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Recent Publications

Spatially-Explicit Absolute Life Cycle Assessment by Multi-Regional Hybrid Modeling: Computational Framework
Journal of Cleaner Production

Jeff Bielicki establishes a computational approach for environmental lifecycle assessment that considers processes, economic flows, and multiple regions

Analytical solutions to evaluate the geothermal energy generation potential from sedimentary-basin reservoirs

In this study, Jeff Bielicki and colleagues develop and implement analytical solutions for calculating reservoir impedance, reservoir heat depletion, and wellbore heat loss in sedimentary reservoirs that are laterally extensive, homogeneous, horizontally isotropic and have uniform thickness.

A Potential for Climate Benign Direct Air CO2 Capture with CO2-Driven Geothermal Utilization and Storage (DACCUS)
Environmental Research Letters

This article from Jeff Bielicki establishes a strategy that uses carbon dioxide to extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, as part of a portfolio of approaches to mitigate climate change.

A Thousand Cuts: Cumulative Lead Exposure Reduces Academic Achievement
The Journal of Human Resources

Alex Hollingsworth studies how ambient lead exposure impacts learning in elementary school by leveraging a natural experiment where a large national automotive racing organization switched from leaded to unleaded fuel. 

Methods and lessons for business resilience and recovery surveys
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction

Noah Dormady and colleagues address the lack of tailored guidance for conducting business resilience and recovery surveys by collecting and synthesizing instruments and best practices from previous survey efforts. 

“And the Survey Says”: Written Surveys and Interviews Can Yield Important Information About Incentive Program Operations and Impacts
Pew Charitable Trusts Incentive Evaluators Network Newsletter—October 2023: Evaluation Perspectives

Jim Landers published commentary about state legislative program evaluation staffs and legislative fiscal and economic analysis staffs using survey and interview methods for evaluating the impact of state and local economic development incentive programs.

Co-Creating Maps and Atlases Rivals: How Scientists Learned to Cooperate Lorraine Daston Columbia Global Reports

Caroline Wagner explores the importance of cooperation in the creation of two major scientific resources.

Middle-aged adults’ career trajectories and later-life financial security: evidence from Korea
Longitudinal and Life Course Studies

This study explored how middle-aged workers’ career trajectory patterns were associated with their financial security later in life.