agri-food products are described, characterizing specific products and partners.

For-Profit Charter Schools: An Evaluation of their Spending and Outcomes
Thomas B. Fordham Institute

Using recent data from Ohio, Professor Stéphane Lavertu and Assistant Professor Long Tran dig into what is meant by “forprofit” charter schools, how they spend resources differently from other charters, and how they compare in effectiveness to other charters (and to traditional public schools) in academic and nonacademic outcomes.

Assessing the Causes of Racial Disparities in Drug Courts
Glenn College News

An Ohio State research team, including the John Glenn College of Public Affairs, will examine why and how racial disparities in drug court diversion and participation persist. 

Credit Counseling and Long-Term Credit Outcomes: Evidence from the National Foundation for Credit Counseling’s Sharpen Your Financial Focus Program

Adrienne DiTommaso and Stephanie Moulton's study identifies the characteristics and long-term outcomes of consumers participating in nonprofit credit counseling, including those who do and do not enroll in debt management plans. 

Academic Achievement and Pandemic Recovery in Ohio

Vladimir Kogan examines student performance on the Ohio fall 2021 third grade English language arts (ELA) assessment.

Recovering Rare Earth Elements from Coal Mine Drainage Using Industrial Byproducts: Environmental and Economic Consequences
Environmental Engineering Science

This article summarizes laboratory-scale experimental results of a trap-extract-precipitate (TEP) process and uses the mass and energy balances to estimate the economic costs and environmental impacts of the TEP. 

Planning toward sustainable food systems - An exploratory assessment of local U.S. food system plans
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development

Published by Jill Clark, this assessment of government-adopted food system plans in the U.S. examines which topics, across the three dimensions of sustainability (social, environmental, and economic), are included in local food system plans and conducts an exploratory analysis that asks whether the community capitals (built, cultural, social, financial, human, and natural) available in a community are associated with the content of food system plans.